Remove a uiview once a table view cell is tapped (swift) - swift

I have a custom xib table view cell that has a green uiview on it. The uiview acts as a new message indicator - whenever a message comes in, the green view is displayed. When a user taps the cell, I want to set the view to hidden. My only question is; how would I go about hiding the view just on that specific table view cell and not all table view cells?

Suppose your model
class Item {
var greenHidden = false
/// more properties
Then create the green view inside the xib and according to the current state do inside cellForRowAt
let cell = //
let item = arr[indexPath.row]
cell.greenView.isHidden = item.greenHidden
When the cell is tapped inside didSelectRowAt do
arr[indexPath.row].greenHidden = true


Segueing to a single view controller that will display some number of UITextFields depending on index selected in table view controller

In my current application, I have a UITableViewController that allows me to segue to three different indices depending on the row selected. If I select row one, I segue to a view controller with three UITextFields. If I select row two, I segue to a NEW view controller with one UITextField. If I select row three, I segue to ANOTHER NEW view controller with five UITextFields. I am looking for a way to condensing the view controllers I am going to into one view controller that will dynamically hide/unhide or remove/add the needed number of UITextFields depending on the index selected in the table view controller. I need the text fields to display in a vertical stack view.
Although it would be very valuable, I am not looking for a solution/example from someone, but rather letting me know some topics I can research would be extremely helpful.
Thank you for your time,
There might be different approaches for this problem, but I would create a stackView in the NEW view controller with the maximum possible number of textFields embedded. Lets say the VC with most textFields can contain 3 textFields. Create your stackView with 3 textFields inside.
Then segue the indexPath.row of tableView to the NEW VC, it can hold a variable of Integer like:
var index: Int?
In didSelectRowAt method of tableView:
performSegue(withIdentifier: "yourIdentifier", sender: indexPath.row)
In prepareForSegue method:
if segue.identifier == "yourIdentifier"
let vc = segue.destination as! NEWViewController
vc.index = sender
Set tag to your textFields in your NEW View controller, so you can know which textField you will want to delete depending on index.
Then in viewDidLoad of your newViewController, you can remove textFields from your stackView according to the index (Then you might run into which ):
var counter = 0
while counter < index {
answerStackView.subviews.forEach { (view) in
if counter < index {
if view is UITextField {
if view.tag == /*something here to delete specific textFields depending on index. */ {
counter += 1

Transitioning from uitableview to new viewcontroller

I'm working on the "settings" portion of my app. When one of the cells is clicked, I need to transition to a new View Controller depending on which cell was clicked.
I have found a ton of answers, but they all seem to not go far enough. I understand how to set up a segue to a new view controller and I understand how to use didSelectRowAt Indexpath to show which cell was clicked. I can figure out the transition, but I can't figure out many different transitions based on which cell was clicked.
Is there a way to do this with dynamic cells or should I be using static?
If you have fixed amount of cells, I'd go for static cells. However if you want to use dynamic cells, you can create something like enum with cases that store row index.
fileprivate enum Row: Int {
case volume = 0
case notification = 1
Then in didSelectRowAt delegate method:
let row = Row(rawValue: indexPath.row)!
switch row {
case .volume:
// Navigate somewhere
case .notification:
// Navigate somewhere

UIButton focus in UITableView

I am trying to understand how the focus is working when I have button inside Table.
The goal is to create a table view with custom cell, that has the same size as the table view size ( I want to see only one cell at the time ). When the button is getting focused, I want to scroll ( the table view is doing it automatically ), to the next cell and to see only the next cell.
I made sure that the button will be in focus and not table view cell, by override this method in the Table cell:
override var canBecomeFocused: Bool{
return false
The button is focused and when I am swipe up/down, the focus is moving between the buttons and not the Table it self ( great success ) ... BUT, the table view is being scrolling automatically, and I want to understand why is some cases ( when the Table and Table Cell are bigger then 360 pixel ) it's scrolling to the next cell and I can see only the next cell ( the table view and the cell in the same size ) , and sometimes ( when the Table and Cell are Smaller then 360 pixel ) the table view scrolling just a little bit, until the next cell is showing only the button ( meaning the cell is not fully shown )
So , I have:
Cell and table view cell size are Greater then 360, we can see that when the button is focused, the table view scrolling to the center of the cell, and we can see only 1 cell:
Cell and table view cell size is Smaller then 360, we can see that when the button is focused, the table view scrolling to some point, when the button is shown
FYI: I think the size of the button is not effecting the scroll, only the table view and table view cell size is effect the scrolling.
Some one? any idea ?
This is the test Project: in order to see it better please change the table view size and the cell size to be smaller then 360, and make sure the UIButton is centered: Project
You can put those methods in UITableViewCell's subclass. see
override var preferredFocusEnvironments: [UIFocusEnvironment]{
// Condition
override func shouldUpdateFocus(in context: UIFocusUpdateContext) -> Bool {
// Condition
override func didUpdateFocus(in context: UIFocusUpdateContext, with coordinator: UIFocusAnimationCoordinator) {
// Condition
you can see more at this link: enter link description here

