Monad for-comprehensions with implicit Monad fails, use inheritance? - scala

I am running into this famous 10 year old ticket in Scala
Because I am expecting for-comprehensions to work like do-blocks in Haskell. And why shouldn't they, Monads go great with a side of sugar. At this point I have something like this:
import scalaz.{Monad, Traverse}
import scalaz.std.either._
import scalaz.std.list._
type ErrorM[A] = Either[String, A]
def toIntSafe(s : String) : ErrorM[Int] = {
try {
} catch {
case e: Exception => Left(e.getMessage)
def convert(args: List[String])(implicit m: Monad[ErrorM], tr: Traverse[List]): ErrorM[List[Int]] = {
val expanded = for {
arg <- args
result <- toIntSafe(arg)
} yield result
println(convert(List("1", "2", "3")))
println(convert(List("1", "foo")))
And I'm getting the error
"Value map is not a member of ErrorM[Int]"
result <- toIntSafe(arg)
How do I get back to beautiful, monadic-comprehensions that I am used to? Some research shows the FilterMonadic[A, Repr] abstract class is what to extend if you want to be a comprehension, any examples of combining FilterMonadic with scalaz?
Can I reuse my Monad implicit and not have to redefine map, flatMap etc?
Can I keep my type alias and not have to wrap around Either or worse, redefine case classes for ErrorM?
Using Scala 2.11.8
EDIT: I am adding Haskell code to show this does indeed work in GHC without explicit Monad transformers, only traversals and default monad instances for Either and List.
type ErrorM = Either String
toIntSafe :: Read a => String -> ErrorM a
toIntSafe s = case reads s of
[(val, "")] -> Right val
_ -> Left $ "Cannot convert to int " ++ s
convert :: [String] -> ErrorM [Int]
convert = sequence . conv
where conv s = do
arg <- s
return . toIntSafe $ arg
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn . show . convert $ ["1", "2", "3"]
putStrLn . show . convert $ ["1", "foo"]

Your haskell code and your scala code are not equivalent:
arg <- s
return . toIntSafe $ arg
corresponds to
for {
arg <- args
} yield toIntSafe(arg)
Which compiles fine.
To see why your example one doesn't compile, we can desugar it:
for {
arg <- args
result <- toIntSafe(arg)
} yield result
args.flatMap { arg =>
toIntSafe(arg).map {result => result}
Now looking at types:
args: List[String]
args.flatMap: (String => List[B]) => List[B]
arg => toIntSafe(arg).map {result => result} : String => ErrorM[Int]
Which shows the problem. flatMap is expecting a function returning a List but you are giving it a function returning an ErrorM.
Haskell code along the lines of:
arg <- s
result <- toIntSafe arg
return result
wouldn't compile either for roughly the same reason: trying to bind across two different monads, List and Either.
A for comprehension in scala will or a do expression in haskell will only ever work for the same underlying monad, because they are both basically syntactic translations to series of flatMaps and >>=s respectively. And those still need to typecheck.
If you want to compose monads one thing you can do use monad transformers ( EitherT), although in your above example I don't think you want to, since you actually want to sequence in the end.
Finally, in my opinion the most elegant way of expressing your code is:
def convert(args: List[String]) = args.traverse(toIntSafe)
Because map followed by sequence is traverse


Convert Seq[Try[Option(String, Any)]] into Try[Option[Map[String, Any]]]

