How to connect Mongo DB through Oracle DB? - mongodb

I need to access data in Mongo DB through Oracle DB. Can you guys help me to create a link between Mongo & Oracle?

First you need to install an MongoDB ODBC driver. You can install the ODBC driver from Mongo:
However, this ODBC driver works only for Mongo Atlas, i.e. MongoDB Cloud service, see MongoDB ODBC Driver. If you have a local MongoDB then you cannot use it. In this case you have to go for one of the commercial third party Mongo ODBC drivers:
Then you can use the Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC for the connection.
As far as I understand the "Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC" is one of the possible Heterogeneous Service Agents of the "Database Heterogeneous Connectivity" mentioned by Justin Cave.


data pulling from mongodb server to sql through ssis

mongodb server is installed in one server and i want to pull data from mongodb to sql through ssis but the sql and siss is installed in anothe server. i had gone through your mongodb to sql with ssis. i did not under stand weather i have to install that bi connector in mogodb server instance or another server instance where i am using sql and siss.
I had installed mongodb connector and odbc drivers in my instance where I want to store the mongodb data.
while giving credentials of mongodb. like ip and poet username and password dasebase name after

MongoDB connection with Power BI

I have this mongoDB (a SaSS in IBM Cloud) and on this cloud i also have an instance of another noSQL DB, cloudant db.
We were able to connect the cloudant DB on Power BI using only an URL such as "<DATABASE_NAME>/_design/<DESIGN_DOC_NAME>/_view/<VIEW_NAME>" and "WEB" connection option on PowerBI.
My question is, and i didn't find any info or documentation related to this matter: on MongoDB, there is a way to achieve this kind of connection, using only a uri to a specific view rather than the ODBC connection?
If not, is there any other alternative to connect with this resource on IBM instead of ODBC?
Install mongosqld from :
Run mongosqld
Now you can connect to the mongodb instance with read access using mysql/mariadb client or drivers.
NOTE: As mentioned this only has read access, so you can execute all the select queries.
I don't think so if PowerBI doesn't support it already. The MongoDB BI Connector isn't installed in IBM Cloud Databases for MongoDB.

How to access mongodb data from Oracle server?

We are using Oracle server and we need to fetch data from MongoDB. As RHEL 7 is supported for installing MongoDB drivers, and the one we use is RHEL 6.9. So drivers are not installed and dblink was not created. We are looking for other options to access this MongoDB server from Oracle server.
Please need help here.
This will be a challenge because Oracle is a relational database whereas MongoDB is "NoSQL". A native connection is not possible.
Look for a MongoDB ODBC Driver, e.g.
MongoDB ODBC Driver
Progress DataDirect ODBC Driver for MongoDB
devart ODBC Driver for MongoDB
CData MongoDB ODBC Driver
easysoft MongoDB ODBC Driver
Once you installed one of them, use the Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC to access the MongoDB via the ODBC driver.
The configuration of this can be tricky, but it should be possible.
Almost any popular programming language is able to connect to an Oracle database as well to connect to MongoDB. So, you can write a program/script which copies data from one database to the other. However, if you like to use direct connection (i.e. database link in Oracle) the you have to use one of these ODBC driver.
In combination with the Oracle Gateway for ODBC, you solve this problem via any of the following solutions:
ODBC or JDBC (via ODBC-to-JDBC Bridge) Drivers and Oracle's Database Integrator for ODBC
ODBC- and/or JDBC-compliant Data Virtualization Platform
ODBC Driver and Oracle Data Integration (ODI) Gateway
Attach Oracle to MongoDB Driver. You can use a native JDBC driver, or a JDBC-to-ODBC Bridge Driver plus a native ODBC driver
Perform your Data Manipulation operations via ODI
OpenLink JDBC-to-ODBC Bridge Drivers provide enhanced DBMS virtualization that increases compatibility between JDBC client apps and 3rd party ODBC Drivers.
Data Virtualization Platform Solution
Here's how it works, given that you have ODBC access to each of Oracle and MySQL Database Management Systems (DBMS), using either a native ODBC Driver or a native JDBC Driver with an OBDC-to-JDBC Bridge:
Attach the Data Virtualization Platform to the MongoDB instance
Attach the Data Virtualization Platform to the Oracle instance
Perform your Data Manipulation (DML) operations on Data managed by either DBMS, as though they were in local tables in the Data Virtualization Layer
Our Virtuoso Multi-Model Database Management and Virtualization Platform is an example of a Data Virtualization solution that operates in the manner described above.
Data Virtualization for Beginners
OpenLink ODBC-to-ODBC Bridge Drivers — increase compatibility of third party ODBC Drivers with Oracle's ODBC Gateway
OpenLink JDBC-to-ODBC Bridge Drivers — enable use of third party ODBC Drivers with Oracle's ODI middleware
OpenLink JDBC-to-JDBC Bridge Drivers — increase compatibility of third party JDBC Drivers with Oracle's ODI middleware
OpenLink ODBC-to-JDBC Bridge Drivers — enable use of third party JDBC Drivers with Oracle's ODBC Gateway
Using Oracle's ODI and the OpenLink JDBC-to-ODBC Bridge to connect to Microsoft Excel data sources
Virtuoso Data Virtualization Platform

