Kubernetes: why would you need more than 2 nodes? - kubernetes

Given a K8s Cluster(managed cluster for example AKS) with 2 worker nodes, I've read that if one node fails all the pods will be restarted on the second node.
Why would you need more than 2 worker nodes per cluster in this scenario? You always have the possibility to select the number of nodes you want. And the more you select the more expensive it is.

It depends on the solution that you are deploying in the kubernetes cluster and the nature of high-availability that you want to achieve
If you want to work on an active-standby mode, where, if one node fails, the pods would be moved to other nodes, two nodes would work fine (as long as the single surviving node has the capacity to run all the pods)
Some databases / stateful applications, for instance, need minimum of three replica, so that you can reconcile if there is a mismatch/conflict in data due to network partition (i.e. you can pick the content held by two replicas)
For instance, ETCD would need 3 replicas

If whatever you are building needs only two nodes, then you wouldn't need more than 2. If you are building anything big where the amount of compute, memory needed is much more, then instead of opting for expensive nodes with huge CPU and RAM, you could instead join more and more lower priced nodes to the cluster. This is called horizontal scaling.


Can k8s work with an even number of master nodes

I know it is recommended to have an odd number of master nodes. But will k8s work if we have an even number of nodes? And what are the downsides?
The reason I'm asking is that I'm building an IoT cluster, where every node is a master node. All devices are the same and any device must be able to take up the master role if the current master fails.
Also the number of devices could be any, so the system should work with both odd or even numbers of nodes.
https://discuss.kubernetes.io/t/high-availability-host-numbers/13143/2 says that you should avoid ever having more than 7 master nodes due to the overhead of membership algorithms so depending on how many IoT nodes you have, you should consider a different architecture.
Nodes are supposed to be abstracted away from their purpose so you shouldn't need your user nodes to be the system nodes and this might introduce tightly coupled problems later on.

Kubernetes : Disadvantages of an all Master cluster

Hy !!
I was wondering if it could be possible to replicate an VMWare architecture in Kubernetes.
What I mean by that :
In place of having the Control-Panel always separated from the Worker Nodes, I would like to put them all together, at the end we would obtain a cluster of Master Nodes on which we can schedule applications. For now I'm using kata-container with containerd as such all applications are deployed in 'mini' VMs so there isn't the 'escape from the container' problem. The management of the Cluster would be done trough a special interface (eth0 1Gb). The users would be able to communicate with the apps that are deployed within the cluster trough another interface (eth1 10Gb). I would use Keepalived and HAProxy to elect my 'Main Master' and load balance the traffic.
The question might be 'why would you do that ?'. Well to assure High Availability at all time and reduce the management overhead, in place of having 2 sets of "entities" to manage (the control-plane and the worker nodes) simply reduce it to one, as such there won't be any problems such as 'I don't have more than 50% of my masters online so there won't be a leader elect', so now I would have to either eliminate master nodes from my cluster until the percentage of online master nodes > 50%, that would ask for technical intervention and as fast as possible which might result in human errors etc..
Another positive point would be the scaling, in place of having 2 parts of the cluster that I would need to scale (masters and workers) there would be only one, I would need to add another master/worker to the cluster and that's it. All the management traffic would be redirected to the Main Master that uses a Virtual IP (VIP) and in case of an overcharge the request would be redirected to another Node.
In the end I would have something resembling to this :
Photo - Architecture VMWare-like
I try to find disadvantages to this kind of architecture, I know that there would be etcd traffic on each Node but how impactful is it ? I know that there will be wasted resources for the Pods of the control-plane on each node, but knowing that these pods (except etcd) wont do much beside waiting, how impactful would it be ? Having each Node being capable to take the Master role there won't be any down time. Right now if my control-plane (3 masters) go down I have to reboot them or find the solution as fast as possible before there's a problem with one of the apps that turn on the worker Nodes.
The topology I'm using right now resembles the following :
Architecture basic Kubernetes
I'm new to kuberentes so the question might be seen as stupid but I would really like to know the advantages/disadvantages between the two and understand why it wouldn't be a good idea.
Thanks a lot for any help !! :slightly_smiling_face:
There are two reasons for keeping control planes on their own. The big one is that you only want a small number of etcd nodes, usually 3 or 5 and that's usually the bounding factor on the size of the control plane. You usually want the ability to scale worker nodes independently from that. The second issue is Etcd is very sensitive to IOPS brownouts and can get bad cascade failures if the machine runs low on IOPS.
And given that you are doing things on top of VMWare anyway, the overhead of managing 3 vs 6 VMs is not generally a difference in kind. This seems like a false savings in the long run.

