how to connect the Mongo DB using sqldeveloper - mongodb

Am using Mongo 4.10 version Please let me know how to connect Mongo DB server from SQL developer (4.1.3) . Using Nosql_connection.
Please help me.

The NoSQL connections in SQL Developer are reserved for the Oracle NoSQL Database. We don't have MongoDB support in Oracle SQL Developer. If and when we do add support for it, it will be for migrating said MongoDB docs over to Oracle Database.


MongoDB connection with Power BI

I have this mongoDB (a SaSS in IBM Cloud) and on this cloud i also have an instance of another noSQL DB, cloudant db.
We were able to connect the cloudant DB on Power BI using only an URL such as "<DATABASE_NAME>/_design/<DESIGN_DOC_NAME>/_view/<VIEW_NAME>" and "WEB" connection option on PowerBI.
My question is, and i didn't find any info or documentation related to this matter: on MongoDB, there is a way to achieve this kind of connection, using only a uri to a specific view rather than the ODBC connection?
If not, is there any other alternative to connect with this resource on IBM instead of ODBC?
Install mongosqld from :
Run mongosqld
Now you can connect to the mongodb instance with read access using mysql/mariadb client or drivers.
NOTE: As mentioned this only has read access, so you can execute all the select queries.
I don't think so if PowerBI doesn't support it already. The MongoDB BI Connector isn't installed in IBM Cloud Databases for MongoDB.

How to connect Mongo DB through Oracle DB?

I need to access data in Mongo DB through Oracle DB. Can you guys help me to create a link between Mongo & Oracle?
First you need to install an MongoDB ODBC driver. You can install the ODBC driver from Mongo:
However, this ODBC driver works only for Mongo Atlas, i.e. MongoDB Cloud service, see MongoDB ODBC Driver. If you have a local MongoDB then you cannot use it. In this case you have to go for one of the commercial third party Mongo ODBC drivers:
Then you can use the Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC for the connection.
As far as I understand the "Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC" is one of the possible Heterogeneous Service Agents of the "Database Heterogeneous Connectivity" mentioned by Justin Cave.

Using sql developer with openedge database

Is it possible to connect sql developer to openedge db, if not is there some alternative GUI that we can use with openedge?
Sorry, no.
We make 3rd party databases and their jdbc drivers (jars) available for customers needing to migrate those databases to the Oracle platform.
If and when customers need help migrating openedge db to Oracle Database, we'll consider it.
For now it's limited to Sybase ASE, SQL Server, DB2 LUW, Teradata, MySQL, and some limited support for PostgreSQL and Redshift.

Azure Data Migration Tool

I am trying to migrate my mongoDB from mLab to Azure DocumentDB (with protocol support for mongoDB) using the data migration tool that Microsoft asks us to use, here is the link - The mlab mongoDb is trial version.
The connection string for mlab mongoDb is mongodb://dbuser:dbpassword#host:port/dbname
But the tool does not accept the connection string for the mLab mongoDB but accepts the one for my local mongoDB.
Has anyone else had this problem?
The data migration tool is designed to migrate to standard DocumentDB accounts. For migrating from MongoDB to a DocumentDB account with protocol support for MongoDB, I recommend standard MongoDB utilities such as mongoexport/mongoimport or mongodump/mongorestore.

how can I migrate the database dump of MongoDB into PostgreSQL?

I replicate the application using the database as postgresql but later on I came to know that application was using mongodb and I got the dump of the app in json format which was of mongodb.
So any help regarding to migrate the mongo db dump into postgresql will be so appreciated.
Thank you!
You can migrate MongoDB into PostgreSQL using MoSQL.
Follow the github page of MoSQL. It contains the information, how you can do the migration.
Follow the this blog post for more information