Postgres multi-column index is taking forever to complete - postgresql

I have a table with around 270,000,000 rows and this is how I created it.
CREATE TABLE init_package_details AS
SELECT pcont.package_content_id as package_content_id,
pcont.activity_id as activity_id,
pc.org_id as org_id,
pc.bed_type as bed_type,
pc.is_override as is_override,
pmmap.package_id as package_id,
pcont.activity_qty as activity_qty,
pcont.charge_head as charge_head,
pcont.activity_charge as charge,
COALESCE(pc.charge,0) - COALESCE(,0) as package_charge
FROM a pc
JOIN b od ON
(od.org_id = pc.org_id AND od.status='A')
JOIN c pm ON
JOIN d pmmap ON
JOIN e pcont ON
I need to build index on the init_package_details table.
This table is getting created at around 5-6 mins.
I have created btree index like,
CREATE INDEX init_package_details_package_content_id_idx
ON init_package_details(package_content_id);`
which is taking 10 mins (More than the time to create and populate the table itself)
And, when I create another index like,
CREATE INDEX init_package_details_package_act_org_bt_id_idx
ON init_package_details(activity_id,org_id,bed_type);
It just freezes and taking forever to complete. I waited for around 30 mins before I manually cancelled it.
Below are stats from iotop -o if it helps,
When I created table Averaging around 110-120 MB/s (This is how 270 million rows got inserted in 5-6 mins)
When I created First Index, It was averaging at around 70 MB/s
On second index, it is snailing at 5-7 MB/s
Could someone explain Why is this happening? Is there anyway I can speedup the index creations here?
EDIT 1: There are no other connections accessing the table. And, pg_stat_activity shows active as status throughout the running time. This happens inside a transaction (this is happening between BEGIN and COMMIT, it contains many other scripts in same .sql file).
postgres=# show work_mem ;
(1 row)
postgres=# show maintenance_work_mem;

Building indexes takes a long time, that's normal.
If you are not bottlenecked on I/O, you are probably on CPU.
There are a few things to improve the performance:
Set maintenance_work_mem very high.
Use PostgreSQL v11 or better, where several parallel workers can be used.


Understanding auto-vacuum and when it is triggered

We've noticed one of our tables growing considerably on PG 12. This table is the target of very frequent updates, with a mix of column types, including a very large text column (often with over 50kb of data) - we run a local cron job that looks for rows older than X time and set the text column to a null value (as we no longer need the data for that particular column after X amount of time).
We understand this does not actually free up disk space due to the MVCC model, but we were hoping that auto-vacuum would take care of this. To our surprise, the table continues to grow (now over 40gb worth) without auto-vacuum running. Running a vacuum manually has addressed the issue and we no longer see growth.
This has lead me to investigate other tables, I'm realising that I don't understand how auto-vacuum is triggered at all.
Here is my understanding of how it works, which hopefully someone can pick apart:
I look for tables that have a large amount of dead tuples in them:
select * from pg_stat_all_tables ORDER BY n_dead_tup desc;
I identify tableX with 33169557 dead tuples (n_dead_tup column).
I run a select * from pg_class ORDER BY reltuples desc; to check how many estimated rows there are on table tableX
I identify 1725253 rows via the reltuples column.
I confirm my autovacuum settings: autovacuum_vacuum_threshold = 50 and autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor = 0.2
I apply the formula threshold + pg_class.reltuples * scale_factor, so, 50 + 1725253 * 0.2 which returns 345100.6
It is my understanding that auto-vacuum will start on this table once ~345100 dead tuples are found. But tableX is already at a whopping 33169557 dead tuples!, The last_autovacuum on this table was back in February.
Any clarification would be welcome.
Your algorithm is absolutely correct.
Here are some reasons why things could go wrong:
autovacuum runs, but is so slow that it never gets done
If you see no running autovacuum, that is not your problem.
autovacuum runs, but a long running open transaction prevents it from removing dead tuples
other tables need to be vacuumed more urgently (to avoid transaction ID wraparound), so the three workers are busy with other things
autovacuum runs, but conflicts with high concurrent locks on the table (LOCK TABLE, ALTER TABLE, ...)
This makes autovacuum give up and try again later.
autovacuum is disabled, perhaps only for that table

