I have created the dataframe and the input is like this:
|value |
|1 PRE123 21 |
|2 TEST 32 |
|7 XYZ .7 |
and on the basis on the below metadata information we need to split the above data frame and create a new dataframe, having columns name id,name and class and it start and index loction is given in this json meta data.
"columnName": "id",
"start": 1,
"end": 2
"columnName": "name",
"start": 5,
"end": 10
"columnName": "class",
"start": 20,
"end": 22
| id| name|class|
| 1|PRE123| 21|
| 2| TEST| 32|
| 7| XYZ| .7|
For loading the df, I have created the list:
list.+=(loadedDF.col("value").substr(fixedLength.getStart, (fixedLength.getEnd - fixedLength.getStart)).alias(fixedLength.getColumnName))
and from this list, I have created the dataframe
var df: DataFrame = loadedDF.select(list: _*)
Need to know the order better approach for creating the dataframe from the metadata.
As the list created will bring all the data to the driver node.
If I understood correctly you requirements you are trying to extract the columns from a string separated by an arbitrary number of spaces.
Here is one solution with substr function:
val df = Seq(
("1 PRE123 21"),
("2 TEST 32"),
("7 XYZ .7"))
val colMetadata = Map("id" -> (1,2), "name" -> (5,10), "class" -> (20,22))
val columns = colMetadata.map { case (cname, meta) =>
val len = meta._2 - meta._1
$"value".substr(meta._1, len).as(cname)
And a generic solution when you don't have the column boundaries available using the split function:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.split
val df = Seq(
("1 PRE123 21"),
("2 TEST 32"),
("7 XYZ .7"))
val colNames = Seq("id", "name", "class")
val columns = colNames.zipWithIndex.map { case (cname, idx) =>
split($"value", "\\s+").getItem(idx).as(cname)
| id| name|class|
| 1|PRE123| 21|
| 2| TEST| 32|
| 7| XYZ| .7|
Notice that I used \\s+ as separator. This represents a regex for one or more spaces.
I have a dataframe with two multiple columns, two of which are id and label as shown below.
| id| label|
| 1| "abc"|
| 1| "abc"|
| 1| "def"|
| 2| "def"|
| 2| "def"|
I want to groupBy "id" and aggregate the label column by counts (ignore null) of label in a map data structure and the expected result is as shown below:
| id| label |
| 1| {"abc":2, "def":1}|
| 2| {"def":2} |
Is it possible to do this without using user-defined aggregate functions? I saw a similar answer here, but it doesn't aggregate based on the count of each item.
I apologize if this question is silly, I am new to both Scala and Spark.
Without Custom UDFs
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{map, collect_list}
df.groupBy("id", "label")
.select($"id", map($"label", $"count").as("map"))
|id |collect_list(map) |
|1 |[[def -> 1], [abc -> 2]]|
|2 |[[def -> 2]] |
Using Custom UDF,
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.udf
val customUdf = udf((seq: Seq[String]) => {
seq.groupBy(x => x).map(x => x._1 -> x._2.size)
.select($"id", customUdf($"list").as("map"))
|id |map |
|1 |[abc -> 2, def -> 1]|
|2 |[def -> 2] |
I am trying to filter a dataframe in scala by comparing two of its columns (subject and stream in this case) to a list of tuples. If the column values and the tuple values are equal the row is filtered.
val df = Seq(
(0, "Mark", "Maths", "Science"),
(1, "Tyson", "History", "Commerce"),
(2, "Gerald", "Maths", "Science"),
(3, "Katie", "Maths", "Commerce"),
(4, "Linda", "History", "Science")).toDF("id", "name", "subject", "stream")
Sample input:
| id| name|subject| stream|
| 0| Mark| Maths| Science|
| 1| Tyson|History|Commerce|
| 2|Gerald| Maths| Science|
| 3| Katie| Maths|Commerce|
| 4| Linda|History| Science|
List of tuple based on which the above df needs to be filtered
val listOfTuples = List[(String, String)] (
("Maths" , "Science"),
("History" , "Commerce")
Expected result :
| id| name|subject| stream|
| 0| Mark| Maths| Science|
| 1| Tyson|History|Commerce|
| 2|Gerald| Maths| Science|
You can either do it with isin with structs (needs spark 2.2+):
val df_filtered = df
or with leftsemi join:
val df_filtered = df
You can simply filter as
val resultDF = df.filter(row => {
("Maths", "Science"),
("History", "Commerce")
(row.getAs[String]("subject"), row.getAs[String]("stream")))
Hope this helps!
