Reuse decision requirement diagram in another DMN model? - workflow

I have a decision requirements diagram called MyDecision1.dmn for example. I want to then import that as a component in another dmn model, MyDecision2.dmn. MyDecision2.dmn should take the output of MyDecision1 and use it as an input. Am I able to do this in the jBPM workbench when editing dmn files?
I see that I can include models; however, instead of getting the entire DRD as a single asset, I only get the individual components and the task of assembling them is left to me..

In the later versions of KIE bpmn(Process) modeler you can add the DMNs as Activities and use the input output from them.


Generate table from diagram in MagicDraw

I see that Magic Draw supports both graphical and tabular notations. However, I would like to know if they can be synchronized to one another or they only function separately. So, if I create a class diagram with the graphical editor, can I generate a table from it in MagicDraw? And whenever I make the changes to one editor, the changes to be reflected in the other editor?
Thank you!
The answer is complex.
First, diagrams are views of the model. Tables, as just another kind of diagrams, are therefore views of the model. In other words, changing an element in a table will change the element in any diagram it is displayed.
Now it gets complex - but how you use the tool can simplify the. You seemed to ask, can a table be synchronized with a table and a table with a diagram? A table can be based on a scope, a query, or by composition (drag an element onto the table or create on the table). Scope or query is is a lot better because they can be used to match the diagram or package where the diagram puts its data (by default, the package where the diagram is stored).
However, diagrams are intended to be expressions of the human for us humans. Thus the diagram does not automatically add elements if they were added in a table.
How do we square the circle? How do we add (or even detect) an element created on a diagram? There is a way to get a list of diagrams ( ). Using a similar technique a rule could be created to warn about elements that are not on any diagram. It is still up to you to add the element to the diagram with this information at hand (or write a fancy plugin).

Archimate - Application Layer - Interfaces + Database

I am quite new to the Achrimate 3.0 and I am trying to make my model in it. I put an example below. My goal is to model this stream of data where I have a Source System which is creating output files in specific format -> next Step is Pulling the data by processing component and looking for some values in connected DB -> final step is then deliver this data (pushed by processing component) to Target Systems.
Q1: What relationship is correct to Application Component and Interface? In the picture is triggering (but maybe FLOW fits better) ?
Q2: Database is joined via Access relationship ?
Q3: For my purposes it will need to hold information about DB (columns+types+notes) structure in the diagram, any tips, how to manage it in Archimate ?
Diagram Example Here:
First, it would be nice to read the specification (
Are you sure that you use only application layer? If so, then the interface is not defined correctly, the interface that you specified is rather related to the technology layer.
Wrong interface (IMHO). Figure 67: Application Layer Metamodel of spec show you how elements can be linked on this layer.
Database can be represent as component, not DataObject.
In my experience - no good way. Use the standard reverse engineering mechanism. Associate the resulting UML objects with the Archimate elements if you need it.