Swift - Button action not triggered in table view cell

I have a ViewController who contains a TableView. I want in each cell, a red button who did something (let's say 'hello' for test), or when I touch the cell anywhere but not on the button I perform a segue.
But even when I touch the button, it's the segue who perform. I tried some search on SF but none of the questions help me...
I don't know if that's usual but when I touch the cell, all the row white background become gray, even the background of the red button.
In storyboard I have this cell hierarchy :
The user interaction is enabled on both cell and button.
In the questions I found they said, on the cell set 'accessory' on 'disclosure indicator', I did it, but if it's possible I would like to keep it at 'None'.
Also I set a custom class for the cell, here is the code :
class MyTableViewCell: UITableViewCell {
#IBOutlet weak var rentButton: UIButton? // I use this class for 2 tableview almost similar, but in the other I don't have the redButton, that's why I put an '?'
I also set the delegate and datasource of the tableView to my ViewController, here is the code of my view controller :
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("cell", forIndexPath: indexPath) as! MyTableViewCell
cell.rentButton!.tag = indexPath.row
cell.rentButton!.addTarget(self, action: #selector(, forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside)
return cell
// Rent() is never called:
func rent(sender: UIButton) {
print("here \(sender.tag)")
EDIT : The solution was to put out the button from the conainer view !
You can stop the segue from actioning when the button is pressed by performing it programatically. You can do the following:
Remove your segue that goes from the cell to another view controller and change it go from the TableViewController to the other view controller
Create a variable in your TableViewController class such as: var buttonPressed = false
In your button action set buttonPressed to true
In didSelectRow, check that buttonPressed is not true then performSegue and change buttonPressed to false, else do nothing
As discussed, move the button from the container to the content view

YPDrawSignatureView - Table scrolling when drawing signature

So I want a signature view within a table cell. Obviously whenever somebody tries to draw in the cell, the table scrolls.
How would I stop the scrolling but ONLY when the user is writing in the signature box?
I found better solution for this issue rather than putting button. Implement the delegate methods in viewController,
class mainVC: UIViewController,YPSignatureDelegate {
Than set delegate of signature view to this view controller
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "SignatureCell", for: indexPath) as! SignatureCell
cell.signatureView.delegate = self
return cell
And then add these code. This are two delegates of YPSignature. Add in Main view controller
func didStart() {
tableView.isScrollEnabled = false
// didFinish() is called rigth after the last touch of a gesture is registered in the view.
// Can be used to enabe scrolling in a scroll view if it has previous been disabled.
func didFinish() {
tableView.isScrollEnabled = true
I would solve this with a button covering the cell, and when the user taps it, the cell displays the YPDrawSignatureView. Just before the signature view is shown, disable the scrolling:
tableView.scrollEnabled = false
Later when you save the signature, enable scrolling again by setting scrollEnabled to true.
I added a uitableview and custom cells. In one of the custom cells contain a button(ex. addSignatureButton) on the top of signatureView.
I used delegate method to communicate between uitableviewcell and uiviewcontroller. A delegate is added to UITableViewCell to notify whether the addSignatureButton is tapped. Once it is tapped, addSignatureButton is hidden, signatureView is visible and the tableview's scroll is disabled. When user finishes adding signature, signatureView is hidden, addSignatureButton is visible and tableview scroll is enabled.