Understanding auto-vacuum and when it is triggered - postgresql

We've noticed one of our tables growing considerably on PG 12. This table is the target of very frequent updates, with a mix of column types, including a very large text column (often with over 50kb of data) - we run a local cron job that looks for rows older than X time and set the text column to a null value (as we no longer need the data for that particular column after X amount of time).
We understand this does not actually free up disk space due to the MVCC model, but we were hoping that auto-vacuum would take care of this. To our surprise, the table continues to grow (now over 40gb worth) without auto-vacuum running. Running a vacuum manually has addressed the issue and we no longer see growth.
This has lead me to investigate other tables, I'm realising that I don't understand how auto-vacuum is triggered at all.
Here is my understanding of how it works, which hopefully someone can pick apart:
I look for tables that have a large amount of dead tuples in them:
select * from pg_stat_all_tables ORDER BY n_dead_tup desc;
I identify tableX with 33169557 dead tuples (n_dead_tup column).
I run a select * from pg_class ORDER BY reltuples desc; to check how many estimated rows there are on table tableX
I identify 1725253 rows via the reltuples column.
I confirm my autovacuum settings: autovacuum_vacuum_threshold = 50 and autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor = 0.2
I apply the formula threshold + pg_class.reltuples * scale_factor, so, 50 + 1725253 * 0.2 which returns 345100.6
It is my understanding that auto-vacuum will start on this table once ~345100 dead tuples are found. But tableX is already at a whopping 33169557 dead tuples!, The last_autovacuum on this table was back in February.
Any clarification would be welcome.

Your algorithm is absolutely correct.
Here are some reasons why things could go wrong:
autovacuum runs, but is so slow that it never gets done
If you see no running autovacuum, that is not your problem.
autovacuum runs, but a long running open transaction prevents it from removing dead tuples
other tables need to be vacuumed more urgently (to avoid transaction ID wraparound), so the three workers are busy with other things
autovacuum runs, but conflicts with high concurrent locks on the table (LOCK TABLE, ALTER TABLE, ...)
This makes autovacuum give up and try again later.
autovacuum is disabled, perhaps only for that table


Azure Postgres AUTOVACUM AND ANALYZE THRESHOLD - How to change it?

I am coming again with another Postgres question. We are using the Managed Service from Azure that uses autovacuum. Both vacuum and statistics are automatic.
The problem I am getting is that for a specific query, when it is running at specific hours, the plan is not good. I realized that after collecting statistics manually, the plan behaves better back again.
From the documentation of Azure I got the following:
The vacuum process reads physical pages and checks for dead tuples.
Every page in shared_buffers is considered to have a cost of 1
(vacuum_cost_page_hit). All other pages are considered to have a cost
of 20 (vacuum_cost_page_dirty), if dead tuples exist, or 10
(vacuum_cost_page_miss), if no dead tuples exist. The vacuum operation
stops when the process exceeds the autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit.
After the limit is reached, the process sleeps for the duration
specified by the autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay parameter before it
starts again. If the limit isn't reached, autovacuum starts after the
value specified by the autovacuum_naptime parameter.
In summary, the autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay and
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit parameters control how much data cleanup
is allowed per unit of time. Note that the default values are too low
for most pricing tiers. The optimal values for these parameters are
pricing tier-dependent and should be configured accordingly.
The autovacuum_max_workers parameter determines the maximum number of
autovacuum processes that can run simultaneously.
With PostgreSQL, you can set these parameters at the table level or
instance level. Today, you can set these parameters at the table level
only in Azure Database for PostgreSQL.
Let's imagine that I want to stress the default values I have for specific tables, as currently all of them are using the default ones for the whole database.
Keeping in mind that, I could try to use ( where X is what I don't know )
ALTER TABLE tablename SET (autovacuum_vacuum_threshold = X );
ALTER TABLE tablename SET (autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor = X);
ALTER TABLE tablename SET (autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit = X );
ALTER TABLE tablename SET (autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay = X );
Currently I have these values in pg_stat_all_tables
SELECT schemaname,relname,n_tup_ins,n_tup_upd,n_tup_del,last_analyze,last_autovacuum,last_autoanalyze,analyze_count,autoanalyze_count
FROM pg_stat_all_tables where schemaname = 'swp_am_hcbe_pro'
and relname in ( 'submissions','applications' )
"swp_am_hcbe_pro" "applications" "264615" "11688533" "18278" "2021-11-11 08:45:45.878654+00" "2021-11-11 13:50:27.498745+00" "2021-11-10 12:02:04.690082+00" "1" "152"
"swp_am_hcbe_pro" "submissions" "663107" "687757" "51603" "2021-11-11 08:46:48.054731+00" "2021-11-07 04:41:30.205468+00" "2021-11-04 15:25:45.758618+00" "1" "20"
Those two tables are by far the ones getting most of the DML activity.
How can I determine which values for those specific parameters of the auto_vacuum are the best for tables with huge dml activity ?
How can I force Postgres to run more times the automatic analyze for these tables that I can get more up-to-date statistics ? According to the documentation
Specifies the minimum number of inserted, updated or deleted tuples
needed to trigger an ANALYZE in any one table. The default is 50
tuples. This parameter can only be set in the postgresql.conf file or
on the server command line; but the setting can be overridden for
individual tables by changing table storage parameters.
Does it mean that either deletes, updates or inserts gets to 50 triggers an auto analyze ? Because I am not seeing this behaviour.
If I change the values for the tables, should I do the same for their indexes ? Is there any option like cascade or similar that changing the table makes the values also affect the corresponding indexes ?
Thank you in advance for any advice. If you need any further details, let me know.

