Restore String Interpolation AFTER value replace - swift

Given a str: "My name is Gustavo", that was created with "My name is \("
Is it possible to get the string "My name is \(" after the value was replaced?
In other words, is it possible to find out "My name is \(", having "My name is Gustavo"?
Edit: If I can get to "My name is ", a.k.a. the hard coded string from all strings that were build dynamically, that would be a solution.

No, this is not possible. In fact, "My name is \(" is not even included in the compiled code. Instead, Swift-5 compiler generates code equivalent to this:
let str = String(stringInterpolation: {
var temp = String.StringInterpolation(literalCapacity: 11, interpolationCount: 1)
temp.appendLiteral("My name is ")
return temp
This article contains details on how string interpolation is implemented in Swift-4 and Swift-5.


How to insert a placeholder in a json key:value ? Flutter

I'm porting my Swift app to Flutter and for localising it I'm following this but I can't see how to insert placeholder to insert a value in the translated values.
Basically the guide uses
String text(String key) {
return _localisedValues[key] ?? "$key not found";
to get the corresponding key:value pair from a .json file as
"Shop": "Negozio",
I just pass it in the Textwidget as :
How to modify text to insert one or more placeholders and how would be the .json be constructed?
Say for the value "User": "User" I'd like to insert a value after the transaction I can simply use a string sum and add the value as `Text(
AppLocalizations.instance.text('User') + ' ${}', but if I need to insert a value in the middle of the translated sentence, eg a message, I don't see how to accomplish it.
I need it to make localised versions of incoming push notification, and they have args.
In Swift I have it like this:
"ORDER_RECEIVED_PUSH_TITLE" = "Order number: %#";
"ORDER_RECEIVED_PUSH_BODY" = "Thank you %#! We received your order and we'll let you know when we start preparing it and when it's ready. Bye";
Any suggestions on how to accomplish that in Flutter?
Many thanks
I was suggested this package and it works just as I needed. Sprintf just lets you specify one or more placeholders in a String and pass an array of args. for more info, even this is pretty much it. So for example
"ORDER_RECEIVED_PUSH_TITLE" = "Order number: %#";
in the .json file would be :
"ORDER_RECEIVED_PUSH_TITLE": "Oder number: %s"
and using it would be
String orderNumber = 'some uuid';
Hope this helps others.

How to cut a string from the end in UIPATH

I have this string: "C:\Procesos\rrhh\CorteDocumentos\Cortados\10001662-1_20060301_29_1_20190301.pdf" and im trying to get this part : "20190301". The problem is the lenght is not always the same. It would be:
I've tried this: item.ToString.Substring(66,8), but it doesn't work sometimes.
What can I do?.
This is a code example of what I said in my comment.
Sub Main()
Dim strFileName As String = ""
Dim di As New DirectoryInfo("C:\Users\Maniac\Desktop\test")
Dim aryFi As FileInfo() = di.GetFiles("*.pdf")
Dim fi As FileInfo
For Each fi In aryFi
Dim arrname() As String
arrname = Split(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fi.Name), "_")
strFileName = arrname(arrname.Count - 1)
End Sub
You could achieve this using a simple regular expressions, which has the added benefit of including pattern validation.
If you need to get exactly eight numbers from the end of file name (and after an underscore), you can use this pattern:
And then this VB.NET line:
Regex.Match(fileName, "_(\d{8})\.pdf").Groups(1).Value
It's important to mention that Regex is by default case sensitive, so to prevent from being in a situations where "pdf" is matched and "PDF" is not, the patter can be adjusted like this:
You can than use it directly in any expression window:
PS: You should also ensure that System.Text.RegularExpressions reference is in the Imports:
You can achieve it by this way as well :)
Returns the file name of the specified path string without the extension.
so with your String it will return to you - 10001662-1_20060301_29_1_20190301
then Split above String i.e. 10001662-1_20060301_29_1_20190301 based on _ and will return an array of string.
It will return you the last element of an array returned by Split..

How can I get the name of procedure in Nim?

