How do I use the snap to road function using OSRM? - osrm

I am currently working with OSRM and used some GPS data for testing which i generated using googles Interactive Polyline Encoder Utility
The concept im going for is that a car is driving along a street sending every 20 seconds its GPS location. I want to display the path and the kilometers it drove at the end of its trip.
I set up a Client in C# performing a GET request with the match algorithm to communicate with the api on the open demoserver backend
The problem is that i cannot use the match algorithm because it only takes two GPS points instead of a polyline consisting of several GPS locations. To me this does not make sense.
I tried this and it worked not that bad but it lost track and somehow ended at a point i didn't define, probably because of the quite long distance between the two points but i need it to work for more than two though:
here's the picture of it where it went wrong,47.393753;13.6849281,47.3935649?overview=full&radiuses=49;49
I also found some decent blogs and websites telling me that I should use the OSRM matching algorithm as a Snap to road tool. One of them is this one:
I also tried the route method which according to the OSRM wiki finds the fastest route between coordinates in the supplied order. Thats not exactly what I want. At least it could take a polyline of GPS locations but it was always extremely inacurate and faulty.
This is the GET Request for the method route I used:
Pic of how it looked before OSRM, it is slightly inacurate so i want it snapped to the road:
string polyline = #"kz~dHclrbBbAfAn#iBb#{Cf#aBXkA_#s#m#i#_A}#c#c#Fu#Tq#ZWXT";
string.Format("{0})?overview=full", polyline);
As response i got this polyline in the attribute geometry:
This is what i got when I decoded it through the google polyline encoder: a complete mess..
Could someone explain what I am doing wrong? Thank you in advance!

I am sure the problem is that you do not send the timestamp of each geolocation in unix time.
Take a look at the official documentation:
This is how your request should look like:,47.393753;13.6849281,47.3935649?overview=full&radiuses=49;49&timestamps=1563459949;1563460007


Finding the next intersection on the current street by using OpenStreetMap

I'm new to OSM and would like to know if my approach for finding the next intersection ahead is possible when doing it offline.
The goal is to get the coordinates (latitude/longitude) of the next intersection on the street I'm currently driving on. For that I have my actual position (lat/lon coordinates) and heading (w.r.t. the north-pole) at disposition.
My current approach right now is to first use my coordinates for getting the name of the street/way/trace in which I am driving; then use that name for knowing which are the next intersections on that street (to both sides); and then use the heading for knowing which direction is the one I should pay attention to.
Once I have the intersection, I would get its coordinates and continue with the program.
My questions are then, is it possible to do all of that offline, i.e. with a .osm file (or similar)?
And, do you know a better approach for getting the coordinates of the next intersection ahead?
Thanks a lot in advance!
PS. I was able to get the name of the street by using nominatim and to get all the intersections of a street by using Overpass turbo, but this solutions would need internet; or is there a way of using them offline?

How does routing services for OSM determine the distance between two points

I am going to design an Android application and I will be needing the distances of the pathways inside our university(pathways between buildings)
I read about OSM(OpenStreetMap) and tried it. It is a map which is editable which means anyone can contribute to that map(like a wikipedia map version).
It has many routing services that give routes and directions between two point(start and end).
There is a routing service named GraphHopper and it is very easy to use. I can just drag and drop the start and end pt and it gives the distance(km) between the two pts.
What I want to know is how did they come up with the distance?
Is the distance reliable and accurate?
Any help is greatly appreciated because I want to use the distances for my Android app and I need to know if these distances have basis.
The distance is 'accurate' in the sense that it correctly processes the existing information from OpenStreetMap and correctly adds road segments for the final route. You can just try for your local area and compare to your own knowledge.
There could be mapping errors, where a road is incorrectly mapped. And there could be also roads missing and so the router uses a detour making the path unnecessarily longer. Also there are different modes like for cars or bikes or fastest and shortest where you get a different distance between two coordinates.