Runtime creation and persistence of executable model rules

We have the need to create and persist rules at runtime. The goal is to create the rules, persist them and then reload them at a later point in time. Using bits and pieces of code cobbled together from drools unit tests, I can successfully create rules from DRL strings and then persist them to a kjar. And using the new KieBuilder.buildAll overload, the kjar (presumably) is built using the new executable model. All of that seems to work.
But what I really want to do is eliminate the DRL strings entirely and create my rules at runtime using the flow or pattern DSL. Again, using example code, I can create those rules at runtime, and execute them in a session. What I can’t seem to do is actually persist them as a kjar (or any other form that I can devise). It seems that the end result of building a rule using flow or pattern DSL is a KieBase. And there seems to be no way to serialize or persist a KieBase. At some point in the process, I need to be able to getBytes() in order to persist the KieBase.
For example, I can create the KieBase like this:
Rule rule = getRule();
ModelImpl model = new ModelImpl().addRule( rule );
KieBase kieBase = KieBaseBuilder.createKieBaseFromModel( model );
But I then need to be able to persist that newly created kieBase so it can be reloaded later. And there doesn't seem to be a workable way to do that.
Any suggestions? I’m using 7.7.0 for my testing.
UPDATE 2018-07-23
Let me clarify my original question with additional information. There are really two use cases where I’d like to use the new executable model to author rules in Java: 1) at design time; 2) at run time. Each use case has slightly different requirements, and so far I’ve been unsuccessful in getting either one to work completely.
For the 1st use case, at design time I need the ability to write rules in Java (using the new pattern DSL) and then save those rules to a kjar. Once there, they can be loaded into a KieServer instance and executed. Purportedly the Kie Maven Plugin can do this, and I’ve attempted to follow the instructions given in the drools doc (for example section of the 7.8.0 doc). But those instructions appear to be incomplete, and there just aren’t any examples of how to accomplish this. What file or files need to be added to the resources\META-INF folder to identify the rules? How are the rules actually exposed in the Java code? Do they need to be in a particular type of class? Are the rules returned from public methods? How are those methods identified as having rules? Are any Java annotations needed to make this work?
All of those questions would be answered for me if there was just one simple end-to-end example that demonstrated how to author a rule in Java, AND create the kjar containing that rule.
For the 2nd use case (actually the more important of the two for me), I need the ability to dynamically create rules at runtime. Based on configuration data within our application, multiple rules need to be programmatically created and ultimately loaded into a KieServer instance. My assumption was that the process would be similar to use case #1 where a kjar could be programmatically created and then loaded into the KieServer. And remember that in this case, the Maven Plugin isn’t in the picture since this is all being done at runtime, not design time. Using the examples for the executable model (primarily the unit tests), I can author the rules in Java, and I can execute them. But I’ve found no way to actually build a kjar from them, or to directly load them into a KieServer.
To execute the rules, they have to be in a specific Java file and the kjar needs to have a file into the META-INF folder stating where the rules actually are.
Take a look at what's the maven plugin doing here
There will be probably an easier way in the future, but I can't tell you when.
Thank you for using the bleeding edge features, and good luck with that.

how to generate code from a graphical model to a specefic api?

i am building an editor for manipulating graphical elements, each element must represent a type of element in an API Specification.
The elements of the API are basicaly some classes ad interfaces, they have certain usage constraints, like the element A can't be a child of the element B, or can't be connected with the element C, etc...
The editor should allow you to generate code accordinatly to what you have drawn and the generated code must be an implementation of the API that correspond to what you have drawn.
i know nothing (in practice) about model driven architecture and how i can generate code from a graphical model to some implmentation.
i don't want to mix the graphical model(containing graphical informations like the size and the coordinates, etc...) with the business model implementing the API Specification.
I am using eclipse GEF for building the editor
here're the problems i am facing:
Since the graphical model and the business model are separated, i was thinking of defining an emf model, the the editor would be an editor for that emf model. Is it possible then to transform the model drawn in the editor, using the emf model as basic construct elements, to a corresponding implementation of the API specification ?
i know since the graphical model and the business model are separated i have to implement some sort of a grammer sepcifiyng the usage constraints is antlr well suited for what i want to do (speaking about code generation and the grammer) or should i go with xtext ?
what eclipse framework tool whould help me to do what i want to do ?
If you already have a graphical editor, then it seems mostly unnecessary to create a lower-level textual model format (e.g. using antlr/Xtext) to execute code generation. Especially, if your model is already in EMF.
There are various code generator technologies for EMF model (e.g. Acceleo or Xtend can also be used for that); these generator will use the EMF model as an input, and provide the output code specific to the API you seem to be using. In both tools you have to manually assemble your output files by defining templates, and then serialize the results of these templates. This serialization is automatic in Acceleo, or you can do it using a Java-like API in Xtend.
If your model is not in EMF now, you can still use Xtend directly - however, I believe, Acceleo will not useful in this case.

Ecore modification

I have an Ecore model saved to file.
What I want to do is to modify the Ecore model (add elements, supertypes, attributs, delete attributes...)
But I don't want to do it by hand, I want a script / M2M transformation.
What language, tool would you use ?
What you want is transform your Ecore model into another Ecore model. You should have a look at the model transformation projects of the Eclipse Foundation. I would recommend ATL among those projects as it's easy to master for your need (you do not seems to need very complex transformations). If you need a really simple transformation, I'll suggest doing it directly in Java as it may be easier for your to integrate it in your workflow.
Full disclosure: I work for one of the company contributing to ATL.
Can you be more precise please?
I understood you want to modify your source model, however I suppose you want to do it accordingly to some rules. Is that true? Can you exemplify these rules?
That said, I would recommend you to start with Epsilon. It is a powerful language which allows you to define a variety of model-to-model and model-to-text transformations.
Since you're writing a model-to-model transform you should use Java as nothing beats Java for the sorts of navigations, iterations and fine-grained access that you'll need. If you wanted to generate code from the model I'd suggest one of the templating languages, however.