how to connect the Mongo DB using sqldeveloper

Am using Mongo 4.10 version Please let me know how to connect Mongo DB server from SQL developer (4.1.3) . Using Nosql_connection.
Please help me.
The NoSQL connections in SQL Developer are reserved for the Oracle NoSQL Database. We don't have MongoDB support in Oracle SQL Developer. If and when we do add support for it, it will be for migrating said MongoDB docs over to Oracle Database.

How to Connect Mongodb to tableau

We are still in the development phase.
Our req is parse the XML to JSON and store them as flat files in Mongodb
Then for the analysis we want to use tableau.
Part 1 of the req is i need to connect to tableau.
Versions we have are
Mongo 3.2
Tableau 9.1
I have googled and couldn't find any steps to integrate tableau with mongodb.
I also saw Mongodb has released a connector but there is no Windows BI connector.
Now do we need to migrate to Enterprise version for tableau connectivity.
Many thanks for the inputs
Detailed Instructions (for Windows), using localhost server of mongoDB:
1) Installation: Install Tableau, MongoDB, and MongoDB BI Connector for Tableau.
2) From the command prompt, you will want to serve your mongoDB instance as well as the mongoDB_sql server needed to connect to Tableau MongoDB BI Connector. Add mongoDB and mongoDB BI Connector bin's to your system path, for example: C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.6\bin\ and 2) C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Connector for BI\2.3\bin\.
3) Serve your local mongoDB server. Example command: mongod. (Let's assume it is served on localhost:27017.
4) Create a schema of the database you want Tableau to integrate with. Command to do this: mongodrdl --out <path_that_you_want_to_save_schema_to> /db:<name_of_database>
5) Validate the schema, and serve your local server of mongoDB as an SQL server (Tableau expects this server to be running). Command to do this: mongosqld --schema <path_to_schema> (** this will typically serve to localhost:3307)
6) You can now go to Tableau, under connectors, click on the MongoDB BI Connector, and enter localhost for the server, and 3307 for the port. (assuming in step 5 you have validated that the sql server is running on localhost with port 3307).
I hope this helps, these exact steps worked well for me.
The mongo biconnector is implemented as a multicorn (python) based Foreign Data Wrapper imbedded in the supplied postgresql server. Tools are provided to set up the postgresql "biuser" user, to create the collection to table mappings from data sampling, and to import the resultant schema into postgresql. The postgresql database contains non-materialized views corresponding to the (flattened) mongo collections. Access is through the postgresql server using standard postgresql jdbc/odbc drivers.
I think run mongodb bi connector in docker ubuntu/centos is a choice if the connector does not support windows, and tableau does not support linux, that's a question.
There is an example of create bi connection in with mongosqld
Hope this would work well for your issue
I have described our way connecting to data in MongoDB Community Edition to Tableau. First creat an API to your DB, then Web Data Connector to Tableau (it's HTML and JS files), after you can use WDC Connector in Tableau to connect to your URL.
Here is the detailed description how we did it: