Sort array in swiftui by multiple conditions - swift

how it is possible to sort an array by multiple conditions.
struct UserInformationModel: Identifiable, Hashable {
let id = UUID()
var isVip: Bool
let userIsMale: Bool
let userName: String
let age: Int
let userCountry: String
let countryIsoCode: String
let uid: String
And the view model contain the code:
class GetUserInformationViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var allUsers = [UserInformationModel]()
fun sortmyarray(){
self.allUsers = self.allUsers.sorted(by: {$0.isVip && !$1.isVip})
how its possible to sort first the vip users, and then sort by age and then country?

Here is a simple way to sort on multiple properties (I have assumed a sort order here for each property since it isn't mentioned in the question)
let sorted = users.sorted {
if $0.isVip == $1.isVip {
if $0.age == $1.age {
return $0.userCountry < $1.userCountry
} else {
return $0.age < $1.age
return $0.isVip && !$1.isVip
If the above is the natural sort order for the type then you could let the type implement Comparable and implement the < func
struct UserInformationModel: Identifiable, Hashable, Comparable {
//properties removed for brevity
static func < (lhs: UserInformationModel, rhs: UserInformationModel) -> Bool {
if lhs.isVip == rhs.isVip {
if lhs.age == rhs.age {
return lhs.userCountry < rhs.userCountry
} else {
return lhs.age < rhs.age
return lhs.isVip && !rhs.isVip
and then the sorting would be
let sorted = users.sorted()

Use tuples.
allUsers.sorted {
($1.isVip.comparable, $0.age, $0.userCountry)
($0.isVip.comparable, $1.age, $1.userCountry)
public extension Bool {
/// A way to compare `Bool`s.
/// Note: `false` is "less than" `true`.
enum Comparable: CaseIterable, Swift.Comparable {
case `false`, `true`
/// Make a `Bool` `Comparable`, with `false` being "less than" `true`.
var comparable: Comparable { .init(booleanLiteral: self) }
extension Bool.Comparable: ExpressibleByBooleanLiteral {
public init(booleanLiteral value: Bool) {
self = value ? .true : .false


Equatable not detecting the difference between two objects of the same class

I have an item of the class Product. I'm changing a variable within the Product class but my addToCart method below treats the item as if no changes have been made. I'm comparing the products based on the id and the variationId. What am I doing wrong?
import UIKit
class Product: Equatable {
let id: Int
let name: String
var variationId: Int
var quantity: Int
init(id: Int, name: String, variationId: Int, quantity: Int) { = id = name
self.variationId = variationId
self.quantity = quantity
static func == (lhs: Product, rhs: Product) -> Bool {
return == && lhs.variationId == rhs.variationId
The user can select a different color for the product and in doing so changes the variationId.
The addItemToCart() method checks if the cartItems array contains this product. If the product exists, the quantity gets increased by 1 otherwise the product is added to the array.
var cartItems = [Product]()
func addItemToCart(product: Product) {
if cartItems.contains(product) {
let quantity = product.quantity
product.quantity = quantity + 1
} else {
The method above keeps updating the quantity regardless if the variationId is different or not.
You are not updating the correct object. Your addItemToCart(product:) function should be something like this:
func addItemToCart(product: Product) {
if let cartItemIndex = cartItems.firstIndex(of: product) {
cartItems[cartItemIndex].quantity += product.quantity
} else {
You can do this as follows, you can also remove the equatable attribute.
var cartItems = [Product]()
func addItemToCart(product: Product) {
if let cardItemIndex = cardItems.firstIndex(where: { $ == && $0.variationId == product.variationId}) {
cartItems[cardItemIndex].quantity += 1
} else {

