Alternative to System.Drawing.Bitmap for Xamarin Forms - forms

I need to use Bitmap class from System.Drawing.Bitmap, this is a function that works fine on windows Platform. But after I tried to run on Xamarin Forms, and installed nuget package System.Drawing, the program compiles correctly without errors.
But when running program I receive an error. Somehow seems to point to System.Drawing from windows, not the System.Drawing from the nuget package.
What I need to do is, get Photo from Camera and print it.
Below is the code to print. Problem is with "Bitmap" converter.
Tried several nuget packages, none worked:
public byte[] PrintImage(byte[] PHOTO)
Bitmap bmp;
using (var ms = new MemoryStream(PHOTO))
bmp = new Bitmap(ms);
BitmapData data = GetBitmapData(bmp);
BitArray dots = data.Dots;
byte[] width = BitConverter.GetBytes(data.Width);
int offset = 0;
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(stream);
// center command
// print image
while (offset < data.Height)
bw.Write('*'); // bit-image mode
bw.Write((byte)33); // 24-dot double-density
bw.Write(width[0]); // width low byte
bw.Write(width[1]); // width high byte
for (int x = 0; x < data.Width; ++x)
for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
byte slice = 0;
for (int b = 0; b < 8; ++b)
int y = (((offset / 8) + k) * 8) + b;
// Calculate the location of the pixel.
// It'll be at (y * width) + x.
int i = (y * data.Width) + x;
// If the image is shorter than 24 dots.
bool v = false;
if (i < dots.Length)
v = dots[i];
slice |= (byte)((v ? 1 : 0) << (7 - b));
offset += 24;
// Restore the line spacing to the default of 30 dots.
byte[] bytes = stream.ToArray();
return bytes; // logo + Encoding.Default.GetString(bytes);
public BitmapData GetBitmapData(Bitmap bmp) // (string bmpFileName)
//using (var bitmap = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromFile(bmpFileName))
using (var bitmap = bmp)
var threshold = 127;
var index = 0;
double multiplier = 570; // this depends on your printer
double scale = (double)(multiplier / (double)bitmap.Width);
int xheight = (int)(bitmap.Height * scale);
int xwidth = (int)(bitmap.Width * scale);
var dimensions = xwidth * xheight;
var dots = new BitArray(dimensions);
for (var y = 0; y < xheight; y++)
for (var x = 0; x < xwidth; x++)
var _x = (int)(x / scale);
var _y = (int)(y / scale);
var color = bitmap.GetPixel(_x, _y);
var luminance = (int)(color.R * 0.3 + color.G * 0.59 + color.B * 0.11);
dots[index] = (luminance < threshold);
return new BitmapData()
Dots = dots,
Height = (int)(bitmap.Height * scale),
Width = (int)(bitmap.Width * scale)
public class BitmapData
public BitArray Dots
public int Height
public int Width
Error occurs when function is called as:
byte[] _buffer = PrintImage(FOTO);
The error:
"Could not resolve type with token 01000119 from typeref (expected class 'System.Drawing.Bitmap' in assembly 'System.Drawing.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51')"


Add percent to boxes of image after prediction?

I'm working with darknet and want to add the prediction in percent next to the label with darknet like this:
rather than the default like this:
Is there a way to do this? after you've run darknet it displays the probability that the label surrounding the object is the actual label. This is what i want to add to the image itself.
I figured out how to add it. I've added the code for anyone with the same question in the future so it's copy and paste. remember to re-make darknet afterwards.
