Quicksort - Space complexity - Why is it O(logN) not O(N)? - quicksort

So in quicksort, the space complexity is said to be O(log N) but here is what I've thought. Since the logN arises from the stack calls, one can always choose the worst pivot leading to O(N) calls rather than O(logN) calls? Shouldn't it be O(N)?

This java example limits stack space to O(log(n)) by only using recursion for the smaller part, then looping back to handle the larger part. Worst case time complexity is still O(n^2).
public static void qsort(long[] a, int lo, int hi)
while(lo < hi){
int md = lo+(hi-lo)/2;
int ll = lo-1;
int hh = hi+1;
long p = a[md];
long t;
while(a[++ll] < p);
while(a[--hh] > p);
if(ll >= hh)
t = a[ll];
a[ll] = a[hh];
a[hh] = t;
ll = hh++;
if((ll - lo) <= (hi - hh)){
qsort(a, lo, ll);
lo = hh;
} else {
qsort(a, hh, hi);
hi = ll;


Minimum cost solution to connect all elements in set A to at least one element in set B

I need to find the shortest set of paths to connect each element of Set A with at least one element of Set B. Repetitions in A OR B are allowed (but not both), and no element can be left unconnected. Something like this:
I'm representing the elements as integers, so the "cost" of a connection is just the absolute value of the difference. I also have a cost for crossing paths, so if Set A = [60, 64] and Set B = [63, 67], then (60 -> 67) incurs an additional cost. There can be any number of elements in either set.
I've calculated the table of transitions and costs (distances and crossings), but I can't find the algorithm to find the lowest-cost solution. I keep ending up with either too many connections (i.e., repetitions in both A and B) or greedy solutions that omit elements (e.g., when A and B are non-overlapping). I haven't been able to find examples of precisely this kind of problem online, so I hoped someone here might be able to help, or at least point me in the right direction. I'm not a graph theorist (obviously!), and I'm writing in Swift, so code examples in Swift (or pseudocode) would be much appreciated.
UPDATE: The solution offered by #Daniel is almost working, but it does occasionally add unnecessary duplicates. I think this may be something to do with the sorting of the priorityQueue -- the duplicates always involve identical elements with identical costs. My first thought was to add some kind of "positional encoding" (yes, Transformer-speak) to the costs, so that the costs are offset by their positions (though of course, this doesn't guarantee unique costs). I thought I'd post my Swift version here, in case anyone has any ideas:
public static func voiceLeading(from chA: [Int], to chB: [Int]) -> Set<[Int]> {
var result: Set<[Int]> = Set()
let im = intervalMatrix(chA, chB: chB)
if im.count == 0 { return [[0]] }
let vc = voiceCrossingCostsMatrix(chA, chB: chB, cost: 4)
// NOTE: cm contains the weights
let cm = VectorUtils.absoluteAddMatrix(im, toMatrix: vc)
var A_links: [Int:Int] = [:]
var B_links: [Int:Int] = [:]
var priorityQueue: [Entry] = []
for (i, a) in chA.enumerated() {
for (j, b) in chB.enumerated() {
priorityQueue.append(Entry(a: a, b: b, cost: cm[i][j]))
if A_links[a] != nil {
A_links[a]! += 1
} else {
A_links[a] = 1
if B_links[b] != nil {
B_links[b]! += 1
} else {
B_links[b] = 1
priorityQueue.sort { $0.cost > $1.cost }
while priorityQueue.count > 0 {
let entry = priorityQueue[0]
if A_links[entry.a]! > 1 && B_links[entry.b]! > 1 {
A_links[entry.a]! -= 1
B_links[entry.b]! -= 1
} else {
result.insert([entry.a, (entry.b - entry.a)])
priorityQueue.remove(at: 0)
return result
Of course, since the duplicates have identical scores, it shouldn't be a problem to just remove the extras, but it feels a bit hackish...
UPDATE 2: Slightly less hackish (but still a bit!); since the requirement is that my result should have equal cardinality to max(|A|, |B|), I can actually just stop adding entries to my result when I've reached the target cardinality. Seems okay...
UPDATE 3: Resurrecting this old question, I've recently had some problems arise from the fact that the above algorithm doesn't fulfill my requirement |S| == max(|A|, |B|) (where S is the set of pairings). If anyone knows of a simple way of ensuring this it would be much appreciated. (I'll obviously be poking away at possible changes.)
This is an easy task:
Add all edges of the graph in a priority_queue, where the biggest priority is the edge with the biggest weight.
Look each edge e = (u, v, w) in the priority_queue, where u is in A, v is in B and w is the weight.
If removing e from the graph doesn't leave u or v isolated, remove it.
Otherwise, e is part of the answer.
This should be enough for your case:
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
struct edge {
int u, v, w;
edge(int up, int vp, int wp){u = up; v = vp; w = wp;}
void print(){ cout<<"("<<u<<", "<<v<<")"<<endl; }
bool operator<(const edge& rhs) const {return w < rhs.w;}
vector<edge> E; //edge set
priority_queue<edge> pq;
vector<edge> ans;
int grade[5] = {3, 3, 2, 2, 2};
int main(){
E.push_back(edge(0, 2, 1)); E.push_back(edge(0, 3, 1)); E.push_back(edge(0, 4, 4));
E.push_back(edge(1, 2, 5)); E.push_back(edge(1, 3, 2)); E.push_back(edge(1, 4, 0));
for(int i = 0; i < E.size(); i++) pq.push(E[i]);
edge e = pq.top();
if(grade[e.u] > 1 && grade[e.v] > 1){
grade[e.u]--; grade[e.v]--;
else ans.push_back(e);
for(int i = 0; i < ans.size(); i++) ans[i].print();
return 0;
Complexity: O(E lg(E)).
I think this problem is "minimum weighted bipartite matching" (although searching for " maximum weighted bipartite matching" would also be relevant, it's just the opposite)

