How to update / animate a complicated figure in MATLAB? - matlab

I need to animate a complex figure consisting of a chain of rectangles, forming an arm.
Here is an example of how this arm looks like when not animated :
To animate this figure, I made the following code :
function renderFrame(fig, data)
hold(ax, 'on'); % Need to hold so that new elements of the arm add themselves
showMembers(fig, data); % Create patches and rotate them to the right angle to create members
showJoints(fig, data); % Draw circles at the joints betwwen the members. Use the width of rectangle members
hold(ax, 'off'); % Next rendering will replace this one; No need to hold
function rotateMember(fig, data, iMember, rotAngle)
for iAngle = 1:rotAngle
updateMemberAngle(data, i, 1); % Change thew data so the i-th member rotates by 1
renderFrame(fig); % Show frame after the data was changed
function main()
fig = figure;
ax = gca;
axis(ax, 'equal');
setAxis(data); % Set axis limits and create axis arrows with totalLength of the arm
renderFrame(ax, data);
rotateMember(fig, data, 3, 90); % Rotate 3rd member by 90 degrees
But the frames of my animation doesn't clear at all. It results in this figure :
What am I doing wrong ? Is there a way to plot complicated figures with multiple parts and to animate it, by clearing frame ?
I looked into using newplot and nextplot, but MATLAB's documentation on the subject is incomplete, as always. I also tried creating graphic objects and then setting the data at each iteration, but it rejects an exception every time the figure is deleted since "graphics objects are deleted".

It seems to me as if in your approach, you're not erasing the plot when drawing the next frame. Maybe calling cla() prior to drawing the next frame would make it work? However, this may produce a flickering behavior if the redrawing is done in the wrong order.
I suggest taking a look at animation techniques in Matlab to see three different ways to produce animations.

Found a way to clear the axis childrens, except the two axis quivers (arrows).
Here is a code that works properly:
function renderFrame(renderAxes, data)
if ~(length(renderAxes.Children) == 2)
showMembers(renderAxes, data); % Create patches and rotate them to the right angle to create members
showJoints(renderAxes, data); % Draw circles at the joints betwwen the members. Use the width of rectangle members
function rotateMember(ax, data, iMember, rotAngle)
for iAngle = 1:rotAngle
updateMemberAngle(data, i, 1); % Change thew data so the i-th member rotates by 1
renderFrame(ax, data); % Show frame after the data was changed
function main()
fig = figure;
ax = gca;
axis(ax, 'equal');
hold(ax, 'on');
setAxis(data); % Set axis limits and create axis arrows with totalLength of the arm
renderFrame(ax, data);
rotateMember(ax, data, 3, 90); % Rotate 3rd member by 90 degrees


Separate initialization and display of plot

What is a proper way to separate the initialization and the display of plots in Matlab? (I mean plots in a wide sense here; could be plot, plot3, scatter etc.) To give a concrete example, I have a pretty complex 3D visualization that uses sphere and mesh to draw a static sphere mesh and then scatter3 to plot a moving trajectory on the sphere. To be able to do this in real time I have implemented some simple optimizations, such as only updating the scatter3 object each frame. But the code is a bit messy, making it hard to add additional features that I want, so I would like improve code separation.
I also feel like it might sometimes be useful to return some kind of plot object from a function without displaying it, for example to combine it with other plots in a nice modular way.
An example of what I have in mind would be something like this:
function frames = spherePlot(solution, options)
% Initialize sphere mesh and scatter objects, configure properties.
% Configure axes, maybe figure as well.
% Draw sphere.
if options.display
% Display figure.
for step = 1:solution.length
% Update scatter object, redraw, save frame.
% The frames are saved for use with 'movie' or 'VideoWriter'.
Each step might also be separated out as a function.
So, what is a neat and proper way to do stuff like this? All documentation seems to assume that one wants to display everything right away.
For example
% some sample data
N = 100;
phi = linspace(-pi, pi, N);
theta = linspace(-pi, pi, N);
f = #(phi, theta) [sin(phi).*cos(theta); sin(phi).*sin(theta); cos(phi)];
data = f(phi, theta);
% init plot
figure(1); clf
plot3(data(1,:), data(2,:), data(3,:)); % plot path, not updated
hold on
p = plot3([0 data(1,1)], [0 data(2,1)], [0 data(3,1)]); % save handle to graphics objects to update
s = scatter3(data(1,1), data(2,1), data(3,1), 'filled');
axis equal
xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); zlabel('z');
t = title('first frame'); % also store handle for title or labels to update during animation
% now animate the figure
for k = 1:N
p.XData = [0 data(1,k)]; % update line data
p.YData = [0 data(2,k)];
p.ZData = [0 data(3,k)];
s.XData = data(1,k); % update scatter data
s.YData = data(2,k);
s.ZData = data(3,k);
t.String = sprintf('frame %i', k); % update title
drawnow % update figure
Basically you can update all values for a graphics handle, in this case 'p' and 's'. If you open the matlab doc for plot or plot3 you will find a link to all properties of that primitive: e.g. Line Properties. Similar documentation pages exist for scatter/imagesc etc.
So the general idea is to first create a figure with the first frame, save the handles to the objects you would like to update (p = plot(...), and then enter a loop in which you update the required property of that graphics object (e.g. p.Color = 'r', or p.XData = ...).

