scheduled builds never trigger in azure devops pipeline - azure-devops

I have the following configuration in my open source project hosted on GitHub:
- cron: "0 0 * * *"
displayName: Daily build
always: true
- master
my azure org is My project is open source and using the free tier.
The schedule doesn't appear to have any effect; no scheduled build shows up in the list of builds.
The documentation for build triggers has a troubleshooting section that doesn't have any useful information on why a scheduled build wasn't scheduled. It's not even clear if the syntax is correct as there is no UI to indicate whether the pipeline has picked up the schedule. The config is sufficient that pushes to the repo and PRs do trigger successful builds.
This question sounds similar, but with the notable difference that I've never had a single scheduled build ever run, so it's not an intermittent problem:
Azure DevOps build pipeline unreliable triggering by schedule
Someone else appears to be having the same problem and filed a GH issue over here, but since that was a doc issue tracker it got closed:
How can I get my scheduled build to actually run?

Try to Use the following just replace double quote " with the single quote '
- cron: '0 0 * * *'
displayName: Daily build
- master
always: true

A contributor just provided a method, which I think might help you.When you first start building your pipeline with github repo, it will not trigger the schedule trigger. You need to modify the yaml file. After the modification, the schedule build should be triggered normally.
The second scenario is: there are two contributors that all use the repo on the same github to build the pipeline. One contributor's build pipeline can't trigger the schedule build, and another contributor's can trigger the schedule build normally. Their solution is: in the pipeline that can trigger the schedule build, run the schedule build again. At this time, the pipeline that can't trigger the schedule build also shows this running schedule build. After that, he can trigger the schedule build normally. So I suggest that you can try to build a pipeline with the same github repo in another project or organization. If the pipelien can trigger the schedule build normally, then you can use my method to restore the pipeline that cannot trigger the schedule build.
In addition, I think your yaml statement is no problem, I tested it with the same statement, it can trigger schedule build normally.
I suggest that you can set the trigger time to be shorter, which is convenient for testing.For example:This setting is to trigger the schedule build every minute.
I also saw that you are here to discuss with contributors with the same problem, I will also continue to pay attention to this issue.
Hope this helps.


Using CI triggers and PR build validation together: Prevent that build runs twice

I want to use both CI-triggers and PR build validation in Azure DevOps. The goal is that as long as no PR has been created (and published) for a feature/topic-branch, the CI triggers should ensure that the branch gets built (so that developers get early feedback). I configured the following in the Pipeline (yaml):
- chore/*
- feature/*
- fix/*
- refactor/*
- frontend/*
This works well. I further configured PR build validation under branch policies. The problem is that two builds are triggered now: the CI build and the PR build. Since we often update PRs multiple times to fix issues found during the code review, building everything twice isn't really what we need.
Is there any way to configure that CI builds are only triggered if there's no PR build for the same push?
This is not possible. They are totally separated triggers not aware of each other.
But you can achiever your result in a slightly different way. If you have branch policy configured and you sleect there a build you can set pr: none in you yaml definiton. It will block PR build, leaving CI build as they are. And this CI build will be considered as condition for you branch policy check.
Selecting this checkbox you will get list of builds which you may select as required
My Ci trigger build
PR view:
If I understand the question correctly add:
trigger: none
In your CI pipeline. This will have the PR kick it off via branch policy. Your CD pipeline will be triggered when the merge into master happens.
If you are using the Azure DevOps Repo, then the PR build is controlled by branch policies, but the CI-trigger (in azure-pipeline.yaml) has nothing to do with this branch policy.
So if you want both build validation for PR and the CI build at the same time, then every time you push your changes to update a PR, duplicate pipeline builds would be unavoidable. It is a side-effect.