The call stack size of quick sort

I read this answer and found an implementation of Quicksort here. It's still unclear to me why Quicksort requires O(log n) extra space.
I understand what a call stack is. I applied the implementation stated above to an array of random numbers and saw n - 1 calls of quickSort.
public static void main(String[] args) {
Random random = new Random();
int num = 8;
int[] array = new int[num];
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
array[i] = random.nextInt(100);
quickSort(array, 0, array.length - 1);
static int partition(int arr[], int left, int right) {
int i = left, j = right;
int tmp;
int pivot = arr[(left + right) / 2];
while (i <= j) {
while (arr[i] < pivot)
while (arr[j] > pivot)
if (i <= j) {
tmp = arr[i];
arr[i] = arr[j];
arr[j] = tmp;
return i;
static void quickSort(int arr[], int left, int right) {
System.out.println("quickSort. left = " + left + " right = " + right);
int index = partition(arr, left, right);
if (left < index - 1)
quickSort(arr, left, index - 1);
if (index < right)
quickSort(arr, index, right);
The output I saw:
[83, 65, 68, 91, 43, 45, 58, 82]
quickSort. left = 0 right = 7
quickSort. left = 0 right = 6
quickSort. left = 0 right = 4
quickSort. left = 0 right = 3
quickSort. left = 0 right = 2
quickSort. left = 0 right = 1
quickSort. left = 5 right = 6
[43, 45, 58, 65, 68, 82, 83, 91]
It makes that 7 (n -1) calls. So why does quickSort require O(log n) space for its call stack if the number of calls depends on n, not log n?
I think I understand why the stack size of Quicksort is O(n) in the worst case.
One part of the array (suppose left) to be sorted consists of one element, and the other part (right) consists of n - 1 elements. The size of the left part is always 1, and the size of the right part decrements by 1 every time.
Thus, we initially call Quicksort and then call it n - 1 times for the right part recursively. So extra space for the call stack is O(n). And since the partitioning procedure takes O(n) for every recursive call, the time complexity is O(n2).
As for the average case analysis, now I don't know how to prove O(n * log n) for the time complexity and O(log n) for extra space. But I know that if I divide the input array into two almost equal parts, I'll call Quicksort (log n) / 2 times for the left part. And the right part is sorted using tail recursion which doesn't add to the call stack.
So extra space needed for Quicksort is O (log n) in this case. The constant factor 1/2 is left out.
Since the partitioning routine is n, the time complexity is O(n * log n).
Please correct me if my assumptions are wrong. I'm ready to read and accept your answer.

