How to simplify this Swift code with closures - swift

I'm trying to create a Set game, where 3 cards make a Set only when each of their attributes is the same, or is different.
import Foundation
struct Card {
var shape: Variant
var numberOfShapes: Variant
var shading: Variant
var color: Variant
enum Variant: Int {
case one = 1
case two
case three
static var all: [Variant] { return [.one, .two, .three] }
extension Card {
static func isSet(cards: [Card]) -> Bool {
if cards.count == 3 {
var shapeMakesSet: Bool {
if cards[0].shape.rawValue == cards[1].shape.rawValue && cards[0].shape.rawValue == cards[2].shape.rawValue {
return true
} else if cards[0].shape.rawValue != cards[1].shape.rawValue && cards[0].shape.rawValue != cards[2].shape.rawValue && cards[1].shape.rawValue != cards[2].shape.rawValue {
return true
} else {
return false
I was thinking of creating 4 Bool variables for each attribute inside isSet but this doesn't seem to be a good idea. It would probably work, but would take lots of lines. Is there any way I can simplify it using closures or something else?


Sort array in swiftui by multiple conditions

how it is possible to sort an array by multiple conditions.
struct UserInformationModel: Identifiable, Hashable {
let id = UUID()
var isVip: Bool
let userIsMale: Bool
let userName: String
let age: Int
let userCountry: String
let countryIsoCode: String
let uid: String
And the view model contain the code:
class GetUserInformationViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var allUsers = [UserInformationModel]()
fun sortmyarray(){
self.allUsers = self.allUsers.sorted(by: {$0.isVip && !$1.isVip})
how its possible to sort first the vip users, and then sort by age and then country?
Here is a simple way to sort on multiple properties (I have assumed a sort order here for each property since it isn't mentioned in the question)
let sorted = users.sorted {
if $0.isVip == $1.isVip {
if $0.age == $1.age {
return $0.userCountry < $1.userCountry
} else {
return $0.age < $1.age
return $0.isVip && !$1.isVip
If the above is the natural sort order for the type then you could let the type implement Comparable and implement the < func
struct UserInformationModel: Identifiable, Hashable, Comparable {
//properties removed for brevity
static func < (lhs: UserInformationModel, rhs: UserInformationModel) -> Bool {
if lhs.isVip == rhs.isVip {
if lhs.age == rhs.age {
return lhs.userCountry < rhs.userCountry
} else {
return lhs.age < rhs.age
return lhs.isVip && !rhs.isVip
and then the sorting would be
let sorted = users.sorted()
Use tuples.
allUsers.sorted {
($1.isVip.comparable, $0.age, $0.userCountry)
($0.isVip.comparable, $1.age, $1.userCountry)
public extension Bool {
/// A way to compare `Bool`s.
/// Note: `false` is "less than" `true`.
enum Comparable: CaseIterable, Swift.Comparable {
case `false`, `true`
/// Make a `Bool` `Comparable`, with `false` being "less than" `true`.
var comparable: Comparable { .init(booleanLiteral: self) }
extension Bool.Comparable: ExpressibleByBooleanLiteral {
public init(booleanLiteral value: Bool) {
self = value ? .true : .false