How to conveniently convert Seq[Try[Option[String, Any]]] into Try[Option[Map[String, Any]]].
If any Try before convert throws an exception, the converted Try should throw as well.
Assuming that the input type has a tuple inside the Option then this should give you the result you want:
val in: Seq[Try[Option[(String, Any)]]] = ???
val out: Try[Option[Map[String,Any]]] = Try(Some(in.flatMap(_.get).toMap))
If any of the Trys is Failure then the outer Try will catch the exception raised by the get and return Failure
The Some is there to give the correct return type
The get extracts the Option from the Try (or raises an exception)
Using flatMap rather than map removes the Option wrapper, keeping all Some values and discaring None values, giving Seq[(String, Any)]
The toMap call converts the Seq to a Map
Here is something that's not very clean but may help get you started. It assumes Option[(String,Any)], returns the first Failure if there are any in the input Seq and just drops None elements.
package foo
import scala.util.{Try,Success,Failure}
object foo {
val x0 = Seq[Try[Option[(String, Any)]]]()
val x1 = Seq[Try[Option[(String, Any)]]](Success(Some(("A",1))), Success(None))
val x2 = Seq[Try[Option[(String, Any)]]](Success(Some(("A",1))), Success(Some(("B","two"))))
val x3 = Seq[Try[Option[(String, Any)]]](Success(Some(("A",1))), Success(Some(("B","two"))), Failure(new Exception("bad")))
def f(x: Seq[Try[Option[(String, Any)]]]) =
x.find( _.isFailure ).getOrElse( Success(Some( _.get ).filterNot( _.isEmpty ).map( _.get ).toMap)) )
Example session
bash-3.2$ scalac foo.scala
bash-3.2$ scala -classpath .
Welcome to Scala 2.13.1 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_66).
Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help.
scala> import
scala> f(x0)
res0: scala.util.Try[Option[Equals]] = Success(Some(Map()))
scala> f(x1)
res1: scala.util.Try[Option[Equals]] = Success(Some(Map(A -> 1)))
scala> f(x2)
res2: scala.util.Try[Option[Equals]] = Success(Some(Map(A -> 1, B -> two)))
scala> f(x3)
res3: scala.util.Try[Option[Equals]] = Failure(java.lang.Exception: bad)
scala> :quit
If you're willing to use a functional support library like Cats then there are two tricks that can help this along:
Many things like List and Try are traversable, which means that (if Cats's implicits are in scope) they have a sequence method that can swap two types, for example converting List[Try[T]] to Try[List[T]] (failing if any of the items in the list are failure).
Almost all of the container types support a map method that can operate on the contents of a container, so if you have a function from A to B then map can convert a Try[A] to a Try[B]. (In Cats language they are functors but the container-like types in the standard library generally have map already.)
Cats doesn't directly support Seq, so this answer is mostly in terms of List instead.
Given that type signature, you can iteratively sequence the item you have to in effect push the list type down one level in the type chain, then map over that container to work on its contents. That can look like:
import cats.implicits._
import scala.util._
def convert(listTryOptionPair: List[Try[Option[(String, Any)]]]): Try[
Option[Map[String, Any]]
] = {
val tryListOptionPair = listTryOptionPair.sequence { listOptionPair =>
val optionListPair = listOptionPair.sequence { listPair =>
} has a slightly more complete example.
One way to approach this is by using a foldLeft:
// Let's say this is the object you're trying to convert
val seq: Seq[Try[Option[(String, Any)]]] = ???
seq.foldLeft(Try(Option(Map.empty[String, Any]))) {
case (acc, e) =>
for {
accOption <- acc
elemOption <- e
} yield elemOption match {
case Some(value) => + value)
case None => accOption
You start off with en empty Map. You then use a for comprehension to go through the current map and element and finally you add a new tuple in the map if present.
The following solutions is based on this answer to the point that almost makes the question a duplicate.
Method 1: Using recursion
def trySeqToMap1[X,Y](trySeq : Seq[Try[Option[(X, Y)]]]) : Try[Option[Map[X,Y]]] = {
def helper(it : Iterator[Try[Option[(X,Y)]]], m : Map[X,Y] = Map()) : Try[Option[Map[X,Y]]] = {
if(it.hasNext) {
val x =
else if(x.get.isDefined)
helper(it, m + (x.get.get._1-> x.get.get._2))
helper(it, m)
} else Success(Some(m))
Method 2: directly pattern matching in case you are able to get a stream or a List instead:
def trySeqToMap2[X,Y](trySeq : LazyList[Try[Option[(X, Y)]]], m : Map[X,Y]= Map.empty[X,Y]) : Try[Option[Map[X,Y]]] =
trySeq match {
case Success(Some(h)) #:: tail => trySeqToMap2(tail, m + (h._1 -> h._2))
case Success(None) #:: tail => tail => trySeqToMap2(tail, m)
case Failure(f) #:: _ => Failure(f)
case _ => Success(Some(m))
note: this answer was previously using different method signatures. It has been updated to conform to the signature given in the question.