I am woking on graphframes part,where I need to have edges/links in d3.js to be in indexed values of Vertex/nodes as source and destination.
Now I have VertexDF as
| id| rowID|
| Raashul Tandon| 3|
| Helen Jones| 5|
| src| dst|
| Raashul Tandon| Helen Jones |
Now I need to transform this EdgesDF as below
| src| dst|
| 3 | 5 |
All the column values should be having the index of the names taken from VertexDF.I am expecting in Higher-order functions.
My approach is to convert VertexDF to map, then iterating the EdgesDF and replaces every occurence.
What I have Tried
made a map of name to ids
val Actmap = VertxDF.collect().map(f =>{
val name = f.getString(0)
val id = f.getLong(1)
Used that map with EdgesDF
EdgesDF.collect().map(f => {
val src = f.getString(0)
val dst = f.getString(0)
val src_id = Actmap.get(src)
val dst_id = Actmap.get(dst)
Your approach of collect-ing the vertex and edge dataframes would work only if they're small. I would suggest left-joining the edge and vertex dataframes to get what you need:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import spark.implicits._
val VertxDF = Seq(
("Raashul Tandon", 3),
("Helen Jones", 5),
("John Doe", 6),
("Rachel Smith", 7)
).toDF("id", "rowID")
val EdgesDF = Seq(
("Raashul Tandon", "Helen Jones"),
("Helen Jones", "John Doe"),
("Unknown", "Raashul Tandon"),
("John Doe", "Rachel Smith")
).toDF("src", "dst")
join(VertxDF.as("v1"), $"e.src" === $"v1.id", "left_outer").
join(VertxDF.as("v2"), $"e.dst" === $"v2.id", "left_outer").
select($"v1.rowID".as("src"), $"v2.rowID".as("dst")).
// +----+---+
// | src|dst|
// +----+---+
// | 3| 5|
// | 5| 6|
// |null| 3|
// | 6| 7|
// +----+---+
I have the following data frames
| WEEK|DIM1|DIM2| T1| T2|
|2016-04-02| 14|NULL|9874| 880|
|2016-04-30| 14| FR|9875| 13|
|2017-06-10| 15| PQR|9867|57721|
| WEEK|DIM1|DIM2| T1| T2|
|2016-04-02| 14|NULL|9879| 820|
|2016-04-30| 14| FR|9785| 9|
|2017-06-10| 15| XYZ|9967|57771|
I need to produce my output as following -
| WEEK|DIM1|DIM2| T1| T2| T1| T2|t1_diff|t2_diff|pr_primary|pr_reference|
|2016-04-02| 14|NULL|9874| 880|9879| 820| -5| 60| Y| Y|
|2017-06-10| 15| PQR|9867|57721|null| null| null| null| Y| N|
|2017-06-10| 15| XYZ|null| null|9967|57771| null| null| N| Y|
|2016-04-30| 14| FR|9875| 13|9785| 9| 90| 4| Y| Y|
Here, t1_diff is difference between left T1 and right T1, t2_diff is difference between left T2 and right T2, pr_primary is Y if row is present in df1 and not in df2 and similarly for pr_reference.
I have generated the above with following piece of code
val df1 = Seq(
("2016-04-02", "14", "NULL", 9874, 880), ("2016-04-30", "14", "FR", 9875, 13), ("2017-06-10", "15", "PQR", 9867, 57721)
).toDF("WEEK", "DIM1", "DIM2","T1","T2")
val df2 = Seq(
("2016-04-02", "14", "NULL", 9879, 820), ("2016-04-30", "14", "FR", 9785, 9), ("2017-06-10", "15", "XYZ", 9967, 57771)
).toDF("WEEK", "DIM1", "DIM2","T1","T2")
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val joined = df1.as("l").join(df2.as("r"), Seq("WEEK", "DIM1", "DIM2"), "fullouter")
val j1 = joined.withColumn("t1_diff",col(s"l.T1") - col(s"r.T1")).withColumn("t2_diff",col(s"l.T2") - col(s"r.T2"))
val isPresentSubstitution = udf( (x: String, y: String) => if (x == null && y == null) "N" else "Y")
j1.withColumn("pr_primary",isPresentSubstitution(col(s"l.T1"), col(s"l.T2"))).withColumn("pr_reference",isPresentSubstitution(col(s"r.T1"), col(s"r.T2"))).show
I want to make it generalize for any number of columns not just T1 and T2. Can someone suggest me a better way to do this ? I am running this in spark.
