illegal start of simple pattern about for expression in scala - scala

object main {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
for (
i <- 1 to 10
if i % 2 == 0;
j <- 2 to 8
if j % 2 == 1;
) {
println(s"i: ${i}, j: ${j}")
val t = i + j
println(s"t: ${t}")
Compiler complains: illegal start of simple pattern.
If I remove the second semicolon:
object main {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
for (
i <- 1 to 10
if i % 2 == 0;
j <- 2 to 8
if j % 2 == 1
) {
println(s"i: ${i}, j: ${j}")
val t = i + j
println(s"t: ${t}")
It works fine.
How to explain this behavior?

for comprehension can be defined using () or {}. Separator in case of () is ; and in case of {} is new line.
You are mixing both of them.
Try below (uses {} and new line separator):
object main {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
for {
i <- 1 to 10
if i % 2 == 0
j <- 2 to 8
if j % 2 == 1
} {
println(s"i: ${i}, j: ${j}")
val t = i + j
println(s"t: ${t}")
Below one uses () and ; separator:
object main {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
for (i <- 1 to 10 if i % 2 == 0; j <- 2 to 8 if j % 2 == 1) {
println(s"i: ${i}, j: ${j}")
val t = i + j
println(s"t: ${t}")


Merge for mergesort in scala

I'm migrating from Java to Scala and I am trying to come up with the procedure merge for mergesort algorithm. My solution:
def merge(src: Array[Int], dst: Array[Int], from: Int,
mid: Int, until: Int): Unit = {
* Iteration of merge:
* i - index of src[from, mid)
* j - index of src[mid, until)
* k - index of dst[from, until)
def loop(i: Int, j: Int, k: Int): Unit = {
if (k >= until) {
// end of recursive calls
} else if (i >= mid) {
dst(k) = src(j)
loop(i, j + 1, k + 1)
} else if (j >= until) {
dst(k) = src(j)
loop(i + 1, j, k + 1)
} else if (src(i) <= src(j)) {
dst(k) = src(i);
loop(i + 1, j, k + 1)
} else {
dst(k) = src(j)
loop(i, j + 1, k + 1)
loop(from, mid, from)
seems to work, but it seems to me that it is written in quite "imperative" style
(despite i have used recursion and no mutable variables except for the arrays, for which the side effect is intended). I want something like this:
* this code is not working and at all does the wrong things
for (i <- (from until mid); j <- (mid until until);
k <- (from until until) if <???>) yield dst(k) = src(<???>)
But i cant come up with the proper solution of such kind. Can you please help me?
Consider this:
val left = src.slice(from, mid).buffered
val right = src.slice(mid, until).buffered
(from until until) foreach { k =>
dst(k) = if(!left.hasNext)
else if(!right.hasNext || left.head < right.head)

How to Make Prime Generator Code More Efficient

As a beginner in Scala, I got a problem in SPOJ:
Peter wants to generate some prime numbers for his cryptosystem. Help him! Your task is to generate all prime numbers between two given numbers!
The input begins with the number t of test cases in a single line (t<=10). In each of the next t lines there are two numbers m and n (1 <= m <= n <= 1000000000, n-m<=100000) separated by a space.
For every test case print all prime numbers p such that m <= p <= n, one number per line, test cases separated by an empty line.
1 10
3 5
Warning: large Input/Output data, be careful with certain languages (though most should be OK if the algorithm is well designed)
Run environment and requirement:
Added by: Adam Dzedzej
Date: 2004-05-01
Time limit: 6s
Source limit: 50000B
Memory limit: 1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel Pentium G860 3GHz)
Languages: All except: NODEJS PERL 6 SCM chicken
My code is here:
import math.sqrt
object Pro_2 {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
// judge whether a Long is a prime or not
def isPrime(num: Long): Boolean = {
num match {
case num if (num < 2) => false
case _ => {
2 to (sqrt(num) toInt) forall (num % _ != 0)
// if a Long is a prime print it in console
def printIfIsPrime(num: Long) = {
if (isPrime(num))
// get range
def getInput(times: Int) = {
for (input <- 0 until times) yield {
val range = readLine().split(" ")
(range(0) toLong, range(1) toLong)
val ranges = getInput(readInt())
for (time <- 0 until ranges.length) {
(ranges(time)._1 to ranges(time)._2).foreach(printIfIsPrime(_))
if (time != ranges.length - 1)
When I run my code in SPOJ, I got a result: time limit exceeded
I need make my code more efficient, could you please help me?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
isPrime could be written in a lower level style. Also you can increase the speed of the println method.
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val out = new, false)
def isPrime(n: Long): Boolean = {
if(n <= 3) return n > 1
else if(n%2 == 0 || n%3 == 0) return false
else {
var i = 5
while(i*i <= n) {
if(n%i == 0 || n%(i+2) == 0) return false
i += 6
return true
def printIfIsPrime(num: Long) = {
if (isPrime(num)) {
val ranges = getInput(readInt())
for (time <- 0 until ranges.length) {
(ranges(time)._1 to ranges(time)._2).foreach(printIfIsPrime(_))
if (time != ranges.length - 1)