Custom comparator for Swift

This is my code (simplified code):
struct SomeStruct {
let id: Int
let age: Int
extension SomeStruct: Hashable {
var hashValue: Int {
return id.hashValue * age.hashValue
static func ==(lhs: SomeStruct, rhs: SomeStruct) -> Bool {
return == && lhs.age == rhs.age
struct Calculator {
let struct1: [SomeStruct]
let struct2: [SomeStruct]
func uniqueById() {
let struct3 = Set(struct2).union(Set(struct1))
// I want to union it by property 'id' only.
// If the property 'id' is equal for both objects,
// the object in struct2 should be used (since that can have a different age property)
SomeStruct is a generated struct which I do not want to edit. I want to create a Set for SomeStruct that is based on 1 property: id. For that, I think I need a custom Comparator, just as Java has. Is there any Swifty way? This is the only thing I can come up with, but I am wondering if there is a better way:
struct SomeStructComparatorById: Hashable {
let someStruct: SomeStruct
var hashValue: Int {
static func ==(lhs: SomeStructComparatorById, rhs: SomeStructComparatorById) -> Bool {
return ==
First, I don't think this would work in Java. addAll() doesn't take a Comparator (nor does contains, etc.) Comparators are for sorting, not equality. Conceptually this is breaking how Set works in any language. Two items are not "equal" unless they can be swapped in all cases.
That tells us that we don't want a Set here. What you want here is uniqueness based on some key. That's a Dictionary (as Daniel discusses).
You could either just have a "id -> age" dictionary or "id -> struct-of-other-properties" dictionary as your primary data type (rather than using Array). Or you can turn your Array into a temporary Dictionary like this:
extension Dictionary {
init<S>(_ values: S, uniquelyKeyedBy keyPath: KeyPath<S.Element, Key>)
where S : Sequence, S.Element == Value {
let keys = { $0[keyPath: keyPath] }
self.init(uniqueKeysWithValues: zip(keys, values))
And merge them like this:
let dict1 = Dictionary(struct1, uniquelyKeyedBy: \.id)
let dict2 = Dictionary(struct2, uniquelyKeyedBy: \.id)
let merged = dict1.merging(dict2, uniquingKeysWith: { old, new in old }).values
This leaves merged as [SomeStruct].
Note that this Dictionary(uniquelyKeyedBy:) has the same preconditions as Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues:). If there are duplicate keys, it's a programming error and will raise precondition failure.
You could do something like this:
var setOfIds: Set<Int> = []
var struct3 = struct2.filter { setOfIds.insert($ }
struct3 += struct1.filter { setOfIds.insert($ }
The result would be an array of SomeStruct, with all elements with unique ids.
You could define this as a custom operator :
infix operator *>
func *> (lhs: [SomeStruct], rhs: [SomeStruct]) -> [SomeStruct] {
var setOfIds: Set<Int> = []
var union = lhs.filter { setOfIds.insert($ }
union += rhs.filter { setOfIds.insert($ }
return union
Your code would then look like this:
func uniqueById() {
let struct3 = struct2 *> struct1
//use struct3
The short answer is no. Swift sets do not have any way to accept a custom comparator and if you absolutely must have a Set, then your wrapper idea is the only way to do it. I question the requirement for a set though.
Instead of using Set in your calculator, I recommend using dictionary.
You can use a Dictionary to produce an array where each item has a unique ID...
let struct3 = Dictionary(grouping: struct1 + struct2, by: { $ })
.compactMap { $0.value.max(by: { $0.age < $1.age })}
Or you can keep the elements in a [Int: SomeStruct] dictionary:
let keysAndValues = (struct1 + struct2).map { ($, $0) }
let dictionary = Dictionary(keysAndValues, uniquingKeysWith: { lhs, rhs in
lhs.age > rhs.age ? lhs : rhs