Why is the postgreSQL waiting while executing vacuum full table? 4T table data

I have a bloated table, its name is "role_info".
There are about 20K insert operations and a lot of update operations per day, there are no delete operations.
The table is about 4063GB now.
We have migrated the table to another database using dump, and the new table is about 62GB, so the table on the old database is bloated very seriously.
PostgreSQL version: 9.5.4
The table schema is below:
CREATE TABLE "role_info" (
"roleId" bigint NOT NULL,
"playerId" bigint NOT NULL,
"serverId" int NOT NULL,
"status" int NOT NULL,
"baseData" bytea NOT NULL,
"detailData" bytea NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY ("roleId")
CREATE INDEX "idx_role_info_serverId_playerId_roleId" ON "role_info" ("serverId", "playerId", "roleId");
The average size of field 'detailData' is about 13KB each line.
There are some SQL execution results below:
relname AS name,
pg_stat_get_live_tuples(c.oid) AS lives,
pg_stat_get_dead_tuples(c.oid) AS deads
FROM pg_class c
Execution Result:
Pg_size_pretty(total_bytes) AS total,
Pg_size_pretty(index_bytes) AS INDEX,
Pg_size_pretty(toast_bytes) AS toast,
Pg_size_pretty(table_bytes) AS TABLE
total_bytes - index_bytes - Coalesce(toast_bytes, 0) AS
nspname AS table_schema,
relname AS TABLE_NAME,
c.reltuples AS row_estimate,
Pg_total_relation_size(c.oid) AS total_bytes,
Pg_indexes_size(c.oid) AS index_bytes,
Pg_total_relation_size(reltoastrelid) AS toast_bytes
FROM pg_class c
LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n
ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
WHERE relkind = 'r') a
WHERE table_schema = 'public'
ORDER BY total_bytes DESC) a;
Execution Result:
I have tried to vacuum full the table "role_info", but it seemed blocked by some other process, and didn't execute at all.
select * from pg_stat_activity where query like '%VACUUM%' and query not like '%pg_stat_activity%';
Execution Result:
select * from pg_locks;
Execution Result:
There are parameters of vacuum:
I have two questions:
How to deal with table bloating? autovacuum seems not working.
Why did the vacuum full blocked?
With your autovacuum settings, it will sleep for 20ms once for every 10 pages (200 cost_limit / 20 cost_dirty) it dirties. Even more because there will also be cost_hit and cost_miss as well. At that rate is would take over 12 days to autovacuum a 4063GB table which is mostly in need of dirtying pages. That is just the throttling time, not counting the actual work-time, nor the repeated scanning of the indexes. So it the actual run time could be months. The chances of autovacuum getting to run to completion in one sitting without being interrupted by something could be pretty low. Does your database get restarted often? Do you build and drop indexes on this table a lot, or add and drop partitions, or run ALTER TABLE?
Note that in v12, the default setting of autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay was lowered by a factor of 10. This is not just because of some change to the code in v12, it was because we realized the default setting was just not sensible on modern hardware. So it would probably make sense to backport this change your existing database, if not go even further. Before 12, you can't lower to less than 1 ms, but you could lower it to 1 ms and also either increase autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay or lower vacuum_cost_page_* setting.
