Locust is not running - locust

OS: Windows 7
**Locust version:**0.11.0
I am exploring the locust tool to see if i can use this tool in my project.
I have created the below file to have hands-on but apparently script is not running.
I am not sure on the reason though.
Can someone help me please?
from locust import HttpLocust, TaskSet
def login(l):"/login", {"username":"ellen_key", "password":"education"})
def logout(l):"/logout", {"username":"ellen_key", "password":"education"})
def index(l):
def profile(l):
class UserBehavior(TaskSet):
tasks = {index: 2, profile: 1}
def on_start(self):
def on_stop(self):
class WebsiteUser(HttpLocust):
task_set = UserBehavior
min_wait = 5000
max_wait = 9000
Tool kept running as below.

With default arguments, you need to access the web monitor at localhost:8089 in order to see the application.
If you want to run without the web frontend, you need to specify the arguments (clients, runtime, hatchrate, etc) in such a way to replicate what the webclient parameters are.

Run locust in headless mode (without UI) with below args to start the test automatically
locust -f --headless -u 200 -r 10 --run-time 1h
-u specifies the number of Users to spawn.
-r specifies the spawn rate (number of users to start per second).
If you want to specify the run time for a test, you can do that with --run-time or -t
You can also run locust with head/UI.
locust -f
Then go to Locust’s web interface
Once you’ve started Locust, you should open up a browser and point it to Then you should be greeted with something like this:
Ref :

In Windows, by default the Web-host is listening on IPv6, so while accessing the site using might yield Error :This site can’t be reached refused to connect.
Run the locustby specifying the web-host as the argument. Then the web will be accessible.
locust --web-host


Failure/timeout invoking Lambda locally with SAM

I'm trying to get a local env to run/debug Python Lambdas with VSCode (windows). I'm using a provided HelloWorld example to get the hang of this but I'm not being able to invoke.
Steps used to setup SAM and invoke the Lambda:
I have Docker installed and running
I have installed the SAM CLI
My AWS credentials are in place and working
I have no connectivity issues and I'm able to connect to AWS normally
I create the SAM application (HelloWorld) with all the files and resources, I didn't change anything.
I run "sam build" and it finishes sucessfully
I run "sam local invoke" and it fails with timeout. I increased the timeout to 10s, still times out. The HelloWorld Lambda code only prints and does nothing else, so I'm guessing the code isn't the problem, but something else relating to the container or the SAM env itself.
C:\xxxxxxx\lambda-python3.8>sam build Your template contains a
resource with logical ID "ServerlessRestApi", which is a reserved
logical ID in AWS SAM. It could result in unexpected behaviors and is not recommended.
Building codeuri:
C:\xxxxxxx\lambda-python3.8\hello_world runtime: python3.8 metadata:
{} architecture: x86_64 functions: ['HelloWorldFunction'] Running
PythonPipBuilder:ResolveDependencies Running
Build Succeeded
Built Artifacts : .aws-sam\build Built Template :
C:\xxxxxxx\lambda-python3.8>sam local invoke Invoking
app.lambda_handler (python3.8) Skip pulling image and use local one:
Mounting C:\xxxxxxx\\build\HelloWorldFunction
as /var/task:ro,delegated inside runtime container Function
'HelloWorldFunction' timed out after 10 seconds
No response from invoke container for HelloWorldFunction
Any hints on what's missing here?
Mostly, a lambda function gets timed out because of some resource dependency. Are you using any external resource, maybe db connection or some REST API call ?
Please put more prints in lambda_handler(your function handler), before calling any resource, then you might know where exactly it is waiting. Also increase the timeout to 1 minute or more because most of the external resource call over HTTPS will have 30 secs timeouts.
The log suggests that either the container wasn't started, or SAM couldn't connect to it.
Sometimes the hostname resolution on Windows can be affected by hosts file or system settings.
Try running the invoke command as follows (this will make the container ports bind to all interfaces):
sam local invoke --container-host-interface
...additionally try setting the container-host parameter (set to localhost by default):
sam local invoke --container-host-interface --container-host host.docker.internal
The next piece of puzzle is incorporating these settings into VSCODE. This can to be done in two places:
create samconfig.toml in the root dir of the project with the following contents. This will allow running sam local invoke from the terminal without having to add the command line argument:
container_host_interface = ""
update launch configuration as follows to enable VSCode debugging:
"sam": {
"localArguments": ["--container-host-interface",""]