Query on large, indexed table times out

I am relatively new to using Postgres, but am wondering what could be the workaround here.
I have a table with about 20 columns and 250 million rows, and an index created for the timestamp column time (but no partitions).
Queries sent to the table have been failing (although using the view first/last 100 rows function in PgAdmin works), running endlessly. Even simple select * queries.
For example, if I want to LIMIT a selection of the data to 10
SELECT * from mytable
WHERE time::timestamp < '2019-01-01'
Such a query hangs - what can be done to optimize queries in a table this large? When the table was of a smaller size (~ 100 million rows), queries would always complete. What should one do in this case?
If time is of data type timestamp or the index is created on (time::timestamp), the query should be fast as lightning.
Please show the CREATE TABLE and the CREATE INDEX statement, and the EXPLAIN output for the query for more details.
"Query that doesn't complete" usually means that it does disk swaps. Especially when you mention the fact that with 100M rows it manages to complete. That's because index for 100M rows still fits in your memory. But index twice this size doesn't.
Limit won't help you here, as database probably decides to read the index first, and that's what kills it.
You could try and increase available memory, but partitioning would actually be the best solution here.
Partitioning means smaller tables. Smaller tables means smaller indexes. Smaller indexes have better chances to fit into your memory.

Postgres slow distinct query for multiple columns

I have a very simple query that is taking way too long to run.
SELECT DISTINCT col1,col2,col3,col4 FROM tbl1;
What indexes do I need to add to speed up? I ran a simple vacuum; command and added the following index but neither helped.
CREATE INDEX tbl_idx ON tbl1(col1,col2,col3,col4);
The table has 400k rows. In fact counting them is taking extremely long as well. Running a simple
SELECT count(*) from tbl1;
is taking 8 seconds. So it's possible my problems are with vacuuming or reindexing or something I'm not sure.
Here is the explain command
EXPLAIN SELECT DISTINCT col1,col2,col3,col4 FROM tbl1;
Unique (cost=3259846.80..3449267.51 rows=137830 width=25)
-> Sort (cost=3259846.80..3297730.94 rows=15153657 width=25)
Sort Key: col1, col2, col3, col4
-> Seq Scan on tbl1 (cost=0.00..727403.57 rows=15153657 width=25)
(4 rows)
Edit: I'm currently running vacuum full; which hopefully fixes the issue and then maybe someone can give me some pointers on how to fix where I went wrong. It is several hours in and still going as far as I can tell. I did run
select relname, last_autoanalyze, last_autovacuum, last_vacuum, n_dead_tup from pg_stat_all_tables where n_dead_tup >0;
and the table has nearly 16 million n_dead_tup rows.
My data doesn't change that frequently so I ended up creating a materialized view
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW tbl1_distinct_view AS SELECT DISTINCT col1,col2,col3,col4 FROM tbl1;
that I refresh with a cronjob once a day at 6am
0 6 * * * psql -U mydb mydb -c 'REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW tbl1_distinct_view;
try force database to use your index
set enable_seqscan=off ;
SELECT DISTINCT col1,col2,col3,col4 FROM tbl1;
set enable_seqscan=on ;
VACUUM and VACUUM FULL are two commands that sound the same but have very different effects.
VACUUM scans a table for tuples that it no longer needs, so that it can overwrite that space during INSERT or UPDATE statements. This command only looks at deleted rows, and does not "defragment" the table - it leaves the space usage the same, but simply marks some space as "dead" in order that it can be reused.
VACUUM FULL looks at every row, and reclaims the space left by deleted rows and dead tuples, essentially "defragmenting" the table. If this is done on a live table, it can take a very long time, and can result in heavy weight locks, increased IO, and index bloat.
I imagine what you need is a VACUUM followed by an ANALYZE, which will rebuild your statistics for each table, improving index performance. These should be performed reasonably regularly in low-usage times for a database. Only if you have a lot of space to reclaim (due to lots of DELETE statements) should you use VACUUM FULL.
Anyhow, since you've run a VACUUM FULL, once that it complete you should run an ANALYZE on the database, followed by a REINDEX (on the database), and then an EXPLAIN on your query again, you should notice an improvement.

fast growing table in postgresql

We run postgresql 9.5.2 in an RDS instance. One thing we noticed was that a certain table sometimes grow very rapidly in size.
The table in question has only 33k rows and ~600 columns. All columns are numeric (decimal(25, 6)). After vacuum full, the "total_bytes" as reported in the following query
select c.relname, pg_total_relation_size(c.oid) AS total_bytes
from pg_class c;
is about 150MB. However, we observed this grew to 71GB at one point. In a recent episode, total_bytes grew by 10GB in a 30 minute period.
During the episode mentioned above, we had a batch update query that runs ~4 times per minute that updates every record in the table. However, during other times table size remained constant despite similar update activities.
I understand this is probably caused by "dead records" being left over from the updates. Indeed when this table grow too big simply running vacuum full will shrink it to its normal size (150M). My questions are
have other people experienced similar rapid growth in table size in postgresql and is this normal?
if our batch update queries are causing the rapid growth in table size, why doesn't it happen every time? In fact I tried to to reproduce it manually by running something like
update my_table set x = x * 2
but couldn't -- table size remained the same before and after the query.
The problem is having 600 columns in a single table, which is never a good idea. This is going to cause a lot of problems, table size is just one of them.
From the PostgreSQL docs...
The actual storage requirement [for numeric values] is two bytes for each group of four decimal digits, plus three to eight bytes overhead.
So decimal(25, 6) is something like 8 + (31 / 4 * 2) or about 24 bytes per column. At 600 columns per row that's about 14,400 bytes per row or 14k per row. At 33,000 rows that's about 450 megs.
If you're updating every row 4 times per minute, that's going to leave about 1.8 gigs per minute of dead rows.
You should fix your schema design.
You shouldn't need to touch every row of a table 4 times a minute.
You should ask a question about redesigning that table and process.

