Spark GroupBy and Aggregate Strings to Produce a Map of Counts of the Strings Based on a Condition - scala

I have a dataframe with two multiple columns, two of which are id and label as shown below.
| id| label|
| 1| "abc"|
| 1| "abc"|
| 1| "def"|
| 2| "def"|
| 2| "def"|
I want to groupBy "id" and aggregate the label column by counts (ignore null) of label in a map data structure and the expected result is as shown below:
| id| label |
| 1| {"abc":2, "def":1}|
| 2| {"def":2} |
Is it possible to do this without using user-defined aggregate functions? I saw a similar answer here, but it doesn't aggregate based on the count of each item.
I apologize if this question is silly, I am new to both Scala and Spark.

Without Custom UDFs
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{map, collect_list}
df.groupBy("id", "label")
.select($"id", map($"label", $"count").as("map"))
|id |collect_list(map) |
|1 |[[def -> 1], [abc -> 2]]|
|2 |[[def -> 2]] |
Using Custom UDF,
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.udf
val customUdf = udf((seq: Seq[String]) => {
seq.groupBy(x => x).map(x => x._1 -> x._2.size)
.select($"id", customUdf($"list").as("map"))
|id |map |
|1 |[abc -> 2, def -> 1]|
|2 |[def -> 2] |


How to create a map column to count occurrences without udaf

I would like to create a Map column which counts the number of occurrences.
For instance:
| b| a|
| 1| b|
| 2|null|
| 1| a|
| 1| a|
would result in
| b| res|
| 1|[a -> 2.0, b -> 1.0]|
| 2| []|
For the moment, in Spark 2.4.6, I was able to make it using udaf.
While bumping to Spark3 I was wondering if I could get rid of this udaf (I tried using the new method aggregate without success)
Is there an efficient way to do it?
(For the efficiency part, I am able to test easily)
Here a Spark 3 solution:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
| b| res|
| 1|[b -> 1, a -> 2]|
| 2| []|
Here the solution using Aggregator:
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.encoders.ExpressionEncoder
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Aggregator
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoder
val countOcc = new Aggregator[String, Map[String,Int], Map[String,Int]] with Serializable {
def zero: Map[String,Int] = Map.empty.withDefaultValue(0)
def reduce(b: Map[String,Int], a: String) = if(a!=null) b + (a -> (b(a) + 1)) else b
def merge(b1: Map[String,Int], b2: Map[String,Int]) = {
val keys = b1.keys.toSet.union(b2.keys.toSet){ k => (k -> (b1(k) + b2(k))) }.toMap
def finish(b: Map[String,Int]) = b
def bufferEncoder: Encoder[Map[String,Int]] = implicitly(ExpressionEncoder[Map[String,Int]])
def outputEncoder: Encoder[Map[String, Int]] = implicitly(ExpressionEncoder[Map[String, Int]])
val countOccUDAF = udaf(countOcc)
| b| res|
| 1|[b -> 1, a -> 2]|
| 2| []|
You could always use collect_list with UDF, but only if you groupings are not too lage:
val udf_histo = udf((x:Seq[String]) => x.groupBy(identity).mapValues(_.size))
| b| res|
| 1|[b -> 1, a -> 2]|
| 2| []|
This should be faster than UDAF: Spark custom aggregation : collect_list+UDF vs UDAF
We can achieve this is spark 2.4
val groupedCountDf = originalDf.groupBy("b","a").count
val dfWithArrayOfMaps = groupedCountDf
.withColumn("newMap", when($"a".isNotNull, map($"a",$"count")).otherwise(map()))
.groupBy("b").agg(collect_list($"newMap") as "multimap")
val mapConcatExpr = expr("aggregate(multimap, map(), (k, v) -> map_concat(k, v))")
val finalDf =$"b","merged_data"))
Here a solution with a single groupBy and a slightly complex sql expression. This solution works for Spark 2.4+
.agg(expr("sort_array(collect_set(a)) as set"),
expr("sort_array(collect_list(a)) as list"))
expr("map_from_arrays(set,transform(set, x -> size(filter(list, y -> y=x))))"))
| b| set| list| res|
| 1|[a, b]|[a, a, b]|[a -> 2, b -> 1]|
| 2| []| []| []|
The idea is to collect the data from column a twice: one time into a set and one time into a list. Then with the help of transform for each element of the set the number of occurences of the particular element in the list is counted. Finally, the set and the number of elements are combined with map_from_arrays.
However I cannot say if this approach is really faster than a UDAF.

