Can't retrieve crawling errors using Python client - google-api-client

A while ago (around 3 months) I used gsc api to retrieve crawl errors, but it does not work right now. Here is the code:
# oauth2flow <--- function implementing authorization
service = oauth2flow(name='webmasters', fname='path_to_client_secret', scope='', version='v3')
The problem is that urlcrawlerrorsamples is not recognized (AttributeError: 'Resource' object has no attribute 'urlcrawlerrorssamples'). All other things like seachanalytics, sites work just fine. I have problem only with crawling errors.
Here is my package list:


how to get dictionary value from webrequest using sharepoint designer

I am trying to retrieve a value from a HTTP web service call in sharepoint designer. This should be simple. the Rest query is simple, and always returns only a single value:'MyListTitle')/items/?$select=Title&$top=1
In the Sharepoint Designer workflow, I'm setting the required Accept and Content-type header to the value of "application/json;odata=verbose
I am unable to get the value of the "Title" field that is returned by the call.
when I execute the REST query in the browser, I get the following data returned:
{"d":{"results":[{"__metadata":{"id":"af9697fe-9340-4bb5-9c75-e43e1fe20d30","uri":"'6228d484-4250-455c-904d-6b7096fee573')/Items(5)","etag":"\"1\"","type":"SP.Data.MyListName"},"Title":"John Doe"}]}}
I've tried dozens of variations of the dictionary 'query', but they always return blank.
I'm using the 'get an item from a dictionary' action in SP Designer, using item name or path values like:
and literally dozens of other variations - but it always returns blank.
I'm writing the raw response from the webRequest to the list for debugging, and it shows the value like this:
{"odata.metadata":"https:\/\/\/sites\/aSiteName\/_api\/$metadata#SP.ListData.MyListTitle&$select=Title","value":[{"odata.type":"SP.Data.MyListTitle","":"616ed0ed-ef1d-405b-8ea5-2682d9662b0a","odata.etag":"\"1\"","odata.editLink":"Web\/Lists(guid'6228d484-4250-455c-904d-6b7096fee573')\/Items(5)","Title":"John Doe"}]}
I must be doing something simple that is wrong?
Using "d/results(0)/Title" is right. Check the steps in article below to create a workflow.
It working fine in my test workflow.
I faced the exact same issue. In my case the reason was that in the API call, the header was not set properly.
As you would have noticed many times, that if you type the variables inline when creating the "Call Http Web service" action, those might not get set properly. The surest way is to open the properties and set from there. In my case when i opened the properties i found that RequestHeaders was not set. Once i set it from there, i got the desired results.
Hope this helps to someone in future, this question being unanswered till now!!
tried dump those json called from sharepoint workflow into a list. Sometimes you'll get a different format than when you called that from browser. I experienced this issue when calling API projectserver (project online). When I called it using servistate (chrome extension) it returns d/results, but when I dump the value into the list I got value and yet I used same request header value.

unable to run rest api service in loadrunner?

i'm facing issue while running rest api service in loadrunner(VUGEN),in soap ui it is working fine.
My Data contains around 10 fields but while request it is breaking one parameter into two then i'm facing internal server error.
Please help and unable to continue in new line in case i want to write it in another line
Code is :
return 0;
Unable to write it in two lines of code ,in case i'm trying to write then it is giving syntax error like , is missing or " is missing.Unable to write please any one help.
Response coming as:
Line is breaking i.e customerStateName into customer,StateName because of this i'm getting Bad Request in Response,Please help.
Since LoadRunner 12.53, you have a new and easier way for making REST API calls, using the web_rest() API. See blog post about it.