Set does not work despite copying from Developer Documentation

Whilst attempting to create a set, I get the error stating "Cannot convert value of type '[Int]' to specified type 'Set'". This occurs even though I write the code exactly as in the DD:
var intSet2 : Set = [2, 3, 5, 7]
// Cannot convert value of type '[Int]' to specified type 'Set'
I have now switched to 'NSSet' (which I found by accidence) and now it appears to work. How come using normal 'Set' does not work? When I go to the DD of NSSet it says: "An object representing a static, unordered, uniquing collection, for use instead of a Set constant in cases that require reference semantics." Is this about reference types? The DD also states that arrays are value types. I'm at a loss as to when to use Set or NSSet (or even NSMutableSet for that manner).
var intSet2 : NSSet = [2, 3, 5, 7]
// Works
Lastly, when I try to convert an array of colors with type [CardColor] to a Set or NSset, I receive error message stating: "Cannot convert value of type '[CardColor]' to specified type 'NSSet'.
let colorCheck = { $0.color }
var colorCheckSet : NSSet = colorCheck
// Cannot convert value of type '[CardColor]' to specified type 'NSSet'
Thanks for your help in advance.
Set model:
import Foundation
class Set {
// MARK: properties
var deck = [Card]()
var tableCards = [Card]()
var matchedCards = [Card]()
var selectedCards: [Card] {
get {
var cards = [Card]()
for card in tableCards.indices {
if tableCards[card].isSelected == true {
return cards
var unmatchedCards = 12
var score = 0
// MARK: functions
// Selects the card. If this is the third card to be selected, proceeds to check for matches
func selectCard(at index: Int) {
if tableCards[index].isSelected == false {
if selectedCards.count < 3 {
tableCards[index].isSelected = true
if selectedCards.count == 3 {
else if tableCards[index].isSelected == true {
tableCards[index].isSelected = false
func checkIfCardsMatch() {
let colorCheck = { $0.color }
var colorCheckSet : NSSet = colorCheck
// Cannot convert value of type '[CardColor]' to specified type 'NSSet'
var intSet2 : Set = [2, 3, 5, 7]
// Cannot convert value of type '[Int]' to specified type 'Set'
// for item in colorCheck {
// colorCheckSet.insert()
// }
// let symbolCheck: Set = { $0.symbol }
// let numberCheck: Set = { $0.number }
// let shadingCheck: Set = { $0.shading }
// MARK: functions
func dealThreeMoreCards() {
if unmatchedCards <= 21 {
unmatchedCards += 3
//MARK: initialization
init() {
for cardcolor in CardColor.allCases {
for cardsymbol in CardSymbol.allCases {
for cardnumber in CardNumber.allCases {
for cardshading in CardShading.allCases {
let card = Card(initcolor: cardcolor, initsymbol: cardsymbol, initnumber: cardnumber, initshading: cardshading)
Card model:
import Foundation
struct Card {
var identifier: Int = 0
var isSelected = false
var color: CardColor
var symbol: CardSymbol
var number: CardNumber
var shading: CardShading
static var identifierFactory = 0
init(initcolor: CardColor, initsymbol: CardSymbol, initnumber: CardNumber, initshading: CardShading){
color = initcolor
symbol = initsymbol
number = initnumber
shading = initshading
Card.identifierFactory += 1
self.identifier = Card.identifierFactory
enum CardColor: Int, CaseIterable {
case red = 1
case green = 2
case purple = 3
// static let all = [,, cardColor.purple]
enum CardSymbol: Int, CaseIterable {
case ovals = 1
case squiggles = 2
case diamonds = 3
// static let all = [cardSymbol.ovals, cardSymbol.squiggles,]
enum CardNumber: Int, CaseIterable {
case one = 1
case two = 2
case three = 3
// static let all = [, cardNumber.two, cardNumber.three]
enum CardShading: Int, CaseIterable {
case solid = 1
case open = 2
case striped = 3
// static let all = [cardShading.solid,, cardShading.striped]
// Not every Card variable has been included below. Could cause issues later.
extension Card: Hashable {
static func == (lhs: Card, rhs: Card) -> Bool {
return lhs.identifier == rhs.identifier &&
lhs.isSelected == rhs.isSelected &&
lhs.color == rhs.color &&
lhs.symbol == rhs.symbol &&
lhs.number == rhs.number &&
lhs.shading == rhs.shading
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {

Unwrapping dictionary values Swift

I'm creating an adjacency list in Swift, storing an array of nodes. However, when adding an edge from an existing node I need to check if the from key exists in any of the children, and if it does check if the to value exists in the same. It seems to be a mess s.t.
func addEdge(from: String, to: String) {
//the full code for addEdge is incomplete here
if (children.contains{ $0.nodes[from] != nil}) {
for child in children {
if (child.nodes[from] != nil) {
if (!(child.nodes[from]?.contains{$0 == to})!){
Children is
var children = [Node]()
and Node is
class Node: Hashable {
var nodes = [String:[String]]()
var hashValue: Int{ return nodes.hashValue }
static func == (lhs: Node, rhs: Node) -> Bool {
return lhs.nodes.keys == rhs.nodes.keys
Now it works, but seems really ugly. There must be a better way in Swift, but what is it?
Assuming that you do not wish to change the way you have implemented the above code but want to improve readability, you can utilise if let and optional chaining to make your code cleaner and more readable.
func addEdge(from: String, to: String) {
//the full code for addEdge is incomplete here
if children.contains{ $0.nodes[from] != nil } {
for child in children {
if let fromNode = child.nodes[from], fromNode.contains{$0 == to} {
Swift Optional Chaining
Try something like:
if (children.contains{ $0.nodes[from] != nil}) {
children.filter { $0.nodes[from] != nil }.
compactMap { $0.nodes[from] }.
filter { !($0.nodes[from]!.contains{$0 == to}) }.
forEach { $0.nodes[from]?.append(to) }