Slow Postgres 9.3 Queries, again

This is a follow-up to the question at Slow Postgres 9.3 queries.
The new indexes definitely help. But what we're seeing is sometimes queries are much slower in practice than when we run EXPLAIN ANALYZE. An example is the following, run on the production database:
explain analyze SELECT * FROM messages WHERE groupid=957 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 20 OFFSET 31980;
Limit (cost=127361.90..127441.55 rows=20 width=747) (actual time=152.036..152.143 rows=20 loops=1)
-> Index Scan Backward using idx_groupid_id on messages (cost=0.43..158780.12 rows=39869 width=747) (actual time=0.080..150.484 rows=32000 loops=1)
Index Cond: (groupid = 957)
Total runtime: 152.186 ms
(4 rows)
With slow query logging turned on, we see instances of this query taking over 2 seconds. We also have log_lock_waits=true, and no slow locks are reported around the same time. What could explain the vast difference in execution times?
LIMIT x OFFSET y generally performs not much faster than LIMIT x + y. A large OFFSET is always comparatively expensive. The suggested index in the linked question helps, but while you cannot get index-only scans out of it, Postgres still has to check visibility in the heap (the main relation) for at least x + y rows to determine the correct result.
FROM messages
WHERE groupid = 957
OFFSET 31980;
CLUSTER on your index (groupid,id) would help to increase locality of data in the heap and reduce the number of data pages to be read per query. Definitely a win. But if all groupid are equally likely to be queried, that's not going to remove the bottleneck of too little RAM for cache. If you have concurrent access, consider pg_repack instead of CLUSTER:
Optimize Postgres timestamp query range
Do you actually need all columns returned? (SELECT *) A covering index enabling index-only scans might help if you only need a few small columns returned. (autovacuum must be strong enough to cope with writes to the table, though. Read-only table would be ideal.)
Also, according to your linked question, your table is 32 GB on disk. (Typically a bit more in RAM). The index on (groupid,id) adds another 308 MB at least (without any bloat):
SELECT pg_size_pretty(7337880.0 * 44); -- row count * tuple size
Making sense of Postgres row sizes
You have 8 GB RAM, of which you expect around 4.5 GB to be used for cache (effective_cache_size = 4608MB). That's enough to cache the index for repeated use, but not nearly enough to also cache the whole table.
If your query happens to find data pages in cache, it's fast. Else, not so much. Big difference, even with SSD storage (much more with HDD).
Not directly related to this query, but 8 MB of work_mem (work_mem = 7864kB) seems way to small for your setup. Depending on various other factors I would set this to at least 64MB (unless you have many concurrent queries with sort / hash operations). Like #Craig commented, EXPLAIN (BUFFERS, ANALYZE) might tell us more.
The best query plan also depends on value frequencies. If only few rows pass the filter, the result might be empty for certain groupid and the query is comparatively fast. If a large portion of the table has to be fetched, a plain sequential scan wins. You need valid table statistics (autovacuum again). And possibly a larger statistics target for groupid:
Keep PostgreSQL from sometimes choosing a bad query plan
Since OFFSET is slow, an alternative is to simulate OFFSET using another column and some index preparation. We require a UNIQUE column (like a PRIMARY KEY) on the table. If there is none, one can be added with:
CREATE SEQUENCE messages_pkey_seq ;
ALTER TABLE messages
ADD COLUMN message_id integer DEFAULT nextval('messages_pkey_seq');
Next we create the position column for the OFFSET simulation:
UPDATE messages SET position = q.position FROM (SELECT message_id,
row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY group_id ORDER BY id DESC) AS position
FROM messages ) AS q WHERE q.message_id=messages.message_id ;
CREATE INDEX ON messages ( group_id, position ) ;
Now we are ready for the new version of the query in the OP:
SELECT * FROM messages WHERE group_id = 957 AND
position BETWEEN 31980 AND (31980+20-1) ;