How to make a signal stable for quite some time in the assertion - system-verilog

Suppose I have an assertion as follows. Now here I want signal A to remain stable for some time after rising up. That is, A should be high until the first occurrence of D == 4 after that it can go low at any time it wants.
Also I dont want to use ##[0:$] in this assertion.
Any help/advice would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
property p_check(A,B,C,D,E);
#(posedge clk) disable iff(!resetn)
$rose(A) ##1 B ##0 (C == 3) ##0 (D != 2) |=> (D == 4)[->1] ##[0:2] (!E throughout A);
endproperty : p_check

You should write this as a separate property.
#(posedge clk) disable iff(!resetn)
$rose(A) |=> $stable(A) until (D==4);


Is there a way to skip the first evaluation of an SVA?

I have the following property:
property p_0;
$rose(signal_a) |-> $rose(signal_b) ;
my problem is, after HW RST, signal_b rises (normal behavior) but the assertion fails, and I want this check to be evaluated only later.
I wanted to work with first_match() with something like below:
p_0_a : assert property ( ! first_match(p_0)) else `uvm_fatal(...)
so that I skip the first match of this property but the compiler generates a syntax error.
Is there a way to skip the evaluation of SVAs after specific number of iterations?
Cascaded implication operators may well help you out, for example something along the lines of:
assert property (reset |-> p_0);
Basically, |=> and |-> are right-associative:
A |=> B |=> C
A |=> ( B |=> C )
ie If A happens, check (B |=> C) immediately afterwards. If A does not happen, don't check (B |=> C).

Stable for n*8 cycles property

I am learning SVA and trying to get my head around this check: data can only change every 8 cycles.
I know I can do that check by adding a counter that counts clock cycles and checking against it that way:
bit[2:0] count;
always #(posedge clk)
change_n8cycles: assert property (#(posedge clk) $changed(data) |-> count == 0);
However, I'm interested in a way to do that with only SVA. So far, I was thinking of something like that (which doesn't compile)
property change_n8cycles(valid, ready, data);
#(posedge clk)
$changed(data) |=> $stable(data)[*7] ##1 ($stable(data)[*8])[0:$] ##0 $changed(data);
endproperty : change_n8cycles
I feel there is an elegant way using an approach similar; or using recursive properties. However, I couldn't find it.
I would propose to use local variable in order to verify that
property change_n8cycles(valid, ready, data);
int lv_cnt;
#(posedge clk)
($changed(data), lv_cnt=0) ##1 ($stable(data), lv_cnt=lv_cnt+1)[*1:$] ##1 $changed(data) |-> lv_cnt == 8;
Or use some modeling layer
always #(posedge clk) begin
property change_n8cycles(data);
#(posedge clk)
$changed(data) |-> $past(count) == 8;

Data Mux SVA compare

I've trouble designing assertions(SVA) for this scenario.
When a mux sel is asserted, the data_in is expected to be stable for 2 clocks ; clock prior to mux sel being asserted, and the current clock when mux sel is asserted.
Now the data_in is a wide vector/bus signal, whereby some bits of the bus are Z and X during functional mode (this is expected), while this bits may carry value during non-functional mode.
This then implies, the approach to design the SVA would be to compare bit by bit of data bus when mux sel is asserted.
This is my approach, but SVA fails and am not sure why.
for( genvar i=1 ; i<BUS_WIDTH ; i++ ) begin
always # (posedge clk) begin
if(!$isunknown(data_in[i]) && reset) begin
data_in_temp_prev[i] <= data_in[i];
if (mux_sel==1 && reset==1 && i>0) begin
SVA_TEST: assert property (data_in[i] == data_in_temp_prev[i-1]) else `uvm_error("TRIAL_SVA",$sformatf("datain expected to be stable for 2 clks prior to mux sel"));
end //if
end //if isunknown
else begin
din0_temp_prev[i] <= 0;
end //always
end // for genvar
Any suggestions on how to approach designing this SVA ?
If I understood correctly your problem, you don't need all this structure for this kind of problem, look at my example below and tell me if helps or not.
property mux_compare;
disable iff(!reset)
#(posedge mux_sel)
#(posedge clk)
$stable(data_in) [*2];
endproperty: mux_compare
My approach to SVA checkers is to use a standard structure to properties to avoid all kinds of problems. the structure is to always use clocked properties with "disable iff" and always use an implication operator, where the left hand side is the trigger and the right hand side is what we want to verify.
Here's an example from the LRM:
property abc(a, b, c);
disable iff (c) #(posedge clk) a |=> b;
similarly to the answer above, I would do this:
property mux_compare;
disable iff(!reset) #(posedge clk)
mux_sel===1 |->
!$isunknown(data_in[i]) || $stable(data_in) && data_in[i] == $past(data_in[i],2);
endproperty: mux_compare

How to write property for formal verification?

property prop1;
#(posedge clk)
$fell(sig1) ##1 sequence1 |-> sequence2;
I want to disable the property iff sig1=1'b1 after first clock cycle.
Transition from high to low on sig1 is my triggering condition. If I do disable iff(sig1) triggering condition will not be met.
Also using throughout is not possible on both enabling and satisfying sequences in formal verifiers.
How can i do it?
How about writing some satellite code to derive a delayed version of sig:
always #(posedge clk) sig1d <= sig1;
property prop1;
#(posedge clk) disable iff(sig1d)
$fell(sig1) ##1 sequence1 |-> sequence2;
You can re-write your assertion to only trigger if you don't see sig1 high after the first cycle:
property prop1;
#(posedge clk) disable iff(sig1d)
$fell(sig1) ##1 !sig1 ##0 sequence1 |-> sequence2;

How to write a property in System verilog assertions?

I want to write a property in SVA to formally verify a behavior.
Here is what I want to:
property prop1(sig1,sig2,sig3,sig4);
#(posedge clk)
$fell(sig1) ##[1:$] first_match($fell(sig2)) ##0 sig3 |-> sig4 == sig3;
How can I rewrite the above property so that after sig1 falls, it stays LOW during remaining Evaluation cycles?
Note: I do not want to put sig1 as disable iff (sig1)
property prop1(sig1,sig2,sig3,sig4);
#(posedge clk)
(!sig1) throughout (##[1:$] first_match($fell(sig2)) ##0 sig3)
|-> sig4 == sig3;
See section 16.9.9 Conditions over sequences in the 1800-2012 LRM