Hashing problems using a wrapper class around NSUUID as the key

OK, it turns out I'm really asking a different question. I understand about hashValue and ==, so that's not relevant.
I would like my wrapper class BUUID to "do the right thing" and act just like NSUUID's act in a Dictionary.
See below, where they don't.
import Foundation
class BUUID: NSObject {
init?(str: String) {
if let uuid = NSUUID(UUIDString: str) {
_realUUID = uuid
else {
return nil
override init() {
_realUUID = NSUUID()
private var _realUUID: NSUUID
override var description: String { get { return _realUUID.UUIDString } }
override var hashValue: Int { get { return _realUUID.hashValue } }
var UUIDString: String { get { print("WARNING Use description or .str instead"); return _realUUID.UUIDString } }
var str: String { get { return _realUUID.UUIDString } }
func ==(lhs: BUUID, rhs: BUUID) -> Bool { return lhs._realUUID == rhs._realUUID }
let a = BUUID()
let b = BUUID(str: a.str)!
print("a: \(a)\nb: \(b)")
print("a === b: \(a === b)")
print("a == b: \(a == b)")
var d = [a: "Hi"]
print("\(d[a]) \(d[b])")
let nA = NSUUID()
let nB = NSUUID(UUIDString: nA.UUIDString)!
print("na: \(nA)\nnB: \(nB)")
print("nA === nB: \(nA === nB)")
print("nA == nB: \(nA == nB)")
var nD = [nA: "Hi"]
print("\(nD[nA]) \(nD[nB])")
Results. Note that I can look up using NSUUID nB and get back what I put under nA. Not so with my BUUID.
a: 9DE6FE91-D4B5-4A6B-B912-5AAF34DB41C8
b: 9DE6FE91-D4B5-4A6B-B912-5AAF34DB41C8
a === b: false
a == b: true
Optional("Hi") nil
nA: <__NSConcreteUUID 0x7fa193c39500> BB9F9851-93CF-4263-B98A-5015810E4286
nB: <__NSConcreteUUID 0x7fa193c37dd0> BB9F9851-93CF-4263-B98A-5015810E4286
nA === nB: false
nA == nB: true
Optional("Hi") Optional("Hi")
Inheriting from NSObject also assumes isEqual(object: AnyObject?) -> Bool method overloading:
import Foundation
class BUUID: NSObject {
init?(str: String) {
if let uuid = NSUUID(UUIDString: str) {
_realUUID = uuid
else {
return nil
override init() {
_realUUID = NSUUID()
private var _realUUID: NSUUID
override func isEqual(object: AnyObject?) -> Bool {
guard let buuid = object as? BUUID else {
return false
return buuid._realUUID == _realUUID
override var description: String { get { return _realUUID.UUIDString } }
override var hashValue: Int { get { return _realUUID.hashValue } }
var UUIDString: String { get { print("WARNING Use description or .str instead"); return _realUUID.UUIDString } }
var str: String { get { return _realUUID.UUIDString } }
func ==(lhs: BUUID, rhs: BUUID) -> Bool { return lhs._realUUID == rhs._realUUID }
let a = BUUID()
let b = BUUID(str: a.str)!
print("a: \(a)\nb: \(b)")
print("a === b: \(a === b)")
print("a == b: \(a == b)")
var d = [a: "Hi"]
print("\(d[a]) \(d[b])")
let nA = NSUUID()
let nB = NSUUID(UUIDString: nA.UUIDString)!
print("na: \(nA)\nnB: \(nB)")
print("nA === nB: \(nA === nB)")
print("nA == nB: \(nA == nB)")
var nD = [nA: "Hi"]
print("\(nD[nA]) \(nD[nB])")
So the answer is to not make BUUID inherit from NSObject, which undercuts the Swiftiness of overriding ==.
extension BUUID: Hashable {}
class BUUID: CustomStringConvertible {
// take away all 'override' keywords, nothing to override
// otherwise same as above
This answer is relevant to initially asked question: Why that's possible to get two key-value pairs with identical key's hashes in a dictionary
This example illustrates that keys in Dictionary can have identical hashes, but equality operation should return false for different keys:
func ==(lhs: FooKey, rhs: FooKey) -> Bool {
return unsafeAddressOf(lhs) == unsafeAddressOf(rhs)
class FooKey: Hashable, Equatable {
var hashValue: Int {
get {
return 123
var d = Dictionary<FooKey, String>()
let key1 = FooKey()
let key2 = FooKey()
d[key1] = "value1"
d[key2] = "value2"
[FooKey: "value1", FooKey: "value2"]
That's definitely not good to have all keys with the same hash. In this case we are getting that worst case when search element complexity fells down to O(n) (exhaustive search). But it will work.

