I am trying to figure out how to handle an exception with a faulty avro message. I am currently getting
{"#timestamp":"2019-06-13T20:20:38.636+00:00","#version":1,"message":"[Incoming aggregation] Upstream failed.","logger_name":"akka.stream.Materializer","thread_name":"system-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-5","level":"ERROR","level_value":40000,"stack_trace":"org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException: Error deserializing key/value for partition conversation-7 at offset 1737997. If needed, please seek past the record to continue consumption.\nCaused by: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException: Error deserializing Avro message for id 42\nCaused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 51
As can be seen this breaks the stream. I am not able to handle this in the decider as it is part of the Consumer Source.
In the docs it says that I should read the stream as raw bytes and do the parsing manually in a Flow stage further in the processing chain. However I don't think that it is possible if I'm using Schema registry.
Can someone give me a hint on what the proper way to handle this is?
Thank you
I am using kafka-avro-serializer-6.0.0.jar. When I hit exceptions deserializing events my consumer stops and does not move to the next event. These are usually caused by errors at the producer and have happened because of issues using a new avro schema registry server.
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException: Error deserializing Avro message for id 58
Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException:
I can fix the exceptions, that's not the issue. But to fix the consumers I need to reset each offset manually to latest. This is a lot of hassle in my scenario and I have a lot of consumer groups.
Is there a way for me to ignore these exceptions and move the offset at the consumer? I guess because I am using manual offset commit I have this issue. Anyone knows of ways to configure kafka-avro-serializer-6.0.0.jar to do what I want?
You have mainly two options:
Override the deserializer deserialize method and reimplement it by catching the ClassCastException exception and returning a null Object instead of the deserialized record. These null objects will then be dealt with in your consumer code.
Catch the SerializationException exception on your consumer code and seek your consumer past the bad record offset.
Both solutions are very well explained in this article by Jon Boulineau.
I do not understand how messages that could not be de-serialized can be written to a DLT topic with spring kafka.
I configured the consumer according to the spring kafka docs and this works well for exceptions that occur after de-serialization of the message.
But when the message is not de-serializable a org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationExceptionis thrown while polling for messages.
Subsequently, SeekToCurrentErrorHandler.handle(Exception thrownException, List<ConsumerRecord<?, ?>> records, ...) is called with this exception but with an empty list of records and is therefore unable to write something to DLT topic.
How can I write those messages to DLT topic also?
The problem is that the exception is thrown by the Kafka client itself so Spring doesn't get to see the actual record that failed.
That's why we added the ErrorHandlingDeserializer2 which can be used to wrap the actual deserializer; the failure is passed to the listener container and re-thrown as a DeserializationException.
See the documentation.
When a deserializer fails to deserialize a message, Spring has no way to handle the problem, because it occurs before the poll() returns. To solve this problem, version 2.2 introduced the ErrorHandlingDeserializer2. This deserializer delegates to a real deserializer (key or value). If the delegate fails to deserialize the record content, the ErrorHandlingDeserializer2 returns a null value and a DeserializationException in a header that contains the cause and the raw bytes. When you use a record-level MessageListener, if the ConsumerRecord contains a DeserializationException header for either the key or value, the container’s ErrorHandler is called with the failed ConsumerRecord. The record is not passed to the listener.
The DeadLetterPublishingRecoverer has logic to detect the exception and publish the failed record.
we have a KafkaAvroSerde configured with multiple avroregistry url. At some point, the serde got a timeout while trying to register a schema on 1 url, but since it threw an IO exception up to the stream app, the stream thread closed. From a kafka stream app perspective, this kinds of defies the purpose of having the ability to support multiple urls when creating the avro serdes, since the runtime exception bubbling up the DSL api stack will close the Stream Thread.
couple of questions:
Is there a good way to handle this?
Do we need to enforce a retry in the app logic (which can be tricky when you simply materialize a topic into a store)?
Otherwise is there an avroserde wrapper that
could retry with the actual configure avroRegistry urls?
When materializing into a local rocksDB store, is there an added
value to register the schema in the registry or should we configure auto.register.schemas to false?
