I have a range key field that is also an GSI. Does anybody know how to annotate this attribute with DynamoDBMapper?
FYI, I tried putting both #DynamoDBRangeKey and #DynamoDBIndexHashKey annotations on like below, and it gave an "no RANGE key value present" error while querying data.
#DynamoDBRangeKey(attributeName = POOL_HOST)
#DynamoDBIndexHashKey(attributeName = POOL_HOST,
globalSecondaryIndexName = POOL_HOST_GSI)
String poolhost;
since I got to know that ExtendedProperties have its limit for a specific mailbox in the EWS cloud I am trying to switch up my code to have only one ExtendedProperty and just change its value each time I am assigning the property to an e-mail message I am sending to then find it and work on the e-mail message object later on in the program.
I am having a hard time setting this up correctly even though I am following the docs, but it just seems to not work out for me.
This is the code part that throws an Exception: "Multiple ambigious overloads found for "ExtendedPropertyDefinition" and the argument count "3" :
# email declaration exposing the $email object
# property declaration and setting the value
# since I want to have only one extended property, this is actually a valid GUID string that I then # convert to a Guid type
$GUIDproperty = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
$propertyGUID = [Guid]$GUIDproperty
# since I want to have a unique value each time set to the existing extended property
$propertyValue = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
$propertyName = "Id"
$ExtendedProperty = [Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExtendedPropertyDefinition]::new($propertyGUID, $propertyName, $propertyType)
# well I dont even reach this part, but just for the big picture
$email.SetExtendedProperty($ExtendedProperty, $propertyValue)
The docs I have followed for that are the following:
The following works okay for me
$propertyType = [Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.MapiPropertyType]::String
$GUIDproperty = "82e3d64f-e26d-4321-8fc3-c31aa790197c"
$propertyGUID = [Guid]$GUIDproperty
$propertyValue = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
$propertyName = "MyPropId"
$ExtendedProperty = [Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExtendedPropertyDefinition]::new($propertyGUID, $propertyName, $propertyType)
return $ExtendedProperty
You don't specify what you using in the $propertyType so that maybe it, could also be to do with the versions you using. What version of PowerShell and the EWS Managed API are you trying ?
I'm trying to create new vector layer with the same fields as contained in original layer.
original_layer_fields_list = original_layer.fields().toList()
new_layer = QgsVectorLayer("Point", "new_layer", "memory")
pr = new_layer.dataProvider()
However, when I try:
for fld in original_layer_fields_list:
type_name = fld.typeName()
pr.addAttributes([QgsField(name = fld.name(), typeName = type_name)])
I get a layer with no fields in attribute table.
If I try something like:
for fld in original_layer_fields_list:
if fld.type() == 2:
pr.addAttributes([QgsField(name = fld.name(), type = QVariant.Int)])
... it works like charm.
Anyway ... I'd rather like the first solution to work in case if one wants to automate the process and not check for every field type and then find an appropriate code. Besides - I really am not able to find any documentation about codes for data types. I managed to find this post https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/353975/get-only-fields-with-datatype-int-in-pyqgis where in comments Kadir pointed on this sourcecode (https://codebrowser.dev/qt5/qtbase/src/corelib/kernel/qvariant.h.html#QVariant::Type).
I'd really be thankful for any kind of direction.
I am trying to make a form where I would enter new data. I am trying to make a combobox which would when I press selected record autofill data in form with known data. So I have Owner [Vlasnik] table and I am able to autofill info about owner but I am not able to change ID_VU which is unique key for each owner.