Execute a stage in DevOps Release pipeline every night on scheduler

I have an Azure DevOps CI Build and Release pipeline in following setup:
CI Build runs with each new commit in develop branch and creates a Build Drop (Artifact)
Release pipeline runs with each new Artifact and deploys to INT and eventually to PROD (after manual approval)
I would like to add a 3rd stage (called eg. MONITOR) which would run after the PROD release every night using the same drop as the PROD stage used, with following schema:
[Build Drop] -> [INT] -> manual approval: [PROD] -> nightly scheduler: [MONITOR]
This seems to be impossible to me, do you know how to achieve this goal?
Following is crucial for me:
the MONITOR and PROD run always from exactly the same Artifact
MONITOR is executed only if the PROD was successful
if there is a newer PROD release, the old MONITOR is not executed any more and instead the newest one is executed using the newest Artifact which made it to PROD
I tried so far following:
merge develop to master when the commit made it to PROD. And then used scheduled nightly Build from master with MONITOR stage - it works, but MONITOR uses different Artifact than PROD, so not usable for me
used scheduled trigger for MONITOR after PROD - does not work, the MONITOR is executed only once at scheduled time and never again
created extra release pipeline based on specific Artifact version with a scheduled trigger - this works, but I have to maintain the specific Artifact version manually with each successful PROD release. Another caveat is that I have to use 2 separate pipelines which makes the overview not so nice. (but, so far the best solution I achieved)
do you have better ideas? many thanks
What I would do is have 2 separate Release Pipelines.
This allows you to schedule the release without producing a new artifact (scheduled build).
Then, I would do some of what #Soccerjoshj07 suggested in that I would invoke the REST api in a task on the MONITOR pipeline/stage.
I would make the REST api call to the Releases endpoint to get the top=1 releases for releasedefinitionid=x. Then use the Release Environment endpoint to get the PROD environment for that latest release id. With the environment in hand, check the status for succeeded. If not, fail the release.
Edit as per new requirement outlined in comment
Given PROD.1 is succeeded and PROD.2 is failed when MONITOR is triggered, then the artifact from PROD.1 should be used for MONITOR.
With this criteria I would change some things. Rather than have the MONITOR go digging for the latest PROD release and fail if the latest is failed, I would make the successful PROD stage tag its build artifact and employ artifact filters on the Monitor pipeline.
The tagging can occur via the REST api or using the Tag Build or Release Task from Colin's ALM Corner Build & Release Tools and might look like this:
Are you using a YAML template, and if so have you played with the cron schedules?
If using classic Release UI, I think you can have the definition trigger be on a schedule but that would queue the entire definition. You might have to get creative with variables and maybe create 'isScheduled=true' and use that to determine if it should skip tasks.
Other ideas:
Create a logic app or function app that calls the REST API? Sample app and github link here:
The Azure-Devops AZ CLI extension might be easier, though:
Beside setting up two release pipelines, if you want to use scheduled trigger for only one Stage, I am afraid there is no such out of box way to achieve that, scheduled trigger is only for entire pipeline.
As a workaround, you can add a custom condition for the job of MONITOR stage.
For example in yaml:
- stage: MONITOR
- job:
condition: and(always(), eq(variables['Release.Reason'], 'Schedule'))
In UI , you can set this in Run this job of agent job:
In this case, the stage only executed when the release triggered by scheduled trigger. If the release is triggered by other reasons, the MONITOR stage will be skipped .
The limitation of this workaround is that when your pipeline is triggered by a scheduled trigger, two other stages are also executed.
Or write a script with powershell task (in INT/PROD stages) to determine whether Release.Reason is Schedule. If yes , skip the current stage.
For how to obtain the latest artifact version of PROD and determine the deployment status of PROD, you can refer to the two answers above.