How to continuously update 2 plots and plotted Camera in same figure (MATLAB)

My goal is to continuously plot the position & orientation of camera relative to marker using MATLAB.
There are three thing to plot.(1)camera (2)all circle points (3)origin point '*'
Both the camera and points will be moving in each frame.I plotted all these three things in a static figure i.e. using hold on. as shown in the attached figure.
Now i want to plot them all continuously (real time) in the same figure as the values change.Till now i have only been able to dynamically update only one of these things i.e. the circular points for some random values. If I add another plot ,it conflicts.Can you please tell me how to update multiple plots in same figure and the plotCamera.
hF = figure;
hAx = gca;
x_o=im_pt_2world(1,1); y_o=im_pt_2world(1,2); %origin of the calibrated world points
x_ip=im_pt_2world(:,1); y_ip=im_pt_2world(:,2);
hpoints = plot3(x_ip, y_ip,zeros(size(im_pt_2world, 1),1),'ro');
% I added the "ishandle" so the program will end in case u closed the figure
while (1) & ishandle(hpoints)
%instead of using plot I directly change the data in the line
% this is faster the plot if only because you don't need to reedefine the limits and labels...
x_ip=im_pt_2world(:,1); y_ip=im_pt_2world(:,2);
drawnow %updates the display
The plotCamera function (Computer Vision System Toolbox) returns a handle to the graphical object, which you can manipulate programmatically. Changing the object's properties, such as Location and Orientation will move the camera in the plot. The help example for plotCamera shows how to make the camera fly in a circle:
% Plot a camera pointing along the Y-axis
R = [1 0 0;
0 0 -1;
0 1 0];
% Setting opacity of the camera to zero for faster animation.
cam = plotCamera('Location', [10 0 20], 'Orientation', R, 'Opacity', 0);
% Set view properties
grid on
axis equal
axis manual
% Make the space large enough for the animation.
xlim([-15, 20]);
ylim([-15, 20]);
zlim([15, 25]);
% Make the camera fly in a circle
for theta = 0:pi/64:10*pi
% Rotation about cameras y-axis
T = [cos(theta) 0 sin(theta);
0 1 0;
-sin(theta) 0 cos(theta)];
cam.Orientation = T * R;
cam.Location = [10 * cos(theta), 10 * sin(theta), 20];
If you really want to have fun with this, you can supply a function handle to be called when you click on the camera. For example, the function can display the image that the camera sees.

