db2 SQLCODE=-243, SQLSTATE=36001 ERROR - db2

I am using the DB2Driver in my code like
and I am getting the result set in my java code which is scroll sensitive. my sql query look like this select distinct day , month , year from XXX . here table XXX is read only for the user which I am using ... so it is giving the following error
com.ibm.db2.jcc.a.SqlException: DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-243, SQLSTATE=36001, SQLERRMC=SQL_CURSH200C3, DRIVER=3.51.90 .. I know this is the problem of read only .. but when i try to execute the same query in db2 control center it is working
please help me out in this

PubLib is your friend :-)
SQL0243NSENSITIVE cursor <cursor-name> cannot be defined for the specified SELECT statement.
Cursor <cursor-name> is defined as SENSITIVE, but the content of the SELECT statement requires DB2 to build a temporary result table of the cursor, and DB2 cannot guarantee that changes made outside this cursor will be visible. This situation occurs when the content of the query makes the result table read-only. For example, if the query includes a join, the result table is read-only. In these cases, the cursor must be defined as INSENSITIVE or ASENSITIVE.
The statement cannot be processed.
User response:
Either change the content of the query to yield a result table that is not read-only, or change the type of the cursor to INSENSITIVE or ASENSITIVE.
If you can't change the cursor type, look in to the use of materialised queriey tables. These are like views but also provide temporary backing storage for the data so that it's not forced read-only by the query type.
Whether that will help in situations where you've forced the user to be read only, I'm not entirely sure but you may be able to have different permission on the materialised data and real data (unfortunately, I haven't done a lot of work with these, certainly none where permissions were locked down to read-only level).


Redshift Spectrum table doesnt recognize array

I have ran a crawler on json S3 file for updating an existing external table.
Once finished I checked the SVL_S3LOG to see the structure of the external table and saw it was updated and I have new column with Array<int> type like expected.
When I have tried to execute select * on the external table I got this error: "Invalid operation: Nested tables do not support '*' in the SELECT clause.;"
So I have tried to detailed the select statement with all columns names:
select name, date, books.... (books is the Array<int> type)
from external_table_a1
and got this error:
Invalid operation: column "books" does not exist in external_table_a1;"
I have also checked under "AWS Glue" the table external_table_a1 and saw that column "books" is recognized and have the type Array<int>.
Can someone explain why my simple query is wrong?
What am I missing?
Querying JSON data is a bit of a hassle with Redshift: when parsing is enabled (eg using the appropriate SerDe configuration) the JSON is stored as a SUPER type. In your case that's the Array<int>.
The AWS documentation on Querying semistructured data seems pretty straightforward, mentioning that PartiQL uses "dotted notation and array subscript for path navigation when accessing nested data". This doesn't work for me, although I don't find any reasons in their SUPER Limitations Documentation.
Solution 1
What I have to do is set the flags set json_serialization_enable to true; and set json_serialization_parse_nested_strings to true; which will parse the SUPER type as JSON (ie back to JSON). I can then use JSON-functions to query the data. Unnesting data gets even crazier because you can only use the unnest syntax select item from table as t, t.items as item on SUPER types. I genuinely don't think that this is the supposed way to query and unnest SUPER objects but that's the only approach that worked for me.
They described that in some older "Amazon Redshift Developer Guide".
Solution 2
When you are writing your query or creating a query Redshift will try to fit the output into one of the basic column data types. If the result of your query does not match any of those types, Redshift will not process the query. Hence, in order to convert a SUPER to a compatible type you will have to unnest it (using the rather peculiar Redshift unnest syntax).
For me, this works in certain cases but I'm not always able to properly index arrays, not can I access the array index (using my_table.array_column as array_entry at array_index syntax).

Understanding MON$STAT_ID in the Firebird monitoring tables

I posted a few weeks back inquiring about the firebird DB and how to monitor it. Since then I have come up with a nifty script that monitors all of the page reads/writes/fetches/marks. One of the columns I am monitoring is the MON$STAT_ID and the MON$STAT_GROUP fields. This prints out a nice number for me; however, I have no way to correlate and understand what exactly it is. I thought printing out the MON$STAT_GROUP would help but it has yet to assist me in any way...
I have also looked into the RDB$ commands but have found very limited documentation to see if they might assist me in monitoring my database.
So I decided to come here and inquire first off whether I am monitoring my database in a way that others can view the data from page reads/writes/fetches/marks and make an intelligent decision on whether or not the database is performing as expected.
Secondly, would adding RDB$ commands to my script add anything to the value of the data that I will be giving our database folks?
Lastly, and maybe most importantly, is there anyway to correlate the MON$STAT_ID fields to an actual table in the database to understand when something is going on that should not be? I currently am monitoring the database every minute which may be to frequent, but I am getting valid data out. The only question now is how to interpret this data. Can someone give me advice on methods they use/have used in the past that have worked for them?
(NOTE: Running firebird 2.1)
The column MON$STAT_ID in MON$IO_STATS (and MON$RECORD_STATS and MON$MEMORY_USAGE) is the primary key of the record in the monitoring table. Almost all other monitoring tables include a MON$STAT_ID to point to these statistics: MON$ATTACHMENTS, MON$CALL_STACK, MON$DATABASE, MON$STATEMENTS, MON$TRANSACTIONS.
In other words: the statistics apply on the database, attachment, transaction, statement or call level (PSQL executes). The statistics tables contain a column called MON$STAT_GROUP to discern these types. The values of MON$STAT_GROUP are described in RDB$TYPES:
4 : CALL
Typically the statistics of level 0 contain all from level 1, level 1 contains all from level 2 for that attachment, level 2 contains all from level 3 for that transaction, level 3 contains all from level 4 for that statement.
As there might be data processed unrelated to the lower level, or a specific attachment, transaction or statement handle has already been dropped, the numbers of the lower level do not necessarily aggregate to the entire number of the higher level.
There is no way to correlate the statistics to a specific table (as this information isn't table related, but - simplified - from executing statements which might cover multiple tables).
As I also commented, I am unsure what you mean with "RDB$ commands". But I am assuming you are talking about RDB$GET_CONTEXT() and RDB$SET_CONTEXT(). You could use RDB$GET_CONTEXT() to obtain the current connection (SESSION_ID) and transaction id (TRANSACTION_ID). These values values can be used for MON$ATTACHMENT_ID and MON$TRANSACTION_ID in the monitoring tables. I don't think the other variables in the SYSTEM namespace are interesting, and those in USER_SESSION and USER_TRANSACTION are all user-defined (and initially those namespaces are empty).
It is far easier to use the CURRENT_CONNECTION and CURRENT_TRANSACTION context variables within a statement. As documented in doc\README.monitoring_tables.txt in the Firebird installation:
System variables CURRENT_CONNECTION and CURRENT_TRANSACTION could be used to select data about the current (for the caller) connection and transaction respectively. These variables correspond to the ID columns of the appropriate monitoring tables.
Note: my answer is based on Firebird 2.5.
To present statistics by specific tables I use this SQL (FB 3)
select t.mon$table_name,trim(
case when r.mon$record_seq_reads>0 then 'Non index Reads: '||r.mon$record_seq_reads else '' end||
case when r.mon$record_idx_reads>0 then ' Index Reads: '||r.mon$record_idx_reads else '' end||
case when r.mon$record_inserts>0 then ' Inserts: '||r.mon$record_inserts else '' end||
case when r.mon$record_updates>0 then ' Updates: '||r.mon$record_updates else '' end||
case when r.mon$record_deletes>0 then ' Deletes: '||r.mon$record_deletes else '' end)
join mon$record_stats r on r.mon$stat_id=t.mon$record_stat_id
where t.mon$table_name not starting 'RDB$' and r.mon$stat_group=2
order by 1

Is there any logical reason to use CFQUERYPARAM in Query of Queries?

I primarily use CFQUERYPARAM to prevent SQL injection. Since Query-of-Queries (QoQ) does not touch the database, is there any logical reason to use CFQUERYPARAM in them? I know that values that do not match the cfsqltype and maxlength will throw an exception, but, these values should already be validated before that and display friendly messages (from a UX viewpoint).
Since Query-of-Queries (QoQ) does not touch the database, is there any logical reason to use CFQUERYPARAM in them? Actually, it does touch the database, the database that you currently have stored in memory. The data in that database could still theoretically be tampered with via some sort of injection from the user. Does that affect your physical database - no. Does that affect the use of the data within your application - yes.
You did not give any specific details but I would err on the side of caution. If ANY of the data you are using to build your query comes from the client then use cfqueryparam in them. If you can guarantee that none of the elements in your query comes from the client then I think it would be okay to not use the cfqueryparam.
As an aside, using cfqueryparam also helps optimize the query for the database although I'm not sure if that is true for query of queries. It also escapes characters for you like apostrophes.
Here is a situation where it's simpler, in my opinion.
<cfquery name="NoVisit" dbtype="query">
select chart_no, patient_name, treatment_date, pr, BillingCompareField
from BillingData
where BillingCompareField not in
(<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar"
value="#ValueList(FinalData.FinalCompareField)#" list="yes">)
The alternative would be to use QuotedValueList. However, if anything in that value list contained an apostrophe, cfqueryparam will escape it. Otherwise I would have to.
Edit starts here
Here is another example where not using query parameters causes an error.
<cfquery name="y" dbtype="query">
select * from x
where dt in (<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_date" value="#ValueList(x.dt)#" list="yes">)
where dt in (#ValueList(x.dt)#)
The code as written throws this error:
Query Of Queries runtime error.
Comparison exception while executing IN.
Unsupported Type Comparison Exception:
The IN operator does not support comparison between the following types:
Left hand side expression type = "DATE".
Right hand side expression type = "LONG".
With the query parameter, commented out above, the code executes successfully.

