Track files with Git LFS in SourceTree - atlassian-sourcetree

I am following this guide about how to use Git LFS.
The article states that users need to have the Git LFS command-line client installed, or a Git LFS aware GUI client such as Sourcetree.
Much as it seems simple, I can't find any information on how to track files with Git LFS in SourceTree GUI, only command line instructions like git lfs track "*.ogg". Is it possible?

Finally, found the solution myself:
Go to Tools -> Options -> Git and press Update Embedded
Tick Enable the Bitbucket LFS Media Adapter
Go to Repository -> Git LFS -> Initialize Repository
Go to Repository -> Git LFS -> Track / untrack files ... and add the extensions to be stored in LFS.

In Mac, it is different than what the accepted answer says.
See following link:
Using Embedded Git Or System Git in Sourcetree

I also found using LFS in Sourcetree confusing. Then I found this menu that helped quite a bit.


How to clone repositiry from git into windows different folders

Is it possible to clone the git repository into different folder through git interface, because under one git repository we maintain different branches. Initially clone one branch to my local, now i want clone the same folder into different folder. While i am trying to clone it shows this repository is already existed. Please help me.
So the answer depends on what you mean by "through the git interface"
If you mean via the git command line interface, the answer is to simply add the path to where you want to clone the repo as an argument to the command , i.e.
git clone -b yourdifferentbranch https://github/youruser/yourrepo yourdifferentdir
If by git interface you mean the GitHub for Windows client, when you start the client, go to the Settings gear in the upper right corner , Select Options, and then change the "Clone path" directory . I assume the github for mac client is the same but I don't have a mac.
If you mean some other git interface I apologize for leaving it out of the answer

Synchronizing copied repository with GIT repository

I have copied repository from my team member and I want to synchronize with GIT repository.
Please keep in mind that I am new to GIT and I only have URLs of the repository where I need to synchronize. I need help to connect my repository with GIT repository. I have not imported any repository and I have just copied that. I will be able to push or pull or merge etc. only if my project is synchronized with remote repository. Please let me know that how can I synchronize. Thanks
It's unclear from your question whether you are trying to simply keep two copies of the same repository synchronized or something else.
If it's the first, then what you want to do it a git clone. Your changes should be git commit, to get remote changes you should git pull and to push your changes to your co-worker's repository, you should git push.
Depending on your operating system, there are different front-ends for Git. I gave you the command-line version. I saw you tagged your questions with the eclipse tag, which suggests you are trying to do this inside Eclipse. In that case, you might find EGit useful. See the EGit User Guide here.
If all this sounds too complex for you, you should first Read The Manual - that is, check out the Getting Started chapter of the Git Documentation.
I found the solution. I had to go in team-> share projects. then "create a new repository location" and paste the url of git repository. then team->share project-> git and add the repository. Now my copied repository is linked/connected with my git repository and I am able to synchronize my repository.

WWW and Github folder synchronization

Still new to Github and was wondering if its possible to synchronize a WWW specific folder to Github project folder.
Let's say, I am working on /www/my-project/ and I have github folder /github/my-project-repo/
The main question is, how can I easily move file from my-project to my-project-repo just similarly to committing. Copy-pasting seems like a dull method to do. Any tips helps!
Use the --git-dir and --work-tree option of the git command:
If you are modifying files in my_project, but want them taken into account in my-project-repo git repo, you can do:
git --work-tree=/www/my-project/ --git-dir= /github/my-project-repo/.git status
git --work-tree=/www/my-project/ --git-dir= /github/my-project-repo/.git add -A .
git --work-tree=/www/my-project/ --git-dir= /github/my-project-repo/.git commit -m "add files from my-project"
You might want to refresh your working tree in /github/my-project-repo after modifying its index with your git add.
cd /github/my-project-repo
git checkout .
Beware though of concurrent modifications you could have on common files: that last checkout would erase and overwrite them by what you added from /www/my-project.
If you want to be sure to preserve any work in progress in /github/my-project-repo:
git stash save --keep-index
git stash drop
The OP found a simpler solution, and:
moved the storage directory to /www/.
cd /my-project/,
git config, git init, etc.
I stop tracking the repo that was save on Docs/Github/ — my first storage directory.
Finally figure it out... Here are some video tutorial that helped me along the way:
Basic fundamentals of Git
The difference between Git and GitHub
Installation and setup tutorial for Git
Basic (but core) command lines of Git
Account signup tutorial for GitHub and general tips
Using GitHub with Git (configuration and demo)
Installation tutorial of GitHub Windows Client (GUI)
Introduction to Branching, Merging, Cloning, and Forking
Example of development cycle using Git and GitHub
More details on Branching, Merging, Cloning, and Forking
Introduction to Merging Conflicts
In-depth look in Merging Conflicts
Reverting Commits

I want to put a new project on Github

I have a java/GWT project in eclipse , There is a Git repo
where i want to put my complete project for the first time
Please guide me how can i do this , I am new to Github
I have searched a lot ,but couldn't able to do it successfully
I do have GIT Bash and GIT GUI
Note that instead of having a msysgit installation (git bash and git gui), you could install on Windows the new
That will facilitate cloning that repo.
The other alternative is to declate and clone it through Egit within Git, as described in this tutorial: Using Egit with GitHub.
Note that Eclipse+Egit means you don't have to install a msysgit (it is still recommended though, to benefit from the rich CLI of git outside Eclipse).
Follow the setup and create a repo instructions on github itself.
Basically you're going to do the following:
Install git on your development pc.
git init to create a local git repository for your project.
git add your files to the local repository.
git commit changes to the local repository.
git push to the remote github server when necessary.
Search Stack Overflow - try this post for starters: Git for beginners: The definitive practical guide

Migrate from Sourceforge to Github

I'm thinking about migrating a project from Sourceforge to Github. Besides the svn to git, what about migrating things like the issue tracker? Is there an easy way to do that?
For SVN to GitHub part, this is now the easiest way:
But it doesn't import issues.
I've written a Python script to migrate issues. It's at
Beware: Sunday afternoon software. Use at your own risk, etc. etc. Pull requests welcome!
since I just have done this here is my approach
create a local git repository from the remote svn repository
git svn clone http://svn/repo/here/trunk
now push the repository to github
git remote rename origin upstream
git remote add origin
git push origin master
This script uses rsync to sync the raw svn repo onto your /tmp directory and requires the svn2git ruby gem for importing the svn commit info into git.
If you happen to use a newer version of the SVN infrastructure provided by sourceforge (aka SVN 2.0 dev), you can use this script instead - I forked off the original to just make changes to the rsync command. :)