How to export Test Cases with all the steps assigned to a test case in? - plugins

I have a project that contains different Work Items types. I would like to export the Test Cases but I would also like to see all steps of the test case in nice visual way. In some example I have up to 3 - 4 steps for a test case.
Currently, I can export them, but they are not displayed properly.
To give you a clear example, what I have for a test case in my Excel File is this:
Open test bookTest book opens in EditorModify the book by adding a topicTopic added to book in book structureSave the book and close itBook saved with added topic appearing when opening it again.
What I would like to have is this:
1. Open test book
2. Test book opens in Editor
3. Topic added to book in book structure
4. Book saved with added topic appearing when opening it again.
I can perform the modification of the file manually, but it will take too long time.
Any idea on how I can do this ?


Migrating from itext2 to itext7

Years ago, I wrote a small app in itext2 to gather reports on a weekly basis and concatenate them into one PDF. The app used com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfCopy to copy and merge the PDFs. And it worked fine. Performed exactly as expected.
A few weeks ago I looked into migrating the application to itex7. To that end, I used the copyPagesTo method of com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfDocument. When run on the same file set, this produces warnings like:
WARN PdfNameTree - Name "section.1" already exists in the name tree; old value will be replaced by the new one.
When I click on the link to "section.1" in the first document of the merged PDF, I am taken to "section.1" of the last document. Not what I expected and not what happens when using the itext2 app. In the PDF's produced by itext2, if I click on the link to "section.1" of the first document in the combined PDF, I am taken to section 1 of the first document.
There is a hint in Javadocs for copyPagesTo saying
If outlines destination names are the same in different documents, all
such outlines will lead to a single location in the resultant
document. In this case iText will log a warning. This can be avoided
by renaming destinations names in the source document.
There is however, no explanation of how this should be done. I find it odd that this should be necessary in itext7, although it wasn't in itext2.
Is there a simple way to get around his problem?
I've also tried the Sejda desktop app and it produces correct results, but I would prefer to automate the process through a batch script.
My guess is iText 2 didn't even know it might be a problem.
If iText can't deduplicate destination names, the procedure is roughly:
Follow /Catalog -> /Names -> /Dests in each document to find the destination name tree.
Deduplicate the names, by adding suffixes. Remember that a name with a suffix added might be equal to an existing name in the same or another document. Be careful!
Now you can rewrite the destination name trees. Since you have only used suffixes, you can do this in place - the lexicographic ordering of the names is unaltered so the search tree structure is not broken.
Now, rewrite destination links in each PDF for the new names. For example any dictionary entry with key /Dest, or any /D in a /GoTo action.
Now, after all this preprocessing, the files will merge without name clashes.
(I know all this because I've just implemented it for my own PDF software. It's slightly hairy stuff, but not intractable.)
If you like, I can provide a devel version of cpdf with this functionality, if you would like to test it.

TTeeGrid is not displaying the data at runtime using data from REST

I created a simple RME for TTeeGrid, a descendant perhaps of TGrid in Firemonkey. As shown below, the data are displayed at design time but not at runtime except the headers.
I've been breaking my head over this for weeks already but not luck.
Let me know if you need more details but what you see in the image are all you get.
I just need help to have the data displayed at runtime as shown in the design time.
This issue is not the case with TPrototypeBindSource. The data shown in the design time are displayed at runtime. Something is wrong somewhere.
I've never used the TeeGrid before, but the following worked fine
first time for me in Delphi Tokyo:
Download the TeeGrid trial from Steema.Com & install.
Create new multi-device app and place a TeeGrid and a FDMemTable on the form.
Load FDMemTable1 with the file Parts.Fds from the Delphi samples Data directory. Note, I did not then create any FieldDefs as I mentioned in my comment earlier as what I'm describing works without them.
Set the DataSource property of TeeGrid1 to FDMemTable1. TeeGrid1 immediately
creates columns for each of the Parts fields and populates them with data - see
screenshot below. I don't ordinarily include screenshots but in this case thought
I would as what I got was so clearly at odds with what you've reported.
Your TeeGrid etc are obviously more complicated than mine. so the best I can
suggest is that you backtrack to step 2 and see if you can replicate my result
with your data (either at design time or run time). It might be worth loading
your FDMemTable with some data at design time, as my impression is that live bindings
is less grief-prone when the datasource has some data.
Incidentally, fwiw the results of my own attempts to set up live bindings even with a regular TGrid have been rather patchy, until I discovered that instead of messing with the LB components myself, simply starting with a fresh TGrid, right-clicking on it and leaving the Live Bindings Wizard
to do its stuff consistently works fine.