MATLAB keeps updating the wrong plot

I'm really hoping this isn't some stupid little thing I'm missing, but I've been trying to figure this thing out for a couple hours now and haven't made any progress. Basically, I've created a figure with 3 subplots. For neatness, I made a function out of setting up the plots, then I made another function that constantly updates the plot with real time data.
The problem is, in the real time update function, the third subplot works perfectly fine, but now I want my second subplot to also real-time update, which I have not gotten done yet. For some reason, whenever I put in my code to access the 2nd plot, it keeps updating the 3rd plot and writing right over it! Meanwhile, the second plot stays in it's initial state...
Here is the code...I've looked over it a billion times so I'm at a loss at this point, I don't know what else to I said really hoping it isn't something dumb lol...thanks a bunch =).
EDIT: The part that's going wrong starts where it says "%refresh plot
Real Time Plot Function
function [ ] = EndoSliceViewerJP( Naviparam, DICOMparam)
%RGBparam should be included later - add +1 to nargin values
%1st: RGB camera Live view
%2nd: Orientation and Position of Navigation System
%3rd: DICOM Slice relative to navigated Endoscope in a and its orientation
%in a Slice perpendicular to the endoscope
%assumes Navigation system running with referenced tool (Naviparam.tool=4 or Naviparam.tool=5)
%currently this plots slices according to Endoscope position, could add
%vector in plot that shows orientation of the scope...
disp('Endo Slice Viewer');
disp('" ": exit on space key');
global kpressed;
kpressed = 0;
global Fig
set(Fig.fig,'KeyPressFcn','global kpressed; global Fig; kpressed = get(Fig.fig,''CurrentChar'');');
%create matrices and filter for smoothing of Endo Slice Data
gfilt = fspecial('gaussian',5,1.5);
depth = 50;
exitflag = 0;
while (exitflag == 0)
%check on keyboard input
if kpressed ~= 0
switch kpressed
case 'r'
case 'f'
case ' '
exitflag = 1;
disp('**** Exit Endo Slice Viewer ****')
kpressed = 0;
if (nargin>=1) %Naviparam is passed - update Navigation View
%capture new navigation data
%refreshN avigation View
if (nargin==2) %DICOMparam is also passed - update EndoSlice View
S=[DICOMparam.Sx; DICOMparam.Sy; DICOMparam.Sz];
DICOMPos = DICOMparam.calib.navi2dicom*[;1];
for i=1:3
%Point on Plane defined by Endo Position plus distance*Viewing direction vector
%limit positions to integer values inside DICOM data cube
%create mask to set Points outside the data cube to 0
%access data cube via indexed labelling
XposTemp=PosVec(:,:,1); YposTemp=PosVec(:,:,2); ZposTemp=PosVec(:,:,3);
indexTemp=sub2ind(size(DICOMparam.Vd), XposTemp(:), YposTemp(:),ZposTemp(:));
%refresh plot
set(Fig.sub3im, 'cdata', SLimage);
hold on;
hold off;
%RGBparam is always passed - update RGB camera View
%capture new RGB data
%refresh RGB camera View
%set(Fig.sub1im, 'CData', imresize(handles.RGBparam.image,[Fig.resolEndoRGB(1) Fig.resolEndoRGB(2)]));
clear global;
And here is my function setting up the plot
function [Fig] = EndoSliceViewer_createFigure(Figindex)
%This function creates and returns a Figure object to visualizes DICOM data
%in the plane orthogonal to the endoscopic view, the RGB view of the camera
%and the orientation of the navigation
%set resolution for Endo Slice Plot
Fig.resolEndoRGB=[720 1280];
Fig.resolEndoNavi=[500 500 500];
%init figure on screen
Fig.fig=figure(Figindex); gcf;
set(Fig.fig,'Position',[50 500 1500 500],'Name','Endo Slice Viewer');
%set(Fig.fig,'KeyPressFcn','global kpressed; global Fig; kpressed = get(Fig.fig,''CurrentChar'');');
Fig.sub1im=image(uint8(zeros(Fig.resolEndoRGB(1), Fig.resolEndoRGB(2),3)));
title('Endo Camera View');
daspect([1 1 1]);
title('Navigation View');
xlim([-0.2*Fig.resolEndoNavi(1), 1.2*Fig.resolEndoNavi(1)]);
ylim([-0.2*Fig.resolEndoNavi(2), 1.2*Fig.resolEndoNavi(2)]);
zlim([-0.2*Fig.resolEndoNavi(3), 1.2*Fig.resolEndoNavi(3)]);
xlabel('X [vox]');
ylabel('Y [vox]');
zlabel('Z [vox]');
daspect([1 1 1]);
Fig.sub3im=imagesc(zeros(Fig.resolEndoSlice, Fig.resolEndoSlice));
title('Endo Slice View');
xlim([0 Fig.resolEndoSlice]);
ylim([0 Fig.resolEndoSlice]);
xlabel('Xendo [vox]');
ylabel('Yendo [vox]');
daspect([1 1 1]);
colormap bone
%potentially: add subplot for navigation position display later
You need to set your second subplot as the current axes before plotting anything in it. You can use axes(Fig.sub2) before the plotting command.

How to make a smooth rotation of a 3D plot in MATLAB?