We need to replace draw_directions function in darknet/src/image.c with the following:
void draw_detections(image im, detection *dets, int num, float thresh, char **names, image **alphabet, int classes)
int i,j;
for(i = 0; i < num; ++i){
char labelstr[4096] = {0};
int class = -1;
for(j = 0; j < classes; ++j){
if (dets[i].prob[j] > thresh){
if (class < 0) {
/* this line adds the percent to the image*/
sprintf(labelstr,"%s %f%%",names[j], (dets[i].prob[j]*100) );
class = j;
} else {
strcat(labelstr, ", ");
strcat(labelstr, names[j]);
printf("%s: %.0f%%\n", names[j], dets[i].prob[j]*100);
if(class >= 0){
int width = im.h * .006;
width = pow(prob, 1./2.)*10+1;
alphabet = 0;
//printf("%d %s: %.0f%%\n", i, names[class], prob*100);
int offset = class*123457 % classes;
float red = get_color(2,offset,classes);
float green = get_color(1,offset,classes);
float blue = get_color(0,offset,classes);
float rgb[3];
//width = prob*20+2;
rgb[0] = red;
rgb[1] = green;
rgb[2] = blue;
box b = dets[i].bbox;
//printf("%f %f %f %f\n", b.x, b.y, b.w, b.h);
int left = (b.x-b.w/2.)*im.w;
int right = (b.x+b.w/2.)*im.w;
int top = (b.y-b.h/2.)*im.h;
int bot = (b.y+b.h/2.)*im.h;
if(left < 0) left = 0;
if(right > im.w-1) right = im.w-1;
if(top < 0) top = 0;
if(bot > im.h-1) bot = im.h-1;
draw_box_width(im, left, top, right, bot, width, red, green, blue);
if (alphabet) {
image label = get_label(alphabet, labelstr, (im.h*.03));
draw_label(im, top + width, left, label, rgb);
if (dets[i].mask){
image mask = float_to_image(14, 14, 1, dets[i].mask);
image resized_mask = resize_image(mask, b.w*im.w, b.h*im.h);
image tmask = threshold_image(resized_mask, .5);
embed_image(tmask, im, left, top);

When running a method of a class I get a 'unexpected token: (' error message

I am new to java and I am using processing. I am just learning to how use classes is java and I am getting confusing error messages when I run a method. the error message is 'unexpected token: (' the error as at the p.setPieces(pawn, white); line
here is my code:
int ranks = 8;
int files = 8;
int spacing;
// set the values for all the pieces and colors
int empty = 0;
int pawn = 1;
int knight = 2;
int bishop = 3;
int rook = 4;
int queen = 5;
int king = 6;
int white = 8;
int black = 16;
Piece p = new Piece();
p.setPiece(pawn, white);
void setup() {
size(600, 600);
spacing = width / ranks;
void draw() {
// draw the board
for (int i = 0; i < ranks; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < files; j++) {
if ((i + j) % 2 == 0) {
rect(i * spacing, j * spacing, spacing, spacing);
} else {
rect(i * spacing, j * spacing, spacing, spacing);
and then in a different file I have:
class Piece {
// make variables for color and type of a piece
int pieceType;
int pieceColor;
// set up type and color
void setPiece(int Type, int Color) {
pieceType = Type;
pieceColor = Color;
As khelwood and luk2302 mentioned, simply move p.setPiece(pawn, white); in setup() (preferably after size()):
int ranks = 8;
int files = 8;
int spacing;
// set the values for all the pieces and colors
int empty = 0;
int pawn = 1;
int knight = 2;
int bishop = 3;
int rook = 4;
int queen = 5;
int king = 6;
int white = 8;
int black = 16;
Piece p = new Piece();
void setup() {
size(600, 600);
spacing = width / ranks;
p.setPiece(pawn, white);
void draw() {
// draw the board
for (int i = 0; i < ranks; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < files; j++) {
if ((i + j) % 2 == 0) {
rect(i * spacing, j * spacing, spacing, spacing);
} else {
rect(i * spacing, j * spacing, spacing, spacing);
class Piece {
// make variables for color and type of a piece
int pieceType;
int pieceColor;
// set up type and color
void setPiece(int Type, int Color) {
pieceType = Type;
pieceColor = Color;
When using "active" mode (e.g. setup()/draw()) you can only declare variables (at the top), but not use them directly in the main block of code. You need to reference them within a function.