To be able to set any number of columns like t1_diff with any expresion calculating their values, we need to make some refactoring allowing to use withColumn in a more generic manner.
First, we need to collect the target values: the names of the target columns and the expressions that calculate their contents. This can be done with a sequence of Tuples:
val diffColumns = Seq(
("t1_diff", col("l.T1") - col("r.T1")),
("t2_diff", col("l.T2") - col("r.T2"))
// or, to make it more readable, create a dedicated "case class DiffColumn(colName: String, expression: Column)"
Now we can use folding to produce the joined DataFrame from joined and the sequence above:
val joinedWithDiffCols =
diffColumns.foldLeft(joined) { case(df, diffTuple) =>
df.withColumn(diffTuple._1, diffTuple._2)
joinedWithDiffCols contains the same data as j1 from the question.
To append new columns, you now have to modify diffColumns sequence only. You can even put the calculation of pr_primary and pr_reference in this sequence (but rename the ref to appendedColumns in this case, to be more precise).
To facilitate the creation of the tuples for diffCollumns, it also can be generalized, for example:
// when both column names are same:
def generateDiff(column: String): (String, Column) = generateDiff(column, column)
// when left and right column names are different:
def generateDiff(leftCol: String, rightCol: String): (String, Column) =
(s"${leftCol}_diff", col("l." + leftCol) - col("r." + rightCol))
val diffColumns = Seq("T1", "T2").map(generateDiff)
Assuming the columns are named same in both df1 and df2, you can do something like:
val diffCols = df1.columns
.map(c => col(s"l.$c") - col(s"r.$c") as (s"${c.toLowerCase}_diff") )
And then use it with joined like:
joined.select( ( col("*") :+ diffCols ) :_*).show(false)
//|WEEK |DIM1|DIM2|T1 |T2 |T1 |T2 |t1_diff|t2_diff|
//|2016-04-02|14 |NULL|9874|880 |9879|820 |-5 |60 |
//|2017-06-10|15 |PQR |9867|57721|null|null |null |null |
//|2017-06-10|15 |XYZ |null|null |9967|57771|null |null |
//|2016-04-30|14 |FR |9875|13 |9785|9 |90 |4 |
You can do it by adding sequence number to each dataframe and later join those two dataframes based on seq number.
val df3 = df1.withColumn("SeqNum", monotonicallyIncreasingId)
val df4 = df2.withColumn("SeqNum", monotonicallyIncreasingId)
df3.as("l").join(df4.as("r"),"SeqNum").withColumn("t1_diff",col("l.T1") - col("r.T1")).withColumn("t2_diff",col("l.T2") - col("r.T2")).drop("SeqNum").show()
I use Spark 2.1.
I have some data in a Spark Dataframe, which looks like below:
**ID** **type** **val**
1 t1 v1
1 t11 v11
2 t2 v2
I want to pivot up this data using either spark Scala (preferably) or Spark SQL so that final output should look like below:
**ID** **t1** **t11** **t2**
1 v1 v11
2 v2
You can use groupBy.pivot:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.first
| ID| t1|t11| t2|
| 1| v1|v11| |
| 2| | | v2|
Note: depending on the actual data, i.e. how many values there are for each combination of ID and type, you might choose a different aggregation function.
Here's one way to do it:
val df = Seq(
(1, "T1", "v1"),
(1, "T11", "v11"),
(2, "T2", "v2")
"id", "type", "val"
).as[(Int, String, String)]
val df2 = df.groupBy("id").pivot("type").agg(concat_ws(",", collect_list("val")))
| id| T1|T11| T2|
| 1| v1|v11| |
| 2| | | v2|
Note that if there are different vals associated with a given type, they will be grouped (comma-delimited) under the type in df2.
This one should work
val seq = Seq((123,"2016-01-01","1"),(123,"2016-01-02","2"),(123,"2016-01-03","3"))
val seq = Seq((1,"t1","v1"),(1,"t11","v11"),(2,"t2","v2"))
val df = seq.toDF("id","type","val")
val pivotedDF = df.groupBy("id").pivot("type").agg(first("val"))
| id| t1| t11| t2|
| 1| v1| v11|null|
| 2|null|null| v2|