Private Sub cboID_VU2_Change()
Me.[Vlasnik.ID_VU].Value = Me.cboID_VU2.Column(0)
Me.[Naziv tvrtke].Value = Me.cboID_VU2.Column(1)
Me.[Ime korisnika].Value = Me.cboID_VU2.Column(2)
Me.[Prezime korisnika].Value = Me.cboID_VU2.Column(3)
Me.[Adresa korisnika].Value = Me.cboID_VU2.Column(4)
Me.[Telefon].Value = Me.cboID_VU2.Column(5)
Me.Mail.Value = Me.cboID_VU2.Column(6)
End Sub
Control source of comobox is empty and this is rowsource :
SELECT Vlasnik.ID_VU, Vlasnik.[Naziv tvrtke], Vlasnik.[Ime korisnika], Vlasnik.[Prezime korisnika], Vlasnik.[Adresa korisnika], Vlasnik.Telefon, Vlasnik.Mail FROM Vlasnik ORDER BY Vlasnik.[Prezime korisnika];
When I try to run a code I am getting error on line
Me.[Vlasnik.ID_VU].Value = Me.cboID_VU2.Column(0)
with message "You can't assign value to this object"
I think problem is that Vlasnik.ID_VU is set as autonumber
The bizarre properties in the .NET SDK continue to baffle me. How do I read the UnitPrice from an invoice line?
If I do this:
sild = (SalesItemLineDetail)line.AnyIntuitObject;
ln = new QBInvoiceLine(); // My internal line item class
ln.Description = line.Description;
ln.ItemRef = new QBRef() { Id = sild.ItemRef.Value, Name = sild.ItemRef.name };
if (sild.QtySpecified)
ln.Quantity = sild.Qty;
ln.Quantity = 0;
if (sild.ItemElementName == ItemChoiceType.UnitPrice)
ln.Rate = (decimal)sild.AnyIntuitObject; // Exception thrown here
The last line throws an invalid cast exception, even though the debugger shows that the value is 20. I've tried other types but get the same exception no matter what I do. So I finally punted and am calculating the rate like so:
ln.Rate = line.Amount / ln.Quantity;
(With proper rounding and checking for divide by zero, of course)
While we're on the subject... I noticed that in many cases ItemElementName == ItemChoiceType.PriceLevelRef. What's up with that? As far as I know, QBO doesn't support price levels, and I certainly wasn't using a price level with this invoice or customer. In this case I was also able to get what I needed from the Amount property.
Try this-
SalesItemLineDetail a1 = (SalesItemLineDetail)invoice11.Line[0].AnyIntuitObject;
object unitprice = a1.AnyIntuitObject;
decimal quantity = a1.Qty;
PriceLevelRef as an 'entity' is not supported. This means CRUD operations are not supported on this entity.
The service might however be returning readonly values in the transactions sometimes, but since this not mentioned in the docs, please consider it as unsupported.
Check that both request/response are in either json or xml format-
You can use the following code to set that-
ServiceContext context = new ServiceContext(appToken, realmId, intuitServiceType, reqvalidator);
context.IppConfiguration.Message.Request.SerializationFormat = Intuit.Ipp.Core.Configuration.SerializationFormat.Json;
context.IppConfiguration.Message.Response.SerializationFormat = Intuit.Ipp.Core.Configuration.SerializationFormat.Json;
Also, in QBO UI, check if Company->sales settings has Track Quantity and Price/rate turned on.
Can anyone tell me how to format the query below correctly in my controller.
Currently it gives me nothing in my FilteringSelect. However if I change it to >= I get back all the kennelIDs which is incorrect also but at least I'm getting something.
I've tested that the session variable is set and can confirm that there are kennels with the matching capacity.
// Create autocomplete selection for the service of this booking
public function servkennelAction()
$sessionKennelBooking = new Zend_Session_Namespace('sessionKennelBooking');
// disable layout and view rendering
// get list of grooming services for dogs from the table
$qry= Doctrine_Query::create()
->from('PetManager_Model_Kennels k');
//This should be set by default and narrows down the search criteria
$qry->addWhere('k.capacity = ?','$b');
//generate and return JSON string using the primary key of the table
$data = new Zend_Dojo_Data('kennelID',$result);
echo $data->toJson();
Many thanks in Advance.
I think that addWhere condition is wrong. It has to be:
$qry->addWhere('k.capacity = ?', $b);
i.e. $b without quotes.