Get elevation of an area

I need to get the elevation in meters, of specific points within in a 1km square of ground.
Each point will be 5 meters apart, meaning a total of 40,000 specific points.
The elevation for each of these points will be stored in a 200x200 matrix.
I have tried to use the Google Maps Elevation API, but I think the amount of data I need to request will exceed the terms of service.
I also need to use the elevation data on Matlab, but reading the terms of service for the Google API, I believe I would be limited to using the data within Google Maps itself.
Please could you suggest a solution for me?
After reading all the Terms and Conditions for Google's elevation API, I believe you would be fine in using it for PERSONAL use in Metlab.
However, if you intend to publish the results or anything derived from the data, you will need to include a google map with it... but that could be in the form of a link to a map with just the 200x200 points plotted - a fifteen minute job to knock up ;)
Go for it :)

IPhone : google maps directions

i'm developing an iPhone app which embed a mapView made with mkmapkit.
I got two coordinates and I'm tracing the direction between these two points.
Everything works well. I'm using google maps api : to retrieve xml with all the steps of the direction.
But one thing is very strange : I just can't understand why driving direction is not accurate.
Between two steps it trace a right line and don't follow the road while walking travel mode trace a very accurate direction, following roads.
Driving Mode :
Walking Mode :
My question is simple : have you ever used the google maps api and can you understand why one is more accurate than the other...
Your driving directions seems to take you along major roads or highways, so there are no change of driving directions between each of these points. You have not stated the reply you get from the directions api, but my guess is that you are receiving the steps along the route where you have to change direction, eg. highway junctions, etc:
Google documentation:
Each element in the steps array
defines a single step of the
calculated directions. A step is the
most atomic unit of a direction's
route, containing a single step
describing a specific, single
instruction on the journey. E.g. "Turn
left at W. 4th St." The step not only
describes the instruction but also
contains distance and duration
information relating to how this step
relates to the following step. For
example, a step denoted as "Merge onto
I-80 West" may contain a duration of
"37 miles" and "40 minutes,"
indicating that the next step is 37
miles/40 minutes from this step.
When you are walking, you are taking turns more often in order to get the shortest route.
The directions api does not provide you with the exact overlays that match the actually roads travelled. Only the positions where you make changes.
Alternatively you could take a look at the overview_polyline field in the reply. It may have a smoother path than by using the waypoints.

Translate GPS coordinates to location on PDF Map

I'd like to know (from a high level view) what would be required to take a pdf floor plan of a building and determine where exactly you are on that floor plan using GPS coordinates? In addition to location, the user would be presented with a "turn by turn" directions to another point on the map, navigating down hallways, between cubicles, etc.
Use case: an iPhone app that determined a user's location and guided them to a conference room or person's office in the building.
I realize that this is by no means trivial, but any help is appreciated. Thanks!
It's an interesting problem. When you're using Core Location, you're not necessarily using GPS. Using WiFi and cell tower triangulation, you can get pretty good location results. So from Core Location you get a latitude and longitude fix. (You might also get altitude info, since GPS data is 3-dimensional. You also will get an accuracy value.)
So you have lat and lon. You need to map these coordinates to the PDF plan's coordinates. Assuming that the plan is aligned with the latitude and longitude lines, and that you have a lat-long fix for one of the points on the plan, you need to calculate the x-axis scale and y-axis scale. Then it's some calculations to map the lat-long to x-y coordinates on the PDF plan.
GPS may not be accurate enough for this purpose, especially indoors. Assuming errors on
the order of 10 meters, you'll have difficulty determining which floor the user is on.
Here's a neat (?) idea that might work: can you post some "You are here" placards
at various locations around the building? You could label each one with a unique,
machine-readable location code (maybe a QR code or something similar), then take an
image using the camera, have your app read that image and interpret the location code,
and use that instead of GPS to determine the start location.
GPS inside? That's your first -- and biggest -- hurdle.
Next hurdle is knowing the GPS coordinates of at least three points on that PDF to define the plane of of your map in the real world. (The PDF will need to be to scale, of course.)
So that gives you where you are on the PDF. Now you'll need to figure out some way to determine where you can walk (or where you can't) to get directions.