Immutable vs Observable collections in Flutter - flutter

When using Flutter with realtime databases, such as Firebase Database, it is beneficial to know not just that a collection has been updated, but where exactly. Such as to show a pretty list animation, or trigger some additional events based on which item has updated. Dart already has an amazing infrastructure for delivering events.
A canonical example is to use a FirebaseAnimatedList, but it's glued to Firebase and doesn't support filtering and ordering (outside of very basic Firebase model). I am looking for a more generic solution, which would allow to inject some logic between database (that notifies of item change/insert/delete), and aforementioned AnimatedList, which expects the same events.
Most recent tendency seems to be in favor of immutable collections, such as built_value, which makes a lot of sense in Dart, as object creation is very cheap. However, immutable collections do not have a way of telling which item has changed, they simply deliver a new collection. This approach also makes it difficult to attach some local information to an item, such as "selected" bit when user multi-selects items, or custom ordering. Because, well, items are immutable, and their reference (aka pointer, aka object ID) keeps changing.
One alternative solution is to implement a kind of observable list, such as what package:observable offers, but it seems that its authors are not convinced of its popularity anymore. So what is the approach you take to create animated, filtered, sorted, selection-supporting lists in Flutter, backed by a realtime database?

However, immutable collections do not have a way of telling which item has changed, they simply deliver a new collection.
Some pseudo code: (old collection) - (new collection) = (what changed) - works the other way around too.
This approach also makes it difficult to attach some local information to an item, such as "selected" bit when user multi-selects items, or custom ordering.
Extend said 'item' and add a property selected (or order, or any other info you want available), then just construct the new list with these properties properly set.
There are a lot of state-management-with-Flutter-related questions around these days, so to avoid repeating myself, I would rather link you to an answer of mine from earlier today.
I just want to insert a practical example regarding (old collection) - (new collection) = (what changed):
Basically this is how to see what changed when comparing 2 lists, containing closely related elements.
List currentState = [...];
List nextState = [...];
List addedItems = nextState.where((e) => !currentState.contains(e)).toList(),
List removedItems = currentState.where((e) => !nextState.contains(e)).toList();
Of course you should keep in mind that the Lists should be deeply comparable, i.e. for Dart's specific case you can use built_value or equatable packages.
I have also uploaded a repository, with a pure Dart project example. You're more than welcome to do whatever you want with the code.


DDD, Event Sourcing, and the shape of the Aggregate state

I'm having a hard time understanding the shape of the state that's derived applying that entity's events vs a projection of that entity's data.
Is an Aggregate's state ONLY used for determining whether or not a command can successfully be applied? Or should that state be usable in other ways?
An example - I have a Post entity for a standard blog post. I might have events like postCreated, postPublished, postUnpublished, etc. For my projections that I'll be persisting in my read tables, I need a projection for the base posts (which will include all posts, regardless of status, with lots of detail) as well as published_posts projection (which will only represent posts that are currently published with only the information necessary for rendering.
In the situation above, is my aggregate state ONLY supposed to be used to determine, for example, if a post can be published or unpublished, etc? If this is the case, is the shape of my state within the aggregate purely defined by what's required for these validations? For example, in my base post projection, I want to have a list of all users that have made a change to the post. In terms of validation for the aggregate/commands, I couldn't care less about the list of users that have made changes. Does that mean that this list should not be a part of my state within my aggregate?
TL;DR: yes - limit the "state" in the aggregate to that data that you choose to cache in support of data change.
In my aggregates, I distinguish two different ideas:
the history , aka the sequence of events that describes the changes in the lifetime of the aggregate
the cache, aka the data values we tuck away because querying the event history every time kind of sucks.
There's not a lot of value in caching results that we are never going to use.
One of the underlying lessons of CQRS is that we don't need aggregates everywhere
An AGGREGATE is a cluster of associated objects that we treat as a unit for the purpose of data changes. -- Evans, 2003
If we aren't changing the data, then we can safely work directly with immutable copies of the data.
The only essential purpose of the aggregate is to determine what events, if any, need to be applied to bring the aggregate's state in line with a command (if the aggregate can be brought so in line). All state that's not needed for that purpose can be offloaded to a read-side, which can be thought of as a remix of the event stream (with each read-side only maintaining the state it needs).
That said, there are in practice, reasons to use the aggregate state directly, with the primary one being a desire for a stronger consistency for the aggregate: CQRS is inherently eventually consistent. As with all questions of consistent updates, it's important to recognize that consistency isn't free and very often isn't even cheap; I tend to think of a project as having a consistency budget and I'm pretty miserly about spending it.
In your case, there's probably no reason to include the list of users changing a post in the aggregate state, unless e.g. there's something like "no single user can modify a given post more than n times".

Does the Javascript Firestore client cache document references?