I am trying to write a macro for debug print in the Nim language.
Currently this macro adds filename andline to the output by instantiationInfo().
import macros
macro debugPrint(msg: untyped): typed =
result = quote do:
let pos = instantiationInfo()
echo pos.filename, ":", pos.line, ": ", `msg`
proc hello() =
debugPrint "foo bar"
currently output:
debug_print.nim:9: foo bar
I would like to add the name of the procedure (or iterator) of the place where the macro was called.
desired output:
debug_print.nim:9(proc hello): foo bar
How can I get the name of procedure (or iterator) in Nim, like __func__ in C?
At runtime you can do getFrame().procname, but it only works with stacktrace enabled (not in release builds).
At compile-time surprisingly I can't find a way to do it. There is callsite() in macros module, but it doesn't go far enough. It sounds like something that might fit into the macros.LineInfo object.
A hacky solution would be to also use __func__ and parse that back into the Nim proc name:
template procName: string =
var name: cstring
{.emit: "`name` = __func__;".}
($name).rsplit('_', 1)[0]
building on answer from #def- but making it more robust to handle edge cases of functions containing underscores, and hashes containing trailing _N or not
also using more unique names as otherwise macro would fail if proc defines a variable name
import strutils
proc procNameAux*(name:cstring): string =
let temp=($name).rsplit('_', 2)
#CHECKME: IMPROVE; the magic '4' chosen to be enough for most cases
# EG: bar_baz_9c8JPzPvtM9azO6OB23bjc3Q_3
if temp.len>=3 and temp[2].len < 4:
($name).rsplit('_', 2)[0]
# EG: foo_9c8JPzPvtM9azO6OB23bjc3Q
($name).rsplit('_', 1)[0]
template procName*: string =
var name2: cstring
{.emit: "`name2` = __func__;".}
proc foo_bar()=
echo procName # prints foo_bar
NOTE: this still has some issues that trigger in complex edge cases, see

Search removing comma using Entity Framework

I want to search a text that contains comma in database, but, there is not comma in the reference.
For example. In database I have the following value:
"Development of computer programs, including electronic games"
So, I try to search the data using the following string as reference:
"development of computer programs including electronic games"
NOTE that the only difference is that in database I have a comma in the text, but, in my reference for search, I have not.
Here is my code:
public async Task<ActionResult>Index(string nomeServico)
using (MyDB db = new MyDB())
// 1st We receive the following string:"development-of-computer-programs-including-electronic-games"
// but we remove all "-" characters
string serNome = nomeServico.RemoveCaractere("-", " ");
// we search the service that contains (in the SerName field) the value equal to the parameter of the Action.
Servicos servico = db.Servicos.FirstOrDefault(c => c.SerNome.ToLower().Equals(serNome, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
The problem is that, in the database, the data contains comma, and in the search value, don't.
In you code you are replacing "-" with "" and that too in your search string. But as per your requirement you need to change "," with "" for your DB entry.
Try doing something like this:
string serNome = nomeServico.ToLower();
Servicos servico = db.Servicos.FirstOrDefault(c => c.SerNome.Replace(",","").ToLower() == serNome);

generating Localizable.strings creates strange output

When I use genstrings -o en.lproj *.m it generates the Localizable.strings file with entries in this structure:
/* this is the text: %# ID: %02X */
"this is the text: %# ID: %02X" = "this is the text: %1$# ID: %2$X";
Please notice that it makes from %# -> %1$#
Why is this? I always have to change it back to %# manually.
Did you use the "-j" option? It produces java localized string (which have the format like %1$#).
Sorry, looked at the wrong manual page. Please use the option -noPositionalParameters to turn off generation of positional parameters. -> Info's here
You don't need to change it back, since %1$# refers to the first argument given to your format string.
Actually, in a case different from yours, it might happen that the order of the arguments changes from a translation to another. For example, if your code uses a format to display some player property value like:
let fmt = NSLocalizedString("Player property value", comment: "The player property value")
String(format:fmt, playerName, playerProperty, value)
You might have in the "en.lproj/Localizable.strings":
/* The player property value */
"Player property value" = "Player %1$#'s %2$# is %3$d"
and in the "fr.lproj/Localizable.strings":
/* The player property value */
"Player property value" = "Le %2$# du joueur %1$# is %3$d"
/* The player property value */
"Player property value" = "Le joueur %1$# a %3$d points de %2$#"