Now this analysis is based on the table already being extremely bloated. Why didn't autovacuum prevent it from getting this bloated in the first place, back when the table was small enough to be autovacuumed in a reasonable time? That is hard to say. We really have no evidence as to what happened back then. Maybe your settings were even more throttled than they are now (although unlikely as it looks like you just accepted the defaults), maybe it was constantly interrupted by something. What is the "autovacuum_count" from pg_stat_all_tables for the table and its toast table?
Why did the vacuum full blocked?
Because that is how it works, as documented. That is why it is important to avoid getting into this situation in the first place. VACUUM FULL needs to swap around filenodes at the end, and needs an AccessExclusive lock to do that. It could take a weaker lock at first and then try to upgrade to AccessExclusive later, but lock upgrades have a strong deadlock risk, so it takes the strongest lock it needs up front.
You need a maintenance window where no one else is using the table. If you think you are already in such window, then you should look at the query text for the process doing the blocking. Because the lock already held is ShareUpdateExclusive, the thing holding it is not a normal query/DML, but some kind of DDL or maintenance operation.
If you can't take a maintenance window now, then you can at least do a manual VACUUM without the FULL. This takes a much weaker lock. It probably won't shrink the table dramatically, but should at least free up space for internal reuse so it stops getting even bigger while you figure out when you can schedule a maintenance window or what your other next steps are.

PostgreSQL: UPDATE large table

I have a large PostgreSQL table of 29 million rows. The size (according to the stats tab in pgAdmin is almost 9GB.) The table is post-gis enabled with an empty geometry column.
I want to UPDATE the geometry column using ST_GeomFromText, reading from X and Y coordinate columns (SRID: 27700) stored in the same table. However, running this query on the whole table at once results in 'out of disk space' and 'connection to server lost' errors... the latter being less frequent.
To overcome this, should I UPDATE the 29 million rows in batches/stages? How can I do 1 million rows (the FIRST 1 million), then do the next 1 million rows until I reach 29 million?
Or are there other more efficient ways of updating large tables like this?
I should add, the table is hosted in AWS.
My UPDATE query is:
UPDATE schema.table
SET geom = ST_GeomFromText('POINT(' || eastingcolumn || ' ' || northingcolumn || ')',27700);
You did not give any server specs, writing 9GB can be pretty fast on recent hardware.
You should be OK with one, long, update - unless you have concurrent writes to this table.
A common trick to overcome this problem (a very long transaction, locking writes to the table) is to split the UPDATE into ranges based on the primary key, ran in separate transactions.
/* Use PK or any attribute with a known distribution pattern */
UPDATE schema.table SET ... WHERE id BETWEEN 0 AND 1000000;
UPDATE schema.table SET ... WHERE id BETWEEN 1000001 AND 2000000;
For high level of concurrent writes people use more subtle tricks (like: SELECT FOR UPDATE / NOWAIT, lightweight locks, retry logic, etc).
From my original question:
However, running this query on the whole table at once results in 'out of disk space' and 'connection to server lost' errors... the latter being less frequent.
Turns out our Amazon AWS instance database was running out of space, stopping my original ST_GeomFromText query from completing. Freeing up space fixed it.
On an important note, as suggested by #mlinth, ST_Point ran my query far quicker than ST_GeomFromText (24mins vs 2hours).
My final query being:
UPDATE schema.tablename
SET geom = ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(eastingcolumn,northingcolumn),27700);