XOR Neural Network not converging

I'm having a problem with getting my XOR neural network to converge. It has two inputs, 2 nodes in the hidden layer, and one output node. I think it has something to do with my back propagation algorithm but I have tried to figure out where in it the problem occurs but I can't. I have also looked extensively over all the algorithms and they appear to be all correct.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;
public class NeuralNetwork {
public static class Perceptron {
public ArrayList<Perceptron> inputs;
public ArrayList<Double> inputWeight;
public double output;
public double error;
private double bias = 1;
private double biasWeight;
public boolean activationOn = false;
//sets up non input layers
public Perceptron(ArrayList<Perceptron> in) {
inputWeight = new ArrayList<Double>(in.size());
inputs = in;
//basic constructor
public Perceptron() { }
//generate random weights
private void initWeight(int size) {
Random generator = new Random();
for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
inputWeight.add(i, ((generator.nextDouble())));
biasWeight = (generator.nextDouble());
//calculate output based on current outputs of last layer
public double calculateOutput() {
double num = 0;
num = bias*biasWeight;
for(int i=0; i<inputs.size(); i++)
num += inputs.get(i).output * inputWeight.get(i);
output = num;
output = sigmoid(output);
output = threshold(output);
return output;
//methods used for learning
//calculate output error
public double calcOutputError(double expected){
error = output * (1 - output) * (expected - output);
return error;
//calculate node blame
public void blame(double outError, double outWeight) {
error = output * (1 - output) * outWeight * outError;
//adjust weights
public void adjustWeight() {
double alpha = .5;
double newWeight = 0;
for(int i=0; i<inputs.size(); i++) {
newWeight = inputWeight.get(i) + alpha * inputs.get(i).output * error;
inputWeight.set(i, newWeight);
//adjust bias weight
newWeight = biasWeight + alpha * bias * error;
biasWeight = newWeight;
//System.out.println("Weight " + biasWeight);
//returns the sigmoid of x
private double sigmoid(double x) {
return (1 / ( 1 + Math.pow(Math.E, -x)));
//returns threshold of x
private double threshold(double x) {
return 1;
return 0;
//teaches a neural network XOR
public static void teachXOR(ArrayList<Perceptron> inputs, ArrayList<Perceptron> hidden, Perceptron output) {
int examples[][] = { {0,0,0},
{1,0,1} };
boolean examplesFix[] = {false, false, false, false};
int layerSize = 2;
boolean learned = false;
boolean fixed;
int limit = 50000;
while(!learned && limit > 0) {
learned = true;
//turn on using activation function
for(int i=0; i<2; i++)
hidden.get(i).activationOn = true;
output.activationOn = true;
for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
examplesFix[i] = false;
//set up inputs
for(int j=0; j<layerSize; j++)
inputs.get(j).output = examples[i][j];
//calculate outputs for hidden layer
for(int j=0; j<layerSize; j++)
//calculate final output
double outValue = output.calculateOutput();
System.out.println("Check output " + examples[i][0] + "," + examples[i][1] + " = " + outValue);
if(((outValue < .5 && examples[i][2] == 1) || (outValue > .5 && examples[i][2] == 0))) {
learned = false;
examplesFix[i] = true;
//turn on using activation function
for(int i=0; i<2; i++)
hidden.get(i).activationOn = true;
output.activationOn = true;
//teach the nodes that are incorrect
if(!learned && limit >= 0) {
for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
if(examplesFix[i]) {
fixed = false;
while(!fixed) {
//System.out.println("Adjusting weight: " + examples[i][0] + "," + examples[i][1] + " --> " + examples[i][2]);
for(int j=0; j<layerSize; j++)
inputs.get(j).output = examples[i][j];
//calculate outputs for hidden layer
for(int j=0; j<layerSize; j++)
//calculate final output
double outValue = output.calculateOutput();
if((outValue >= .5 && examples[i][2] == 1) || (outValue < .5 && examples[i][2] == 0)) {
fixed = true;
else {
double outError = output.calcOutputError(examples[i][2]);
//blame the hidden layer nodes
for(int j=0; j<layerSize; j++)
hidden.get(j).blame(outError, output.inputWeight.get(j));
//adjust weights
for(int j=0; j<layerSize; j++)
//if(limit <= 0)
// System.out.println("Did not converge");//, error: " + output.error);
//runs tests for XOR, not complete
public static void runXOR(ArrayList<Perceptron> inputs, ArrayList<Perceptron> hidden, Perceptron output) throws IOException {
//create new file
PrintWriter writer;
File file = new File("Test.csv");
writer = new PrintWriter(file);
ArrayList<String> positive = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<String> negative = new ArrayList<String>();
//turn off using activation function
for(int i=0; i<2; i++)
hidden.get(i).activationOn = false;
output.activationOn = false;
//tests 10,000 points
for(int i=0; i<=100; i++) {
for(int j=0; j<=100; j++) {
inputs.get(0).output = (double)i/100;
inputs.get(1).output = (double)j/100;
//calculate outputs for hidden layer
for(int k=0; k<2; k++)
//calculate final output
double outValue = output.calculateOutput();
//keep track of positive and negative results
if(outValue >= .5) {
positive.add((double)i/100 + "," + (double)j/100 + "," + outValue);
//writer.println((double)i/100 + "," + (double)j/100 + ",1");
else if(outValue < .5) {
negative.add((double)i/100 + "," + (double)j/100 + "," + outValue);
//writer.println((double)i/100 + "," + (double)j/100 + ",0");
//write out to file
int i = 0;
while(i<positive.size() && i<negative.size()) {
writer.println(positive.get(i) + "," + negative.get(i));
while(i<positive.size()) {
while(i<negative.size()) {
writer.println(",,," + negative.get(i));
//used for testing
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
int layerSize = 2;
ArrayList<Perceptron> inputLayer;
ArrayList<Perceptron> hiddenLayer;
Perceptron outputLayer;
//XOR neural network
inputLayer = new ArrayList<Perceptron>(layerSize);
hiddenLayer = new ArrayList<Perceptron>(layerSize);
//for(Perceptron per : inputLayer)
// per = new Perceptron();
for(int i=0; i<layerSize; i++)
inputLayer.add(new Perceptron());
for(int i=0; i<layerSize; i++)
hiddenLayer.add(new Perceptron(inputLayer));
outputLayer = new Perceptron(hiddenLayer);
teachXOR(inputLayer, hiddenLayer, outputLayer);
runXOR(inputLayer, hiddenLayer, outputLayer);
First, your code has very peculiar structure and will be hard to debug. I would consider writing it from scratch, with more clear structure, less internal fields, and more actual functions returning values.
