Spring data inject repository without explicit type - spring-data

I have a service that needs to use Neo4jRepository (regular repository provider by spring data).
public class SomeServiceBean<T>{
private Neo4jRepository<T,Long> Neo4jRepository;
This class will generate en error:
expected single matching bean but found 2: systemUserRepository,systemClaimRepository
The problem is that systemClaimRepository and systemUserRepository is extending Neo4jRepository<T,Long> as a bean without implementation.
Spring see systemClaimRepository and systemUserRepository as Neo4jRepository<T,Long> because they are extending it.
Is there anyway to inject Neo4jRepository<T,Long>?

No how should this work?
You have two beans that match the interface and Spring does not know which implementation to inject.


How to register custom Querydsl EntityPathResolver with Spring Data MongoRepositoryFactory?

I am using the Querydsl extension (QueryDslPredicateExecutor) to my CrudRepository.
To reliably exclude the generated Q classes from my test coverage measurements, they are generated into a dedicated querydsl subpackage of the respective domain classes (annotation processor option -Aquerydsl.packageSuffix=.querydsl).
Alas, this causes a ClassNotFoundException at application start up:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Did not find a query class org.example.QDomain for domain class org.example.Domain!
at org.springframework.data.querydsl.SimpleEntityPathResolver.createPath(SimpleEntityPathResolver.java:63)
at org.springframework.data.mongodb.repository.support.QueryDslMongoRepository.<init>(QueryDslMongoRepository.java:85)
at org.springframework.data.mongodb.repository.support.QueryDslMongoRepository.<init>(QueryDslMongoRepository.java:67)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.example.QDomain
I have already located the EntityPathResolver interface that supposedly would allow me to plug in my own domain class to Q class mapping that inserts the .querydsl package suffix, but I haven’t found a way to configure Spring Data’s MongoRepositoryFactory to pick my own EntityPathResolver.
Is this possible?
Currently, the only way is to create your own variant of the MongoRepositoryFactory because the instance of the EntityPathResolver is hard-wired into it.

Issues with CDI when injecting generic type : Wildfly 8.2.0.Final

We are facing weird injection issues in Widfly due to CDI changes. We have interface
public interface Command<I, O> {
and many classes implement this interface like this
public class ApproveUserRequests implements Command<ApproveUserRequestsRequest, List<String>> {
Application listener classes likes to get list of all classes available and uses injection like this
private Instance<Command<I, O>> mActions;
However instance returned by mActions were always null. After debugging source found that the only way to get list of all instances is to use
private Instance<Command<?, ?>> mActions;
Also we faced injection issues while using generic types , however using wildcard type helped us.
- See more at: https://developer.jboss.org/thread/256783#sthash.1s6tuXsR.dpuf
The rules for parameterized types have been clarified in CDI 1.2. Have look at Section 5.2.4 Assignability of raw and parameterized types of the spec.