Scala Branch And Bound Motif Search

Below code searches for a motif (of length 8) in a sequence(String) and, as the result, it has to give back sequence with the best score. The problem is, although the code produces no errors, there is no output at all (probably infinite cycle, I observe blank console).
I am gonna give all my code online and if that is required. In order to reproduce the problem, just pass a number (between 0 and 3 - you can give 4 sequence, so you must choose 1 of them 0 is the first , 1 is the second etc) as args(0) (e.g. "0"), expected output should look something like "Motif = ctgatgta"
import scala.util.control._
object BranchAndBound {
var seq: Array[String] = new Array[String](20)
var startPos: Array[Int] = new Array[Int](20)
var pickup: Array[String] = new Array[String](20)
var bestMotif: Array[Int] = new Array[Int](20)
var ScoreMatrix = Array.ofDim[Int](5, 20)
var i: Int = _
var j: Int = _
var lmer: Int = _
var t: Int = _
def main(args: Array[String]) {
var t1: Long = 0
var t2: Long = 0
t1 = 0
t2 = 0
t1 = System.currentTimeMillis()
val seq0 = Array(
" >5 regulatory reagions with 69 bp",
" cctgatagacgctatctggctatccaggtacttaggtcctctgtgcgaatctatgcgtttccaaccat",
" agtactggtgtacatttgatccatacgtacaccggcaacctgaaacaaacgctcagaaccagaagtgc",
" aaacgttagtgcaccctctttcttcgtggctctggccaacgagggctgatgtataagacgaaaatttt",
" agcctccgatgtaagtcatagctgtaactattacctgccacccctattacatcttacgtccatataca",
" ctgttatacaacgcgtcatggcggggtatgcgttttggtcgtcgtacgctcgatcgttaccgtacggc"),
" 2 columns mutants",
" cctgatagacgctatctggctatccaggtacttaggtcctctgtgcgaatctatgcgtttccaaccat",
" agtactggtgtacatttgatccatacgtacaccggcaacctgaaacaaacgctcagaaccagaagtgc",
" aaacgttagtgcaccctctttcttcgtggctctggccaacgagggctgatgtataagacgaaaattttt",
" agcctccgatgtaagtcatagctgtaactattacctgccacccctattacatcttacgtccatataca",
" ctgttatacaacgcgtcatggcggggtatgcgttttggtcgtcgtacgctcgatcgttaccgtacggc"),
" 2 columns mutants",
" cctgatagacgctatctggctatccaggtacttaggtcctctgtgcgaatctatgcgtttccaaccat",
" agtactggtgtacatttgatccatacgtacaccggcaacctgaaacaaacgctcagaaccagaagtgc",
" aaacgttagtgcaccctctttcttcgtggctctggccaacgagggctgatgtataagacgaaaattttt",
" agcctccgatgtaagtcatagctgtaactattacctgccacccctattacatcttacgtccatataca",
" ctgttatacaacgcgtcatggcggggtatgcgttttggtcgtcgtacgctcgatcgttaccgtacggc"),
" 2 columns mutants",
" cctgatagacgctatctggctatccaggtacttaggtcctctgtgcgaatctatgcgtttccaaccat",
" agtactggtgtacatttgatccatacgtacaccggcaacctgaaacaaacgctcagaaccagaagtgc",
" aaacgttagtgcaccctctttcttcgtggctctggccaacgagggctgatgtataagacgaaaattttt",
" agcctccgatgtaagtcatagctgtaactattacctgccacccctattacatcttacgtccatataca",
" ctgttatacaacgcgtcatggcggggtatgcgttttggtcgtcgtacgctcgatcgttaccgtacggc"))
var k: Int = 0
var m: Int = 0
var n: Int = 0
var bestScore: Int = 0
var optScore: Int = 0
var get: Int = 0
var ok1: Boolean = false
var ok3: Boolean = false
ok1 = false
ok3 = false
j = 1
lmer = 8
m = 1
t = 5
n = 69
optScore = 0
bestScore = 0
k = java.lang.Integer.parseInt(args(0))
j = 1
while (j <= t) {
seq(j) = new String()
i = 0
while (i < n) {
seq(j) += seq0(k)(j).charAt(i)
i += 1
j += 1
j = 1
while (j <= t) {
newPickup(1, j)
j += 1
j = 0
bestScore = 0
i = 1
val whilebreaker = new Breaks
whilebreaker.breakable {
while (i > 0) {
if (i < t) {
if (startPos(1) == (n - lmer)) whilebreaker.break
val sc = Score()
optScore = sc + (t - i) * lmer
if (optScore < bestScore) {
ok1 = false
j = i
val whilebreak1 = new Breaks
whilebreak1.breakable {
while (j >= 1) {
