Pulling dbname from web.config using powershell - powershell

Found one part of my answer here, Get dbname from multiple web.config files with powershell
But need it to recurse through the IIS Sites and all the Web Apps inside those 'Sites'. I have multiple IIS 'Sites' with multiple Web Apps in each 'Site' need to check each ones web.config file and pull the db used. Cant figure out how to recurse the code in the link above.
#Code from link above.
Import-Module WebAdministration
Get-WebApplication |
ForEach-Object {
$webConfigFile = [xml](Get-Content "$($_.PhysicalPath)\Web.config")
Write-Host "Web Application: $($_.path)"
foreach($connString in $webConfigFile.configuration.connectionStrings.add)
Write-Host "Connection String $($connString.name): $($connString.connectionString)"
$dbRegex = "((Initial\sCatalog)|((Database)))\s*=(?<ic>[a-z\s0-9]+?);"
$found = $connString.connectionString -match $dbRegex
if ($found)
Write-Host "Database: $($Matches["ic"])"
Write-Host " "
Would like this to output the database name of each web.config file for each IIS Site and for each Web App in the IIS Site. Currently this only looks at the first web app in a IIS Site, and doesnt look at any others in the IIS Site, also doenst look to see if the IIS Site's web.config has a connection string to a DB.

Here is the code for you, from your reference I have changed looping mechanism not the actual logic to get the db name.
Import-Module WebAdministration
Get-Website | % {
$AppList = Get-WebApplication -Site $_.Name
foreach ( $app in $AppList )
$webConfigFile = [xml](Get-Content "$($app.PhysicalPath)\Web.config")
Write-Host "Web Application: $($_.path)"
foreach($connString in $webConfigFile.configuration.connectionStrings.add)
Write-Host "Connection String $($connString.name): $($connString.connectionString)"
$dbRegex = "((Initial\sCatalog)|((Database)))\s*=(?<ic>[a-z\s0-9]+?);"
$found = $connString.connectionString -match $dbRegex
if ($found)
Write-Host "Database: $($Matches["ic"])"


Create Receive Location and Send Port in Existing BizTalk Application using Powershell

