Flutter webivewplugin how to set local storage - flutter

My Flutter application flow works like this:
User logins
1-If login successfully, server returns a token
2-Set token to local storage in webview
3-Open Webview fullscreen to a specific URL
I am using this Webview plugin. The sample code shows that it supports local storage (it has a withLocalStorage option) but does not show how to use it.
I am aware of this question1 question2
f I correctly set the local storage, the Webview would show account page; otherwise a login page (
That's Not What Happened)
Instade am getting this error
I/chromium(13409): [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token", source: (1)
My code:
void webwiew(token) {
withLocalStorage: true,
withJavascript: true,
.whenComplete(() {
final res = flutterWebViewPlugin.evalJavascript("(function() { try { window.localStorage.setItem('token', $token); } catch (err) { return err; } })();");
print("Eval result webview : ${res.toString()}");

From https://github.com/fluttercommunity/flutter_webview_plugin/pull/51#issuecomment-399468804
You can wait until the first page loading is completed and then accessing LocalStorage with evalJavascript
To achieve this you can use onStateChanged.listen and check state.type == WebViewState.finishLoad
StreamSubscription<WebViewStateChanged> _onStateChanged;
_onStateChanged = flutterWebviewPlugin.onStateChanged.listen((WebViewStateChanged state) {
if (mounted) {
if (state.type == WebViewState.finishLoad) {
"window.localStorage.setItem('LOCAL_STORAGE','SOMETOKEN');" +


Flutter: ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED when backend redirects with a custom scheme

I am trying to login via Twitch and, to do that I am using https://pub.dev/packages/url_launcher and https://pub.dev/packages/uni_links. The code works well on iOS, but not on Android.
The process is:
Click on "Sign in with Twitch"
Opens a browser via launchUrl(_url)
Accept authorization of Twitch popup
Redirects to the callback of my backend server
Backend: Create/Retrieve the user
Backend: Returns a 307 HTTP with url: customscheme://auth/twitch?access_token=...
Listens the Deep Link: Close the browser and stores the token in the device
On Android, when my browser tries to redirect with my customscheme, the device browser returns an error:
Webpage not available
The webpage at
could not be loaded because:
The customscheme is replaced by mine, and it works when I test it with the command:
adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -c android.intent.category.BROWSABLE -d "customscheme://auth/twitch".
So it seems it does not understand the custom scheme from the webview, and handle it like a simple HTTP url.
Here is my code:
void logWithTwitch() async {
assert(dotenv.env['TWITCH_CLIENT_ID'] != null);
assert(dotenv.env['TWITCH_REDIRECT_URI'] != null);
final String twitchClientId = dotenv.env['TWITCH_CLIENT_ID']!;
final String twitchRedirectUri = dotenv.env['TWITCH_REDIRECT_URI']!;
final List<String> scopes = [
final Uri _url = Uri(
scheme: 'https',
host: 'id.twitch.tv',
path: 'oauth2/authorize',
queryParameters: {
'client_id': twitchClientId,
'redirect_uri': twitchRedirectUri,
'response_type': 'code',
'scope': scopes.join(' '),
'force_verify': 'true',
if (await canLaunchUrl(_url)) {
await launchUrl(_url);
} else {
print('cannot open url');
_sub = linkStream.listen((String? link) {
if (link == null) {
final _url = Uri.parse(link);
if (_url.host == 'auth' && _url.path == '/twitch') {
// Handle Authentication
}, onError: (err) {
// Handle exception by warning the user their action did not succeed
Thank you for your help!
I got the same problem after updating my project to the newest version.
Seems like the problem comes from launching the webview directly in the flutter app.
found a workaround for it:
use the launchmode option in the launchUrlString Function:
launchUrlString(_url,mode: launchMode.externalApplication)

Firebase auth web SDK not working on Ionic iOS?

My issue is the login with the email and password function works fine on android but on iOS, the promise is never returned ( nor failed ) when correct credentials are provided but it fails if I provide incorrect credentials. The login works on iOS with live reload simulating on an iOS device, but when installed with test-flight or via xCode promise is never returned nor rejected.
How can I debug it further or know what the underlying issue is?
onSubmit: async (values) => {
try {
const auth = getAuth(firebaseApp);
// Never called on IOS
auth.onAuthStateChanged(() => {
console.log('I am here', auth.currentUser);
if (auth.currentUser) {
const userCred = await signInWithEmailAndPassword(auth, values.email, values.password);
//Never runs
console.log('After Success', userCred);
} catch (error) {
// Runs when provided with false credentials
setError('Error: Authentication failed');
console.error('An error Occurred');
} finally {
console.log('Running Finally');

