Error while uploading Flutter App to App Store: Non-public API usage - flutter

I am new in Flutter Development and i have developed an app with Webview.
I have upload an apk on Google Play Store that is accepted but for App Store it shows some error.
Please find below error,
ITMS-90338: Non-public API usage - The app references non-public
symbols in Frameworks/Flutter.framework/Flutter: _ptrace. If method
names in your source code match the private Apple APIs listed above,
altering your method names will help prevent this app from being
flagged in future submissions. In addition, note that one or more of
the above APIs may be located in a static library that was included
with your app. If so, they must be removed.
For this error i have search many things but i am unable found any solution for this.
So please any one who is capable of solving this please help me to resolve this.
Thanks & Regards,

This happens if you are submitting the debug version to the AppStore, Flutter team recommends you to first run
flutter build ios --release
before archiving your app in Xcode.

First make sure you are submitting a release build with flutter build ios --release
If that's not the problem here you could find similar problems related:
flutter build ios --release may use a debug Flutter.framework by mistake

In my case, I updated my Mac to 10.15(Catalina), while the update my cocoapods installation wasn't there. So whenever I try to upload using the command flutter build ios --release and archiving it. Apple sent me the same email you received.
You can install cocoapods using the following commands.
step 1 Open terminal
step 2 command: sudo gem install cocoapods
step 3 set your project path on the terminal.
step 4 command: pod init
I hope it helps.


flutter Xcode: fatal error: module 'admob_flutter' not found #import admob_flutter;

I am stuck with an Admob problem. I cannot display the application on the emulator. The app works great on Android.
This is the Runner/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m:
This file is generated automatically.
What can I try to solve this issue?
This happens to me seemingly at random with whichever package iOS doesn't feel like cooperating with on a particular day.
This has worked for me in the past:
run flutter clean in terminal
run flutter pub get
navigate to iOS folder cd ios
run pod install
Sometimes that does it by itself.
Other times I find I've had to delete the entire iOS folder then have recreate it with
flutter create .
Then sometimes I would re-create the folder then do all the first steps again before I can build successfully.
If you do that and have Firebase in your app, keep in mind you'll have to re-add your GoogleService-Info.plist file via X-Code.

Flutter app not working in apk-release but works in debug mode (even after giving internet permissions)

My app works fine in debug mode. I followed all the steps mentioned in flutter docs for making apk-release. I even mentioned the internet permissions for the apk-release in AndroidManifest file. My apk-release builds perfectly fine. But when i install it in my phone and try to use the app(Basically login using phone number cause the first page in my app is the login page), it doesnt respond. I figured there must be some problem with the internet permissions but I rechecked everything. It all works fine when i install the debug apk from Android Studio, but the release apk is somehow unable to communicate with the authentication servers. Please help me.
Btw, I updated all the dependencies in pubspec.yaml like cloudfirestore versions and stuff. Still no change. Also, I guess my SHA1 key is right in firestore. I also had to rename my package name from com.example.pareez to com.rishav.pareez but I am sure I made no mistake in that.
UPDATE - I uninstalled the previously installed apk from my phone and I used flutter install from my pc and then the app ran perfectly well. I guess installing manually is giving me problems. But i installed other apps manually too, and they worked fine.
Build your aab bundle or apk using the below commands.
For aab bundle:
flutter build appbundle --no-shrink
For apk:
flutter build apk --no-shrink
This solution worked for me. I hope, this will also help you. Thanks for asking this question.

DeviceInfo native module is not installed correctly

So I tried implementing Facebook Login and followed all the steps accordingly. After having errors with FBSDKcorekit/FBSDKcorekit.h' file not found, I decided to pivot over to working on other components.
Lo' and behold, I have this error giving me trouble now. I followed along with this video: where I used the react-native install react-native-fbsdk and react-native link react-native-fbsdk commands in my terminal.
If it helps, I'm getting the following compile error in my terminal:
The following build commands failed:
CompileC /Users/someUser/desiredProject/ios/build/Build/Intermediates/ RCTFBSDK/core/RCTFBSDKGraphRequestManager.m normal x86_64 objective-c
(1 failure)
I'm not sure if it was the tinkering around with the react-native-fbsdk or making links to it that caused this error. Note my project was working before I was trying to implement Facebook Login and using the link command.
What's going on here?
Thanks in advance for your time and patience.
edit: Also I did not implement any of the Facebook login code yet since I couldn't get a successful build on Xcode.
#kdizzle Make sure you have the right packager running in the terminal, sometimes you may have a packager associated with another react native project running, this happens because when you stop running an xcode RN project, it doesn't stop the packager in the terminal, and when you start/open another RN project in xcode, it simply checks if a packager is running, doesn't check if it's associated with the current project. So make sure you stop all of the packager instances in the terminal and then open the RN project again.
This may happen when upgrading a project to a newer version of react-native. To fix it,
Stop your packager.
Quit your iOS/android simulator.
Reinstall your modules: rm -rf node_modules && npm install
Restart your packager and simulator, e.g. react-native run-ios
I had this issue and it happened when I changed Hardware within the simulator. To fix it I had to kill the packager and run 'react-native run-ios' again. It didn't happen all the time but when it did this fixed it for me!
Another use is in a Brownfield App. Check your iOS and/or Android react-native versions. If they don't match exactly you will see this error screen too.
For example: I had a react native instance running 0.45.1 while Android had 0.45.0 installed. The solution for me was to make sure everything was running the same version.
None of the above answers have worked for me, so I researched the 'react-native' options a little and ended up:
Deleting the iOS and android folders from the app directory altogether
Running 'react-native eject'
Re-running 'react-native run-ios'
After that the iPhone emulator seemed to have no problem with the app.
This problem would appear when React Native libraries in ios project can not found.
I happend to meet this problem when i update my react-native version from 0.42 to 0.44, and cause that a file named RCTConvert+Map disappear in 0.44, so i update my pod.
command: pod update

Where are the Intel XDK build logs?

When I build XDK for iOS, I get the message 'An error occurred while building the application. Verify your build assets are correct and try again':
I have searched online and checked the build assets, but can't find anything wrong, so I am stuck.
Is there any way that I can see the log for the build to tell what went wrong? I can't seem to find a link to the logs anywhere, either in the XDK application or the online AppCenter.
OK, I received a reply on the Intel forum to use the Cordova iOS build where there is a link to the build logs.
I was swapping between Cordova and legacy ad-hoc to try to get things working and maybe I got mixed up somewhere along the way. Anyway, I changed two things and it is building OK now with Cordova iOS: -
I found an android setting in the iOS config file that I removed.
I changed the app name, because I read that if it started with the project name that could cause issues.

iPhone build failed on using Aviary SDK

I am creating an Iphone application wherein I need to process image and display it on application. I went through Aviary SDK which indeed really appeals to me as a developer. I went through its documentation which I understood very clearly.
The problem I am facing is in building the application. I receive a build failed when I try building application. I also went through GitHub repository CSPicker. Build also fails for that. I did every specific change mentioned in Prerequisites in the documentation. Still no success.
Following is the error I am getting:
Command /Xcode4.2/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/clang failed with exit code 1
I am using XCode 4.2 and iOS 5.0.
It's hard to say what is the problem. Likely you did not add necessary libraries to build with. Or used old compiler in settings (not LLVM)
As of right now Aviary has new version of SDK with decent description what needs to be done at