Finding log2() using sqrt()

This is an interview question I saw on some site.
It was mentioned that the answer involves forming a recurrence of log2() as follows:
double log2(double x )
if ( x<=2 ) return 1;
if ( IsSqureNum(x) )
return log2(sqrt(x) ) * 2;
return log2( sqrt(x) ) * 2 + 1; // Why the plus one here.
as for the recurrence, clearly the +1 is wrong. Also, the base case is also erroneous.
Does anyone know a better answer?
How is log() and log10() actually implemented in C.
Perhaps I have found the exact answers the interviewers were looking for. From my part, I would say it's little bit difficult to derive this under interview pressure. The idea is, say you want to find log2(13), you can know that it lies between 3 to 4. Also 3 = log2(8) and 4 = log2(16),
from properties of logarithm, we know that log( sqrt( (8*16) ) = (log(8) + log(16))/2 = (3+4)/2 = 3.5
Now, sqrt(8*16) = 11.3137 and log2(11.3137) = 3.5. Since 11.3137<13, we know that our desired log2(13) would lie between 3.5 and 4 and we proceed to locate that. It is easy to notice that this has a Binary Search solution and we iterate up to a point when our value converges to the value whose log2() we wish to find. Code is given below:
double Log2(double val)
int lox,hix;
double rval, lval;
hix = 0;
lox =hix-1;
lval = (1<<lox) ;
rval = (1<<hix);
double lo=lox,hi=hix;
// cout<<lox<<" "<<hix<<endl;
//cout<<lval<<" "<<rval;
while( fabs(lval-val)>1e-7)
double mid = (lo+hi)/2;
double midValue = sqrt(lval*rval);
if ( midValue > val)
hi = mid;
rval = midValue;
lval = midValue;
return lo;
It's been a long time since I've written pure C, so here it is in C++ (I think the only difference is the output function, so you should be able to follow it):
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const static double CUTOFF = 1e-10;
double log2_aux(double x, double power, double twoToTheMinusN, unsigned int accumulator) {
if (twoToTheMinusN < CUTOFF)
return accumulator * twoToTheMinusN * 2;
else {
int thisBit;
if (x > power) {
thisBit = 1;
x /= power;
thisBit = 0;
accumulator = (accumulator << 1) + thisBit;
return log2_aux(x, sqrt(power), twoToTheMinusN / 2.0, accumulator);
double mylog2(double x) {
if (x < 1)
return -mylog2(1.0/x);
else if (x == 1)
return 0;
else if (x > 2.0)
return mylog2(x / 2.0) + 1;
return log2_aux(x, 2.0, 1.0, 0);
int main() {
cout << "5 " << mylog2(5) << "\n";
cout << "1.25 " << mylog2(1.25) << "\n";
return 0;
The function 'mylog2' does some simple log trickery to get a related number which is between 1 and 2, then call log2_aux with that number.
The log2_aux more or less follows the algorithm that Scorpi0 linked to above. At each step, you get 1 bit of the result. When you have enough bits, stop.
If you can get a hold of a copy, the Feynman Lectures on Physics, number 23, starts off with a great explanation of logs and more or less how to do this conversion. Vastly superior to the Wikipedia article.

Bottoms-up mergesort problems!

I am having problems with bottoms-up mergesort. I have problems sorting/merging. Current code includes:
public void mergeSort(long[] a, int len) {
long[] temp = new long[a.length];
int length = 1;
while (length < len) {
mergepass(a, temp, length, len);
length *= 2;
public void mergepass(long[] a, long[] temp, int blocksize, int len) {
int k = 0;
int i = 1;
while(i <= (len/blocksize)){
if(blocksize == 1){break;}
int min = a.length;
for(int j = 0; j < blocksize; j++){
if(a[i*j] < min){
temp[k++] = a[i*j];
temp[k++] = a[(i*j)+1];
for(int n = 0; n < this.a.length; n++){
a[n] = temp[n];
Obvious problems:
i is never incremented.
At no point do you compare two elements in the array. (Is that what if(a[i*j] < min) is supposed to be doing? I can't tell.)
Why are you multiplying i and j?
What's this.a.length?
Style problems:
mergeSort() takes len as an argument, even though arrays have an implicit length. To make matters worse, the function also uses a.length and length.
Generally poor variable names.
If you're going to make a second array of the same size, it is common to make one the "source" and the other the "destination" and swap them between passes, instead of sorting into a temporary array and copying them back again.

