Flutter Animated List: Conditionally add ListView item - flutter

I am have an animated list in my flutter project.
For every element in that list I have a grid of buttons that are placed dynamically from a Firestore stream. Sometimes that will come back with 10 items in the grid but other times that will comeback with 0 items.
When a button on the grid in a list element is pushed it will search firestore and create a new grid of buttons in the next list element below.
The problem that I have is when it comes back with 0 grid buttons I don't want it to create a new list element (an empty list element with no grid buttons). I tried returning a container with 0 size as a work around but animated list still gives it some height so you can see there is a problem. I also understand that this would be bad practice as you have non visible empty list elements in the list.
I start with a list of foods as strings:
List foodListGrids = ['breads','drinks']
I then have an animated list:
shrinkWrap: true,
physics: NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(),
key: _FoodandDrinkKey,
initialItemCount: foodListGrids.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index, animation) {
return SizeTransition(
sizeFactor: animation,
child: buildButtonGridItemsMenu(index),
I set the AnimatedList size to the length of the foods list.
I set the child of the Animated List to a class that searches firebase and returns a card with the grid of buttons on it like this:
stream: Firestore.instance
.where(widget.relationship, isEqualTo: widget.searchString)
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot snapshot) {
if (!snapshot.hasData) {
return Container(width: 0, height: 0,);
} else if (snapshot.hasData) {
List<Widget> widgetList = [];
List<DocumentSnapshot> documentList = snapshot.data.documents;
if (documentList.length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < documentList.length; i++) {
minWidth: 16,
height: 30,
child: GridButton(snapshot, i, widget.listIndex),
return Container(
width: double.infinity,
child: Wrap(
children: widgetList,
alignment: WrapAlignment.center,
} else{
} else {
then in the on pressed method for each grid button I add a new list element like this:
void _insertCategoryGridItem(String id, int index) {
if (!foodListGrids.contains(id)) {
_FoodandDrinkKey.currentState.insertItem(index + 1);
The problem is a chicken or the egg problem I will try to show below:
List item is generated from the index 0 in the food list and all stream data is if from food list index 0 firebase results.
On pressed for a grid item in the first list row is pressed to add a new list row with a new set of grid items. This will then update the food list array and the call for the list to add new row of grid buttons. The issue is because this is in the onpressed for the first rows grid there is no knowledge of what will be returned for the next row so there is no way of knowing if it will return a grid of size 0 in the next list row in the current way it is setup.
I have tried returning null, container of 0 width and height but have had no luck. I am not sure what I can do to fix it.
Thanks for your help

I'm not sure if I get you right but seems that I faced the same problem with AnimatedList and stream of data from the Firestore. The problem is in initialItemCount: property of the AnimatedList.
In my case I wanted to change AnimtedList in two ways:
I wanted to manually add an item and to show it with animation.
I want that if the list is changed due to a new portion of data from the stream - I want the list to be updated without animation of inserting and without errors (out of range).
To solve this I did a dirty hack: when there is an update from the stream I reinit the key of the list, in your case it's _FoodandDrinkKey. So BEFORE you build the AnmatedList just reinit your key _listKeyUserNotes = GlobalKey(); that's how the List will "forget" about it's initialItemCount and will render a new data without any out-of-range errors.
When you want to add a new item manually with animation - use insert().
key: _FoodandDrinkKey,
initialItemCount: foodListGrids.length,
Hope this makes sense.


Can I get a logic/code for highlighting the desired value in the list view builder in flutter

Can I get a logic/code for highlighting just the selected value from this list view which is inside a container and it is scrollable also that the axis is set to Horizontal.
I have used a list view builder to align the same and also generated the list of numbers.
Please check the sample image of the widget attached.
It's hard to tell you exactly how to do it without any code examples, and I'm also not sure what you mean by selected. Is that already decided before building the list, or is it decided when the user selects from the list?
If it is already decided, you can pass a value from the parent component that tells the list to highlight a certain value.
If a user is selecting the value to highlight, you can use a combination of setState and onTap with GestureDetector. Here's a potential rough skeleton:
int selectedIndex?;
itemCount: litems.length,
itemBuilder: (BuildContext ctx, int index) {
return GestureDetector(
onTap: () {
setState(() {
selectedIndex = index;
child: Container(
backgroundColor: selectedIndex == index ? highlightedColor : undefined;
child: {{child content}}

Flutter - what is the best way to load 10,000 more of the list of sentences from json file