If I try to rotate camera around my current figure with plot3 using
while true; camorbit(0.9,-0.1); drawnow; end
then the rotation periodically hangs for a while (example) even on 8-core MacPro.
Can I make it smooth?
While there is no solution for my original question yet, I've managed to make a better movie with getframe function. It doesn't allow recording free-hand rotation, though, and is quite buggy in MATLAB2010b for Mac.
%# fix wrong figure position in MATLAB2010b for Mac - depends on your layout
correctedPosition = get(gcf,'Position') + [21 -125 0 0];
fps = 60; sec = 10;
vidObj = VideoWriter('newfile.avi');
vidObj.Quality = 100;
vidObj.FrameRate = fps;
for i=1:fps*sec
writeVideo(vidObj,getframe(gcf, correctedPosition));
I created a similar thread at MATLAB Central.
You can try it yourself downloading one of my figures.
I would say it's the large number of points you are drawing that's causing the slowdown. One option is to downsample.. Also you could use lower-level functions to draw (check this related post for a comparison of plot3/scatter3/line performance).
Consider the animation below optimized for speed:
[X Y Z] = sphere(64);
X = X(:); Y = Y(:); Z = Z(:);
%# set-up figure
hFig = figure('Backingstore','off', 'renderer','zbuffer');
%# use lower-level function LINE
line(0.50*[X,X], 0.50*[Y,Y], 0.50*[Z,Z], 'LineStyle','none', 'Marker','.', 'MarkerSize',1, 'Color','r')
line(0.75*[X,X], 0.75*[Y,Y], 0.75*[Z,Z], 'LineStyle','none', 'Marker','.', 'MarkerSize',1, 'Color','g')
line(1.00*[X,X], 1.00*[Y,Y], 1.00*[Z,Z], 'LineStyle','none', 'Marker','.', 'MarkerSize',1, 'Color','b')
%# freeze the aspect ratio to override stretch-to-fill behaviour
axis vis3d
%# fix the axes limits manually
%#set(gca, 'xlim',[-1 1], 'ylim',[-1 1], 'zlim',[-1 1])
axis manual
%# maybe even remove the tick labels
%set(gca, 'xticklabel',[], 'yticklabel',[], 'zticklabel',[])
%# animate (until figure is closed)
while ishandle(hFig); camorbit(0.9,-0.1); drawnow; end
Note how we are using the Z-buffer renderer, and turned off the Backingstore property.
If I understood correctly, what you are trying to do is to record a screencast (using a 3rd-party app), while you manually rotate the figure, but in your case these manual rotations are "jumpy". On the other animating your figure with CAMORBIT/VIEW in a while-loop is running smooth...
I propose an alternative solution: start by rotating the figure using the mouse and write these view configurations at each step (azimuth,elevation). Then you can replay them using the VIEW function while recording the video, something like:
v = [...]; %# matrix where each row specify Az/El of view
for i=1:size(v,1)
view( v(i,:) )
The downside is that you will have to press/rotate/release using the mouse in small steps (the ROTATE3D object does not expose a mouse-motion event)
I wrote a simple function to help you in this process. It loads the saved figure, enable 3d-rotation, and keeps track of the intermediate position at each step. Once finished, press the "Done" button to return the list of views...
function v = rotationDemo(figFileName)
views = []; %# list of views (Az,El)
hFig = hgload(figFileName); %# load the saved figure
views(1,:) = get(gca,'View'); %# store initial view
%# add a button, used to terminate the process
hButton = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton', 'Position',[400 1 80 20], ...
'String','Done?', 'Callback',#buttonCallback);
set(hFig, 'Toolbar','figure') %# restore toolbar
%# start 3d rotation, and handle post-callback to record intermediate views
h = rotate3d(hFig); %# get rotation object
set(h, 'ActionPostCallback',#rotateCallback)
set(h, 'Enable','on') %# enable rotation
msgbox('Rotate the view step-by-step', 'rotate3d', 'warn', 'modal')
uiwait(hFig) %# wait for user to click button
delete(hButton) %# delete button on finish
set(h, 'Enable','off') %# disable rotation
v = round(views); %# return the list of views
%# callback functions
function rotateCallback(o,e)
views(end+1,:) = get(e.Axes,'View'); %# add current view to list
function buttonCallback(o,e)
uiresume(gcbf) %# uiresume(hFig)
You can call the above function, then replay the animation:
v = rotationDemo('smooth_rotation.fig');
for i=1:size(v,1)
We can smooth the transitions by simple interpolation:
v = rotationDemo('smooth_rotation.fig');
n = size(v,1);
nn = linspace(1,n,100)'; %'# use 100 steps
vv = round( [interp1(v(:,1),nn) interp1(v(:,2),nn)] );
for i=1:size(vv,1)
DRAWNOW %# or PAUSE(..) to slow it down
As a side note, I should mention that ROTATE3D and CAMORBIT have different effects. ROTATE3D changes the View property of the current axis, while CAMORBIT controls the camera properties CameraTarget/CameraPosition/CameraUpVector of the current axis.
I recognize the same jerking movements that you are talking about on a regular MATLAB Figure. But when I tried running the Amro's code, created a movie (*.AVI), it looks smooth on my Mac notebook also.
The movie making code that I used is the following:
% Added the 'Visible' property of the figure 'off' while making a movie (although I am not exactly certain if this will make the situation better) like so:
hFig = figure('Backingstore','off','visible','off','renderer','zbuffer');
% Then, I replaced Amro's while-loop with a simple AVI production loop, as follows:
aviobj=avifile('test.avi'); %creates AVI file
for I=1:360
camorbit(0.9,-0.1); drawnow;
aviobj=addframe(aviobj,hFig); %adds frames to the AVI file
aviobj=close(aviobj); %closes AVI file
close(hFig); %close hFig
Would it help to decimate some points or to create a density map before rendering the figure?
[Ref. on various Rendering Options: ]
I hope the comments above would be of any help.
I don't know if this will help your issue, but for some reason, I've had better success with pause(0.001) than drawnow to force an update of the graphics window
You might also see if rotate3d is faster.
The number of cores doesn't matter as much as you think, as many functions in matlab do not support multi-threading.
A workaround would be to proceed as you are now, but write the figure window to a movie file. Then you can play back the movie.