How to automatically trigger a build after a PR is completed in Azure DevOps

Is there a way I can set up a build in Azure DevOps to automatically run every time a PR is merged and completed and contains a specific keyword in the name? for example: "Some PR name here [RUN_BUILD_123]"
The reason for this is because I have different builds on top of the same branch so instead of triggering all the builds I just want to trigger those that I know need to be rebuilt based on the particular projects getting changed.
A PR has a target-branch. If you want to trigger a build after a PR is completed just configure a build with a ci-trigger for that target-branch. You can't check for certain keywords in the PR-name unfortunately
Agree with D.J. For detailed setting, you can check the Enable continous intergration option in the Triggers settings, then select the target branch you want ci-trigger build in the Branch filters.This will automatically trigger the build after pr is completed.
But you can't do it if you want to include special keywords in pr name.
Topic is a bit old, but if there is anyone who want's to archive this stumbling over this topic - here is my approach how I would solve this:
The basic of all are scripted pipelines, so if you still do it in the GUI - that's wasted time. Create a .yml build and put it into your Git. The M$ documentation is really helpful with this.
Create the trigger for your branch
Put this on the first line, so the pipeline will be executed when master (or your branch) has a new commit
- master
Read out the commit message via the VSTS variables
Trigger the builds, based on their ID via REST API (you can use the pipeline token for authentication)

In Azure DevOps how can I configure my pipeline so that I could easily trigger it for the source code in a different branch?

We often want to test the first part of our release pipeline using a code from the branch. While I can easily trigger the build from any branch, not so with the release pipeline - I have no idea how to trigger it from anything else other than the branch specified in it.
So far my solution was to temporary clone the pipeline, redirect to another branch and use it while testing. Then delete it.
But I wonder if there is a better way. We use TFS 2018 (on-premises), so no YAML to show here.
This is how our pipeline looks like:
When I click the Source I get:
And the Continuous Deployment Trigger on the Source:
Now clicking the Build Artifact:
And the CD trigger:
The four smoketest5x are the same. They have two tasks (a ps1 script and to publish the test results) and their triggers are:
Finally, the Production stage. Its pre-deployment trigger is the most interesting:
And there is manual approval.
It does not seem possible to provide the branch at release creation time, but maybe I am missing something here?
You can't specify a branch at release time. If you need to do that, create a build pipeline that publishes an artifact, then release a build. You can choose builds versions at deployment time.

Azure DevOps build pipeline unreliable triggering by schedule

I run build pipelines in Azure DevOps to daily update a Dockerfile and rebuild a container image with updated dependencies. The purpose is to have an up-to-date version of a dependency for the project and release a new artifact in container registry.
In Azure DevOps I have three chained build pipelines. The first pipeline is triggered every day with scheduled trigger. The next two pipelines are triggered with CI trigger file path filters. This all works well, most of the times.
My problem is that sometimes the schedule is not triggered at all. This happens after the pipelines have been running normally for days (ranging from about 1 to 15 days). The checkbox "Only schedule builds if the source or pipeline has changed" is unchecked, so having no commits should not be the problem.
Strange thing after this problem situation is that when I login to Azure DevOps portal the scheduled event is immediately triggered and I can see that the latest daily build starts running. I don't need to start it manually, it starts automatically like it would be scheduled but at the time I logged in.
This project is running with the free version of Azure DevOps. The project and pipelines have been created when Azure DevOps was VSTS and the same triggering problem was also in VSTS. Sometimes I run out of free quota and then I get an error that the agent cannot be started. This is not the case when the scheduled trigger is not running.
What could cause the problem in triggering by the schedule? Have any of you encountered this same problem? How could I debug or resolve this and get my builds running reliably? I cannot find any debug information about the trigger events, only logs from agent after the trigger has already happened. I have not yet recreated the pipelines to find out if "rebooting" helps in this case. That's my next step if no better answers will come up.
Update 07/11/2019:
​We have since updated this logic to give 1 full month of scheduled builds to continue to run without any user activity.
Nightly builds require someone to sign in daily.
From the docs:
My build didn't run. What happened?
Your Azure DevOps organization goes dormant five minutes after the last user signed out. After that, each of your build pipelines will run one more time. For example, while your organization is dormant:
A nightly build of code in your Azure DevOps organization will run only one night until someone signs in again.
CI builds of an external Git repo will stop running until someone signs in again.