schedule kubernetes pods on different physical server

In my cluster there are 30 VMs which are located in 3 different physical servers. I want to deploy different replicas of each workload on different physical server.
I know I can use podAntiAffinity to deploy replicas on different VMs but I cant find any way to guarantee spread replication on different physical server.
I want to know is there any way to solve this challenge?
I believe you gave the answer ;)
I went to the Kubernetes Patterns book (PDF available for free in here) to see if there was something related to that over there, and found exactly that:
To express how Pods should be spread to achieve high availability, or be packed and co-located together to improve latency, Pod affinity and antiaffinity can be used.
Node affinity works at node granularity, but Pod affinity is not limited to nodes and
can express rules at multiple topology levels. Using the topologyKey field, and the
matching labels, it is possible to enforce more fine-grained rules, which combine
rules on domains like node, rack, cloud provider zone, and region [...]
I really like the k8s docs as well, they are super complete and full of examples, so maybe you can get some ideas from here. I think the main idea will be to create your own affinity/antiaffinity rule.
----------------------------------- EDIT -----------------------------------
There is a new feature within k8s version 1.18 that may be a better solution.
It's called: Pod Topology Spread Constraints:
You can use topology spread constraints to control how Pods are spread across your cluster among failure-domains such as regions, zones, nodes, and other user-defined topology domains. This can help to achieve high availability as well as efficient resource utilization.

Kuberenetes Scheduling: How would one achieve depth first scheduling behavior?

// I'm almost certain this must be a dup or at least a solved problem, but I could not find what I was after through searching the many k8 communities.
We have jobs that run for between a minute and many hours. Given that we assign them resource values that afford them QOS Guaranteed status, how could we minimize resource waste across the nodes?
The problem is that downscaling rarely happens, because each node eventually gets assigned one of the long running jobs. They are not common, but the keep all of the nodes running, even when we do not have need for them.
The dumb strategy that seems to avoid this would be a depth first scheduling algorithm, wherein among nodes that have capacity, the one most filled already will be assigned. In other words, if we have two total nodes running at 90% cpu/memory usage and 10% cpu/memory assigned, the 90% would always be assigned first provided it has sufficient capacity.
Open to any input here and/or ideas. Thanks kindly.
As of now there seems to be this kube-sheduler profile plugin:
NodeResourcesMostAllocated: Favors nodes that have a high allocation of resources.
But it is in alpha stage since k8s v1.18+, so probably not safe to use it for produciton.
There is also this parameter you can set for kube-scheduler that I have found here:
MostRequestedPriority: Favors nodes with most requested resources. This policy will fit the scheduled Pods onto the smallest number of Nodes needed to run your overall set of workloads.
and here is an example on how to configure it.
One last thing that comes to my mind is using node affinity.
Using nodeAffinity on long running pods, (more specificaly with preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution), will prefer to schedule these pods on the nodes that run all the time, and prefer to not schedule them on nodes that are being autoscaled. This approach requires excluding some nodes from autoscaling and labeling approprietly so that scheduler can make use of node-affinity.

Lagom: is it possible to split service instances across multiple clusters?

Let's say I have Hello-Service. In Lagom, this service can run across multiple nodes of a single cluster.
So within Cluster 1, we can have multiple "copies" of Hello-Service:
Cluster1: Hello-Service-1, Hello-Service-2, Hello-Service-3
But is it possible to run service Hello-Service across multiple clusters?
Like this:
Cluster1: Hello-Service-1, Hello-Service-2, Hello-Service-3,
Cluster2: Hello-Service-4, Hello-Service-5, Hello-Service-6
What I want to achieve is better scalability of the read-side processors and event consumers:
In Lagom, we need to set up front the number of shards of given event tag within the cluster.
So I wonder if I can just add another cluster to distribute the load across them.
And, of course, I'd like to shard persistent entities by some key.
(Let's say that I'm building a multi-tenant application, I would shard entities by organization id, so all entities of some set of organizations would go into Cluster 1, and entities of another set of organizations would go into Cluster 2, so I can have sharded read side processors per each cluster which handle only subset of events/entities within the cluster (for better scalability)).
With a single cluster approach, as a system grows, a sharded processor within a single cluster may become slower and slower because it needs to handle more and more events.
So as the system grows, I would just add a new cluster (Let's say, Cluster 2, then Cluster 3, which would handle their own subset of events/entities)
If you are using sharded read sides, Lagom will distribute the processing of the shards across all the nodes in the cluster. So, if you have 10 shards, and 6 nodes in 1 cluster, then each node will process between 1-2 shards. If you try to deploy two clusters, 3 nodes each, then you'll end up each node processing 3-4 shards, but every event will be processed twice, once in each cluster. That's not helping scalability, that's doing twice as much work as needs to be done. So I don't see why you would want two clusters, just have one cluster, and the Lagom will distribute the shards evenly across it.
If you are not using sharded read sides, then it doesn't matter how many nodes you have in your cluster, all events will be processed by one node. If you deploy a second cluster, it won't share the load, it will also process the same events, so you'll get double processing of each event by each cluster, which is not what you want.
So, just use sharded read sides, and let Lagom distribute the work across your single cluster for you, that's what it's designed to do.