I have a json file which have more than 10,000 list of sentences. I want to know what is the effective way when I click a button, it will redirect to a page and load the list of 10,000 sentences without slowing the performance or crash the memory.
Below are the sample of my code:
class _PageLoadState extends State<PageLoadState> {
Future<BookModel> getSentencesList() async {
final response = await rootBundle.loadString('assets/books.json');
var data = jsonDecode(response);
return BookModel.fromJson(data);
// This is the body section
child: FutureBuilder<BookModel>(
future: getSentencesList(),
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (snapshot.hasData) {
return ListView.builder(
itemCount: snapshot.data.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) => Wrap(
children: [
padding: EdgeInsets.all(18.0),
child: Text(
You can use lazy loading. Ex. You will just load 100 sentences and when the user scrolls and hits the bottom of the screen you will increment it by +100 and so on.
you can check this:
you can use the pagination for this. that easy to load a huge amount of list.
using pagination you can load the list as per requirements for example: first, you need to load only 100 items of a list, and when the user scrolls over the 100 items you can load more ,100 items.
and for that, you can use:- loadmore package
you can see the following example as a reference.

Can I Change the data of a single particular item of a Listview.builder, Without losing the previous data for the other items In Flutter

Let me Explain,
Suppose I have a Listview.builder with 3 item
and I Want to change the data of item no.2 without changing the other items data(1 and 3).
And I have two data sources for updating on those 3 items
according to button press.
Please Help me if you have any idea to solve this problem.
Thank You
Welcome #Rahul Choudhury!
ListView.builder has the property itemBuilder who accepts the index argument.
You can use that one!
final items = List<String>.generate(3, (i) => "Item $i");
const int specialIndex = 1;
return ListView.builder(
itemCount: items.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
if (specialIndex == index){
//Use here your custom amazing widget
return const ListTile(
title: Text("Flutter is awesome"),
}else {
return ListTile(
title: Text(items[index]),
Obviously, I suggest you to refactor this code as you like, but I wanted to give you an idea ;)

How to get the index number on scroll for listview in flutter?

I am using below code for the listview builder in flutter application I need to get the index of the item in the list upon scrolling. Just Like function of onPageChanged:(){} while using PageView.Builder
return ListView.builder(
itemCount: posts.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
final item = posts[index];
return Post(index: index, title: 'Test', imageUrl: 'https://www.google.com',);
How can I get that?
There is no such easy way to do this, but you can use VisibilityDetector from visibility_detector package:
You can get the index of the last list item that is completely visible on screen by wrapping each list item with a VisibilityDetector.
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
return VisibilityDetector(
key: Key(index.toString()),
onVisibilityChanged: (VisibilityInfo info) {
if (info.visibleFraction == 1)
setState(() {
_currentItem = index;
child: Post(index: index, title: 'Test', imageUrl: 'https://www.google.com',)
_currentItem is a variable in the main widget's state that stores the index of the last visible item:
int _currentItem = 0;
Note: This is based on scroll direction, i.e., the last visible item's index equals to the index of the last item that is visible after the scroll; if the scroll is in forward direction, it is the index of the item on bottom of the screen, but if the scroll is in reverse direction, it is the index of the item on top of the screen. This logic can be easily changed though (e.g., using a queue to store the total visible items).

How to add items to a Row object at runtime in Flutter?

The most amazing part of Flutter is that every widget is an object. But, when I try to make an object from a Row and add a List of widgets to its children, I get this error on runtime:
Cannot add to an unmodifiable list
I'm currently creating my Row like this:
Row rowStar = Row();
Is this wrong? If so, what's the correct way?
1. Why it won't work
If all you want to do is add a list to a Row, you should create the list and then initialize the Row with it. You cannot add the list afterwards because Flutter's widgets typically have final fields/properties, which are not modifiable at runtime.
2. The Flutter Way
However, what you could do to dynamically modify the list is pass a function that builds your list internally at runtime. And that's exactly what the ListView.builder() constructor of ListView does.
For example, this the docs example for dynamically creating a List of Containers based on the the Lists entries and colorCodes.
final List<String> entries = <String>['A', 'B', 'C'];
final List<int> colorCodes = <int>[600, 500, 100];
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8),
itemCount: entries.length,
itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
return Container(
height: 50,
color: Colors.amber[colorCodes[index]],
child: Center(child: Text('Entry ${entries[index]}')),
You could add a button to .add, say, the letter D and the colorCode 400, to the respective Lists, and Flutter would render the respective Containers dynamically on the screen.
I'm not sure if I get it right, but what you're trying to do doesn't make sense. If you want to reuse a Row with widgets and information you can just build it once and save the whole thing as widget.
Try it like this:
Build a Row.
Create widgets for your children.
Display them as widgets of the row.
children: <Widget>[
Your custom widgets are the content of the Row then.
Hope it helps.
In my case, I can make a Row from a previously created List<Widget>:
Row calculateListOfStars(ranking) {
final List<Widget> rowList = [];
// make my custom widget
final Row rowStars = Row(
children: rowList,
return rowStars;
Use Listview:
children: rowStar((data) {
return ListTile();