"Nearly divisible"

I want to check if a floating point value is "nearly" a multiple of 32. E.g. 64.1 is "nearly" divisible by 32, and so is 63.9.
Right now I'm doing this:
float offset = fmodf( val, 32.0f ) ;
if( offset < NEARLY_DIVISIBLE )
// its near from above
// if it was 63.9, then the remainder would be large, so add some then and check again
else if( fmodf( val + 2*NEARLY_DIVISIBLE, 32.0f ) < NEARLY_DIVISIBLE )
// its near from below
Got a better way to do this?
well, you could cut out the second fmodf by just subtracting 32 one more time to get the mod from below.
if( offset < NEARLY_DIVISIBLE )
// it's near from above
else if( offset-32.0f>-1*NEARLY_DIVISIBLE)
// it's near from below
In a standard-compliant C implementation, one would use the remainder function instead of fmod:
float offset = remainderf(val, 32.0f);
if (fabsf(offset) < NEARLY_DIVISIBLE) {
// Stuff
If one is on a non-compliant platform (MSVC++, for example), then remainder isn't available, sadly. I think that fastmultiplication's answer is quite reasonable in that case.
You mention that you have to test near-divisibility with 32. The following theory ought to hold true for near-divisibility testing against powers of two:
#define THRESHOLD 0.11
int nearly_divisible(float f) {
// printf(" %f\n", (a - (float)((long) a)));
register long l1, l2;
l1 = (long) (f + THRESHOLD);
l2 = (long) f;
return !(l1 & 31) && (l2 & 31 ? 1 : f - (float) l2 <= THRESHOLD);
What we're doing is coercing the float, and float + THRESHOLD to long.
f (long) f (long) (f + THRESHOLD)
63.9 63 64
64 64 64
64.1 64 64
Now we test if (long) f is divisible with 32. Just check the lower five bits, if they are all set to zero, the number is divisible by 32. This leads to a series of false positives: 64.2 to 64.8, when converted to long, are also 64, and would pass the first test. So, we check if the difference between their truncated form and f is less than or equal to THRESHOLD.
This, too, has a problem: f - (float) l2 <= THRESHOLD would hold true for 64 and 64.1, but not for 63.9. So, we add an exception for numbers less than 64 (which, when incremented by THRESHOLD and subsequently coerced to long -- note that the test under discussion has to be inclusive with the first test -- is divisible by 32), by specifying that the lower 5 bits are not zero. This will hold true for 63 (1000000 - 1 == 1 11111).
A combination of these three tests would indicate whether the number is divisible by 32 or not. I hope this is clear, please forgive my weird English.
I just tested the extensibility to other powers of three -- the following program prints numbers between 383.5 and 388.4 that are divisible by 128.
#include <stdio.h>
#define THRESHOLD 0.11
int main(void) {
int nearly_divisible(float);
int i;
float f = 383.5;
for (i=0; i<50; i++) {
printf("%6.1f %s\n", f, (nearly_divisible(f) ? "true" : "false"));
f += 0.1;
return 0;
int nearly_divisible(float f) {
// printf(" %f\n", (a - (float)((long) a)));
register long l1, l2;
l1 = (long) (f + THRESHOLD);
l2 = (long) f;
return !(l1 & 127) && (l2 & 127 ? 1 : f - (float) l2 <= THRESHOLD);
Seems to work well so far!
I think it's right:
bool nearlyDivisible(float num,float div){
float f = num % div;
return f<0.1f;
For what I gather you want to detect if a number is nearly divisible by other, right?
I'd do something like this:
bool IsNearlyDivisible(float n1, float n2)
float remainder = (fmodf(n1, n2) / n2);
remainder = remainder < 0f ? -remainder : remainder;
remainder = remainder > 0.5f ? 1 - remainder : remainder;
return (remainder <= NEARLY_DIVISIBLE);
Why wouldn't you just divide by 32, then round and take the difference between the rounded number and the actual result?
Something like (forgive the untested/pseudo code, no time to lookup):
float result = val / 32.0f;
float nearest_int = nearbyintf(result);
float difference = abs(result - nearest_int);
if( difference < NEARLY_DIVISIBLE )
// It's nearly divisible
If you still wanted to do checks from above and below, you could remove the abs, and check to see if the difference is >0 or <0.
This is without uing the fmodf twice.
int main(void)
#define DIVISOR 32.0f
#define ARRAY_SIZE 4
double test_var1[ARRAY_SIZE] = {63.9,64.1,65,63.8};
int i = 54;
double rest;
rest = fmod(test_var1[i] ,DIVISOR);
printf("Number %f max %f larger than a factor of the divisor:%f\n",test_var1[i],NEARLY_DIVISIBLE,DIVISOR);
else if( -(rest-DIVISOR) < NEARLY_DIVISIBLE)
printf("Number %f max %f less than a factor of the divisor:%f\n",test_var1[i],NEARLY_DIVISIBLE,DIVISOR);
return 0;