Can't reference an utterence file in botium

I am new to botium and my developer (not me) has created a framework with conversation text files that I should be able to run botium scripts on.
An example is something like this:
What are the stats for my neighborhood?
There are ten matches in your neighborhood
When I run this test in my IDE, it passes. So, I created a text file called NEIGHBORHOOD_UTT which has sentences similar to the following:
What are the stats for my neighborhood
Show me neighborhood stats
And then changed my convo.txt file to:
There are ten matches in your neighborhood
All these I've tested on the app through the GUI and should return "There are ten matches in your neighborhood"
The error is something like: TranscriptError: BotiumError: neighborhood/Line 6: Expected bot response (on Line 3:
#me - NEIGHBORHOOD_UTT) "Sorry, I couldn't find any listings for" to match one of "There are ten matches in your neighborhood."
The GUI is not responding with "Sorry, I couldn't find any listings", but the expected response. There is no API documentation for me to check there. I can't share too much as this is work/proprietary. Both the utterences and the convo txt are in a folder called botium
I have tried naming the file both NEIGHBORHOOD_UTT.utterances.txt and NEIGHBORHOOD_UTT.txt
I cannot think of anything else so I have searched github for random projects similar to mine and haven't found any that provided any clues
The first line of an utterances file is the utterance reference code. For example:
nice day
USER_HELLO_UTT can be used in convo files then:
Say hello
More examples available in the Botium Wiki

Visualize an embedded neo4j instance in a web browser using default visualization

I am using embedded Neo4j, version 3.0.3. Following this guide, I have created Neo4j/Java code. It creates a database, adds two nodes (one for java, one for scala) and adds a relationship.
package examples;
import org.neo4j.graphdb.*;
import org.neo4j.graphdb.factory.GraphDatabaseFactory;
public class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
GraphDatabaseFactory dbFactory = new GraphDatabaseFactory();
GraphDatabaseService db = dbFactory.newEmbeddedDatabase(new File("Test_DB"));
try (Transaction tx = db.beginTx()) {
Node javaNode = db.createNode(Tutorials.JAVA);
javaNode.setProperty("TutorialID", "JAVA001");
Node scalaNode = db.createNode(Tutorials.SCALA);
scalaNode.setProperty("TutorialID", "SCALA001");
Relationship relationship = javaNode.createRelationshipTo(scalaNode, TutorialRelationships.JVM_LANGUAGES);
relationship.setProperty("Id", "1234");
enum Tutorials implements Label {
enum TutorialRelationships implements RelationshipType {
I program using Eclipse, so all the libraries are imported and I can just click the 'run' button on Eclipse to get the code running, and it seems to work without any issues. Upon running the code, I now have a folder Test_DB in the ~/workspace/project_name/Test_DB directory, where project_name is the name of the overall Eclipse folder. My goal is now to visualize this database in a web browser. The guide I linked to earlier shows an example of this; the user was able to look at the nodes in the web browser (see the bottom of the webpage). Unfortunately, I am using a Linux computer with Firefox, and that tutorial was in Windows, and I can't figure out how to get the visualization.
There have been a few other questions related to this. Unfortunately, some of them (such as this one) propose using software other than the default visualization. I don't own the computer and I have to go through a roundabout process to get external code installed. To be clear what I mean, this link discusses the default Neo4j browser. This is what I would like to see.
This question here directly tackles the same issue, and in fact, it uses the exact same tutorial I used! The answer proposes changing the path in the file. Unfortunately, that file doesn't exist, and upon further analysis, it seems like Neo4j 3.0 changed the configuration naming, which I found out by reading the answer to this similar question. There is now a file conf/neo4j.conf with this information. I entered the following information in the first few lines, keeping the other settings the default:
# The name of the database to mount
# Paths of directories in the installation.
This does not appear to work. Am I using these settings correctly? When I open the neo4j web browser after running ./bin/neo4j start and click on the database symbol in the left hand side, I see "Name: Test_DB", but it also says there are no nodes and no relationships in the database, and returning a match all query provides nothing. Is it possible for the browser to connect to my database so it can see the nodes (e.g., the two nodes in my Java code above)?
Or is it that I'm not using this code correctly; does the code somehow have to avoid quitting (i.e., replace tx.success() with something else?) to keep the data there?
Sorry about answering my own question, but I finally figured out how to do this! Here's what happens: according to the github change log for 3.0.0.RC-1:
Databases are now stored in a directory called databases under the directory specified in
So what we actually have to do is make sure our data base is in the following location:
The issue is that when we run it in Eclipse, we get the database in the following folder:
Thus, the solution is to make sure the new database folder is preceded by a databases name, i.e., I would change one line to:
GraphDatabaseService db = dbFactory.newEmbeddedDatabase(new File("databases/Test_DB"));

How to save mpi profile summary report in matlab

I want to save the details of each worker as it is seen in the mpiprofile summary report. Profsave does not give all the details very clearly for the report generated by the mpiprofile viewer option.
Is there any other way to save the report?
One way I figured to do something similar is the following.
I am assuming you are using "pmode" because as far as my understanding goes, you need to run on "pmode" to run mpiprofile.
So this is how it goes.
Save the mpiprofile info inside each worker(or it is often called lab from my understanding).
mpiprofile mpistruct;
Then you transfer to the client using the following command
pmode lab2client mpistruct;
Then save the mpistruct into a .mat file
When you are trying to view the mpiprofile result:
Load the mpi file
Run mpiprofile viewer
mpiprofile('viewer', mpistruct);
This should pop up the browser.
Note. Above code was tested with 2015b.
(I wrote the same exact answer to Matlab community. I copied for your convenience.)