Exception in thread "mediafirst-npvr-adapter-program-mapping-mtrl02nsbe02.pf.spop.ca-f5e097bd-ff1b-42da-9f7d-2ab9fa5d2b70-GlobalStreamThread" org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException: Error registering Avro schema: {"type":"record","name":"ProgramMapp
Caused by: io.confluent.kafka.schemaregistry.client.rest.exceptions.RestClientException: Register operation timed out; error code: 50002; error code: 50002
at io.confluent.kafka.schemaregistry.client.rest.RestService.sendHttpRequest(RestService.java:191)
at io.confluent.kafka.schemaregistry.client.rest.RestService.httpRequest(RestService.java:218)
at io.confluent.kafka.schemaregistry.client.rest.RestService.registerSchema(RestService.java:307)
at io.confluent.kafka.schemaregistry.client.rest.RestService.registerSchema(RestService.java:299)
at io.confluent.kafka.schemaregistry.client.rest.RestService.registerSchema(RestService.java:294)
at io.confluent.kafka.schemaregistry.client.CachedSchemaRegistryClient.registerAndGetId(CachedSchemaRegistryClient.java:61)
at io.confluent.kafka.schemaregistry.client.CachedSchemaRegistryClient.register(CachedSchemaRegistryClient.java:100)
at io.confluent.kafka.serializers.AbstractKafkaAvroSerializer.serializeImpl(AbstractKafkaAvroSerializer.java:79)
at io.confluent.kafka.serializers.KafkaAvroSerializer.serialize(KafkaAvroSerializer.java:53)
at io.confluent.kafka.streams.serdes.avro.SpecificAvroSerializer.serialize(SpecificAvroSerializer.java:65)
at io.confluent.kafka.streams.serdes.avro.SpecificAvroSerializer.serialize(SpecificAvroSerializer.java:38)
at org.apache.kafka.streams.state.StateSerdes.rawValue(StateSerdes.java:178)
at org.apache.kafka.streams.state.internals.MeteredKeyValueBytesStore$1.innerValue(MeteredKeyValueBytesStore.java:68)
at org.apache.kafka.streams.state.internals.MeteredKeyValueBytesStore$1.innerValue(MeteredKeyValueBytesStore.java:57)
at org.apache.kafka.streams.state.internals.InnerMeteredKeyValueStore.put(InnerMeteredKeyValueStore.java:199)
at org.apache.kafka.streams.state.internals.MeteredKeyValueBytesStore.put(MeteredKeyValueBytesStore.java:121)
at com.bell.cts.commons.kafka.store.custom.CustomStoreProcessor.process(CustomStoreProcessor.java:37)
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.ProcessorNode$1.run(ProcessorNode.java:46)
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.StreamsMetricsImpl.measureLatencyNs(StreamsMetricsImpl.java:208)
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.ProcessorNode.process(ProcessorNode.java:124)
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.GlobalProcessorContextImpl.forward(GlobalProcessorContextImpl.java:52)
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.SourceNode.process(SourceNode.java:80)
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.GlobalStateUpdateTask.update(GlobalStateUpdateTask.java:87)
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.GlobalStreamThread$StateConsumer.pollAndUpdate(GlobalStreamThread.java:239)
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.GlobalStreamThread.run(GlobalStreamThread.java:282)
From a kafka stream app perspective, this kinds of defies the purpose of having the ability to support multiple urls when creating the avro serdes, since the runtime exception bubbling up the DSL api stack will close the Stream Thread.
I disagree here: from a Kafka Streams perspective, serialization failed and thus the application does need to shut down. Note that Kafka Streams is agnostic to the Serdes you are using, and thus, does not know that your Serde is talking to a schema registry and that it could retry.
Thus, the Serde is responsible to handle retrying internally. I am not aware of a wrapper that does this, but it should not be too hard to build yourself. I'll create an internal ticket to track this feature request. I think it makes a lot of sense to add this for the out-of-the-box experience.
For RocksDB: all records that are written into RocksDB are also written into a changelog topic. Thus, to allow Kafka Streams to read this data to recover state after an error, you need to register the schemas.
I'm trying to put a pipeline in place and I just realized I don't really know why there will be an error and why there will be an error topic. There is some metadata that I will be counting on to be certain values but other than that, is there anything that is a "typical" kafka error? I'm not sure what the "typcial" kafka error topic is used for. This is specifically for a streams application. Thanks for any help.
One example of an error topic in a streaming environment would be that it contains messages that failed to abide by their contract.. example: if your incoming events are meant to be in a certain json format, your spark application will first try to parse the event into a class that fits the events json contract.
If it is in the right format, it is parsed and the app continues.
If it is in the incorrect format, the parsing fails and the json string is sent to the error topic.
Other use cases could be to to send the event back to an error topic to be processed at a later time.. ie network issues connecting to other services.
Kafka connect events for Debezium connector is Avro encoded.
Mentioned the following in the connect-standalone.properties passed to Kafka connect standalone service.
Configuring the Kafka consumer code with these properties:
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put("bootstrap.servers", "ip_address:9092");
props.put("zookeeper.connect", "ip_address:2181");
props.put("group.id", "test-consumer-group");
//Setting auto comit to false to ensure that on processing failure we retry the read
props.put("auto.commit.offset", "false");
props.put("key.converter.schema.registry.url", "ip_address:8081");
props.put("value.converter.schema.registry.url", "ip_address:8081");
props.put("schema.registry.url", "ip_address:8081");
In the consumer implementation, following is the code to read the key and value components. I am getting the schema for key and value from Schema Registry using REST.
GenericDatumReader<GenericRecord> reader = new GenericDatumReader<GenericRecord>(schema);
return reader.read(null, DecoderFactory.get().binaryDecoder(byteData, null));
Parsing the key worked fine. While parsing the value part of the message, I am getting ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.
Downloaded the source code for Avro and debugged. Found that the GenericDatumReader.readInt method is returning a negative value. This value is expected to be the index of an array (symbols) and hence should have been positive.
Tried consuming events using the kafka-avro-standalone-consumer but it threw an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException too. So, my guess is that the message is improperly encoded at Kafka connect (producer) & the issue is with the configuration.
Following are the questions:
Is there anything wrong with the configuration passed at producer or consumer?
Why is key de-serialization working but not that of value?
Is there anything else needed to be done for things to work? (like specifying character encoding somewhere).
Can Debezium with Avro be used in production, or is it an experimental feature for now? The post on Debezium Avro specifically says that examples involving Avro will be included in future.
There have been many posts where Avro deserialization threw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException but could not relate it to the problem I am facing.
Followed the steps in http://docs.confluent.io/current/schema-registry/docs/serializer-formatter.html & things are working fine now.