One major error (possibly not the only one) is your distinction between output and learnOutput in hidden layer. When you calculate activation of the output layer you actually use "output" field, while you should use learnOutput (which is the only one actually using sigmoid activation).
Furthermore - if you correctly restructure your code you could create unit test for numerical gradient testing, and this is what you should always do when working with neural networks/other gradient trained machines. In this case it would show you that your gradient is incorrect.

Dynamically adding tiles to a grid based map

I want to have an infinitely explorable map. The plan is to create categories of game tiles (roads, obstacles, buildings), and randomly choose a category of game tile to be added when the player approaches the edge of the existing set of tiles. Tiles will also be destroyed once the player is 2 grid squares away from that tile. Currently I am using a multidimensional array that requires a size initializer.
What I have so far:
public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour
private GameObject[,] tileArray;
public GameObject groundTile;
public GameObject player;
private int tileSize = 80;
private int nextFarX = 1;
private int nextFarZ = 1;
private int nextNearX = -1;
private int nextNearZ = -1;
private float padding = .1f;
private int arrayOffset;
private int arrayDimension;
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
arrayDimension = 200;
arrayOffset = arrayDimension / 2;
tileArray = new GameObject[,];
this.AddCubeAt(0, 0);
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
var x = Convert.ToInt32(player.transform.position.x / tileSize);
var z = Convert.ToInt32(player.transform.position.z / tileSize);
for (int i = -1; i < 2; i++)
for (int j = -1; j < 2; j++)
var checkX = x + i;
var checkZ = z + j;
if (tileArray[checkX + arrayOffset, checkZ + arrayOffset] == null)
//player is less than 2 tiles away from this grid, add a tile
this.AddCubeAt(checkX, checkZ);
// feels like a hack, but it will remove tiles that are not touching the tile that the player occupies
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
if (i == 0 | i == 5 | j == 0 | j == 5)
if (tileArray[x + (i-2) + arrayOffset, z + (j-2) + arrayOffset] != null)
Destroy(tileArray[x + (i - 2) + arrayOffset, z + (j - 2) + arrayOffset]);
tileArray[x + (i - 2) + arrayOffset, z + (j - 2) + arrayOffset] = null;
private void AddCubeAt(int x, int z)
var pos = new Vector3(x * tileSize, 0, z * tileSize);
var rot = Quaternion.identity;
GameObject newCube = (GameObject)Instantiate(groundTile, pos, rot);
tileArray[x + arrayOffset, z + arrayOffset] = newCube;
What is a better way to approach this?
You should familiarize yourself with Graph Data Structure (not adjacency matrix implementation). It's much more appropriate for this task. And, I would solve this
Tiles will also be destroyed once the player is 2 grid squares away from that tile
in another way: Every time player changed his position I would start DFS on target depth (in your case it's 2) and remove found tiles.
Decided to go with a simple Dictionary and methods to query/update it:
private GameObject RetrieveTileAt(int x, int z)
string key = string.Format("{0}.{1}", x, z);
if (tileDictionary.ContainsKey(key))
return tileDictionary[key];
return null;
private void InsertTileAt(int x, int z, GameObject tile)
string key = string.Format("{0}.{1}", x, z);
tileDictionary[key] = tile;
It is not an infinitely sized grid, (int min + int max)squared, but it should be far more than I need.