Equatable protocol in swift

I am trying to make a simple game implementation. So each game has a correct Answer. The Answer could be an Int or String. So what I have in code is:
protocol Answer {}
extension Int: Answer {}
extension String: Answer {}
protocol CorrectAnswer {
var correctAnswer: Answer { get }
I have a protocol for what a game needs:
protocol GameDescriber {
var name: String { get }
var description: String { get }
var points: Int { get }
And the implementation of the Game struct:
struct Game: GameDescriber, Equatable, CorrectAnswer {
var correctAnswer: Answer
var name: String
var description: String
var points: Int
static func ==(_ lhs: Game, _ rhs:Game) -> Bool {
if let _ = lhs.correctAnswer as? String, let _ = rhs.correctAnswer as? Int {
return false
if let _ = lhs.correctAnswer as? Int, let _ = rhs.correctAnswer as? String {
return false
if let lhsInt = lhs.correctAnswer as? Int, let rhsInt = rhs.correctAnswer as? Int {
if lhsInt != rhsInt {
return false
if let lhsString = lhs.correctAnswer as? String, let rhsString = rhs.correctAnswer as? String {
if lhsString != rhsString {
return false
return lhs.description == rhs.description && == &&
lhs.points == rhs.points
If I want to add another Answer type (let's say an array of Ints) I have to do that:
extension Array: Answer where Element == Int {}
But what bothers me is in the implementation of the Equatable func == I have to cover this and possibly other cases as well. Which can me dramatic :)
Is there a solution for this and can it be done in more elegant and generic way?
First note that your implementation of == can be simplified to
static func ==(_ lhs: Game, _ rhs:Game) -> Bool {
switch (lhs.correctAnswer, rhs.correctAnswer) {
case (let lhsInt as Int, let rhsInt as Int):
if lhsInt != rhsInt {
return false
case (let lhsString as String, let rhsString as String):
if lhsString != rhsString {
return false
return false
return lhs.description == rhs.description && == &&
lhs.points == rhs.points
so that adding another answer type just means adding one additional
The problem is that the compiler cannot verify that all possible
answer types are handled in your == function, so this approach
is error-prone.
What I actually would do is to use an enum Answer instead of a
protocol, and make that Equatable:
enum Answer: Equatable {
case int(Int)
case string(String)
Note that you don't have to implement ==. As of Swift 4.1, the
compiler synthesizes that automatically, see
SE-0185 Synthesizing Equatable and Hashable conformance.
And now Game simplifies to
struct Game: GameDescriber, Equatable, CorrectAnswer {
var correctAnswer: Answer
var name: String
var description: String
var points: Int
where the compiler synthesizes == as well, with a default implementation that compares all stored properties for equality.
Adding another answer type is simply done by adding another case to
the enumeration:
enum Answer: Equatable {
case int(Int)
case string(String)
case intArray([Int])
without any additional code.

