Lagom: is it possible to split service instances across multiple clusters? - scala

Let's say I have Hello-Service. In Lagom, this service can run across multiple nodes of a single cluster.
So within Cluster 1, we can have multiple "copies" of Hello-Service:
Cluster1: Hello-Service-1, Hello-Service-2, Hello-Service-3
But is it possible to run service Hello-Service across multiple clusters?
Like this:
Cluster1: Hello-Service-1, Hello-Service-2, Hello-Service-3,
Cluster2: Hello-Service-4, Hello-Service-5, Hello-Service-6
What I want to achieve is better scalability of the read-side processors and event consumers:
In Lagom, we need to set up front the number of shards of given event tag within the cluster.
So I wonder if I can just add another cluster to distribute the load across them.
And, of course, I'd like to shard persistent entities by some key.
(Let's say that I'm building a multi-tenant application, I would shard entities by organization id, so all entities of some set of organizations would go into Cluster 1, and entities of another set of organizations would go into Cluster 2, so I can have sharded read side processors per each cluster which handle only subset of events/entities within the cluster (for better scalability)).
With a single cluster approach, as a system grows, a sharded processor within a single cluster may become slower and slower because it needs to handle more and more events.
So as the system grows, I would just add a new cluster (Let's say, Cluster 2, then Cluster 3, which would handle their own subset of events/entities)

If you are using sharded read sides, Lagom will distribute the processing of the shards across all the nodes in the cluster. So, if you have 10 shards, and 6 nodes in 1 cluster, then each node will process between 1-2 shards. If you try to deploy two clusters, 3 nodes each, then you'll end up each node processing 3-4 shards, but every event will be processed twice, once in each cluster. That's not helping scalability, that's doing twice as much work as needs to be done. So I don't see why you would want two clusters, just have one cluster, and the Lagom will distribute the shards evenly across it.
If you are not using sharded read sides, then it doesn't matter how many nodes you have in your cluster, all events will be processed by one node. If you deploy a second cluster, it won't share the load, it will also process the same events, so you'll get double processing of each event by each cluster, which is not what you want.
So, just use sharded read sides, and let Lagom distribute the work across your single cluster for you, that's what it's designed to do.


Sharding with replication

Sharding with replication]1
I have a multi tenant database with 3 tables(store,products,purchases) in 5 server nodes .Suppose I've 3 stores in my store table and I am going to shard it with storeId .
I need all data for all shards(1,2,3) available in nodes 1 and 2. But node 3 would contain only shard for store #1 , node 4 would contain only shard for store #2 and node 5 for shard #3. It is like a sharding with 3 replicas.
Is this possible at all? What database engines can be used for this purpose(preferably sql dbs)? Did you have any experience?
I have a feeling you have not adequately explained why you are trying this strange topology.
Anyway, I will point out several things relating to MySQL/MariaDB.
A Galera cluster already embodies multiple nodes (minimum of 3), but does not directly support "sharding". You can have multiple Galera clusters, one per "shard".
As with my comment about Galera, other forms of MySQL/MariaDB can have replication between nodes of each shard.
If you are thinking of having a server with all data, but replicate only parts to readonly Replicas, there are settings for replicate_do/ignore_database. I emphasize "readonly" because changes to these pseudo-shards cannot easily be sent back to the Primary server. (However see "multi-source replication")
Sharding is used primarily when there is simply too much traffic to handle on a single server. Are you saying that the 3 tenants cannot coexist because of excessive writes? (Excessive reads can be handled by replication.)
A tentative solution:
Have all data on all servers. Use the same Galera cluster for all nodes.
Advantage: When "most" or all of the network is working all data is quickly replicated bidirectionally.
Potential disadvantage: If half or more of the nodes go down, you have to manually step in to get the cluster going again.
Likely solution for the 'disadvantage': "Weight" the nodes differently. Give a height weight to the 3 in HQ; give a much smaller (but non-zero) weight to each branch node. That way, most of the branches could go offline without losing the system as a whole.
But... I fear that an offline branch node will automatically become readonly.
Another plan:
Switch to NDB. The network is allowed to be fragile. Consistency is maintained by "eventual consistency" instead of the "[virtually] synchronous replication" of Galera+InnoDB.
NDB allows you to immediately write on any node. Then the write is sent to the other nodes. If there is a conflict one of the values is declared the "winner". You choose which algorithm for determining the winner. An easy-to-understand one is "whichever write was 'first'".