How to create multiples columns from a MapType columns efficiently (without foldleft)

My goal is to create columns from another MapType column. The names of the columns being the keys of the Map and their associated values.
Below my starting dataframe:
|id | mapColumn |
| 1 |Map(keyA -> 0, keyB -> 1) |
| 2 |Map(keyA -> 4, keyB -> 2) |
Below the desired output:
|id |keyA|keyB|
| 1 | 0| 1|
| 2 | 4| 2|
I found a solution whith a Foldleft with accumulators (work but extremely slow):
val colsToAdd = startDF.collect()(0)(1).asInstanceOf[Map[String,Integer]].map(x => x._1).toSeq
res1: Seq[String] = List(keyA, keyB)
val endDF = colsToAdd.foldLeft(startDF)((startDF, key) => startDF.withColumn(key, lit(0)))
//(lit(0) for testing)
The real starting dataframe being enormous, I need optimization.
You could simply use explode function to explode the map type column and then use pivot to get each key as new column. Something like this:
val df = Seq((1,Map("keyA" -> 0, "keyB" -> 1)), (2,Map("keyA" -> 4, "keyB" -> 2))
).toDF("id", "mapColumn")$"id", explode($"mapColumn"))
| id|keyA|keyB|
| 1| 0| 1|
| 2| 4| 2|

How to find the max String length of a column in Spark using dataframe?

I have a dataframe. I need to calculate the Max length of the String value in a column and print both the value and its length.
I have written the below code but the output here is the max length only but not its corresponding value.
This How to get max length of string column from dataframe using scala? did help me out in getting the below query.
Use row_number() window function on length('city) desc order.
Then filter out only the first row_number column and add length('city) column to dataframe.
val df=Seq(("A",1,"US"),("AB",1,"US"),("ABC",1,"US"))
val win=Window.orderBy(length('city).desc)
.withColumn("rn", row_number().over(win))
|city|num|country|str_len|rn |
|ABC |1 |US |3 |1 |
In spark-sql:
spark.sql("select * from (select *,length(city)str_len,row_number() over (order by length(city) desc)rn from lpl)q where q.rn=1")
|city|num|country|str_len| rn|
| ABC| 1| US| 3| 1|
Find min,max values:
val win_desc=Window.orderBy(length('city).desc)
val win_asc=Window.orderBy(length('city).asc)
.withColumn("rn", row_number().over(win_desc))
.filter('rn===1 || 'rn1 === 1)
|city|num|country|str_len|rn |rn1|
|A |1 |US |1 |3 |1 | //min value of string
|ABC |1 |US |3 |1 |3 | //max value of string
In case you have multiple rows which share the same length, then the solution with the window function won't work, since it filters the first row after ordering.
Another way would be to create a new column with the length of the string, find it's max element and filter the data frame upon the obtained maximum value.
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import spark.implicits._
val df=Seq(("A",1,"US"),("AB",1,"US"),("ABC",1,"US"), ("DEF", 2, "US"))
val dfWithLength = df.withColumn("city_length", length($"city")).cache()
| A| 1| US| 1|
| AB| 1| US| 2|
| ABC| 1| US| 3|
| DEF| 2| US| 3|
val Row(maxValue: Int) = dfWithLength.agg(max("city_length")).head()
dfWithLength.filter($"city_length" === maxValue).show()
| ABC| 1| US| 3|
| DEF| 2| US| 3|
Find a maximum string length on a string column with pyspark
from pyspark.sql.functions import length, col, max
df2 = df.withColumn("len_Description",length(col("Description"))).groupBy().max("len_Description")

