App rejection issue when submit to Facebook for review - facebook

I have integrated Facebook SDK for the first time. I have submitted it to Facebook for review and its got rejected. Now let me tell you the steps I followed and the issue where I am going through.
Created an app with Facebook email, public_profile permission and went live (as its not required the review as per the document and its working fine)
Now due to change (enhancement) in the business requirement, I had to add user_friends permission also in the existing app. I have gone through many links and read about the facebook app review and Facebook test apps I have created a test app for the actual app and integrated the user_friends permission (as it works for test app)
Since the previous live app was with general permission (email, public_profile) I have not submitted this for review. So, this time I have submitted the test app for review and it got rejected (fb reviewer message
-- unable to login)
But it's still working. I am able to login properly. Cant understand what and where the problem is? I have googled for solution and found that we need to submit actual app for review. But how, the actual app is already live without user_friends permission, so in that case it will again get rejected.
Any help will be appreciated, Thanks in advance.


How to get through facebook review process with ios app only in testflight?

I have an app where I am pulling events from different APIs among other the facebook API. For now I am just pulling the facebook events for testers. However, in order to get access to pulling facebook events from all users I need to get the app through the review process for user_events.
My problem is that my app is still in development mode and I cannot release it to the app-store before I have gotten the access from Facebook. But as I understand it, facebook have to review the app themselves. I do not understand how I can possibly get the app through review when they cannot download it - at least I would have to know their emailadresse in order to send an invitation through testflight.
Would it be fine just do create a video of how it looks without facebook getting access to the app or what would be the appropriate approach?

Facebook approval (with screencast?)

For my running app (iOS and Android) I'm trying to use the Facebook Connect ability to register / login users. The problem is: I need user_birthday & user_location to be approved by Facebook. Therefor I need to make a screencast to get this approved.
How am I going to screencast a feature that isn't approved but needs to be recorded?!
If you are the admin of the Facebook App, you can use unapproved permissions.
Just make a Test Version of you app and login with your "Adminaccount" and make a Screencast of the Feature. After Facebook approved it you can update the Apps in the Appstores.
I believe you need to prepare a screencast and reproduce the issue in the screencast with the details like with what user you are able to reproduce the issue. The issue in your case would be that you are not able to retrieve the mentioned details.
Problem found:
We where trying a release build (Android) instead of a debug build in combination with administrator account.

Do I need to get app permissions approved before building my app?

I'm having an issue where I'm wanting to build a web app - but until I can have it built to show Facebook, they won't give my app permissions (specifically manage_pages and read_page_mailboxes).
So, obviously my code for this doesn't work at the moment.
Is there a sandbox mode where I can write and test all my code, then send it into Facebook submissions for full approval once it actually works?
As a developer, you can use permissions that have not been approved to build your application. You can also create test users from the App Settings page to create users to test your application - all can use unapproved permissions.
Once your application is built, you can then submit it to Facebook to get the permissions approved for end-users. Just make sure you are using the Developer account or a Test user account to test your code during development.
You'll see a notice if you're using a permission that isn't approved.

Facebook app appoval for a live app

I have a live Facebook app that is currently used in a production website. This app has not been submitted for approval as it does not need any extended permissions.
With the upcoming feature, the app will require access to an extended permission (manage_pages). Thus I will have to submit the app to Facebook for review.
As I understand the steps to recreate the user experience has to be mentioned when submitting for review. My problem is that the new feature is not available in production until the Facebook review is complete. How will the app approval process happen as I need to list out the steps to test the app when submitting?
As an alternative I could put the app back to sandbox mode and send the review, but that would disrupt the already exiting feature (which requires the app to be live).
Is there an alternate way that I could get the app approved without having to disable any existing features?
As far as I found out, there is currently no way, that Facebook helps you with this.
Have you found out something?
I opened an issue in the facebook-bug-tracker:
As Facebook mentions in this bug-report, the best way for this is to mention the app-id and domain of the pre-production app to the reviewer.

Application submission requirement for Apple Appstore

We are planning to submit our iPhone app for certification, but a friend of my suggested that if the application needs the user to login every-time to use the features, then the people at Apple would not certify the application. Can some one please guide me on this.
Its not true, you just need to provide a working username and password during the app submission so that apple can test the features.
You are definitely allowed to require a login for the app to function (I've submitted an app with multiple updates that presents a login screen as the initial dialog and locks the rest of the app until the user logs in).
You need to ensure you create a test account for the reviewer to log in with though, so make sure you provide them with a valid test Username/Password combo when you submit the app for review.
While submitting to appstore there will be option for demo account like Username/password credentials there you can give your credentials to test your application
My app was rejected for requiring a registration by the user before using any features once. I asked for a clarification on the same from the App Review team, stating that my app was based on user data, and cannot proceed without authentication. Also, I updated my review Notes in the itunesConnect to mention the same. And it was accepted. :)
For safe side, You can mention this in the review notes and do not forget to give them a sample username and password!
Good Luck!
Dontwory Your app will not be rejected by Apple. There is no restriction in apple guidelines for this. I have many live apps in app store with same scenario. So you can upload your app with worrying about app rejection.
Hope it helps you.