Scala macros: Emit for comprehensions from macros

Trying to emit a for yield block from a blackbox macro, but I'm failing to understand how you can create the block with valid syntax.
So below source is a hardcoded param name as this block is later inserted inside a method that will have the matching param name. params is just params: Seq[c.universe.ValDef], enclosing the case class fields.
def extract(source: Source): Option[CaseClass] = { ... }
val extractors = accessors(c)(params) map {
case (nm, tpe) => {
val newTerm = TermName(nm.toString + "Opt")
q"""$newTerm <- DoStuff[$tpe].apply("$nm", source)"""
val extractorNames = accessors(c)(params) map {
case (nm, tpe) => TermName(nm.toString + "Opt")
This is basically taking a case class, and outputting a for yield black to basically recreate the case class from a comprehension.
Every field in the case class of the form name: Type is transformed to a set of extractors that yield the same case class instance back if the for comprehension is successful.
case class Test(id: Int, text: String)
Will be macro transformed to the following, where Extract is just a type class and Extract.apply[T : Extract] is just materialising the context bound with implicitly[Extract[T]]:
for {
idOpt <- Extract[Int].apply("id", source): Option[Int]
textOpt <- Extract[String].apply("text", source): Option[String]
} yield Test(idOpt, textOpt)
The problem comes in having to quote the inner for yield expressions with and output a <- b blocks.
def extract(source: Source): Option[$typeName] = {
for {(..$extractors)} yield $companion.apply(..$extractorNames)
The error is ';' expected but '<-' found, which is pretty obvious as a <- b is invalid Scala by itself. What is the correct way to generate and quasiquote the expression block such that the above would work?
Here is a list of all the different kinds of quasiquotes.
There you can see that to express the a <- b syntax you need the fq interpolator.
So that code will probably become:
val extractors = accessors(c)(params) map {
case (nm, tpe) => {
val newTerm = TermName(nm.toString + "Opt")
fq"""$newTerm <- DoStuff[$tpe].apply("$nm", source)"""
And then with the normal interpolator:
q"for (..$extractors) yield $companion.apply(..$extractorNames)"

Threading extra state through a parser in Scala

I'll give you the tl;dr up front
I'm trying to use the state monad transformer in Scalaz 7 to thread extra state through a parser, and I'm having trouble doing anything useful without writing a lot of t m a -> t m b versions of m a -> m b methods.
An example parsing problem
Suppose I have a string containing nested parentheses with digits inside them:
val input = "((617)((0)(32)))"
I also have a stream of fresh variable names (characters, in this case):
val names = Stream('a' to 'z': _*)
I want to pull a name off the top of the stream and assign it to each parenthetical
expression as I parse it, and then map that name to a string representing the
contents of the parentheses, with the nested parenthetical expressions (if any) replaced by their
To make this more concrete, here's what I'd want the output to look like for the example input above:
val target = Map(
'a' -> "617",
'b' -> "0",
'c' -> "32",
'd' -> "bc",
'e' -> "ad"
There may be either a string of digits or arbitrarily many sub-expressions at a given level, but these two kinds of content won't be mixed in a single parenthetical expression.
To keep things simple, we'll assume that the stream of names will never
contain either duplicates or digits, and that it will always contain enough
names for our input.
Using parser combinators with a bit of mutable state
The example above is a slightly simplified version of the parsing problem in
this Stack Overflow question.
I answered that question with
a solution that looked roughly like this:
import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
class ParenParser(names: Iterator[Char]) extends RegexParsers {
def paren: Parser[List[(Char, String)]] = "(" ~> contents <~ ")" ^^ {
case (s, m) => ( -> s) :: m
def contents: Parser[(String, List[(Char, String)])] =
"\\d+".r ^^ (_ -> Nil) | rep1(paren) ^^ (
ps => -> ps.flatten
def parse(s: String) = parseAll(paren, s).map(_.toMap)
It's not too bad, but I'd prefer to avoid the mutable state.
What I want
Haskell's Parsec library makes
adding user state to a parser trivially easy:
import Control.Applicative ((*>), (<$>), (<*))
import Data.Map (fromList)
import Text.Parsec
paren = do
(s, m) <- char '(' *> contents <* char ')'
h : t <- getState
putState t
return $ (h, s) : m
= flip (,) []
<$> many1 digit
<|> (\ps -> (map (fst . head) ps, concat ps))
<$> many1 paren
main = print $
runParser (fromList <$> paren) ['a'..'z'] "example" "((617)((0)(32)))"
This is a fairly straightforward translation of my Scala parser above, but without mutable state.
What I've tried
I'm trying to get as close to the Parsec solution as I can using Scalaz's state monad transformer, so instead of Parser[A] I'm working with StateT[Parser, Stream[Char], A].
I have a "solution" that allows me to write the following:
import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
object ParenParser extends ExtraStateParsers[Stream[Char]] with RegexParsers {
protected implicit def monadInstance = parserMonad(this)
def paren: ESP[List[(Char, String)]] =
(lift("(" ) ~> contents <~ lift(")")).flatMap {
case (s, m) => get.flatMap(
names => put(names.tail).map(_ => (names.head -> s) :: m)
def contents: ESP[(String, List[(Char, String)])] =
lift("\\d+".r ^^ (_ -> Nil)) | rep1(paren).map(
ps => -> ps.flatten
def parse(s: String, names: Stream[Char]) =
parseAll(paren.eval(names), s).map(_.toMap)
This works, and it's not that much less concise than either the mutable state version or the Parsec version.
But my ExtraStateParsers is ugly as sin—I don't want to try your patience more than I already have, so I won't include it here (although here's a link, if you really want it). I've had to write new versions of every Parser and Parsers method I use above
for my ExtraStateParsers and ESP types (rep1, ~>, <~, and |, in case you're counting). If I had needed to use other combinators, I'd have had to write new state transformer-level versions of them as well.
Is there a cleaner way to do this? I'd love to see an example of a Scalaz 7's state monad transformer being used to thread state through a parser, but Scalaz 6 or Haskell examples would also be useful and appreciated.
Probably the most general solution would be to rewrite Scala's parser library to accommodate monadic computations while parsing (like you partly did), but that would be quite a laborious task.
I suggest a solution using ScalaZ's State where each of our result isn't a value of type Parse[X], but a value of type Parse[State[Stream[Char],X]] (aliased as ParserS[X]). So the overall parsed result isn't a value, but a monadic state value, which is then run on some Stream[Char]. This is almost a monad transformer, but we have to do lifting/unlifting manually. It makes the code a bit uglier, as we need to lift values sometimes or use map/flatMap on several places, but I believe it's still reasonable.
import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
import Traverse._
object ParenParser extends RegexParsers with States {
type S[X] = State[Stream[Char],X];
type ParserS[X] = Parser[S[X]];
// Haskell's `return` for States
def toState[S,X](x: X): State[S,X] = gets(_ => x)
// Haskell's `mapM` for State
def mapM[S,X](l: List[State[S,X]]): State[S,List[X]] =
l.traverse[({type L[Y] = State[S,Y]})#L,X](identity _);
// .................................................
// Read the next character from the stream inside the state
// and update the state to the stream's tail.
def next: S[Char] = state(s => (s.tail, s.head));
def paren: ParserS[List[(Char, String)]] =
"(" ~> contents <~ ")" ^^ (_ flatMap {
case (s, m) => next map (v => (v -> s) :: m)
def contents: ParserS[(String, List[(Char, String)])] = digits | parens;
def digits: ParserS[(String, List[(Char, String)])] =
"\\d+".r ^^ (_ -> Nil) ^^ (toState _)
def parens: ParserS[(String, List[(Char, String)])] =
rep1(paren) ^^ (mapM _) ^^ (
ps => -> ps.flatten
def parse(s: String): ParseResult[S[Map[Char,String]]] =
parseAll(paren, s).map(
def parse(s: String, names: Stream[Char]): ParseResult[Map[Char,String]] =
parse(s).map(_ ! names);
object ParenParserTest extends App {
println(ParenParser.parse("((617)((0)(32)))", Stream('a' to 'z': _*)));
Note: I believe that your approach with StateT[Parser, Stream[Char], _] isn't conceptually correct. The type says that we're constructing a parser given some state (a stream of names). So it would be possible that given different streams we get different parsers. This is not what we want to do. We only want that the result of parsing depends on the names, not the whole parser. In this way Parser[State[Stream[Char],_]] seems to be more appropriate (Haskell's Parsec takes a similar approach, the state/monad is inside the parser).