Just in case I'm trying to solve the XY problem here, here's some context (domain is a role-playing game companion app). I have a document (campaign), which has a collection (characters), and I'm working with / angularfire.
The core problem here is that if I query the collection of characters on a campaign, I get back Observable<Character[]>. I can use that in an *ngFor let character of characters | async just fine, but this ends up being a little messy downstream - I really want to do something like have the attributes block as a standalone component (<character-attributes [character]="character">) and so on.
This ends up meaning down in the actual display components, I have a mixture of items that change via ngOnChanges (stuff that comes from the character) and items that are observable (things injected by global services like the User playing a particular Character).
I have a couple options for making this cleaner (the zeroth being: just ignore it).
One: I could flatten all the possible dependencies into scalars instead of observables (probably by treating things like the attributes as a real only-view component and injecting more data as a direct input - <character-attributes [character]="" [player]="" [gm]=""> etc. Displayable changes kind of take care of themselves.
Two: I could find some magical way to convert an Observable<Character[]> into an Observable<Observable<Character>[]> which is kind of what I want, and then pass the Character observable down into the various character display blocks (there's a few different display options, depending on whether you're a player (so you want much more details of your character, and small info on everything else) or a GM (so you want intermediate details on everything that can expand into details anywhere).
Three: Instead of passing a whole Character into my component, I could pass and have child components construct an observable for it in ngOnInit. (or maybe switchMap in ngOnChanges, it's unclear if the angular runtime will reuse actual components for different items by changing out the arguments, but that's a different stack overflow question). In this case, I'd be doing multiple reads of the same document - once in a query to get all characters, and once in each view component that is given the characterId and needs to fetch an observable of the character in question.
So the question is: if I do firestore.collection('/foo/1/bars').valueChanges() and later do firestore.doc('/foo/1/bars/1').valueChanges() in three different locations in the code, does that call four firestore reads (for billing purposes), one read, or two (one for the query and one for the doc)?
I dug into the firebase javascript sdk, and it looks like it's possible that the eventmanager handles multiple queries for the same item by just maintaining an array of listeners, but I quite frankly am not confident in my code archaeology here yet.
There's probably an option four here somewhere too. I might be over-engineering this, but this particular toy project is primarily so I can wrestle with best-practices in firestore, so I want to figure out what the right approach is.
I looked at the code linked from the SDK and it might be the library is smart enough to optimize multiple observers of the same document to just read the document once. However this is an implementation detail that is dangerous to rely on, as it could change without notice because it's not part of the public API.
On one hand, if you have the danger above in mind and are still willing to investigate, then you may create some test program to discover how things work as of today, either by checking the reads usage from the Console UI or by temporarily modifying the SDK source adding some logging to help you understand what's happening under the hood.
On the other hand, I believe part of the question arises from a application state management perspective. In fact, both listening to the collection or listening to each individual document will notify the same changes to the app, IMO what differs here is how data will flow across the components and how these changes will be managed. In that aspect I would chose whatever approach feels better codewise.
Hope this helps somewhat.

Saving arrays on Flutter

I have an array that contains widgets List<ListCard> listsList= []; And inside each widget I have an array that has objects of a class called Product List<Product> products = [];. Through the app you can add products to the list but I want to save this 2 arrays (and the inner objects). How can I do it? I thought I can do a database but maybe there is something more straightforward than designing all the schema.
You can use this package . It is pretty straighforward
There are two ways to this:
1) Use this package, it's pretty simple to use and doesn't require you to write anything super complex. One downside - data is saved on the device, so if the app is deleted - all information is lost.
2) Attach Firebase Storage, using official packages. Installation of it is not complex at all, though you will need to convert your Product to Map
Both methods are valid and pretty fast to implement without groundbreaking changes.
If any questions occur - feel free to ask :3

How to keep track of objects deleted from an ObservableCollection in CRUD scenarios?

In our multi-tier business application we have ObservableCollections of Self-Tracking Entities that are returned from service calls.
The idea is we want to be able to get entities, add, update and remove them from the collection client side, and then send these changes to the server side, where they will be persisted to the database.
Self-Tracking Entities, as their name might suggest, track their state themselves.
When a new STE is created, it has the Added state, when you modify a property, it sets the Modified state, it can also have Deleted state but this state is not set when the entity is removed from an ObservableCollection (obviously). If you want this behavior you need to code it yourself.
In my current implementation, when an entity is removed from the ObservableCollection, I keep it in a shadow collection, so that when the ObservableCollection is sent back to the server, I can send the deleted items along, so Entity Framework knows to delete them.
Something along the lines of:
protected IDictionary<int, IList> DeletedCollections = new Dictionary<int, IList>();
protected void SubscribeDeletionHandler<TEntity>(ObservableCollection<TEntity> collection)
var deletedEntities = new List<TEntity>();
DeletedCollections[collection.GetHashCode()] = deletedEntities;
collection.CollectionChanged += (o, a) =>
if (a.OldItems != null)
Now if the user decides to save his changes to the server, I can get the list of removed items, and send them along:
ObservableCollection<Customer> customers = MyServiceProxy.GetCustomers();
At this point the UpdateCustomers method will verify my shadow collection if any items were removed, and send them along to the server side.
This approach works fine, until you start to think about the life-cycle these shadow collections. Basically, when the ObservableCollection is garbage collected there is no way of knowing that we need to remove the shadow collection from our dictionary.
I came up with some complicated solution that basically does manual memory management in this case. I keep a WeakReference to the ObservableCollection and every few seconds I check to see if the reference is inactive, in which case I remove the shadow collection.
But this seems like a terrible solution... I hope the collective genius of StackOverflow can shed light on a better solution.
In the end I decided to go with subclassing the ObservableCollection. The service proxy code is generated so it was a relatively simple task to change it to return my derived type.
Thanks for all the help!
Instead of rolling your own "weak reference + poll Is it Dead, Is it Alive" logic, you could use the HttpRuntime.Cache (available from all project types, not just web projects).
Add each shadow collection to the Cache, either with a generous timeout, or a delegate that can check if the original collection is still alive (or both).
It isn't dreadfully different to your own solution, but it does use tried and trusted .Net components.
Other than that, you're looking at extending ObservableCollection and using that new class instead (which I'd imagine is no small change), or changing/wrapping UpdateCustomers method to remove the shadow collection form DeletedCollections
Sorry I can't think of anything else, but hope this helps.
If replacing ObservableCollection is a possibility (e.g. if you are using a common factory for all the collections instances) then you could subclass ObservableCollection and add a Finalize method which cleans up the deleted items that belongs to this collection.
Another alternative is to change the way you compute which items are deleted. You could maintain the original collection, and give the client a shallow copy. When the collection comes back, you can compare the two to see what items are no longer present. If the collections are sorted, then the comparison can be done in linear time on the size of the collection. If they're not sorted, then the modified collection values can be put in a hash table and that used to lookup each value in the original collection. If the entities have a natural id, then using that as the key is a safe way of determining which items are not present in the returned collection, that is, have been deleted. This also runs in linear time.
Otherwise, your original solution doesn't sound that bad. In java, a WeakReference can register a callback that gets called when the reference is cleared. There is no similar feature in .NET, but using polling is a close approximation. I don't think this approach is so bad, and if it's working, then why change it?
As an aside, aren't you concerned about GetHashCode() returning the same value for distinct collections? Using a weak reference to the collection might be more appropriate as the key, then there is no chance of a collision.
I think you're on a good path, I'd consider refactoring in this situation. My experience is that in 99% of the cases the garbage collector makes memory managment awesome - almost no real work needed.
but in the 1% of the cases it takes someone to realize that they've got to up the ante and go "old school" by firming up their caching/memory management in those areas. hats off to you for realizing you're in that situation and for trying to avoid the IDispose/WeakReference tricks. I think you'll really help the next guy who works in your code.
As for getting a solution, I think you've got a good grip on the situation
-be clear when your objects need to be created
-be clear when your objects need to be destroyed
-be clear when your objects need to be pushed to the server
good luck! tell us how it goes :)

Aggregate Pattern and Performance Issues

I have read about the Aggregate Pattern but I'm confused about something here. The pattern states that all the objects belonging to the aggregate should be accessed via the Aggregate Root, and not directly.
And I'm assuming that is the reason why they say you should have a single Repository per Aggregate.
But I think this adds a noticeable overhead to the application. For example, in a typical Web-based application, what if I want to get an object belonging to an aggregate (which is NOT the aggregate root)? I'll have to call Repository.GetAggregateRootObject(), which loads the aggregate root and all its child objects, and then iterate through the child objects to find the one I'm looking for. In other words, I'm loading lots of data and throwing them out except the particular object I'm looking for.
Is there something I'm missing here?
PS: I know some of you may suggest that we can improve performance with Lazy Loading. But that's not what I'm asking here... The aggregate pattern requires that all objects belonging to the aggregate be loaded together, so we can enforce business rules.
I'm not sure where you read about this "Aggregate Pattern". Please post a link.
One thing it could be is where we encapsulate a list into another object. For a simple example if we have a shopping cart instead of passing around a list of purchases we use a cart object instead. Then code that works on the whole cart (eg. getting total spend) can be encapsulated in the cart. I'm not sure if this is really a pattern but google found this link:
I suspect when you say
"The aggregate pattern requires that
all objects belonging to the aggregate
be loaded together, so we can enforce
business rules. "
this depends on your business rules.
Generally patterns should not be regarded as a set of rules you must follow for everything. It is up to you as a developer to recognise where they can be used effectively.
In our cart example we would generally want to work on the whole cart at once. We might have business rules that say our customers can only order a limited about of items - or maybe they get a discount for order multiple items. So it makes sense to read the whole thing.
If you take a different example eg. products. You could still have a products repository but you needn't not load them all at once. You probably only ever want a page of products at a time.