In my PostgreSQL logs (I'm using PG-BOUNCER, too). I'm not able to view the query that is causing me issues.
I have not tried anything too specific at this time as I'm wondering if there's a good way to do this with PG-BOUNCER.
Here's the problem:
select * from x where y = $1
The parameter $1 is the only thing I can see in the logs from the PostgreSQL side.
What strategy is there with PG-BOUNCER in mind, to get the raw data from that parameter to see what query is potentially causing issues?
If you run into this situation, an answer is to use:
ALTER DATABASE db_name SET statement_timeout to '30s';
When a bad parameterized query occurs, it'll timeout and you'll see the $1 value that was previously hidden in the logs.
I run into a Cannot enlarge string buffer message on my running postgREST API. I guess some tables are too large to work successful with the API.
I am using the docker postgrest/postgrest container from with the version PostgREST 5.1.0.
Everything is working as expected but if the tables size getting too large, I get following error message.
hint null
details "Cannot enlarge string buffer containing 1073741822 bytes by 1 more bytes."
code "54000"
message "out of memory"
I can't determine the threshold when it's working or not.
Is there a possibility to enlarge the string buffer in some config file or is this hardcoded?
Are there any limits from the table size working with the API. So far I couldn’t find any information in the docu.
=========== Update
The postgres logs give me following SQL query:
WITH pg_source AS (
SELECT "public"."n_osm_bawue_line".*
FROM "public"."n_osm_bawue_line"
SELECT null AS total_result_set,
pg_catalog.count(_postgrest_t) AS page_total,
array[]::text[] AS header,
coalesce(json_agg(_postgrest_t), '[]')::character varying AS body
FROM pg_source
) _postgrest_t
I use following postgres version:
"PostgreSQL 11.1 (Debian 11.1-1.pgdg90+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 6.3.0-18+deb9u1) 6.3.0 20170516, 64-bit"
Unless you recompile PostgreSQL is not possible to upgrade the limit(defined here).
My suggestion would be to try to reduce the size of the payload(are you sure you need all the data?) or get all of the payload in multiple requests.
With PostgREST you can do vertical filtering(just select the columns that you need) or paginate to reduce the number of rows you get in one request.
The error message comes from PostgreSQL. PostgREST just wraps the message in JSON and sends the HTTP response.
As a first step for finding the problem, look what is the exact HTTP request you do to trigger the error.
Then, enable PostgreSQL logging and repeat the request, check the logs and then you'll see what is the SQL query that causes this error. Run the query through pgAdmin or psql to make sure you got the problematic query.
Update your question with your findings. The SQL query would be what is needed to continue.
After that you could add a postgresql tag to your question.
There is always the possibility that the file being imported is either corrupted or malformed because of any number of reasons.
I just happened to have discovered in my case that my file had something like incorrect line endings (long story, unnecessary here) which caused the whole file to appear as one line, thus causing the obvious result. You may have something similar in your case that requires a find+replace kind of solution.
For whatever benefit to anyone else, I used this to resolve it:
tr -d '\0' < bad_file.csv > bad_file.csv.fixed
Actually i am running a function in postgres which takes 1123 + ms to execute the function.
That function consist of calling other function and have many query to execute . How can i know which query is culprit for slow execution of function .
I have seen . select * from pg_stat_activity; give the output of current running process.
Can it is possible to get the individual query time while running the postgres function ?
I know many will say log the query time in database by insert but is there is any method in postgres so that i can get the time taking by each query .
Also is there is any way without changing the config file in postgres because i don't want to restart the postgres . If not , other solution most welcome.
You can do this via the pg_stat_statements extension, though loading it does require a server restart.
After installing it, just SET pg_stat_statements.track = all (as a superuser), call your function, then SELECT * FROM pg_stat_statements.
Unless you have exclusive access to the server, you probably want to include a default of pg_stat_statements.track = none in your postgresql.conf, so that only your session is tracked.
i have a DB2 data source and an Oracle 12c target.
The Oracle has a DB link to the DB2 defined which is working in general.