I am needing to create receive locations and send ports in an already existing BizTalk application using Powershell. I have only seen some documentation on how to create an application but not to call upon one. Any suggestions would be beneficial. There are some things that are commented out, and that is because I cannot disclose that information. I added at the last part on what I have learned of how to create an application, but that is not something that I want for my script. The program below is what I have so far:
#===Create a receive port and location function===#
Function CreateRPandRL ()
#Creating Receive Port
$myReceivePort = $catalog.AddNewReceivePort($false)
$myReceivePort.Name = "My Receive Port"
#Creating Receive Location
$myReceiveLocation = $myReceivePort.AddNewReceiveLocation()
foreach ($handler in $catalog.ReceiveHandlers)
if ($handler.TransportType.Name -eq "FILE")
$myReceiveLocation.ReceiveHandler = $handler
#Associate a transport protocol and file location with receive location
$myReceiveLocation.TransportType = $catalog.ProtocolTypes["FILE"]
$myReceiveLocation.Address = #pick-up file location
#Assign the first receive pipeline found to process the message
foreach ($pipeline in $catalog.Pipelines)
if ($pipeline.Type -eq [Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.PipelineType] "File_Receive")
$myReceiveLocation.ReceivePipeline = $pipeline
#Enable the receive location
$myReceiveLocation.Enable = $true
#Try to commit the changes made so far. If the commit fails, roll back changes
Function CreateSendPorts($Catalog)
#=== Register a trap handler to discard changes on exceptions ===#
trap { "Exception encountered:`r`n"; $_; "`r`nDiscarding Changes.`r`n";$Catalog.DiscardChanges();exit; }
#=== create a new static one-way send port using FILE transport ===#
$mySendPort = $Catalog.AddNewSendPort($false,$false)
$mySendPort.Name = "My Send Port"
$mySendPort.PrimaryTransport.TransportType = $catalog.ProtocolTypes["FILE"]
$mySendPort.PrimaryTransport.Address = #drop-off file location
$mySendPort.SendPipeline = $Catalog.Pipelines["Microsoft.BizTalk.DefaultPipelines.EdiSend"]
#=== Persist new ports to BizTalk configuration database ===#
Write-Host "Adding $mySendPort.Name..."
Write-Host "`r`n $mySendPort.Name has been created."
#=== specify filters for content-based routing ===#
Write-Host $mySendPort.Name: Adding a filter
$mySendPort.Filter = "<Filter><Group>" +
"<Statement Property='EDI.ISA06' Operator='0' Value='9999999999'/>" +
"<Statement Property='EDI.ST01' Operator='0' Value='999'/>" +
"<Statement Property='EDI.IsSystemGeneratedAck' Operator='0' Value='true'/>" +
"<Statement Property='BTS.ReceivePortName' Operator='0' Value= $myReceivePort.Name/>" +
#=== Persist all changes to BizTalk configuration database ===#
Write-Host $mySendPort.Name + ": Saving changes"
Write-Host "`r`nFilters for $mySendPort.Name created"
#===========Changing Send Port status===========#
#Register a trap handler to discard changes on exceptions
trap { "Exception encountered:`r`n"; $_; "`r`nDiscarding Changes.`r`n";$Catalog.DiscardChanges();exit; }
#start the send port to begin processing messages
$mySendPort.Status = [Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.PortStatus] "Started"
Write-Host "Changing" + $mySendPort.Name + "status to ($mySendPort.Status)..."
Write-Host "Complete."
#===Main Script===#
#make sure the ExplorerOM assembly is loaded
#Connect to the BizTalk management database
$Catalog = New-Object Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.BtsCatalogExplorer
$Catalog.ConnectionString = "SERVER = #server_address; DATABASE=BizTalkMgmtDB; Integrated Security=SSPI"
#Implementing functions
Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
#===BizTalk Application===#
$app = $Catalog.AddNewApplication()
$app.Name = "TestingPowershellScript"
Hoo boy, this takes me back a few years, I'm glad I'm not the only one to struggle with this. You want to leave that alone and switch to the BizTalk PowerShell Extensions (information on this is sketchy), they are sooooooo much easier to work with in PowerShell.
I cobbled this together from some scripts I used, and left out some of the fancy stuff, but what you want is basically:
$InitializeDefaultBTSDrive = $false
Import-Module "$env:BTSINSTALLPATH\SDK\Utilities\PowerShell\BizTalkFactory.PowerShell.Extensions.dll" -WarningAction Ignore
New-PSDrive -Name BizTalk -PSProvider BizTalk -Root BizTalk:\ -Instance $DatabaseName -Database $BizTalkMgmtDb
This opens up a whole world of goodies, because it's loaded as a PSDrive, you can navigate round it, create things, delete things, use it all as native as any other drive/filesystem, such as:
Get-ChildItem "BizTalk:\All Artifacts\Receive Locations"
Get-ChildItem "BizTalk:\All Artifacts\Receive Locations" | Disable-ReceiveLocation
Get-ChildItem "BizTalk:\Platform Settings\Host Instances" | Stop-HostInstance
Get-ChildItem "BizTalk:\Platform Settings\Host Instances" | Where-Object { $_.IsDisabled -eq $false } | Start-HostInstance
Get-ChildItem "BizTalk:\All Artifacts\Receive Locations" | Enable-ReceiveLocation
Get-ChildItem -Path "BizTalk:\Health and Activity\Service Instances"
There's so much more than the above, and none of this is what you really asked for, what you actually want is:
Import-Bindings -Path "BizTalk:" -Source $bindings
Where $bindings is your XML bindings file.
My advice, don't even try this. Most of the useful settings for Adapters are not exposed by any API so this will get you maybe half way at most.
Instead, script the import of a binding file which does support all settings for all Adapters.

SharePoint Content Editor Web Part Inventory

I have an issue with a PowerShell script written for SharePoint 2010, it is only working on one site collection http://company/, it lists all the pages using a Content Editor Web Part with Image Maps, once the loop goes to the next site collection it returns nothing.
As the script loops through all the other site collections, it returns nothing to $publishingPages - I can see $publishingWeb loading correctly and returning its data but I get nothing from:
I've ran the script using different SharePoint accounts (Setup, Farm, Admin, etc), the results are always the same, I have no clue what I could be possibly doing wrong here!
Here's my code:
Start-SPAssignment -Global
$SPWebApp = Get-SPWebApplication "http://company/"
foreach ($site in $sites)
foreach ($web in $site.AllWebs)
Write-Host `n "-" $web.Url `n -ForegroundColor Green
if ([Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingWeb]::IsPublishingWeb($web))
$publishingWeb = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingWeb]::GetPublishingWeb($web)
$publishingPages = $publishingWeb.GetPublishingPages($publishingWeb)
foreach($page in $publishingPages)
$manager = $web.GetLimitedWebPartManager($page.Url, [System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope]::Shared)
$allWebParts = $manager.WebParts
$onlyCEWP = $allWebParts | ? {$_.GetType() -eq [Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.ContentEditorWebPart]}
$imageMaps = $onlyCEWP | ? {$_.Content.InnerText -match '<map name='}
if ($imageMaps -ne $null)
Write-Host `t " - " $page.Url
Stop-SPAssignment -Global
There was nothing wrong with the script above, it turns our my customer had placed all pages outside the Pages library, therefor a script find pages once a library is empty :)