SolrCloud Time Routed Alias Architecture

This is a broader question around building the architecture for SolrCloud Time Routed Alias application. I'm using SolrCloud to ingest time-series data on a regular basis and have SolrCloud running in a Kubernetes Cluster. A Solr node gets attached every time we add a new Pod to our cluster. Each pod has a persistent volume claim, so this is how we scale our storage as well.
Since I'm trying to use Time Routed Aliases, it creates a new collection with preemptive calculation and currently places them across the Solr pods based on how much free-disk space is available in a pod, so new pods will get selected for shard placements whenever a new pod is introduced.
However, I would like to design a solution where we can avoid hot-spotting Solr nodes by distributing the shards across older pods and yet still maintaining SolrCloud architecture that grows in size as data is ingested every day.
I'm unsure what the best configuration would be at a collection/cluster level based on the available policies in
I'm currently creating collections at weekly-intervals and my use-cases involve searching across data at least 2 weeks old. Because ingested data will be placed in newer pods, my client side facing applications will be bombarding the newer pods every time.
Each collection has a replication factor of 2 and a numShards parameter of 2.
What level of configuration on a collection/alias/cluster level should I use in order to avoid hot-spotting?

Kubernetes: why would you need more than 2 nodes?

Given a K8s Cluster(managed cluster for example AKS) with 2 worker nodes, I've read that if one node fails all the pods will be restarted on the second node.
Why would you need more than 2 worker nodes per cluster in this scenario? You always have the possibility to select the number of nodes you want. And the more you select the more expensive it is.
It depends on the solution that you are deploying in the kubernetes cluster and the nature of high-availability that you want to achieve
If you want to work on an active-standby mode, where, if one node fails, the pods would be moved to other nodes, two nodes would work fine (as long as the single surviving node has the capacity to run all the pods)
Some databases / stateful applications, for instance, need minimum of three replica, so that you can reconcile if there is a mismatch/conflict in data due to network partition (i.e. you can pick the content held by two replicas)
For instance, ETCD would need 3 replicas
If whatever you are building needs only two nodes, then you wouldn't need more than 2. If you are building anything big where the amount of compute, memory needed is much more, then instead of opting for expensive nodes with huge CPU and RAM, you could instead join more and more lower priced nodes to the cluster. This is called horizontal scaling.

Single Kubernetes/OpenShift cluster/instance across datacenters?

With the understanding that Ubernetes is designed to fully solve this problem, is it currently possible (not necessarily recommended) to span a single K8/OpenShift cluster across multiple internal corporate datacententers?
Additionally assuming that latency between data centers is relatively low and that infrastructure across the corporate data centers is relatively consistent.
Example: Given 3 corporate DC's, deploy 1..* masters at each datacenter (as a single cluster) and have 1..* nodes at each DC with pods/rc's/services/... being spun up across all 3 DC's.
Has someone implemented something like this as a stop gap solution before Ubernetes drops and if so, how has it worked and what would be some considerations to take into account on running like this?
is it currently possible (not necessarily recommended) to span a
single K8/OpenShift cluster across multiple internal corporate
Yes, it is currently possible. Nodes are given the address of an apiserver and client credentials and then register themselves into the cluster. Nodes don't know (or care) of the apiserver is local or remote, and the apiserver allows any node to register as long as it has valid credentials regardless of where the node exists on the network.
Additionally assuming that latency between data centers is relatively
low and that infrastructure across the corporate data centers is
relatively consistent.
This is important, as many of the settings in Kubernetes assume (either implicitly or explicitly) a high bandwidth, low-latency network between the apiserver and nodes.
Example: Given 3 corporate DC's, deploy 1..* masters at each
datacenter (as a single cluster) and have 1..* nodes at each DC with
pods/rc's/services/... being spun up across all 3 DC's.
The downside of this approach is that if you have one global cluster you have one global point of failure. Even if you have replicated, HA master components, data corruption can still take your entire cluster offline. And a bad config propagated to all pods in a replication controller can take your entire service offline. A bad node image push can take all of your nodes offline. And so on. This is one of the reasons that we encourage folks to use a cluster per failure domain rather than a single global cluster.

Do I absolutely need a minimum of 3 nodes/servers for a Cassandra cluster or will 2 suffice?

Surely one can run a single node cluster but I'd like some level of fault-tolerance.
At present I can afford to lease two servers (8GB RAM, private VLAN #1GigE) but not 3.
My understanding is that 3 nodes is the minimum needed for a Cassandra cluster because there's no possible majority between 2 nodes, and a majority is required for resolving versioning conflicts. Oh wait, am I thinking of "vector clocks" and Riak? Ack! Cassandra uses timestamps for conflict resolution.
For 2 nodes, what is the recommended read/write strategy? Should I generally write to ALL (both) nodes and read from ONE (N=2; W=N/2+1; W=2/2+1=2)? Cassandra will use hinted-handoff as usual even for 2 nodes, yes?
These 2 servers are located in the same data center FWIW.
If you need availability on a RF=2, clustersize=2 system, then you can't use ALL or you will not be able to write when a node goes down.
That is why people recommend 3 nodes instead of 2, because then you can do quorum reads+writes and still have both strong consistency and availability if a single node goes down.
With just 2 nodes you get to choose whether you want strong consistency (write with ALL) or availability in the face of a single node failure (write with ONE) but not both. Of course if you write with ONE cassandra will do hinted handoff etc as needed to make it eventually consistent.