if (startPos(j) < n - lmer) {
ok1 = true
newPickup(0, j)
} else {
ok1 = true
newPickup(1, j)
val whilebreak2 = new Breaks
whilebreak2.breakable {
while (startPos(i - 1) == (n - lmer)) {
newPickup(1, i - 1)
i -= 1
if (i == 0) whilebreak2.break
if (i > 1) {
newPickup(0, i - 1)
i -= 1
if (ok1 == false) i = 0
} else {
newPickup(1, i + 1)
i += 1
} else {
get = Score()
if (get > bestScore) {
bestScore = get
m = 1
while (m <= t) {
bestMotif(m) = startPos(m)
m += 1
ok3 = false
j = t
val whilebreak3 = new Breaks
whilebreak3.breakable {
while (j >= 1) {
if (startPos(j) < n - lmer) {
ok3 = true
newPickup(0, j)
} else {
ok3 = true
newPickup(1, j)
val whilebreak4 = new Breaks
whilebreak4.breakable {
while (startPos(i - 1) == (n - lmer)) {
newPickup(1, i - 1)
i -= 1
if (i == 0) whilebreak4.break
if (i > 1) {
newPickup(0, i - 1)
i -= 1
if (ok3 == false) i = 0
println("Motiv: " + Consensus())
// println()
j = 1
while (j <= t) {
t2 = System.currentTimeMillis()
j += 1
println("time= " + (t2 - t1) + " ms")
def Score(): Int = {
var j: Int = 0
var k: Int = 0
var m: Int = 0
var max: Int = 0
var sum: Int = 0
sum = 0
max = 0
m = 1
while (m <= lmer) {
k = 1
while (k <= 4) {
ScoreMatrix(k)(m) = 0
k += 1
m += 1
m = 1
while (m <= lmer) {
k = 1
while (k <= i) pickup(k).charAt(m) match {
case 'a' => ScoreMatrix(1)(m) += 1
case 'c' => ScoreMatrix(2)(m) += 1
case 'g' => ScoreMatrix(3)(m) += 1
case 't' => ScoreMatrix(4)(m) += 1
m += 1
j = 1
while (j <= lmer) {
max = 0
m = 1
while (m <= 4) {
if (ScoreMatrix(m)(j) > max) {
max = ScoreMatrix(m)(j)
m += 1
sum += max
j += 1
def Consensus(): String = {
var i: Int = 0
var j: Int = 0
var k: Int = 0
var m: Int = 0
var max: Int = 0
var imax: Int = 0
var str: String = null
i = 1
while (i <= t) {
pickup(i) = " " +
seq(i).substring(bestMotif(i), bestMotif(i) + lmer)
i += 1
m = 1
while (m <= lmer) {
k = 1
while (k <= 4) {
ScoreMatrix(k)(m) = 0
k += 1
m += 1
m = 1
while (m <= lmer) {
k = 1
while (k <= t) pickup(k).charAt(m) match {
case 'a' => ScoreMatrix(1)(m) += 1
case 'c' => ScoreMatrix(2)(m) += 1
case 'g' => ScoreMatrix(3)(m) += 1
case 't' => ScoreMatrix(4)(m) += 1
m += 1
str = ""
imax = 0
j = 1
while (j <= lmer) {
max = 0
i = 1
while (i <= 4) {
if (ScoreMatrix(i)(j) > max) {
max = ScoreMatrix(i)(j)
imax = i
i += 1
imax match {
case 1 => str += 'a'
case 2 => str += 'c'
case 3 => str += 'g'
case 4 => str += 't'
j += 1
def newPickup(one: Int, h: Int) {
if (one == 1) startPos(h) = 1 else startPos(h) += 1
pickup(h) = " " + seq(h).substring(startPos(h), startPos(h) + lmer)
and thanks, i hope someone gonna find my failure.
Your current implementation 'hangs' on this loop:
while (k <= i) pickup(k).charAt(m) match {
case 'a' => ScoreMatrix(1)(m) += 1
case 'c' => ScoreMatrix(2)(m) += 1
case 'g' => ScoreMatrix(3)(m) += 1
case 't' => ScoreMatrix(4)(m) += 1
As it stands, the exit condition is never fulfilled because the relation between k and i never changes. Either increment k or decrement i.
It looks like programming is not the key aspect of this work, but increased modularity should help contain complexity.
Also, I wonder about the choice of using Scala. There're many areas in this algorithm that would benefit of a more functional approach. In this translation, using Scala in an imperative way gets cumbersome. If you have the opportunity, I'd recommend you to explore a more functional approach to solve this problem.
A tip: The intellij debugger didn't have issues with this code.

