Using CI triggers and PR build validation together: Prevent that build runs twice - azure-devops

I want to use both CI-triggers and PR build validation in Azure DevOps. The goal is that as long as no PR has been created (and published) for a feature/topic-branch, the CI triggers should ensure that the branch gets built (so that developers get early feedback). I configured the following in the Pipeline (yaml):
- chore/*
- feature/*
- fix/*
- refactor/*
- frontend/*
This works well. I further configured PR build validation under branch policies. The problem is that two builds are triggered now: the CI build and the PR build. Since we often update PRs multiple times to fix issues found during the code review, building everything twice isn't really what we need.
Is there any way to configure that CI builds are only triggered if there's no PR build for the same push?

This is not possible. They are totally separated triggers not aware of each other.
But you can achiever your result in a slightly different way. If you have branch policy configured and you sleect there a build you can set pr: none in you yaml definiton. It will block PR build, leaving CI build as they are. And this CI build will be considered as condition for you branch policy check.
Selecting this checkbox you will get list of builds which you may select as required
My Ci trigger build
PR view:

If I understand the question correctly add:
trigger: none
In your CI pipeline. This will have the PR kick it off via branch policy. Your CD pipeline will be triggered when the merge into master happens.

If you are using the Azure DevOps Repo, then the PR build is controlled by branch policies, but the CI-trigger (in azure-pipeline.yaml) has nothing to do with this branch policy.
So if you want both build validation for PR and the CI build at the same time, then every time you push your changes to update a PR, duplicate pipeline builds would be unavoidable. It is a side-effect.


How to trigger a task on merged pull requests only?

In Azure Devops, I have a repo that's in Bitbucket. I'd like to trigger a package publish on every approved pr that gets merged to the develop branch.
I've figured out how to conditionally run a task if the build is a pr or not, and how to trigger if the pr is to develop, but that means that the task is run for every PR created to develop. I'd like the task to only run when the pr has been merged to develop.
I noticed the following variables in my pipeline:
And the SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_MERGEDAT= variable stood out. Anyone have suggestions? Am I overly complicating this?
It is possible to achieve this with just conditions. Let's say you were merging from feature branch to develop branch. And you only want a task to be executed when the pr has been merged to develop.
First of all you should know the default CI triggers and PR triggers for Bitbucket repository on Azure pipeline.
1, CI triggers
If you don't specify any triggers, the default is as if you wrote below, which means commit to any branch will trigger the pipeline.
- '*'
When you specify a trigger, it replaces the default implicit trigger, and only pushes to branches that are explicitly configured to be included will trigger a pipeline. Includes are processed first, and then excludes are removed from that list.
2, PR triggers
If no pr triggers appear in your YAML file, pull request validations are automatically enabled for all branches.
When you specify a pr trigger, it replaces the default implicit pr trigger, and only pushes to branches that are explicitly configured to be included will trigger a pipeline.
Each new run builds the latest commit from the source branch of the pull request. This is different from how Azure Pipelines builds pull requests in other repositories (e.g., Azure Repos or GitHub), where it builds the merge commit,
See the document for more information.
So if you don't specify any CI triggers or PR Triggers. The default behavior is to enable the triggers for all branches. And the PR triggers will only trigger the pipeline to build the last commit from the source branch(ie. Feature branch) instead of develop branch.
So it will explain why there are two triggered builds on an update to a pr. one is CI trigger(ie. IndividualCI), another is PullRequest. Both builds were against the source branch (ie.feature).
When the pr was merged to develop. what happened was a new commit being added to develop branch, which will trigger the CI build. So the task you want to trigger should be run against develop branch.
As for above case of yours. I suggest you disable the pr triggers and only enable the CI triggers.(for pr triggers will only build the latest commit from the source branch, which is the same with CI trigger. )
You can disable the pr trigger like below:
pr: none
So you can just set the condition like below for the task
- task: taskname
condition: and(eq(variables['Build.SourceBranchName'], 'develop'), eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'IndividualCI'))
You can also use Webhook to trigger the azure pipeline. And set the condtion to eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'ResourceTrigger')
- webhook: bitbucketwebhook
connection: bitbucketwebhook
Please see this thread for more information.

How to limit associated work items in Azure DevOps YAML pipeline once PR is merged?