How to check for palindrome in Swift using recursive definition

I like many of the features in Swift, but using manipulating strings are still a big pain in the ass.
func checkPalindrome(word: String) -> Bool {
if word == "" {
return true
} else {
if word.characters.first == word.characters.last {
return checkPalindrome(word.substringWithRange(word.startIndex.successor() ..< word.endIndex.predecessor()))
} else {
return false
This code fails miserably whenever the string's length is an odd number. Of course I could make it so the first line of the block would be if word.characters.count < 2, but is there a way in Swift to get substrings and check easily?
I like many of the suggestions, but I guess the original question could be misleading a little, since it's a question about String more than getting the right results for the function.
For instance, in Python, checkPalindrome(word[1:-1]) would work fine for the recursive definition, whereas Swift code is much less graceful since it needs other bells and whistles.
return word == String(word.reversed())
func isPalindrome(myString:String) -> Bool {
let reverseString = String(myString.characters.reversed())
if(myString != "" && myString == reverseString) {
return true
} else {
return false
I have used the below extension to find whether the number is Palindrome or Not.
extension String {
var isPalindrome: Bool {
return self == String(self.reversed())
Sometimes having a front end for a recursion can simplify life. I sometimes do this when the arguments which are most convenient to use are not what I want in the user interface.
Would the following meet your needs?
func checkPalindrome(str: String) -> Bool {
func recursiveTest(var charSet: String.CharacterView) -> Bool {
if charSet.count < 2 {
return true
} else {
if charSet.popFirst() != charSet.popLast() {
return false
} else {
return recursiveTest(charSet)
return recursiveTest(str.characters)
just add on more condition in if
func checkPalindrome(word: String) -> Bool {
if (word == "" || word.characters.count == 1){
return true
else {
if word.characters.first == word.characters.last {
return checkPalindrome(word.substringWithRange(word.startIndex.successor() ..< word.endIndex.predecessor()))
} else {
return false
extension StringProtocol where Self: RangeReplaceableCollection {
var letters: Self { filter(\.isLetter) }
var isPalindrome: Bool {
let letters = self.letters
return String(letters.reversed()).caseInsensitiveCompare(letters) == .orderedSame
"Dammit I'm Mad".isPalindrome // true
"Socorram-me subi no onibus em marrocos".isPalindrome // true
You can also break your string into an array of characters and iterate through them until its half comparing one by one with its counterpart:
func checkPalindrome(_ word: String) -> Bool {
let chars = Array(word.letters.lowercased())
for index in 0..<chars.count/2 {
if chars[index] != chars[chars.count - 1 - index] {
return false
return true
And the recursive version fixing the range issue where can't form a range with endIndex < startIndex:
func checkPalindrome<T: StringProtocol>(_ word: T) -> Bool {
let word = word.lowercased()
.components(separatedBy: .punctuationCharacters).joined()
.components(separatedBy: .whitespacesAndNewlines).joined()
if word == "" || word.count == 1 {
return true
} else {
if word.first == word.last {
let start = word.index(word.startIndex,offsetBy: 1, limitedBy: word.endIndex) ?? word.startIndex
let end = word.index(word.endIndex,offsetBy: -1, limitedBy: word.startIndex) ?? word.endIndex
return checkPalindrome(word[start..<end])
} else {
return false
checkPalindrome("Dammit I'm Mad")
I think if you make an extension to String like this one then it will make your life easier:
extension String {
var length: Int { return characters.count }
subscript(index: Int) -> Character {
return self[startIndex.advancedBy(index)]
subscript(range: Range<Int>) -> String {
return self[Range<Index>(start: startIndex.advancedBy(range.startIndex), end: startIndex.advancedBy(range.endIndex))]
With it in place, you can change your function to this:
func checkPalindrome(word: String) -> Bool {
if word.length < 2 {
return true
if word.characters.first != word.characters.last {
return false
return checkPalindrome(word[1..<word.length - 1])
Quick test:
print(checkPalindrome("aba")) // Prints "true"