Now i have a huge table in the DB2 which has a timestamp column (lets call it ROW_CHANGED) for row changes. I want to retrieve rows which have changed after a particular time.
SELECT * FROM lib.tbl WHERE ROW_CHANGED >'2016-08-01 10:00:00'
on the DB2 returns exactly 1 row after ca. 90 secs which is fine.
Now i try the same query from the Oracle via the db link:
SELECT * FROM lib.tbl#dblink_name WHERE ROW_CHANGED >TO_TIMESTAMP('2016-08-01 10:00:00')
This runs for hours and ends up in a timeout.
I read some Oracle docs and found distributed query optimization tips but most of them refer to joining a local to a remote table which is not my case.
In my desperation, i have tried the DRIVING_SITE hint, without effect.
Now i wonder when the WHERE part of the query will be evaluated. Since i have to use Oracle syntax and not DB2 syntax for the query, is it possible the Oracle will try to first copy the full table and apply the where clause afterwards? I did some research but did not find anything which would help me in this direction.
The ROW_CHANGED is a hidden column in the DB2, if that matters.
Thx for any hint in advance.
Thanks#all for help. I'll share what did the trick for me.
First of all i have used TO_TIMESTAMP since the DB2 column is also Timestamp (not date) and i had expected to circumvent implicit conversions by this.
Without the explicit conversion i ran into ORA-28534: Heterogeneous Services preprocessing error and i have no hope of touching the DB config within reasonable time.
The explain plan btw did not bring much. It showed a FULL hint and no conversion on the predicates. Indeed it showed the ROW_CHANGED column as Date, i wonder why.
I have tried Justins suggestion to use a bind variable, however i got ORA-28534 again. Next thing i did was to wrap it into a pl/sql block (will run in a SP anyway later).
v_tmstmp TIMESTAMP := 01.08.16 10:00:00;
FROM lib.tbl#dblink_name
This was executing in the same time as in DB2 itself. The date format is DD.MM.YY here since it is the default unfortunately.
When changing the variable assignment to
v_tmstmp TIMESTAMP := TO_TIMESTAMP('01.08.16 10:00:00','DD.MM.YY HH24:MI:SS');
I got the same problem as before.
Meanwhile the DB2 operators have created an index in the ROW_CHANGED column which i requested earlier that day. This has solved the problem in general it seems. Even my original query finishes in no time now.
If you are actually using an Oracle-specific conversion function like to_timestamp, that forces the predicate to be evaluated on the Oracle side. Oracle isn't going to know how to convert a built-in function like to_timestamp into an exactly equivalent function call in DB2.
If you used a bind variable, that would be more likely to get evaluated on the DB2 side. But that may be complicated by the data type mapping between different databases-- there may not be a perfect mapping between one engine's date and another engine's timestamp data type. If this was a numeric column, a bind variable would be almost certain to get pushed. In this case, it probably involves playing around a bit to figure out exactly what data type to use for your variable that works for your framework, Oracle, and DB2.
If using a bind variable doesn't work, you can force the predicate to be evaluated on the remote server using the dbms_hs_passthrough package. That lets you send a query verbatim to the remote server which allows you to do things like use functions defined in your DB2 database. That's a bit of overkill in this situation, hopefully, but it's nice to have the hammer as your backup if the simpler solution doesn't work quickly enough.
I've got an environment where my server is hosting a variable number of databases, all of which utilize the same table structures/schemas. I need to pull a sum of customers that meet a certain series of constraints with say, the user table. I also need to show which database I am showing the sum for.
I already know all I need to get the sum in a db by db query, but what I'm really looking to do is have one script that hits all of the non-system DBs currently on my server to grab this info.
Please forgive my ignorance in this, just starting out.