I've been migrating build/release pipelines in Azure DevOps to the unified YAML format. Everything works as expected apart from the work items which are associated with CI builds once a PR is merged to the master branch. Here is the workflow:
Developer raises PR to merge changes from feature branch into the master branch
The PR has a build policy which executes the YAML pipeline against a test environment
The PR is completed and the feature branch is merged into the master branch
The YAML pipeline has a CI trigger for deployments to higher environments
For step 2 the triggered build shows whichever work items are associated with the PR:
However, for Step 4 the triggered CI build lists all work items in the master branch rather than just those associated with the PR:
Is there a way to only associate the work items which are associated with the PR to the CI build which is triggered once the feature branch is merged into master?
I can reproduce this issue and I found a similar ticket, they have reported it, you could follow this ticket to get the latest news.
If the build status is queue or running, then we create a new build, the new build will contain before build link work item. This is why the step 4 the triggered CI build lists all work items in the master branch rather than just those associated with the PR.
If all builds are completed, then we complete the pull request to trigger the CI build, it will be associated with the expected work items.
When all the builds were completed, I merged the PR to trigger the CI build, it just contain the pull request link work item.
Test result

Why is my Azure DevOps YAML build triggered on PR when I only configured CI branches

In my project I want to configure a CI and a PR build. I chose these to be separate builds, because the status badge gets dirtied if the same build is used for both CI and PR.
In my CI build I configured
- 'master'
However, when I create a PR, it gets triggered. Even in the Azure DevOps UI I can see the PR trigger as being "enabled" (see below). Note that I do not override any trigger.
You have to add pr: none in the yaml file to stop PR triggers. By default it is triggered for all branches. For CI also it is same.

How do I exclude specific source branches from CI triggers for an Azure Repos Git project?

I'm hoping to somehow replicate the functionality of PR triggers which, according to the docs, are currently only supported for GitHub and Bitbucket Cloud repos. I'd like my CI pipelines to not trigger if the change is incoming from certain branches.
I've mostly tried to solve this problem with GitVersion, which is the part of my pipeline that makes it problematic to trigger builds when I'm merging back from a release build or master back onto develop. So far I've had no luck, so now I'm hoping I've overlooked a feature of Azure Pipelines which will help.
My current pipeline trigger:
batch: true
- develop
- development-pipeline.yml
- release-pipeline.yml
- GitVersion.yml
I'd like a pull request which originated in a release branch (can be identified with the regex pattern [Rr]eleases?[\/-]) or master to not trigger my pipeline. In reality, any change to the develop branch triggers the build.
If you just want the develop branch not to trigger ci build, then you can check "Enable continuous integration" option in the Continuous integration of builds Triggers and set exclude develop branch in the branch filters.
If you want some source branches to trigger the CI build of the develop branch, some can't. I am afraid that this feature you want is not achievable. Once your deveop branch
Enable continuous integration, then the deveop branch will trigger the build pipeline once it changes.
If you want to merge the commits on the release or master branch into the develop branch, and create pr does not trigger the CI build, you could enable the build policy in the Build validation in the branch policy.In this way, only after PR is completed will CI build be triggered.But pr build is unavoidable.

Build trigger is not invoked on push for Azure Git repositories

I have my git repository hosted on Azure DevOps. I created a new yaml based build pipeline in the master branch and have set the trigger section to two existing branches. Other branches don't have a azure-pipeline.yml file nor any kind of branch policies are set for this DevOps project.
batch: 'true'
- master
- develop
The trigger gets invoked for every change in the master branch as expected. But is ignoring any pushes to the develop branch.
If I configure a build pipeline with the visual editor and define the exact two branches there, for every push a build will be triggered.
Any idea how Azure Pipeline respects the build definition also for other branches without copy and pasting the whole definition for every possible branch?
Build trigger is not invoked on push for Azure Git repositories
I have created a sample with the syntax:
batch: 'true'
- master
- Dev
And it works fine on my side. Then I check the new project you provided, but I found that the .yml file is incomplete and does not contain a trigger: node.
So, to resolve this issue, we need to double check the .yml file you modified in under the master branch, and you build .yml file is you modified.
Besides, when we edit the build pipeline, there is a extended button, we could select the option Triggers to set the build trigger with visual editor:
If above not help you, you can try to create a new build pipeline, set the trigger only with Develop branch, check if it works fine, then return to the previous with master
and develop branch.
If all of the above methods are not worked, you may need share a detailed sample and some steps, the reason for this problem may be hidden in the corner we ignore.
Hope this helps.