Hashing problems using a wrapper class around NSUUID as the key

OK, it turns out I'm really asking a different question. I understand about hashValue and ==, so that's not relevant.
I would like my wrapper class BUUID to "do the right thing" and act just like NSUUID's act in a Dictionary.
See below, where they don't.
import Foundation
class BUUID: NSObject {
init?(str: String) {
if let uuid = NSUUID(UUIDString: str) {
_realUUID = uuid
else {
return nil
override init() {
_realUUID = NSUUID()
private var _realUUID: NSUUID
override var description: String { get { return _realUUID.UUIDString } }
override var hashValue: Int { get { return _realUUID.hashValue } }
var UUIDString: String { get { print("WARNING Use description or .str instead"); return _realUUID.UUIDString } }
var str: String { get { return _realUUID.UUIDString } }
func ==(lhs: BUUID, rhs: BUUID) -> Bool { return lhs._realUUID == rhs._realUUID }
let a = BUUID()
let b = BUUID(str: a.str)!
print("a: \(a)\nb: \(b)")
print("a === b: \(a === b)")
print("a == b: \(a == b)")
var d = [a: "Hi"]
print("\(d[a]) \(d[b])")
let nA = NSUUID()
let nB = NSUUID(UUIDString: nA.UUIDString)!
print("na: \(nA)\nnB: \(nB)")
print("nA === nB: \(nA === nB)")
print("nA == nB: \(nA == nB)")
var nD = [nA: "Hi"]
print("\(nD[nA]) \(nD[nB])")
Results. Note that I can look up using NSUUID nB and get back what I put under nA. Not so with my BUUID.
a: 9DE6FE91-D4B5-4A6B-B912-5AAF34DB41C8
b: 9DE6FE91-D4B5-4A6B-B912-5AAF34DB41C8
a === b: false
a == b: true
Optional("Hi") nil
nA: <__NSConcreteUUID 0x7fa193c39500> BB9F9851-93CF-4263-B98A-5015810E4286
nB: <__NSConcreteUUID 0x7fa193c37dd0> BB9F9851-93CF-4263-B98A-5015810E4286
nA === nB: false
nA == nB: true
Optional("Hi") Optional("Hi")
Inheriting from NSObject also assumes isEqual(object: AnyObject?) -> Bool method overloading:
import Foundation
class BUUID: NSObject {
init?(str: String) {
if let uuid = NSUUID(UUIDString: str) {
_realUUID = uuid
else {
return nil
override init() {
_realUUID = NSUUID()
private var _realUUID: NSUUID
override func isEqual(object: AnyObject?) -> Bool {
guard let buuid = object as? BUUID else {
return false
return buuid._realUUID == _realUUID
override var description: String { get { return _realUUID.UUIDString } }
override var hashValue: Int { get { return _realUUID.hashValue } }
var UUIDString: String { get { print("WARNING Use description or .str instead"); return _realUUID.UUIDString } }
var str: String { get { return _realUUID.UUIDString } }
func ==(lhs: BUUID, rhs: BUUID) -> Bool { return lhs._realUUID == rhs._realUUID }
let a = BUUID()
let b = BUUID(str: a.str)!
print("a: \(a)\nb: \(b)")
print("a === b: \(a === b)")
print("a == b: \(a == b)")
var d = [a: "Hi"]
print("\(d[a]) \(d[b])")
let nA = NSUUID()
let nB = NSUUID(UUIDString: nA.UUIDString)!
print("na: \(nA)\nnB: \(nB)")
print("nA === nB: \(nA === nB)")
print("nA == nB: \(nA == nB)")
var nD = [nA: "Hi"]
print("\(nD[nA]) \(nD[nB])")
So the answer is to not make BUUID inherit from NSObject, which undercuts the Swiftiness of overriding ==.
extension BUUID: Hashable {}
class BUUID: CustomStringConvertible {
// take away all 'override' keywords, nothing to override
// otherwise same as above
This answer is relevant to initially asked question: Why that's possible to get two key-value pairs with identical key's hashes in a dictionary
This example illustrates that keys in Dictionary can have identical hashes, but equality operation should return false for different keys:
func ==(lhs: FooKey, rhs: FooKey) -> Bool {
return unsafeAddressOf(lhs) == unsafeAddressOf(rhs)
class FooKey: Hashable, Equatable {
var hashValue: Int {
get {
return 123
var d = Dictionary<FooKey, String>()
let key1 = FooKey()
let key2 = FooKey()
d[key1] = "value1"
d[key2] = "value2"
[FooKey: "value1", FooKey: "value2"]
That's definitely not good to have all keys with the same hash. In this case we are getting that worst case when search element complexity fells down to O(n) (exhaustive search). But it will work.