spring data solr showcase

I am trying to understand the spring data solr showcase project.
After spending quite a bit of time, I could not find how the productRepository is implemented and injected in https://github.com/christophstrobl/spring-data-solr-showcase/blob/master/src/main/java/org/springframework/data/solr/showcase/product/ProductServiceImpl.java
#Service class ProductServiceImpl implements ProductService {
private static final Pattern IGNORED_CHARS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\p{Punct}");
private ProductRepository productRepository;
public void setProductRepository(ProductRepository productRepository) {
this.productRepository = productRepository;
The ProductRepository is defined as interface (https://github.com/christophstrobl/spring-data-solr-showcase/blob/master/src/main/java/org/springframework/data/solr/showcase/product/ProductRepository.java) and I did not find any code implementing this interface
interface ProductRepository extends SolrCrudRepository<Product, String> {
#Highlight(prefix = "<b>", postfix = "</b>")
#Query(fields = { SearchableProductDefinition.ID_FIELD_NAME,
SearchableProductDefinition.AVAILABLE_FIELD_NAME },
defaultOperator = Operator.AND)
HighlightPage<Product> findByNameIn(Collection<String> names, Pageable page);
#Facet(fields = { SearchableProductDefinition.NAME_FIELD_NAME })
FacetPage<Product> findByNameStartsWith(Collection<String> nameFragments, Pageable pagebale);
Below is how the spring context is configured:
If anyone could point me to the direction where this interface is implemented and injected, that would be great.
The showcase makes use of Spring Data repository abstractions using query derivation from method name. So the infrastructure provided by Spring Data and the Solr module take care of creating the required implementations for you. Please have a look at the Reference Documentation for a more detailed explanation.
The showcase itself is built in a way that allows you to step through several stages of development by having a look at the diffs transitioning from one step to the other. So having a look at Step 2 shows how to make use of Custom Repository Implementation, while Step 4 demonstractes how to enable Highlighting using #Highlight.
The goal of Spring Data is to reduce the amount of boilerplate coding (means to reduce repetition of code).
For the basic methods like save,find the implementation will provide by spring and spring will create beans(Objetcs) for these interfaces. To tell the spring that these are my repositories inside this package, we are writing #EnableJpaRepositories(basePackeges="com.spring.repositories") or <jpa:repositories base-package="com.acme.repositories"/> for JPA repositories
Foring solr repositores we have to write #EnableSolrRepositories(basePackages="com.spring.repositories" or <solr:repositories base-package="com.acme.repositories" /> Spring will create objetcs for these interfaces, we can inject these interface objetcs using #Autowire annotation.
Pulic class SomeService{
private SampleRepository;
/* #postConstruct annotation is used to execute method just after creating bean
and injecting all dependencies by spring*/
public void postConstruct(){
System.out.println("SampleRepository implementation class name"+ SampleRepository.getClass());
The above example is to see the implementation class of SampleRepository interface (This class is not user defined, it is class given by spring).
For reference documentation link http://docs.spring.io/spring-data/solr/docs/2.0.2.RELEASE/reference/html/. Try to read this simple documentation you can get more knowlede on spring-data.

CDI Bean-Injection failed at Hazelcast map-store class

I'm using JBoss AS 7.1 and leveraging Contexts and Dependency Injection. There is no spring involved here.
My question is how can i inject a dependency into a hazelcast MapStore implementation? Might there be a programmatic way? Any help is appreciated.
For instance
public class ClientRepositoryCache implements MapStore<Integer, ClientItem> {
ClientRepository repository;
public ClientItem load(Integer clientNumber) {
return repository.getClientById(clientNumber);
At the moment Hazelcast supports dependency injection using only Spring. Instead you can use MapStoreFactory which gives ability to create your own MapStore instance.
See a related Hazelcast group post;
MapStore/MapLoader configuration
To integrate with Guice, for example, you can supply the name of a singleton MapStoreFactory implementation that is statically injected with enough information to implement newMapStore(String name, Properties properties) with Injector-aware logic.
If you use programmatic configuration, as I do, you can avoid the static injection by passing an already-injected factory to MapStoreConfig.setFactoryImplementation.
-Tim Peierls-
See also MapStoreFactory and MapStoreConfig javadocs.
This works very well! Integration with CDI done with a CDI Extension.

cannot find my bean using the InitialContext.lookup() method

I have tried to use struts 1.3 API to make a small application with EJB 3.0. Unfortunatelly i cannot use the #EJB annotation to call my bean object from inside my action class. I have solved this problem using different workarounds ( the first one is to use my global jndi name of my bean and the other is to call another class first and use the #EJB annotation from that class). Still these two workarounds have significant disadvantages. I would like to call my EJB directly from my action class. I have read plenty examples using the "java:comp/env/beanName" JNDI name but still haven't figure out how to do it and get name not found axception.
Let the full name of the local EJB class be the com.ejb.myEjbPackage.MyEJBLocal, how can i call it using the context lookup? (can i do it without modifying any of the web.xml and sun-web.xml descriptors?)
I am using glassfish server and Netbeans IDE.
Thank you in advance
#EJB won't work in a standard pojo it can only be done in a managed object (i.e. another session bean)
Here's your bean
public class beanName implements beanNameRemote {
Here's your lookup
Context context = new InitialContext(); //default lookup pulls from jndi properties file
You can do some further reading on the mappedName to see if you want to use it or not.
I found the answer :
If you cannot use the EJB annotation in the class you want to call the bean then :
If you don't want to mess with XML descriptors to define your bean , you have to do it in the bean class itself.
Hence i used the following annotation in the GameBean class
public class GameBean implements GameBeanLocal {.....
The beanName is optional. The annotation must be declared in the line ABOVE the declaration of the class.
Then, in order to call the bean from the other class you can do
InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();