print(checkPalindrome("abc")) // Prints "false"
extension String {
func trimmingFirstAndLastCharacters() -> String {
guard let startIndex = index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: 1, limitedBy: self.endIndex) else {
return self
guard let endIndex = index(self.endIndex, offsetBy: -1, limitedBy: self.startIndex) else {
return self
guard endIndex >= startIndex else {
return self
return String(self[startIndex..<endIndex])
var isPalindrome: Bool {
guard count > 1 else {
return true
return first == last && trimmingFirstAndLastCharacters().isPalindrome
We first declare a function that removes first and last characters from a string.
Next we declare a computer property which will contain the actual recursive code that checks if a string is palindrome.
If string's size is less than or equal 1 we immediately return true (strings composed by one character like "a" or the empty string "" are considered palindrome), otherwise we check if first and last characters of the string are the same and we recursively call isPalindrome on the current string deprived of the first and last characters.
Convert the string into an Array. When the loop is executed get the first index and compare with the last index.
func palindrome(string: String)-> Bool{
let char = Array(string)
for i in 0..<char.count / 2 {
if char[i] != char[char.count - 1 - i] {
return false
return true
This solution is not recursive, but it is a O(n) pure index based solution without filtering anything and without creating new objects. Non-letter characters are ignored as well.
It uses two indexes and walks outside in from both sides.
I admit that the extension type and property name is stolen from Leo, I apologize. 😉
extension StringProtocol where Self: RangeReplaceableCollection {
var isPalindrome : Bool {
if isEmpty { return false }
if index(after: startIndex) == endIndex { return true }
var forward = startIndex
var backward = endIndex
while forward < backward {
repeat { formIndex(before: &backward) } while !self[backward].isLetter
if self[forward].lowercased() != self[backward].lowercased() { return false }
repeat { formIndex(after: &forward) } while !self[forward].isLetter
return true
Wasn't really thinking of this, but I think I came up with a pretty cool extension, and thought I'd share.
extension String {
var subString: (Int?) -> (Int?) -> String {
return { (start) in
{ (end) in
let startIndex = start ?? 0 < 0 ? self.endIndex.advancedBy(start!) : self.startIndex.advancedBy(start ?? 0)
let endIndex = end ?? self.characters.count < 0 ? self.endIndex.advancedBy(end!) : self.startIndex.advancedBy(end ?? self.characters.count)
return startIndex > endIndex ? "" : self.substringWithRange(startIndex ..< endIndex)
let test = ["Eye", "Pop", "Noon", "Level", "Radar", "Kayak", "Rotator", "Redivider", "Detartrated", "Tattarrattat", "Aibohphobia", "Eve", "Bob", "Otto", "Anna", "Hannah", "Evil olive", "Mirror rim", "Stack cats", "Doom mood", "Rise to vote sir", "Step on no pets", "Never odd or even", "A nut for a jar of tuna", "No lemon, no melon", "Some men interpret nine memos", "Gateman sees name, garageman sees nametag"]
func checkPalindrome(word: String) -> Bool {
if word.isEmpty { return true }
else {
if word.subString(nil)(1) == word.subString(-1)(nil) {
return checkPalindrome(word.subString(1)(-1))
} else {
return false
for item in{ $0.lowercaseString.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString(",", withString: "").stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString(" ", withString: "") }) {
if !checkPalindrome(item) {
A simple solution in Swift:
func isPalindrome(word: String) -> Bool {
// If no string found, return false
if word.count == 0 { return false }
var index = 0
var characters = Array(word) // make array of characters
while index < characters.count / 2 { // repeat loop only for half length of given string
if characters[index] != characters[(characters.count - 1) - index] {
return false
index += 1
return true
func checkPalindrome(_ inputString: String) -> Bool {
if inputString.count % 2 == 0 {
return false
} else if inputString.count == 1 {
return true
} else {
var stringCount = inputString.count
while stringCount != 1 {
if inputString.first == inputString.last {
stringCount -= 2
} else {
if stringCount == 1 {
return true
} else {
return false