Change the value that is being set in variable's willSet block

I'm trying to sort the array that is being set before setting it but the argument of willSet is immutable and sort mutates the value. How can I overcome this limit?
var files:[File]! = [File]() {
willSet(newFiles) {
newFiles.sort { (a:File, b:File) -> Bool in
return a.created_at > b.created_at
To put this question out of my own project context, I made this gist:
class Person {
var name:String!
var age:Int!
init(name:String, age:Int) { = name
self.age = age
let scott = Person(name: "Scott", age: 28)
let will = Person(name: "Will", age: 27)
let john = Person(name: "John", age: 32)
let noah = Person(name: "Noah", age: 15)
var sample = [scott,will,john,noah]
var people:[Person] = [Person]() {
willSet(newPeople) {
newPeople.sort({ (a:Person, b:Person) -> Bool in
return a.age > b.age
people = sample
I get the error stating that newPeople is not mutable and sort is trying to mutate it.
It's not possible to mutate the value inside willSet. If you implement a willSet observer, it is passed the new property value as a constant parameter.
What about modifying it to use didSet?
var people:[Person] = [Person]()
people.sort({ (a:Person, b:Person) -> Bool in
return a.age > b.age
willSet is called just before the value is stored.
didSet is called immediately after the new value is stored.
You can read more about property observers here
You can also write a custom getter and setter like below. But didSet seems more convenient.
var _people = [Person]()
var people: [Person] {
get {
return _people
set(newPeople) {
_people = newPeople.sorted({ (a:Person, b:Person) -> Bool in
return a.age > b.age
It is not possible to change value types (including arrays) before they are set inside of willSet. You will need to instead use a computed property and backing storage like so:
var _people = [Person]()
var people: [Person] {
get {
return _people
set(newPeople) {
_people = newPeople.sorted { $0.age > $1.age }
Another solution for people who like abstracting away behavior like this (especially those who are used to features like C#'s custom attributes) is to use a Property Wrapper, available since Swift 5.1 (Xcode 11.0).
First, create a new property wrapper struct that can sort Comparable elements:
public struct Sorting<V : MutableCollection & RandomAccessCollection>
where V.Element : Comparable
var value: V
public init(wrappedValue: V) {
value = wrappedValue
public var wrappedValue: V {
get { value }
set {
value = newValue
and then assuming you implement Comparable-conformance for Person:
extension Person : Comparable {
static func < (lhs: Person, rhs: Person) -> Bool {
lhs.age < lhs.age
static func == (lhs: Person, rhs: Person) -> Bool {
lhs.age == lhs.age
you can declare your property like this and it will be auto-sorted on init or set:
struct SomeStructOrClass
#Sorting var people: [Person]
// … (given `someStructOrClass` is an instance of `SomeStructOrClass`)
someStructOrClass.people = sample
let oldestPerson = someStructOrClass.people.last
Caveat: Property wrappers are not allowed (as of time of writing, Swift 5.7.1) in top-level code— they need to be applied to a property var in a struct, class, or enum.
To more literally follow your sample code, you could easily also create a ReverseSorting property wrapper:
public struct ReverseSorting<V : MutableCollection & RandomAccessCollection & BidirectionalCollection>
where V.Element : Comparable
// Implementation is almost the same, except you'll want to also call `value.reverse()`:
// value = …
// value.sort()
// value.reverse()
and then the oldest person will be at the first element:
// …
#Sorting var people: [Person]
// …
someStructOrClass.people = sample
let oldestPerson = someStructOrClass.people[0]
And even more directly, if your use-case demands using a comparison closure via sort(by:…) instead of implementing Comparable conformance, you can do that to:
public struct SortingBy<V : MutableCollection & RandomAccessCollection>
var value: V
private var _areInIncreasingOrder: (V.Element, V.Element) -> Bool
public init(wrappedValue: V, by areInIncreasingOrder: #escaping (V.Element, V.Element) -> Bool) {
_areInIncreasingOrder = areInIncreasingOrder
value = wrappedValue
value.sort(by: _areInIncreasingOrder)
public var wrappedValue: V {
get { value }
set {
value = newValue
value.sort(by: _areInIncreasingOrder)
// …
#SortingBy(by: { a, b in a.age > b.age }) var people: [Person] = []
// …
someStructOrClass.people = sample
let oldestPerson = someStructOrClass.people[0]
Caveat: The way SortingBy's init currently works, you'll need to specify an initial value ([]). You can remove this requirement with an additional init (see Swift docs), but that approach is much less complicated when your property wrapper works on a concrete type (e.g. if you wrote a non-generic PersonArraySortingBy property wrapper), as opposed to a generic-on-protocols property wrapper.