Fill polygon in unity 3d

I've some problem when draw manual in unity 2d.
I used list vector to draw polygon, but I can't fill it.
I also read this tutorial:
But it's seem I need to convert polygon to triangles.(because my polygon is complex so convert to triangles is hard. I need to use some algorithm like Ear clipping...).
Please help me an easy way to fill it. (I think unity is top of game engine, then have some way to do it easiest).
Thanks so so much.
You are stuck with converting to mesh to get fill to work... GPUs(shaders) can only fill the interior spaces of triangles... This is fairly easy if you are working with closed convex polygons. Polygons with concave sections will take a bit more complicated algorithm to convert to mesh, but it seems you've already done some research on the subject (you mentioned ear clipping).
Good luck implementing your polygon list to triangle algo :)
I can offer Poisson-Disc algorithm remodel UniformPoissonDiskSampler.cs like :
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace AwesomeNamespace
public static class UniformPoissonDiskSampler
public const int DefaultPointsPerIteration = 30;
static readonly float SquareRootTwo = (float)Math.Sqrt(2);
struct Settings
public UnityEngine.Vector2 TopLeft, LowerRight, Center;
public UnityEngine.Vector2 Dimensions;
public float? RejectionSqDistance;
public float MinimumDistance;
public float CellSize;
public int GridWidth, GridHeight;
struct State
public UnityEngine.Vector2?[,] Grid;
public List<UnityEngine.Vector2> ActivePoints, Points;
public static List<UnityEngine.Vector2> SampleCircle(UnityEngine.Vector2 center, float radius, float minimumDistance)
return SampleCircle(center, radius, minimumDistance, DefaultPointsPerIteration);
public static List<UnityEngine.Vector2> SampleCircle(UnityEngine.Vector2 center, float radius, float minimumDistance, int pointsPerIteration)
return Sample(center - new UnityEngine.Vector2(radius, radius), center + new UnityEngine.Vector2(radius, radius), radius, minimumDistance, pointsPerIteration, null);
public static List<UnityEngine.Vector2> SampleRectangle(UnityEngine.Vector2 topLeft, UnityEngine.Vector2 lowerRight, float minimumDistance)
return SampleRectangle(topLeft, lowerRight, minimumDistance, DefaultPointsPerIteration);
public static List<UnityEngine.Vector2> SampleRectangle(UnityEngine.Vector2 topLeft, UnityEngine.Vector2 lowerRight, float minimumDistance, int pointsPerIteration)
return Sample(topLeft, lowerRight, null, minimumDistance, pointsPerIteration, null);
public static List<UnityEngine.Vector2> SamplePolygon(UnityEditor.Experimental.TerrainAPI.Processing.InMetric metric, float minimumDistance)
return Sample(null, null, null, minimumDistance, DefaultPointsPerIteration, metric);
static List<UnityEngine.Vector2> Sample(UnityEngine.Vector2? topLeft, UnityEngine.Vector2? lowerRight, float? rejectionDistance, float minimumDistance, int pointsPerIteration, UnityEditor.Experimental.TerrainAPI.Processing.InMetric metric = null)
if (!topLeft.HasValue && !lowerRight.HasValue && metric != null)
topLeft = new Vector2(metric.minpointx, metric.minpointz);
lowerRight = new Vector2(metric.maxpointx, metric.maxpointz);
var settings = new Settings
TopLeft = (Vector2)topLeft,
LowerRight = (Vector2)lowerRight,
Dimensions = (Vector2)lowerRight - (Vector2)topLeft,
Center = ((Vector2)topLeft + (Vector2)lowerRight) / 2,
CellSize = minimumDistance / SquareRootTwo,
MinimumDistance = minimumDistance,
RejectionSqDistance = rejectionDistance == null ? null : rejectionDistance * rejectionDistance
settings.GridWidth = (int)(settings.Dimensions.x / settings.CellSize) + 1;
settings.GridHeight = (int)(settings.Dimensions.y / settings.CellSize) + 1;