Spark Scala - Need to iterate over column in dataframe

Got the next dataframe:
|id |job_title |
|1 |ceo |
|2 |product manager |
|3 |surfer |
I want to get a column from a dataframe and to create another column with indication called 'rank':
|id |job_title | rank |
|1 |ceo |c-level|
|2 |product manager |manager|
|3 |surfer |other |
--- UPDATED ---
What I tried to do by now is:
def func (col: column) : Column = {
val cLevel = List("ceo","cfo")
val managerLevel = List("manager","team leader")
when (col.contains(cLevel), "C-level")
Currently I get a this error:
type mismatch;
found : Boolean
required: org.apache.spark.sql.Column
and I think I have also other problems within the code.Sorry but I'm on a starting level with Scala over Spark.
You can use when/otherwise inbuilt function for that case as
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
def func = when(col("job_title").contains("cheif") || col("job_title").contains("ceo"), "c-level")
.otherwise(when(col("job_title").contains("manager"), "manager")
and you can call the function by using withColumn as
df.withColumn("rank", func).show(false)
which should give you
|id |job_title |rank |
|1 |ceo |c-level|
|2 |product manager|manager|
|3 |surfer |other |
I hope the answer is helpful
I see that you have updated your post with your tryings, and you have tried creating a list of levels and you want to validate against the list. For that case you will have to write a udf function as
val cLevel = List("ceo","cfo")
val managerLevel = List("manager","team leader")
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
def rankUdf = udf((jobTitle: String) => jobTitle match {
case x if(cLevel.exists(_.contains(x)) || cLevel.exists(x.contains(_))) => "C-Level"
case x if(managerLevel.exists(_.contains(x)) || managerLevel.exists(x.contains(_))) => "manager"
case _ => "other"
df.withColumn("rank", rankUdf(col("job_title"))).show(false)
which should give you your desired output
val df = sc.parallelize(Seq(
( 2,"product manager"),
(4,"Vaquar khan")
)).toDF("id", "job_title")
//option 2
sqlContext.sql("SELECT job_title, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY id) AS rank FROM user_details").show
val df1 = sc.parallelize(Seq(
( "product manager","manager"),
("Vaquar khan","Problem solver")
)).toDF("job_title", "ranks")
sqlContext.sql("SELECT,user_details.job_title,user_rank.ranks FROM user_rank JOIN user_details ON user_rank.job_title = user_details.job_title order by").show
Results :
| id| job_title|
| 1| ceo|
| 2|product manager|
| 3| surfer|
| 4| Vaquar khan|
| job_title|rank|
| ceo| 1|
|product manager| 2|
| surfer| 3|
| Vaquar khan| 4|
| job_title| ranks|
| ceo| c-level|
|product manager| manager|
| surfer| other|
| Vaquar khan|Problem solver|
| id| job_title| ranks|
| 1| ceo| c-level|
| 2|product manager| manager|
| 3| surfer| other|
| 4| Vaquar khan|Problem solver|
df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [id: int, job_title: string]
df1: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [job_title: string, ranks: string]

Pass Array[seq[String]] to UDF in spark scala

I am new to UDF in spark. I have also read the answer here
Problem statement: I'm trying to find pattern matching from a dataframe col.
Ex: Dataframe
val df = Seq((1, Some("z")), (2, Some("abs,abc,dfg")),
(3,Some("a,b,c,d,e,f,abs,abc,dfg"))).toDF("id", "text")
| id| text|
| 1| z|
| 2| abs,abc,dfg|
| 3|a,b,c,d,e,f,abs,a...|
//returns 2 as abs exits in 2nd row and 3rd row
Now I want to do this pattern matching for every row in column $text and add new column called count.
| id| text|count|
| 1| z| 1|
| 2| abs,abc,dfg| 2|
| 3|a,b,c,d,e,f,abs,a...| 1|
I tried to define a udf passing $text column as Array[Seq[String]. But I am not able to get what I intended.
What I tried so far:
val txt ="text") //convert column to Array[Seq[String]
val valsum = udf((txt:Array[Seq[String],pattern:String)=> {txt.count(_ == pattern) } )
df.withColumn("newCol", valsum( lit(txt) ,df(text)) )).show()
Any help would be appreciated
You will have to know all the elements of text column which can be done using collect_list by grouping all the rows of your dataframe as one. Then just check if element in text column in the collected array and count them as in the following code.
import sqlContext.implicits._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions._
val df = Seq((1, Some("z")), (2, Some("abs,abc,dfg")),(3,Some("a,b,c,d,e,f,abs,abc,dfg"))).toDF("id", "text")
val valsum = udf((txt: String, array : mutable.WrappedArray[String])=> array.filter(element => element.contains(txt)).size)
df.withColumn("grouping", lit("g"))
.withColumn("array", collect_list("text").over(Window.partitionBy("grouping")))
.withColumn("count", valsum($"text", $"array"))
.drop("grouping", "array")
You should have following output
|id |text |count|
|1 |z |1 |
|2 |abs,abc,dfg |2 |
|3 |a,b,c,d,e,f,abs,abc,dfg|1 |
I hope this is helpful.