How to optimize generic SQL to retrieve DDL information

I have a generic code that is used to retrieve DDL information from a Firebird database (FB2.1). It generates SQL code like
SELECT * FROM MyTable where 'c' <> 'c'
I cannot change this code. Actually, if that matters, it is inside Report Builder 10.
The fact is that some tables from my database are becoming a litle too populated (>1M records) and that query is starting to take too long to execute.
If I try to execute
SELECT * FROM MyTable where SomeIndexedField = SomeImpossibleValue
it will obviously use that index and run very quickly.
Well, it wouldn´t be that hard to the database find out that that is an impossible matcher and make some sort of optimization and avoid testing it against each row.
Is there any way to make my firebird database to optimize that search?
As the filter condition is a negative proposition (and also doesn't refer a column to search, but only a value to compare to another value), Firebird need to do a full table scan (without use any index) to confirm that aren't any record that meet your criteria.
If you can't change you need to wait for the upcoming 3.0 version, that will implement the Boolean data type, and therefore should start to evaluate "constant" fake comparisons in advance (maybe the client library will do this evaluation before send the statement to the server?).

What is a "batch", and why is GO used?

I have read and read over MSDN, etc. Ok, so it signals the end of a batch.
What defines a batch? I don't see why I need go when I'm pasting in a bunch of scripts to be run all at the same time.
I've never understood GO. Can anyone explain this better and when I need to use it (after how many or what type of transactions)?
For example why would I need GO after each update here:
UPDATE [Country]
SET [CountryCode] = 'IL'
WHERE code = 'IL'
UPDATE [Country]
SET [CountryCode] = 'PT'
WHERE code = 'PT'
GO is not properly a TSQL command.
Instead it's a command to the specific client program which connects to an SQL server (Sybase or Microsoft's - not sure about what Oracle does), signalling to the client program that the set of commands that were input into it up till the "go" need to be sent to the server to be executed.
Why/when do you need it?
GO in MS SQL server has a "count" parameter - so you can use it as a "repeat N times" shortcut.
Extremely large updates might fill up the SQL server's log. To avoid that, they might need to be separated into smaller batches via go.
In your example, if updating for a set of country codes has such a volume that it will run out of log space, the solution is to separate each country code into a separate transaction - which can be done by separating them on the client with go.
Some SQL statements MUST be separated by GO from the following ones in order to work.
For example, you can't drop a table and re-create the same-named table in a single transaction, at least in Sybase (ditto for creating procedures/triggers):
> drop table tempdb.guest.x1
> create table tempdb.guest.x1 (a int)
> go
Msg 2714, Level 16, State 1
Server 'SYBDEV', Line 2
There is already an object named 'x1' in the database.
> drop table tempdb.guest.x1
> go
> create table tempdb.guest.x1 (a int)
> go
GO is not a statement, it's a batch separator.
The blocks separated by GO are sent by the client to the server for processing and the client waits for their results.
For instance, if you write
, this will be sent to the server as a single 3-line query.
If you write
, this will be sent to the server as 3 one-line queries.
GO itself does not go to the server (no pun intended). It's a pure client-side reserved word and is only recognized by SSMS and osql.
If you will use a custom query tool to send it over the connection, the server won't even recognize it and issue an error.
Many command need to be in their own batch, like CREATE PROCEDURE
Or, if you add a column to a table, then it should be in its own batch.
If you try to SELECT the new column in the same batch it fails because at parse/compile time the column does not exist.
GO is used by the SQL tools to work this out from one script: it is not a SQL keyword and is not recognised by the engine.
These are 2 concrete examples of day to day usage of batches.
Edit: In your example, you don't need GO...
Edit 2, example. You can't drop, create and permission in one batch... not least, where is the end of the stored procedure?
IF OBJECT_ID ('dbo.uspDoStuff') IS NOT NULL
SELECT Something From ATable
GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.uspDoStuff TO RoleSomeOne
Sometimes there is a need to execute the same command or set of commands over and over again. This may be to insert or update test data or it may be to put a load on your server for performance testing. Whatever the need the easiest way to do this is to setup a while loop and execute your code, but in SQL 2005 there is an even easier way to do this.
Let's say you want to create a test table and load it with 1000 records. You could issue the following command and it will run the same command 1000 times:
CREATE TABLE dbo.TEST (ID INT IDENTITY (1,1), ROWID uniqueidentifier)
GO 1000
Other than that it marks the "end" of an SQL block (e.g. in a stored procedure)... Meaning you're on a "clean" state again... e.G: Parameters used in the statement before the code are reset (not defined anymore)
As everyone already said, "GO" is not part of T-SQL. "GO" is a batch separator in SSMS, a client application used to submit queries to the database. This means that declared variables and table variables will not persist from code before the "GO" to code following it.
In fact, GO is simply the default word used by SSMS. This can be changed in the options if you want. For a bit of fun, change the option on someone else's system to use "SELECT" as a batch seperator instead of "GO". Forgive my cruel chuckle.
It is used to split logical blocks. Your code is interpreted into sql command line and this indicate next block of code.
But it could be used as recursive statement with specific number.
exec sp_who2
go 2
Some statement have to be delimited by GO:
use DB
create view thisViewCreationWillFail