// Debug.Log("settings.GridWidth"+settings.GridWidth+"settings.GridHeight"+settings.GridHeight);
var state = new State
Grid = new UnityEngine.Vector2?[settings.GridWidth, settings.GridHeight],
ActivePoints = new List<UnityEngine.Vector2>(),
Points = new List<UnityEngine.Vector2>()
AddFirstPoint(ref settings, ref state, (metric == null) ? null : metric);
while (state.ActivePoints.Count != 0)
var listIndex = RandomHelper.Random.Next(state.ActivePoints.Count);
var point = state.ActivePoints[listIndex];
var found = false;
for (var k = 0; k < pointsPerIteration; k++)
found |= AddNextPoint(point, ref settings, ref state, (metric == null) ? null : metric);
if (!found)
return state.Points;
static void AddFirstPoint(ref Settings settings,
ref State state,
UnityEditor.Experimental.TerrainAPI.Processing.InMetric metric = null)
var added = false;
while (!added)
var d = RandomHelper.Random.NextDouble();
var xr = settings.TopLeft.x + settings.Dimensions.x * d;
d = RandomHelper.Random.NextDouble();
var yr = settings.TopLeft.y + settings.Dimensions.y * d;
var p = new UnityEngine.Vector2((float)xr, (float)yr);
if (settings.RejectionSqDistance != null && DistanceSquared(settings.Center, p) > settings.RejectionSqDistance)
added = true;
if (UnityEditor.Experimental.TerrainAPI.Processing.figures_Included(p.x, p.y, metric.metricIn, metric.count) == true)
var index = Denormalize(p, settings.TopLeft, settings.CellSize);
state.Grid[(int)index.x, (int)index.y] = p;
AddFirstPoint(ref settings, ref state, metric);
static float DistanceSquared(Vector2 A, Vector2 B)
return (float)Math.Pow(Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((A.x - B.x), 2) + Math.Pow((A.y - B.y), 2)), 2);
static bool AddNextPoint(UnityEngine.Vector2 point,
ref Settings settings,
ref State state,
UnityEditor.Experimental.TerrainAPI.Processing.InMetric metric = null)
var found = false;
var q = GenerateRandomAround(point, settings.MinimumDistance);
if (metric != null)
if (UnityEditor.Experimental.TerrainAPI.Processing.figures_Included(q.x, q.y, metric.metricIn, metric.count) == true &&
q.x >= settings.TopLeft.x && q.x < settings.LowerRight.x &&
q.y > settings.TopLeft.y && q.y < settings.LowerRight.y &&
(settings.RejectionSqDistance == null || DistanceSquared(settings.Center, q) <= settings.RejectionSqDistance))
var qIndex = Denormalize(q, settings.TopLeft, settings.CellSize);
var tooClose = false;
for (var i = (int)Math.Max(0, qIndex.x - 2); i < Math.Min(settings.GridWidth, qIndex.x + 3) && !tooClose; i++)
for (var j = (int)Math.Max(0, qIndex.y - 2); j < Math.Min(settings.GridHeight, qIndex.y + 3) && !tooClose; j++)
if (state.Grid[i, j].HasValue && Vector2.Distance(state.Grid[i, j].Value, q) < settings.MinimumDistance)
tooClose = true;
if (!tooClose)
found = true;
state.Grid[(int)qIndex.x, (int)qIndex.y] = q;
if (q.x >= settings.TopLeft.x && q.x < settings.LowerRight.x &&
q.y > settings.TopLeft.y && q.y < settings.LowerRight.y &&
(settings.RejectionSqDistance == null || DistanceSquared(settings.Center, q) <= settings.RejectionSqDistance))
var qIndex = Denormalize(q, settings.TopLeft, settings.CellSize);
var tooClose = false;
for (var i = (int)Math.Max(0, qIndex.x - 2); i < Math.Min(settings.GridWidth, qIndex.x + 3) && !tooClose; i++)
for (var j = (int)Math.Max(0, qIndex.y - 2); j < Math.Min(settings.GridHeight, qIndex.y + 3) && !tooClose; j++)
if (state.Grid[i, j].HasValue && Vector2.Distance(state.Grid[i, j].Value, q) < settings.MinimumDistance)
tooClose = true;
if (!tooClose)
found = true;
state.Grid[(int)qIndex.x, (int)qIndex.y] = q;
return found;
static Vector2 GenerateRandomAround(Vector2 center, float minimumDistance)
var d = RandomHelper.Random.NextDouble();
var radius = minimumDistance + minimumDistance * d;