Zend_Controller_Action_Exception not showing a 404 page

I'm trying to get Zend to throw a 404 error if an array contains less than 10 elements, but it is currently just sending me a generic "Error" page. I know the 404 exception is configured properly as they work elsewhere in the site so it must be a problem with my parameters or something...
I've tried formatting this several different ways and I've checked the Zend API to make sure the parameters I'm passing are OK and they seem to be correct, but I must be doing something wrong.
My code is currently as follows:
$properties = array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
if (count($properties) < 10){
throw new Zend_Controller_Action_Exception('Page does not exist.', 404);
$this->view->rows = $properties;
Thanks for your time.
Check out the ErrorHandler plugin docs and how it works within the MVC. You'll notice that by default the errorHandler works as postDispatch() plugin. The activity you are trying describe as '404' is completely outside of the dispatch loop so it is handled as any other program error.
I don't have any code for you but I'm pretty sure you can find a usable answer in these 2 references.

How to post a file in grails

I am trying to use HTTP to POST a file to an outside API from within a grails service. I've installed the rest plugin and I'm using code like the following:
def theFile = new File("/tmp/blah.txt")
def postBody = [myFile: theFile, foo:'bar']
withHttp(uri: "http://picard:8080/breeze/project/acceptFile") {
def html = post(body: postBody, requestContentType: URLENC)
The post works, however, the 'myFile' param appears to be a string rather than an actual file. I have not had any success trying to google for things like "how to post a file in grails" since most of the results end up dealing with handling an uploaded file from a form.
I think I'm using the right requestContentType, but I might have missed something in the documentation.
POSTing a file is not as simple as what you have included in your question (sadly). Also, it depends on what the API you are calling is expecting, e.g. some API expect files as base64 encoded text, while others accept them as mime-multipart.
Since you are using the rest plugin, as far as I can recall it uses the Apache HttpClient, I think this link should provide enough info to get you started (assuming you are dealing with mime-multipart). It shouldn't be too hard to change it around to work with your API and perhaps make it a bit 'groovy-ier'

facebook connect api "Cannot use string offset as an array in" error

Please help! I have been grappling with this error for days and I cannot for the life of me figure it out. I am using facebook connect and fetching a "contact_email" attribute using their api method users_getInfo.
The issue is that when I execute this PHP file, i get this error: "Cannot use string offset as an array in...". This error specifically refers to this line of code: $firstName=$user_details[0]['contact_email'];
I'm thinking this is because the user_getInfo method is not returning any results... However, the most ridiculous part about all this is that, I can execute the code below several dozens of times in a row SUCCESSFULLY without the above error, BUT THEN randomly without changing ANY code at all, I will suddenly encounter this error, in which case it will begin to give me an error several dozens of times, and then AGAIN without any code change, start executing successfully again.
This odd behavior occurs regardless of the attribute i am fetching.. (contact_email, first_name, last_name, etc.). I am running php 5.2.11. Is there something I'm missing??
Please Help!
include_once 'site/fbconnect/config.php'; //has $api_key and $secret defined.
include_once 'site/facebook-platform/client/facebook.php';
global $api_key,$secret;
$fb=new Facebook($api_key,$secret);
Using the facebook php client API I was also receiving that error but my error was related to checking if the users are friends using the friends_areFriends php method.
//$results_array = $facebook->api_client->friends_areFriends($fb_user, $selected_friend_uid);
//$answer = $results_array[0]['are_friends'];
I would get this error when I assigned the $result, "Cannot use string offset as an array" and aparently the friends_areFriends method above was failing alot. My solution was to create a for loop that ran that code and then check $answer to see if it was an array using php method is_array() and executing the method call again if it wasn't. My loop was for 10 tries before just letting it fail. In the end, this check was severely degrating the performance of my facebook application. Instead, I removed the friends_areFriends api call alltogather and my facebook app performance was nice and fast again.
You could probably implement a similar feature allowing the method to retry itself if the result is not an array. The problem I think is on facebook's side, sometimes they are flooded and the requests do not complete successfully. I caution you not to retry more than 5 tries though because if you do a forever loop, rest assured they will ban you from the using the Facebook API for flooding it, so be careful.