Run flutter application into iOS virtual device on virtualized OSX - flutter

I have some performance problems running my Flutter application inside iOS simulator installed inside a VirtualBox OSx machine. The simulator run and the application is deployed without any problem. But there is lag when the screen has to be redrawn. For example, when I click on a button which opens a modal sheet, the image is stuck, I can unlock it simply dragging the IOs bottom bar of a few pixels. It's difficult to test the application since every time I have to move that bar a few pixels in order to update the phone image. This is an example of my problem:
As you can see the image is redrawn just after I click and move the iOS bottom bar.
Here a simulation of a native iOS app:
Here as you can see the screen has to redraw, I don't need to move the bottom bar.
Any suggestion?


How can I run my flutter app full stretched for Android Q gesture navigation?

Here you can see the clock app's ui is running behind the gesture. how can i implement this in flutter? I updated flutter to 2.5 but it's not working.
This is the first question I asked on stackoverflow and i couldn't quite get the question layout. sorry for this.
You have to use
await SystemChrome.setEnabledSystemUIMode(SystemUiMode.edgeToEdge);
in your main.dart before runApp.
As per the description of SystemUiMode.edgeToEdge:
Fullscreen display with status and navigation elements rendered over the
Available starting at SDK 16 or Android J. Earlier versions of Android
will not be affected by this setting.
For applications running on iOS, the status bar and home indicator will be
The system overlays will not disappear or reappear in this mode as they
are permanently displayed on top of the application.

How to open existing app in iPhone 5

when I run an already developed(working in iPhone 4S) app in iPhone 5 without the launch image for 4-inch screen, the UI is breaking. i.e, it is not showing the letter-box view(view with a black patch on both top and bottom of the screen) instead it simply shows some white patch in the bottom alone and shifts the entire UI towards top. I know about the launch image related issues, but without that it should at least show the letter-box type view. But that even is not working. May know what could be the reason?

In simulator, app is blank (white), but appears normal when quit?

So I'm new to programming but I'm managed to create the groundwork for an iPhone app.
Problem is, when I run it on the iPhone simulator, it first shows up as a white/blank screen (with the status bar at the top) until I hit the home button. When it is doing the minimization animation (~0.5 second) the app will display correctly.
I know that an issue with versions could be the cause of this but I'd need to buy a newer Mac to upgrade to the latest version of Xcode. If there are other issues that could be causing this I'd love to know
thanks :)
Add Default.png image to your application and see if it shows that during loading. Run the app in debugger and add a breakpoint to viewDidAppear in your viewController. It's probably running but not loading in the view you are expecting it to for some reason.
To some viewcontroller's view your are not setting the background color as clear color .. that's why it is showing blank white screen when your application is launching .. if your are using xib .. set the background color of that view to clear color using interface builder.

Setting Wallpaper (Background image) in iOS Simulator home screen or lockscreen

I was scratching my brains over something when this popped in my mind. Can we set the simulator's home-screen background image to an image of our choice? Case in point is Xcode 3.2.2 simulator 3.1.3.
Certain versions of the simulator appear to support this, not just for the home screen but for the lock screen too (which you get to with Command ⌘+L):
Drag an image from your Mac to the simulator.
Mobile Safari opens. Click and hold the image.
Choose Save Image.
Go to, and into the photo album.
Choose your image, and set it as the home screen background like you do on a device.
You may need to restart the simulator.
Note that since this isn't exactly officially supported, it may or may not work for you depending on your version of Xcode or the simulator.
It is possible (again) with the iOS Simulator version 6 (for iOS6).
First, add some images to your photo library. You can do this by using Mobile Safari (either surf the web or drag a local image to the simulator). Then perform a long press and save to camera roll.
Second, open "Photos", select the image and set as Background.
Third, restart the simulator (this irritated me at first, as it doesn't seem to work immediately)
How to do this for the Simulator in 11.4.
Drag and drop a photo on the phone.
Go to photo app and view app.
On the bottom bar you should see 3 icons. Hit the icon with the Arrow coming out of the box like you would AirDrop it to someone.
On the Options panel you should see Use as Wallpaper right below the AirPlay option.
Hmm. Probably, since you cannot set backgroundimage on your homescreen(exept from the locked view) on on actual iPhone pre iOS4, you cannot do so in the simulator either.
Dragged the image onto the simulator (iOS 9.3) as #boltclock suggests, but nothing happened. However, I then noticed that the images I dragged were showing up in the Photos app on the simulator. From there I just set the wallpapers the same way that you set them on a physical device. Did not need to restart the simulator.
I thought I wasn't able to do this, but then I dragged the bottom row of options to the left and low and behold, there is the "Set as wallpaper" option.
Since this is an old question, I want to confirm this works in Simulator 13.2 for the iPhone 13 Pro Max (I'm running it on on macOS 12.2 Monterey).
In the simulator take Safari to the image you want to set as the background
Right click (or 2-finger press-click on trackpad)
Selected "Add to Photo"s from Pop-up menu
Open Photos app, and click the 'sharing' icon (box with up arrow coming out of it)
Scroll the popup upwards until you see the "Use As Wallpaper" menu item (if you have a Magic Trackpad, you can scroll with a three-finger swipe-up up on the screen)
That's it. You can set the Home and Lock screen that way.
While developing an iOS iPhone app using the simulator, I copied a space scene with just stars for the background and and moved the app icons all to the home screen except left my app icon alone on a different page that way I minimized light and clutter.

Developing iPhone app to Run on iPad - Auto Set 2x

Is there a way to programmatically set the iPad to run the iPhone app at 2x as it is launched (yet keep the iPhone app native). I understand I can create NIB files for each hardware platform, but for ease, I just would rather the app launch as if the user had tapped the 2x on the iPad. Thanks...R.J.
No. The pixel-doubling malarkey is not under your app's control, and is pretty much a crutch for apps that weren't designed for the iPad. If you didn't go nuts with specific pixel measurements in the original code, it shouldn't be difficult to move to the larger screen.
It's not quite program control, but you can get an app to start up in 2x mode on iOS 4.2.
I've had a couple of apps that have always started up in 2x mode, and very nice it was too, but I only worked out why this was today!
Run iPhone app (e.g., from Xcode)
Use '1x' and '2x' buttons to select desired zoom level
Press home button to get back to launcher
Double tap home button to bring up task manager
Kill your app (hold finger down until icons start to dance, then press the '-' button on your app's icon)
(If you ran under the debugger in step 1, Xcode will tell you the program got a SIGKILL, and might stop somewhere random in the call stack; you can ignore this.)
Now next time you run the program, it will start up with the zoom level you selected in step 2!
I didn't test absolutely every method of closing the program, but this preference doesn't get saved if you stop it from Xcode (e.g., using Run|Stop menu item), and it doesn't get saved if your program terminates using exit. Closing it using the launcher is the only way I've found so far...