So, to clarify things somewhat; I'm using MS SQL 2014. I know how to pull a listing of the dbs I want to hit by using:
FROM sys.databases
WHERE name not in ('master', 'model', 'msdb', 'tempdb')
AND state = 0
And for the purposes of gathering the data I need from each, let's just say I've got something like:
select count(u.userid)
from users n
join UserAttributes ua on u.userid = ua.userid
where ua.status = 2
New Update:
So, I went ahead and added the ps sp_foreachdb as suggested by #Philip Kelley, and I'm now running into a problem when trying to run this (admittedly, I can tell I'm closer to a solution). So, this is what I'm using to call the sp:
USE [master]
DECLARE #return_value int
EXEC #return_value = [dbo].[sp_foreachdb]
#command = N'select count(userid) as number from ?..users',
#print_dbname = 1,
#user_only = 1
SELECT 'Return Value' = #return_value
This provides a nice and clean output showing a count, but what I'd like to see is the db name in addition to the count, something like this:
But for each DB
Is this even possible?
Source Code:
Example Usage:
declare #options int = (
select a.ExcludeSystemDatabases
from dbo.ForEachDatabaseOptions() as a
execute dbo.usp_ForEachDatabase
#Command = N'print Db_Name();'
, #Options = #options;
#Command can be anything you want but obviously it needs to be a query that every single database can understand. #Options currently has 3 built-in settings but can be expanded however you see fit.
I wrote this to mimic/expand upon the master.sys.sp_MSforeachdb procedure but it could still use a little bit of polish (especially around the "logic" that replaces ? with the current database name).
Enumerate the databases from schema / sysdatabases. At least in situations without replication, excluding db_ids 1 to 4 as system databases should be reasonably robust:
SELECT [name] FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE dbid NOT IN (1,2,3,4)
Other methods exist, see here: Get list of databases from SQL Server and here: SQL Server: How to tell if a database is a system database?
Then prefix the query or stored procedure call with the database name, and in a cursor loop over the resultset of the first query, store that in a sysname variable to construct a series of statements like that:
SELECT column FROM databasename.schema.Viewname WHERE ...
and call that using the string execute function
EXECUTE('SELECT ... FROM '+##fully_qualified_table_name+' WHERE ...')
There’s the undocumented sytem procedure, sp_msForEachDB, as found in the master database. Many pundits on the internet recommend not using this, as under obscure fringe cases it can be unreliable and somehow skip random databases. Count me as one of them, this caused me serious grief a few months back.
You can write your own routine to provide this kind of functionality. This is a common task, however, and many people have already done it and posted their code online… so why re-invent the wheel?
#kittoes0124 posted a link to “usp_ForEachDatabse”. This probably works, though pro forma I hate any stored procedures that beings with usp_. I ended up with Aaron Bertrand’s utility, which can be found at
Install a version of this routine, figure out how it works, plug in your script, and go!
I am using the DB2Driver in my code like
and I am getting the result set in my java code which is scroll sensitive. my sql query look like this select distinct day , month , year from XXX . here table XXX is read only for the user which I am using ... so it is giving the following error DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-243, SQLSTATE=36001, SQLERRMC=SQL_CURSH200C3, DRIVER=3.51.90 .. I know this is the problem of read only .. but when i try to execute the same query in db2 control center it is working
please help me out in this
PubLib is your friend :-)
SQL0243NSENSITIVE cursor <cursor-name> cannot be defined for the specified SELECT statement.
Cursor <cursor-name> is defined as SENSITIVE, but the content of the SELECT statement requires DB2 to build a temporary result table of the cursor, and DB2 cannot guarantee that changes made outside this cursor will be visible. This situation occurs when the content of the query makes the result table read-only. For example, if the query includes a join, the result table is read-only. In these cases, the cursor must be defined as INSENSITIVE or ASENSITIVE.
The statement cannot be processed.
User response:
Either change the content of the query to yield a result table that is not read-only, or change the type of the cursor to INSENSITIVE or ASENSITIVE.
If you can't change the cursor type, look in to the use of materialised queriey tables. These are like views but also provide temporary backing storage for the data so that it's not forced read-only by the query type.
Whether that will help in situations where you've forced the user to be read only, I'm not entirely sure but you may be able to have different permission on the materialised data and real data (unfortunately, I haven't done a lot of work with these, certainly none where permissions were locked down to read-only level).