d = RandomHelper.Random.NextDouble();
var angle = MathHelper.TwoPi * d;
var newX = radius * Math.Sin(angle);
var newY = radius * Math.Cos(angle);
return new Vector2((float)(center.x + newX), (float)(center.y + newY));
static Vector2 Denormalize(Vector2 point, Vector2 origin, double cellSize)
return new Vector2((int)((point.x - origin.x) / cellSize), (int)((point.y - origin.y) / cellSize));
public static class RandomHelper
public static readonly System.Random Random = new System.Random();
public static class MathHelper
public const float Pi = (float)Math.PI;
public const float HalfPi = (float)(Math.PI / 2);
public const float TwoPi = (float)(Math.PI * 2);
public static bool figures_Included(float xPoint, float yPoint, float[] metricIn, int n)
float X = xPoint;
float Y = yPoint;
int npol = n;
int i, j;
bool res = false;
float[] XYpol = metricIn;
for (i = 0, j = npol - 1; i < npol; j = i++)
if ((((XYpol[i * 2 + 1] <= Y) && (Y < XYpol[j * 2 + 1])) ||
((XYpol[j * 2 + 1] <= Y) && (Y < XYpol[i * 2 + 1]))) &&
(X < (XYpol[j * 2] - XYpol[i * 2]) * (Y - XYpol[i * 2 + 1]) /
(XYpol[j * 2 + 1] - XYpol[i * 2 + 1]) + XYpol[i * 2]))
res = !res;
return res;
and InMetric :
static public InMetric getmetricIn(List<Vector3> drawcoord, bool editingmode = true)
float mapoffsetx = 0;
float mapoffsety = 0;
if (editingmode == true)
mapoffsetx = Main.mainSatting.mapoffsetx;
mapoffsety = Main.mainSatting.mapoffsetz;
mapoffsetx = 0;
mapoffsety = 0;
if (drawcoord[0].x != drawcoord[drawcoord.Count - 1].x && drawcoord[0].z != drawcoord[drawcoord.Count - 1].z) //если линия, ограничивающая полигон не замкнута
drawcoord.Add(drawcoord[0]); //добавляем замыкающую вершину
float[] metricIn = new float[drawcoord.Count * 2]; //дополнительный массив вершин, пересчитанный для проверки нахождения точки внутри полигона
drawcoord[0] = new Vector3(drawcoord[0].x - mapoffsetx, 0, drawcoord[0].z - mapoffsety); //расчет 0-ой вершины в единицах Unity (метры)
metricIn[0] = drawcoord[0].x;
metricIn[1] = drawcoord[0].z; //запись 0-ой вершины в дополнительный массив. x-координаты под четными индексами, Z-координаты под нечетными индексами
float minpointx = drawcoord[0].x; //минимальная x-координата
float maxpointx = drawcoord[0].x; //максимальная х-координата
float minpointz = drawcoord[0].z; //минимальная y-координата
float maxpointz = drawcoord[0].z; //максимальная у-координата
/*Цикл обработки вершин. начинается 1-ой вершины*/
for (int i = 1; i < drawcoord.Count; i++)
drawcoord[i] = new Vector3(drawcoord[i].x - mapoffsetx, 0, drawcoord[i].z - mapoffsety); //расчет i-ой вершины в единицах Unity (метры)
metricIn[i * 2] = drawcoord[i].x; //запись i-ой вершины в дополнительный массив. x-координаты под четными индексами
metricIn[i * 2 + 1] = drawcoord[i].z; //запись i-ой вершины в дополнительный массив. z-координаты под нечетными индексами
/*поиск максимальных и минимальных координат по x и максимальных и минимальных координат по z*/
if (drawcoord[i].x < minpointx)
minpointx = drawcoord[i].x;
if (drawcoord[i].x > maxpointx)
maxpointx = drawcoord[i].x;
if (drawcoord[i].z < minpointz)
minpointz = drawcoord[i].z;
if (drawcoord[i].z > maxpointz)
maxpointz = drawcoord[i].z;
InMetric metric = new InMetric();
metric.metricIn = metricIn;
metric.minpointx = minpointx;
metric.maxpointx = maxpointx;
metric.minpointz = minpointz;
metric.maxpointz = maxpointz;
metric.drawcoord = drawcoord;
metric.count = drawcoord.Count;
return metric;
public class InMetric
public float minpointx { get; set; }
public float maxpointx { get; set; }
public float minpointz { get; set; }
public float maxpointz { get; set; }
public float[] metricIn { get; set; }
public List<Vector3> drawcoord { get; set; }
public int count { get; set; }