Disable Launch URL in OneSignal Push Notification when opened - ionic-framework

Unable to disable the launch url in OneSignal push notification when opened. Tried toggling kOSSettingsKeyInAppLaunchURL from true to false and it still opens up Safari.
What can I do to completely remove the launch Url? Thanks in advance.
My code in for OneSignal app.component.ts is as follows,
if (this.appConfig.Onesignal_Enable == true) {
this.oneSignal.startInit(this.appConfig.OneSignal_AppID, this.appConfig.GCM_SenderID);
kOSSettingsKeyInAppLaunchURL: false,
kOSSettingsKeyAutoPrompt: true,
this.oneSignal.handleNotificationOpened().subscribe(() => {
// do something when a notification is opened

Solved it on the web side instead with PHP. For anyone running on WordPress, this is a great filter.
add_filter( 'onesignal_send_notification', 'onesignal_send_notification_filter', 10, 4 );
function onesignal_send_notification_filter($fields, $new_status, $old_status, $post) {
// Set player ids as subscribed to onesignal notification (see users in onesignal dashboard)
$fields['isAndroid'] = true;
$fields['isIos'] = true;
$fields['isAnyWeb'] = false;
$fields['isChrome'] = false;
$fields['data'] = array(
"myappurl" => $fields['url']
/* Unset the URL to prevent opening the browser when the notification is clicked */
return $fields;


Flutter webivewplugin how to set local storage

My Flutter application flow works like this:
User logins
1-If login successfully, server returns a token
2-Set token to local storage in webview
3-Open Webview fullscreen to a specific URL
I am using this Webview plugin. The sample code shows that it supports local storage (it has a withLocalStorage option) but does not show how to use it.
I am aware of this question1 question2
f I correctly set the local storage, the Webview would show account page; otherwise a login page (
That's Not What Happened)
Instade am getting this error
I/chromium(13409): [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token", source: (1)
My code:
void webwiew(token) {
withLocalStorage: true,
withJavascript: true,
.whenComplete(() {
final res = flutterWebViewPlugin.evalJavascript("(function() { try { window.localStorage.setItem('token', $token); } catch (err) { return err; } })();");
print("Eval result webview : ${res.toString()}");
From https://github.com/fluttercommunity/flutter_webview_plugin/pull/51#issuecomment-399468804
You can wait until the first page loading is completed and then accessing LocalStorage with evalJavascript
To achieve this you can use onStateChanged.listen and check state.type == WebViewState.finishLoad
StreamSubscription<WebViewStateChanged> _onStateChanged;
_onStateChanged = flutterWebviewPlugin.onStateChanged.listen((WebViewStateChanged state) {
if (mounted) {
if (state.type == WebViewState.finishLoad) {
"window.localStorage.setItem('LOCAL_STORAGE','SOMETOKEN');" +

Can't receive push notifications using Ionic Cloud on iOS

I'm using ionic's cloud push notification service for both android and iOS, along with phonegap-plugin-push. Since i'm using my own server-side authentcation and not ionic's, I have it configured so that a user's authentication token is registered depending on whether or not they're logged in, and saved when they log in (unregistered when they log out).
const cloudSettings: CloudSettings = {
'core': {
'app_id': 'APP_ID',
'push': {
'sender_id': 'SENDER_ID',
'pluginConfig': {
'ios': {
'badge': true,
'sound': true,
'android': {
'iconColor': '#343434'
instead of making push a provider in app module, I made an injectable service that can be used across components. The main app component subscribes to the notifications, while my login and logout components tell it whether or not to register and save them.
export class NotificationService{
token: PushToken;
registered: boolean;
constructor(public push: Push){
this.push.register().then((pushT: PushToken) => {
this.token = pushT;
console.log('token saved:'+ this.token);
console.log('token saved');
this.registered = true;
console.log('token deleted');
return true;
return this.push.rx.notification()
.subscribe((msg) => {
alert(msg.title + ': ' + msg.text);
return this.token.token;
I have my sender ID for GCM configured in config.xml and ionic cloud, and my APNS certificate is saved in ionic cloud. So far this works perfectly on android. On iOS it registers the token and saves to the database, but testing on Ionic cloud my iPhone doesn't receive any notifications. Any thoughts?

Getting user app token using react-native facebook SDK

I've gotten facebook login working using the new https://github.com/facebook/react-native-fbsdk, however I can't seem to get the user token which is usually returned in the response. Anyone found a way to get this information? The other SDK's https://github.com/magus/react-native-facebook-login returns it on the login request but the new FB sdk doesn't, and the documentation on the github page doesn't mention it anywhere.
Found the answer after some more digging. You need to use the fbsdkcore to access the user token. Heres how you use it.
var FBSDKCore = require('react-native-fbsdkcore');
var {
} = FBSDKCore;
var Login = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
onLoginFinished={(error, result) => {
if (error) {
alert('Error logging in.');
} else {
if (result.isCanceled) {
alert('Login cancelled.');
} else {
FBSDKAccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken((token) => {
onLogoutFinished={() => console.log('Logged out.')}
You don't need a third party module (react-native-fbsdkcore)
The package (react-native-fbsdk) has instructions on it's Github page: https://github.com/facebook/react-native-fbsdk#usage
After you've logged the user in, you can fetch the access credentials as follows:
import { AccessToken } from 'react-native-fbsdk';
AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken().then(data => {

Redirect Doesn't Allow Me To Go To Other Links

I am trying to make a login redirect using the following code:
Router.onBeforeAction(function () {
if (!Meteor.user() && !Meteor.loggingIn()) {
} else {
// required by Iron to process the route handler
But, when I login and it successfully redirects me to /maps, I can't click any of my link on my navbar. The link are working fine, but, when I click on them it just redirects me back to /map.
Help will be much appreciated!
Also, here is the github link:
What about this:
{ name: 'login' });
var requireLogin = function(){
if (! Meteor.user() ) {
} else {
Router.onBeforeAction(requireLogin, {except: ['login']});

Trying to retrieve facebook user email using facebook connect for cordova 3.2

I'm developing an android app wherein it requires to be logged into the app via facebook. I'm using facebook connect for cordova 3.2 and its working fine.But the problem is I'm not able to get the user's email address. I tried scope : email , permissions : 'email', but it simply does not work.I have installed facebook sdk for android the cordova 3.2 version and configured that with my project. I call the facebook login uri with a button click event.
var facebookConnect;
$("#facebookfbtn").unbind("click").click(function () {
facebookConnect.login(loginCallback, true);
document.addEventListener("deviceready", deviceready, false);
function deviceready(){
facebookConnect = window.plugins.facebookConnect;
loginCallback = function(result){
if(result == "OPENED")
logoutCallback = function(result){
meCallback = function(result){
//var test = JSON.stringify(result);
alert('Good to see you, ' + result.name + '!' + '\n'+ 'Your Details :'+ '\n'+'Location:'+result.location+'\n'+'Email: '+result.email);
statusCallback = function(result){