matlab: how to plot multidimensional array

Let's say I have 9 MxN black and white images that are in some way related to one another (i.e. time lapse of some event). What is a way that I can display all of these images on one surface plot?
Assume the MxN matrices only contain 0's and 1's. Assume the images simply contain white lines on a black background (i.e. pixel value == 1 if that pixel is part of a line, 0 otherwise). Assume images are ordered in such a way as to suggest movement progression of line(s) in subsequent images. I want to be able to see a "side-view" (or volumetric representation) of these images which will show the surface that a particular line "carves out" in its movement across the images.
Coding is done in MATLAB. I have looked at plot (but it only does 2D plots) and surf, which does 3D plots but doesn't work for my MxNx9 matrix of images. I have also tried to experiment with contourslice, but not sure what parameters to pass it.
Are these images black and white with simple features on a "blank" field, or greyscale, with more dense information?
I can see a couple of approaches.
You can use movie() to display a sequence of images as an animation.
For a static view of sparse, simple data, you could plot each image as a separate layer in a single figure, giving each layer a different color for the foreground, and using AlphaData to make the background transparent so all the steps in the sequenc show through. The gradient of colors corresponds to position in the image sequence. Here's an example.
function plotImageSequence
% Made-up test data
nLayers = 9;
x = zeros(100,100,nLayers);
for i = 1:nLayers
x(20+(3*i),:,i) = 1;
% Plot each image as a "layer", indicated by color
hold on;
for i = 1:nLayers
layerData = x(:,:,i);
alphaMask = layerData == 1;
layerData(logical(layerData)) = i; % So each layer gets its own color
hold off
Directly showing the path of movement a "line" carves out is hard with raster data, because Matlab won't know which "moved" pixels in two subsequent images are associated with each other. Don't suppose you have underlying vector data for the geometric features in the images? Plot3() might allow you to show their movement, with time as the z axis. Or you could use the regular plot() and some manual fiddling to plot the paths of all the control points or vertexes in the geometric features.
EDIT: Here's a variation that uses patch() to draw each pixel as a little polygon floating in space at the Z level of its index in the image sequence. I think this will look more like the "surface" style plots you are asking for. You could fiddle with the FaceAlpha property to make dense plots more legible.
function plotImageSequencePatch
% Made-up test data
nLayers = 6;
sz = [50 50];
img = zeros(sz(1),sz(2),nLayers);
for i = 1:nLayers
img(20+(3*i),:,i) = 1;
% Plot each image as a "layer", indicated by color
% With each "pixel" as a separate patch
set(gca, 'XLim', [0 sz(1)]);
set(gca, 'YLim', [0 sz(2)]);
hold on;
for i = 1:nLayers
layerData = img(:,:,i);
[x,y] = find(layerData); % X,Y of all pixels
% Reshape in to patch outline
x = x';
y = y';
patch_x = [x; x+1; x+1; x];
patch_y = [y; y; y+1; y+1];
patch_z = repmat(i, size(patch_x));
patch(patch_x, patch_y, patch_z, i);
hold off