Postgres Vacuum doesnt free up space

I have a table in my database which is occupying 161GB hard disk space. Only 5 gb free space is left out of 200Gb harddisk.
The following command shows that my table is consuming 161GB harddisk space,
select pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size('Employee'));
There are close to 527 rows in the table. Now I deleted 250 rows. Again I checked the pg_total_relation_size of Employee. Still the size is 161GB.
After seeing the output of the above query, I ran the vacuum command:
I checked if the VACUUM actually happened using,
SELECT relname, last_vacuum, last_autovacuum FROM pg_stat_user_tables;
I can see the last vacuum time matching the time I ran the VACUUM command.
I also ran the below command to see if there any dead tuples,
SELECT relname, n_dead_tup FROM pg_stat_user_tables;
n_dead_tup count for Employee table is 0.
Still after all these above commands if I run,
select pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size('Employee'));
it still shows 161GB.
May I please know the reason behind this? Also please correct me on how to free interface_list.
vacuum doesn't physically "free" space. It only marks no longer used space as re-usable. So subsequent UPDATE or INSERT statements can use that space instead of appending to the table.
Quote from the manual
The standard form of VACUUM removes dead row versions in tables and indexes and marks the space available for future reuse. However, it will not return the space to the operating system, except in the special case where one or more pages at the end of a table become entirely free and an exclusive table lock can be easily obtained
(emphasis mine)
If you re-insert the 250 deleted rows, you will see that the table doesn't grow again, as the newly inserted rows simply use the space that was marked free by vacuum.
If you actually want to physically reduce the size of the table to size that is "needed", you need to run vacuum full.
Quote from the manual
VACUUM FULL actively compacts tables by writing a complete new version of the table file with no dead space. This minimizes the size of the table, but can take a long time. It also requires extra disk space for the new copy of the table, until the operation completes
(emphasis mine)

fast growing table in postgresql

We run postgresql 9.5.2 in an RDS instance. One thing we noticed was that a certain table sometimes grow very rapidly in size.
The table in question has only 33k rows and ~600 columns. All columns are numeric (decimal(25, 6)). After vacuum full, the "total_bytes" as reported in the following query
select c.relname, pg_total_relation_size(c.oid) AS total_bytes
from pg_class c;
is about 150MB. However, we observed this grew to 71GB at one point. In a recent episode, total_bytes grew by 10GB in a 30 minute period.
During the episode mentioned above, we had a batch update query that runs ~4 times per minute that updates every record in the table. However, during other times table size remained constant despite similar update activities.
I understand this is probably caused by "dead records" being left over from the updates. Indeed when this table grow too big simply running vacuum full will shrink it to its normal size (150M). My questions are
have other people experienced similar rapid growth in table size in postgresql and is this normal?
if our batch update queries are causing the rapid growth in table size, why doesn't it happen every time? In fact I tried to to reproduce it manually by running something like
update my_table set x = x * 2
but couldn't -- table size remained the same before and after the query.
The problem is having 600 columns in a single table, which is never a good idea. This is going to cause a lot of problems, table size is just one of them.
From the PostgreSQL docs...
The actual storage requirement [for numeric values] is two bytes for each group of four decimal digits, plus three to eight bytes overhead.
So decimal(25, 6) is something like 8 + (31 / 4 * 2) or about 24 bytes per column. At 600 columns per row that's about 14,400 bytes per row or 14k per row. At 33,000 rows that's about 450 megs.
If you're updating every row 4 times per minute, that's going to leave about 1.8 gigs per minute of dead rows.
You should fix your schema design.
You shouldn't need to touch every row of a table 4 times a minute.
You should ask a question about redesigning that table and process.