Keycloak Capacitor Adapter - Auth Redirect Problem

We are using Ionic Vue (5.4.0 - Vue3) with Capacitor and Keycloak as the Auth Provider. We have implemented the https://www.npmjs.com/package/keycloak-ionic Package which provides the Capacitor Adapter. We have set up the required deeplinks for both platforms and they are working. The app should authenticate the user in the system browser (capacitor-native adapter), save the tokens and reuse these tokens on the next appstart. It's working on android. On iOS the first startup is working but if i restart (terminating and starting again) i only see a blank screen. It's not redirecting into the secured content or showing the keycloak login page. I found out that the Safari Browser with the keycloak login is opened in the background. If i close this browser tab and start the app it's working by redirecting me to the keycloak login page.
May the browser with the opened keycloak instance be the problem?
I also tried the same with inappbrowster (capacitor adapter). The first start is working there also. If i restart the app the custom tab is opening the redirect url page without redirecting me to the secured content or to the keycloak login page.
Code Sample:
App.addListener('appUrlOpen', function (data: any) {
const slug = data.url.split('/kc1').pop()
// We only push to the route if there is a slug present
if (slug) {
router.push({ name: 'Overview' })
// init authentication
const initKeycloak = async () => {
const cachedKeycloak = new CacheUtil('keycloak')
const cachedKeycloakAccessToken = await cachedKeycloak.get('accessToken')
const cachedKeycloakRefreshToken = await cachedKeycloak.get('refreshToken')
const initOptions = { url: process.env.VUE_APP_AUTH_URL + '/auth', realm: 'mp', clientId: 'mobile', checkLoginIframe: false, onLoad: 'login-required', token: cachedKeycloakAccessToken, refreshToken: cachedKeycloakRefreshToken }
const keycloak = KeycloakIonic(initOptions)
adapter: 'capacitor-native',
onLoad: initOptions.onLoad as any,
redirectUri: process.env.VUE_APP_REDIRECT_URI
}).then((auth: any) => {
// auth and create app
if (!auth) {
} else {
const app = createApp(VueApp)
router.isReady().then(() => {
}).catch((e: Error) => {
console.log('auth failed: ', e)
keycloak.onAuthSuccess = () => {
// save tokens to device storage
cachedKeycloak.set('accessToken', keycloak.token)
cachedKeycloak.set('refreshToken', keycloak.refreshToken)

react-native-facebook-login returning errors when I try log user into firebase

I have tried every way I can think and am running into the same issue all day.
I am building a react native mobile application. I am using firebase as my database and react-native-facebook-login package to log the user in.
Currently the package works fine, I enter the fb details and the correct data is being returned and the user is 'logged in', I can console log the result but trying to do anything else returns an error.
I have tried:
Passing an action (Redux) where I do the firebase login, error:
Cannot read property 'loginUser' of undefined
setState to the resulting data, error:
this.setState is not a function
I am not sure exactly how to do the firebase authenticate with credentials but am happy to figure that out later, I just need to be able to access the data in the first place!
My component:
class FBLoginWrapper extends Component {
state = { user: null };
render() {
return (
buttonView={<FBSignInView />}
ref={(fbLogin) => { this.fbLogin = fbLogin }}
onLogin={function (e) { this.props.loginUser(e); }}
onLoginFound={function (e) { this.setState({ user: e }); }}
If you need more code let me know. I have included two different ways I have tried and failed under [onLogin] and [onLoginFound]. I will use one implementation for both when I have something that works.
Ideally I would like to call the action {this.props.loginUser(e)} but if I have to do it through a setState that is fine too at this point.
you should use the onLoginFinished property if you just need to access the data returned.
This is how I use the LoginButton in one of my apps:
AccessToken is part of the FBSDK package
const FBSDK = require('react-native-fbsdk');
const {
} = FBSDK;
(error, result) => {
if (error) {
alert("login has error: " + result.error);
} else if (result.isCancelled) {
alert("login is cancelled.");
} else {
(data) => {
let token = data.accessToken.toString();
key: 'loginState',
rawData: {
token: token
firestack.auth.signInWithProvider('facebook', token, '')
onLogoutFinished={() => alert("logout.")}/>

Getting all Pages user is Admin of using Graph API

I am trying to get a list of all the pages the logged user an Admin of, but I am getting the error "An active access token must be used to query information about the current user". Here is the code I am using:
function login(){
FB.login(function(response) {
if (response.authResponse) {
$.get("https://graph.facebook.com/me/accounts", function(data) {
alert( "success" );
.done(function() {
alert( "second success" );
.fail(function(data) {
alert( "error" );
.always(function() {
alert( "finished" );
} else {
// not auth / cancelled the login!
}, { scope: "manage_pages" });
So in this code, after logging in, the call $.get("https://graph.facebook.com/me/accounts") throws the error.
I am able to get the the list using FB.api("/me/accounts"). So how come I can't get it using this code? What am I doing wrong? Thanks.
Simple: You are not passing a user access token with your direct request:
$.get("https://graph.facebook.com/me/accounts", function(data) { ... });
instead of
var accessToken = "aoidhfgoafhgoidfhg"; // replace with real access token
$.get("https://graph.facebook.com/me/accounts?access_token=" + accessToken, function(data) { ... });
The FB SDK does this internally/automatically. What's not really clear to me is why you don't use the FB SDK here as well, if you're already using it for FB Login. That doesn't make much sense IMHO.