Deploy and run a Go API server on Ubuntu/Centos

I just finished my first backend with Go using Iris framework but now I need to put it on production so I can use it in the Slack app I built.
In order to test the code locally I only run my file with go run main.go and ngrok to test with the Slack API, it's working and it's finished.
I have a droplet with Ubuntu 16.04.3 and other one with Centos 7... I was searching for something like pm2 for go, running the server and using nginx to point that port but I read that with Go it's different and I have to use something like this
But that's a very long configuration for a simple server and my questions are:
Is this the usual way to config the APIs with Go?
Apart of DigitalOcean, do you recommend to use a different service to run my API?
This is really my first time with Go and I just want to learn more, I am a backend developer with Laravel and NodeJS.
You can use pm2 if you want. When you build a go project it creates a binary executable, lets say backend-server, which you can run from terminal and will start the app like this:
$ ./backend-server
If it's not executable or has permission denied issue, add the executable permission to it.
$ chmod +x backend-server
You binary should be ready to run. I like to do it with a json config file (process.json) so that I can pass extra env variables as well and don't have to type a lot in terminal.
My process.json looks something like this:
"apps" : [{
"name" : "backend-app",
"script" : "./backend-server",
"env": {
"DB_USER": "db_user",
"PORT": 8080
Finally you can start the app using pm2 like this:
$ pm2 start process.json
More details about json config can be found in official doc
I think most people use Supervisor for this purpose, including me.
To make it very easy for you, just take a look at my Golang project, isaac-racing-server and use it as a template for yours by replacing isaac-racing-server with the name of your app. (The Supervisor files are in a subdirectory.)

Headless browser and

Is it possible to integrate a headless browser with locust? I need my load tests to process client side script that triggers additional requests on each page load.
That's an old question, but I came across it now, and found a solution in "realbrowserlocusts" ( - it adds "Real Browser support for load testing" using selenium.
If you use one of its classes (FirefoxLocust, ChromeLocust, PhantomJSLocust) instead of HttpLocust for your locust user class
class WebsiteUser(HeadlessChromeLocust):
then in your TaskSet self.client becomes an instance of selenium WebDriver.
One drawback for me was that webdriver (unlike built-in client in HttpLocust) doesn't know about "host", which forces to use absolute URLs in TaskSet instead of relative ones, and it's really convenient to use relative URLs when working with different environments (local, dev, staging, prod, etc.).
But there is an easy fix for this: to inherit from one of realbrowserlocusts' locusts and pass "host" to WebDriver instance:
from locust import TaskSet, task, between
from realbrowserlocusts import HeadlessChromeLocust
class UserBehaviour(TaskSet):
def some_action(self):
# self.client is selenium WebDriver instance
self.client.get(self.client.base_host + "/relative/url")
# and then for inst. using selenium methods:
self.client.find_element_by_name("form-name").send_keys("your text")
# etc.
class ChromeLocustWithHost(HeadlessChromeLocust):
def __init__(self):
super(ChromeLocustWithHost, self).__init__()
self.client.base_host =
class WebsiteUser(ChromeLocustWithHost):
screen_width = 1200
screen_height = 1200
task_set = UserBehaviour
wait_time = between(5, 9)
UPDATE from September 5, 2020:
I posted this solution in March 2020, when locust was on major version 0. Since then, in May 2020, they released version 1.0.0 in which some backward incompatible changes were made (one of which - renaming StopLocust to StopUser). realbrowserlocusts was not updated for a while, and is not updated yet to work with locust >=1.
There is a workaround though. When locust v1.0.0 was release, previous versions were released under a new name - locustio with the last version 0.14.6, so if you install "locustio==0.14.6" (or "locustio<1"), then a solution with realbrowserlocusts still works (I checked just now). (see
You have to limit a version of locustio, as it refuses to install without it:
pip install locustio
ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1:
**** Locust package has moved from 'locustio' to 'locust'.
Please update your reference
(or pin your version to 0.14.6 if you dont want to update to 1.0)
In theory you could make a headless browser a Locust slave/worker. But the problem is that the browser is much more expensive in terms of CPU and memory which would make it difficult to scale.
That is why Locust uses small greenlets to simulate users since they much cheaper to construct and run.
I would recommend you to break down your page's requests and encode them as requests inside of Locust. The Network tab in Chrome's Dev Tools is probably a good start. I've also heard of people capturing these by going through a proxy that logs all requests for you.
You could use something like browserless to take care of the hosting of Chrome ( Depending on how you brutal your load tests are there’s varying degrees of concurrency. Full disclaimer: I’m the maker of the browserless service
I think locust is not desinged for that purposes, it is for creating concurrent user to make http requests so I didnt see any integration with locust and browser. However you can simulate browser by sending extra information in the header with that way client side scripts will also work.
r = self.client.get("/orders", headers = {"Cookie": self.get_user_cookie(user[0]), 'User-Agent': self.user_agent})
The locust way of solving this is to add more requests to your test that mimic the requests that the javascript code will make.
I structure my locust tests to parse the JSON response from an early request in the app's workflow. I then randomly pick some interesting piece of data from that JSON, and then issue more requests that mimic what would happen in the browser if the user had clicked on that piece of data.