Scala functional solution for spoj "Prime Generator"

I worked on the Prime Generator problem for almost 3 days.
I want to make a Scala functional solution(which means "no var", "no mutable data"), but every time it exceed the time limitation.
My solution is:
object Main {
def sqrt(num: Int) = math.sqrt(num).toInt
def isPrime(num: Int): Boolean = {
val end = sqrt(num)
def isPrimeHelper(current: Int): Boolean = {
if (current > end) true
else if (num % current == 0) false
else isPrimeHelper(current + 1)
val feedMax = sqrt(1000000000)
val feedsList = (2 to feedMax).filter(isPrime)
val feedsSet = feedsList.toSet
def findPrimes(min: Int, max: Int) = (min to max) filter {
num => if (num <= feedMax) feedsSet.contains(num)
else feedsList.forall(p => num % p != 0 || p * p > num)
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val total = readLine().toInt
for (i <- 1 to total) {
val Array(from, to) = readLine().split("\\s+")
val primes = findPrimes(from.toInt, to.toInt)
I'm not sure where can be improved. I also searched a lot, but can't find a scala solution(most are c/c++ ones)
Here is a nice fully functional scala solution using the sieve of eratosthenes: def:ints
Check out this elegant and efficient one liner by Daniel Sobral:
lazy val unevenPrimes: Stream[Int] = {
def nextPrimes(n: Int, sqrt: Int, sqr: Int): Stream[Int] =
if (n > sqr) nextPrimes(n, sqrt + 1, (sqrt + 1)*(sqrt + 1)) else
if (unevenPrimes.takeWhile(_ <= sqrt).exists(n % _ == 0)) nextPrimes(n + 2, sqrt, sqr)
else n #:: nextPrimes(n + 2, sqrt, sqr)
3 #:: 5 #:: nextPrimes(7, 3, 9)

Basic Scala for loop Issue

I am trying to learn scala, here I am using basic for loop, but I am getting errors while compiling.
object App {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
for (i <- 1 to 10; i % 2 == 0)
Console.println("Counting " + i)
Errors while compiling :
fortest.scala:5: error: '<-' expected but ')' found.
for (i <- 1 to 10; i % 2 == 0)
fortest.scala:7: error: illegal start of simple expression
two errors found
I am using scala version 2.9.1
Any idea what is the problem..............?
for (i <- 1 to 10 if i % 2 == 0)
println("Counting " + i)
Scala is not Java, thus you cannot use a regular Java syntax. Instead you have to do:
i <- 1 to 10
if(i % 2 == 0)
}{println("Counting " + i)}
or with ; delimeters, inside the (,) parentheses:
for(i <- 1 to 10;if(i % 2 == 0)){
println("Counting " + i)
Also, note that Scala's for expressions, have some pretty nifty capabilities.
you can use a for expression with multiple "loop iterators" and conditions.
For instance, instead of writing:
for(i <- 1 to n; if(someCondition(i)){
for(j <- 1 to m; if(otherCondition(j)){
//Do something
You can simply write:
i <- 1 to n
j <- 1 to m
//Do something
When you extend App (there's a trait of that name in Predef), you don't need to define a main method. You can simply write your code between the curly braces of object:
object MyClazz extends App {
for(i <- 1 to 10;if(i % 2 == 0)){
println("Counting " + i)
Take a look at the "by" method of the Range class to count by 2
object App {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
for (i <- 2 to 10 by 2)
Console.println("Counting " + i)
Or, like others have already stated you can fix your loop by doing
object App {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
for {
i <- 1 to 10
if i % 2 == 0
Console.println("Counting " + i)
Or another way:
object App {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val evenNumbers = for {
i <- 1 to 10
if i % 2 == 0
} yield i
The modulo 2 condition can be moved to an if clause.
object App {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
for (i <- 1 to 10)
if(i % 2 == 0)
Console.println("Counting " + i)
Here is the simply example;
for (i <- List(1, 2, 3) if i < 2) println(i)
The best way to exam your code is to use scala shell.
Basically, you are trying to use for-loop + iterator gaurd. Please find below syntax
for ( i <- 1 to 10 if (i%2==0) ) yield i