Find IIS Application Pool not linked to an application via Powershell

I would like to write a powershell script that will find all Application Pool on a server that are not link to an application and then delete the application pool that are not used.
One way I can think of doing this is to retrieve all the Application pool, retrieve all the IIS applications and then cross check the two list. Is there a better way of doing this?
For those interested, here's the code I've written:
$UsedAppPoolList = get-item "IIS:\Sites\*" | foreach { $_.applicationPool; Get-WebApplication -Site $_.Name | foreach { $_.applicationPool } }
$AppPoolExistList = get-item 'IIS:\AppPools\*' | foreach { $_.Name }
foreach ( $AppPool in $AppPoolExistList ){
if ($UsedAppPoolList -notcontains $AppPool){
Remove-WebAppPool $AppPool
write-host "Delete Application Pool $AppPool"

net files /close does not work as expected

We have many self-written applications which are executed in a network location. Whenever a developer wants to publish a new version of this application, I have to close all opened files on the server where the app is located, by going to:
computer management > Shared Folders > Opened Files
then choose all the files of the application - right click and close.
I want the developers to do that by themselves via PowerShell, so I wrote a Unlock-Files function. This part of the function should close the files, with the net files $id /close call:
$result = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $server -Credential $cred -ArgumentList $workpath, $server {
$list = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$adsi = [adsi]"WinNT://./LanmanServer"
$resources = $adsi.psbase.Invoke("resources") | % {
[PSCustomObject] #{
ID = $_.gettype().invokeMember("Name","GetProperty",$null,$_,$null)
Path = $_.gettype().invokeMember("Path","GetProperty",$null,$_,$null)
OpenedBy = $_.gettype().invokeMember("User","GetProperty",$null,$_,$null)
LockCount = $_.gettype().invokeMember("LockCount","GetProperty",$null,$_,$null)
$resources | ? { $_.Path -like $workpath } | tee -Variable Count | % {
$id = $_.ID
net files $id /close > $null
if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0) { $list.add("File successfully unlocked $($_.path)") > $null }
else { $list.add("File not unlocked (maybe still open somewhere): $($_.path)") > $null }
if (!( ($count.count) -ge 1 )) { $list.add("No Files to unlock found in $workpath on $server") > $null }
I expect net files /close to behave the same way as the manual way I do directly on the server described above, but it doesn't behave like this at all. It sometimes closes the file, sometimes not. But it never closes all the necessary files, so the developer can not publish his application. also, net files almost never finishes with LastExitCode 0, but I can't get my head around why.
Is there a way to force net files to really close all the files?
why would net files behave different than closing the files manually?
Is there a native PowerShell way to do this?
Is there a list of last exit codes, so I can wrap my head around this issue further?
Thank you!

Querying CheckedListBox is returning elements that were not checked

I'm writing a form which will perform iisreset to remote servers.
The server name I'm getting from the user who needs to select them from a checkbox list.
My problem is that even if the user choses one server, the code processes it like he chose 2.
if ($CBLUKSTG.Visible -Match $true)
[array]$chosenServers = $CBLUKSTG.Items
foreach ($item in $chosenServers)
Invoke-Command –ComputerName $chosenServers –ScriptBlock { iisreset /noforce }
Invoke-Command –ComputerName $chosenServers –ScriptBlock { iisreset /status }
Write-Host "IIS restarted succefully on $item"
What am I doing wrong?
I think your issue is coming from this line: [array]$chosenServers = $CBLUKSTG.Items. Looking at TechNet for .Items you will see that it
Gets the collection of items in this CheckedListBox.
That would return all items from the list. What you need to be doing is only returning [array]$chosenServers = $CBLUKSTG.CheckedItems. So you should be checking CheckedItems.
Collection of checked items in this CheckedListBox.