traverse collection of type "Any" in Scala

I would like to traverse a collection resulting from the Scala JSON toolkit at github.
The problem is that the JsonParser returns "Any" so I am wondering how I can avoid the following error:
"Value foreach is not a member of Any".
val json = Json.parse(urls)
for(l <- json) {...}
object Json {
def parse(s: String): Any = (new JsonParser).parse(s)
You will have to do pattern matching to traverse the structures returned from the parser.
* (untested)
def printThem(a: Any) {
a match {
case l:List[_] =>
l foreach printThem
case m:Map[_, _] =>
for ( (k,v) <- m ) {
print("%s -> " format k)
case x =>
val json = Json.parse(urls)
You might have more luck using the lift-json parser, available at:
It has a much richer type-safe DSL available, and (despite the name) can be used completely standalone outside of the Lift framework.
If you are sure that in all cases there will be only one type you can come up with the following cast:
for (l <- json.asInstanceOf[List[List[String]]]) {...}
Otherwise do a Pattern-Match for all expected cases.

Using Either to process failures in Scala code

Option monad is a great expressive way to deal with something-or-nothing things in Scala. But what if one needs to log a message when "nothing" occurs? According to the Scala API documentation,
The Either type is often used as an
alternative to scala.Option where Left
represents failure (by convention) and
Right is akin to Some.
However, I had no luck to find best practices using Either or good real-world examples involving Either for processing failures. Finally I've come up with the following code for my own project:
def logs: Array[String] = {
def props: Option[Map[String, Any]] ={ ca =>
val config = ca.getConfiguration(PID, null) getOrElse immutable.Map.empty
def checkType(any: Any): Option[Array[String]] = any match {
case a: Array[String] => Some(a)
case _ => None
def lookup: Either[(Symbol, String), Array[String]] =
for {val properties <- props.toRight('warning -> "ConfigurationAdmin service not bound").right
val logsParam <- properties.get("logs").toRight('debug -> "'logs' not defined in the configuration").right
val array <- checkType(logsParam).toRight('warning -> "unknown type of 'logs' confguration parameter").right}
yield array
lookup.fold(failure => { failure match {
case ('warning, msg) => log(LogService.WARNING, msg)
case ('debug, msg) => log(LogService.DEBUG, msg)
case _ =>
}; new Array[String](0) }, success => success)
(Please note this is a snippet from a real project, so it will not compile on its own)
I'd be grateful to know how you are using Either in your code and/or better ideas on refactoring the above code.
Either is used to return one of possible two meaningful results, unlike Option which is used to return a single meaningful result or nothing.
An easy to understand example is given below (circulated on the Scala mailing list a while back):
def throwableToLeft[T](block: => T): Either[java.lang.Throwable, T] =
try {
} catch {
case ex => Left(ex)
As the function name implies, if the execution of "block" is successful, it will return "Right(<result>)". Otherwise, if a Throwable is thrown, it will return "Left(<throwable>)". Use pattern matching to process the result:
var s = "hello"
throwableToLeft { s.toUpperCase } match {
case Right(s) => println(s)
case Left(e) => e.printStackTrace
// prints "HELLO"
s = null
throwableToLeft { s.toUpperCase } match {
case Right(s) => println(s)
case Left(e) => e.printStackTrace
// prints NullPointerException stack trace
Hope that helps.
Scalaz library has something alike Either named Validation. It is more idiomatic than Either for use as "get either a valid result or a failure".
Validation also allows to accumulate errors.
Edit: "alike" Either is complettly false, because Validation is an applicative functor, and scalaz Either, named \/ (pronounced "disjonction" or "either"), is a monad.
The fact that Validation can accumalate errors is because of that nature. On the other hand, / has a "stop early" nature, stopping at the first -\/ (read it "left", or "error") it encounters. There is a perfect explanation here:
As requested by the comment, copy/paste of the above link (some lines removed):
// Extracting success or failure values
val s: Validation[String, Int] = 1.success
val f: Validation[String, Int] = "error".fail
// It is recommended to use fold rather than pattern matching:
val result: String = s.fold(e => "got error: " + e, s => "got success: " + s.toString)
s match {
case Success(a) => "success"
case Failure(e) => "fail"
// Validation is a Monad, and can be used in for comprehensions.
val k1 = for {
i <- s
j <- s
} yield i + j
k1.toOption assert_≟ Some(2)
// The first failing sub-computation fails the entire computation.
val k2 = for {
i <- f
j <- f
} yield i + j assert_≟ Some("error")
// Validation is also an Applicative Functor, if the type of the error side of the validation is a Semigroup.
// A number of computations are tried. If the all success, a function can combine them into a Success. If any
// of them fails, the individual errors are accumulated.
// Use the NonEmptyList semigroup to accumulate errors using the Validation Applicative Functor.
val k4 = (fNel <**> fNel){ _ + _ } assert_≟ some(nel1("error", "error"))
The snippet you posted seems very contrived. You use Either in a situation where:
It's not enough to just know the data isn't available.
You need to return one of two distinct types.
Turning an exception into a Left is, indeed, a common use case. Over try/catch, it has the advantage of keeping the code together, which makes sense if the exception is an expected result. The most common way of handling Either is pattern matching:
result match {
case Right(res) => ...
case Left(res) => ...
Another interesting way of handling Either is when it appears in a collection. When doing a map over a collection, throwing an exception might not be viable, and you may want to return some information other than "not possible". Using an Either enables you to do that without overburdening the algorithm:
val list = (
\\ "books"
map (book =>
if (book \ "author" isEmpty)
Right((book \ "author" toList) map (_ text))
Here we get a list of all authors in the library, plus a list of books without an author. So we can then further process it accordingly:
val authorCount = (
(Map[String,Int]() /: (list filter (_ isRight) map (_.right.get)))
((map, author) => map + (author -> (map.getOrElse(author, 0) + 1)))
val problemBooks = list flatMap (_.left.toSeq) // thanks to Azarov for this variation
So, basic Either usage goes like that. It's not a particularly useful class, but if it were you'd have seen it before. On the other hand, it's not useless either.
Cats has a nice way to create an Either from exception-throwing code:
val either: Either[NumberFormatException, Int] =
// either: Either[NumberFormatException,Int] = Left(java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "abc")