Celery Beat - Pyramid Mailer

So, I have some plain python code which works pefectly in a normal python shell:
from pyramid_mailer.mailer import Mailer
from pyramid_mailer.message import Message
from pyramid_mailer.message import Attachment
mailer = Mailer(
message = Message(
subject="Orders with invalid status",
But, If I create a celery beat task such as this:
from pyramid_celery import celery_app as app
from pyramid_mailer.mailer import Mailer
from pyramid_mailer.message import Message
from pyramid_mailer.message import Attachment
mailer = Mailer(
def wronglines_celery():
message = Message(
subject="Orders with invalid status",
This second example does not generate an email, it runs perfectly fine and throws no error at all, even with the log level set to DEBUG.
Running celery beat with:
celery beat -A pyramid_celery.celery_app --ini development.ini
Using the pyramid_celery plug-in as referenced in the official documentation on the celery website. My development.ini file can be seen below (relevant parts):
BROKER_URL = amqp://app_rmq:password#localhost:5672/myvhost
CELERY_IMPORTS = intranet.celery_tasks
# Check once a day for orders with wrong line status
task = intranet.celery_tasks.wronglines_celery
type = crontab
schedule = {"hour": 16, "minute": 30}
level = DEBUG
handlers =
qualname = celery
# Begin logging configuration
keys = root, intranet, sqlalchemy, celery
If I launch celery (without beat) it works perfectly, e.g. if I launch with:
celery worker -A pyramid_celery.celery_app --ini development.ini
All tasks execute (over and over) but all emails send and nothing throws an error, it seems to be the introduction of beat which is causing issues.
Are you sure its not working? The way we've configured your crontab it says "Only run once a day at 4:30". So if you ran that until it hit 4:30 I would expect it to execute properly.
Can you change your schedule to be {} instead to have it run every minute as a basic test?
I've added a crontab example to the examples here:
If you can provide more code (maybe a sample repo or modification of the examples already in the repo) that shows it not working I can take a look and hopefully fix the bug.
So, after much googlig and frustrating debugging I found an old github issue. That claimed celery tasks were working only when launched with a worker, and not with beat. The user states
Beat does not execute tasks, it just sends the messages. You need both a beat instance and a worker instance!
So to launch the work and the beat instance with the same command, shown here:
celery worker --beat -A pyramid_celery.celery_app --ini development.ini
I will be sending a pull request today to fix the documentation with regards to the correct way to launch a worker and beat instance.
By default, Celery tasks silently fail on error output. It most likely throws an exception which you never seen.
To be sure what's going to fail, put pdb (ipdb) breakpoint in task code, start celery worker on the foreground and step through the code line-by-line.

strongloop slc deploy env var complications

I've been deploying a loopback app via a custom init.d/app.conf script, using slc run --detach --cluster "cpu", but want to move to using strong-pm, as recommended.
But I've come across some limitations and am looking for any guidance on how to replicate the setup with which I'm currently familiar.
Currently I set app-specific configuration inside server/config.local.js and server/datasources.local.js, most importantly the PORT at which the app should listen for connections on. This works perfectly using slc run for local development and remote deploying for staging, all I do is set different env vars for each distinct app:
module.exports = {
"mysqlDS": {
name: "mysqlDS",
connector: "mysql",
host: process.env.PROTEUS_MYSQL_HOST,
port: process.env.PROTEUS_MYSQL_PORT,
database: process.env.PROTEUS_MYSQL_DB,
username: process.env.PROTEUS_MYSQL_USER,
password: process.env.PROTEUS_MYSQL_PW
module.exports = {
port: process.env.PROTEUS_API_PORT
When I deploy using strong-pm, I am not able to control this port, and it always gets set to 3000+N, where N is just incremented based on the service ID assigned to the app when it's deployed.
So even when I deploy and then set env using
slc ctl -C http://localhost:8701 env-set proteus-demo PROTEUS_API_PORT=3033 PROTEUS_DB=demo
I see that strong-pm completely ignores PROTEUS_API_PORT when it redeploys with the new env vars:
ENV has changed, restarting
Service "1" listening on
Restarting next commit Runner: commit 1/deploy/default/demo-deploy
Start Runner: commit 1/deploy/default/demo-deploy
Request (status) of current Runner: child 20066 commit 1/deploy/default/demo-deploy
Request {"cmd":"status"} of Runner: child 20066 commit 1/deploy/default/demo-deploy
3001! Not 3033 like I want, and spec'd in config.local.js. Is there a way to control this explicitly? I do not want to need to run an slc inspection command to determine the port for my nginx upstream block each time I deploy an app. Would be awesome to be able to specify listen PORT by service name, too.
FWIW, this is on an aws instance that will host demo and staging apps pointing to separate DBs and on different PORTs.
strong-pm only sets a PORT environment variable, which the app is responsible for honouring.
Based on loopback-boot/lib/executor:109, it appears that loopback actually prefers the PORT environment variable over the value in the config file. In that case it seems your best bet is to either:
pass a port in to app.listen() yourself
set one of the higher priority environment variables such as npm_config_port (which would normally be set via npm start --port 1234).