How can I show greetings like Good Moring, afternoon or evening base on users time in flutter - date

I want to greet user when they visit my app
I have tried using TimeOfDay but it isn't working.
TimeOfDay now =;
greetings(String greeting){
var greeting = now;
if(greeting <= '11: 59'){
return 'Morning';
} else if (greeting > '11:59' && <= '16:59'){
return 'Afternoon';
} else if (greeting > '16:59' && <= '23:59'){
return 'Afternoon';
} else {
return 'Morning';

Try using, for example:
String greeting() {
var hour =;
if (hour < 12) {
return 'Morning';
if (hour < 17) {
return 'Afternoon';
return 'Evening';
// This will return or, you can show the greeting message accordingly
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
void main(){
TimeOfDay day =;
case print('its morning');
case print('its evening/night');

You are using TimeOfDay in wrong way. Your code should work if you use it properly.
String greetings(){
final hour =;
if(hour <= 12){
return 'Morning';
} else if (hour <= 17){
return 'Afternoon';
return 'Evening';


Flutter how to create a loop in else if

i got a chart that display months (in french) when i go below the month == 1, i would like to go back to my current month and not see my 'error'.
Is there a method to make it ?
String numericToStringMonth(int month) {
if (month < 1 || month > 12) {
return 'error';
} else if (month == 1) {
return 'Janvier';
} else if (month == 2) {
return 'Février';
} else if (month == 3) {
return 'Mars';
} else if (month == 4) {
return 'Avril';
} else if (month == 5) {
return 'Mai';
} else if (month == 6) {
return 'Juin';
} else if (month == 7) {
return 'Juillet';
} else if (month == 8) {
return 'Août';
} else if (month == 9) {
return 'Septembre';
} else if (month == 10) {
return 'Octobre';
} else if (month == 11) {
return 'Novembre';
} else if (month == 12) {
return 'Décembre';
} else {
return 'error';
String numericToStringMonth(int month) {
// make list of months for easier access
List<String> months = [
int currentMonth = month - 1;
try {
if (currentMonth > 11) {
throw Exception('Month must be between 1 and 12');
} else if (currentMonth < 0) {
// setting month to the first one when value goes below 0, add your logic here
currentMonth = 1;
return months[currentMonth];
} catch (e) {
return '';

Compare two time in flutter

I would like to compare last_uploaded_time with current time.
How to check whether the two time is more or less than one minute?
bool compareTime(String starts) {
var start = starts.split(":");
DateTime currentDateTime =;
String currentTime =
var end = currentTime.split(":");
DateTime initDateTime = DateTime(
currentDateTime.year, currentDateTime.month,;
var startDate = (initDateTime.add(Duration(hours: int.parse(start[0]))))
.add(Duration(minutes: int.parse(start[1])));
var endDate = (initDateTime.add(Duration(hours: int.parse(end[0]))))
.add(Duration(minutes: int.parse(end[1])));
if (currentDateTime.isBefore(endDate) &&
currentDateTime.isAfter(startDate)) {
print("CURRENT datetime is between START and END datetime");
return true;
} else {
print("NOT BETWEEN");
return false;
I/flutter (12908): 01:16
I/flutter (12908): 01:40
I/flutter (12908): NOT BETWEEN
not exactly working with minutes and seconds so you can use some custom algorithm like
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
class IntelModel { static String timeSinceDate(DateTime date) {
final now =;
final difference = now.toLocal().difference(date.toLocal());
if (( - >= 8) {
return 'A few weeks ago';
} else if (( - >= 1) {
return '${( -} days ago';
} else if ( == {
if (now.hour > date.hour) {
if ((now.hour - date.hour) >= 2) {
if (now.minute == date.minute) {
return '${(now.hour - date.hour)} hours ago';
} else {
var mins = now.minute - date.minute;
if (mins > 1) {
return '${(now.hour - date.hour)} h ${(now.minute - date.minute)} minutes ago';
} else {
return '${(now.hour - date.hour) - 1} h ${60 + mins} minutes ago';
} else if ((now.hour - date.hour) == 1) {
int timeMin = now.minute + (60 - date.minute);
if (timeMin == 60) {
return '1 hours ago';
} else if (timeMin >= 60) {
return '1 h ${timeMin - 60} mins ago';
} else {
return '$timeMin minutes ago';
} else if (now.hour == date.hour) {
if (now.minute > date.minute) {
return '${(now.minute - date.minute)} minutes ago';
} else if (date.minute == now.minute) {
return '${(now.second - date.second)} seconds ago';
} else {
return 'Error in time';
} } }
void main() {
String getDifference(DateTime date){
Duration duration =;
String differenceInMinutes = (duration.inMinutes).toString();
return differenceInMinutes;
String str = getDifference(DateTime.parse('2021-09-24'));
print (str);
i tried above code on dartpad, you can use this to compare tow dateTime variables. As per above example, you can get more options to compare for eg duration.inDays,duration.inHours,duration.inSeconds etc.

Creating context in an independent project class

I am using the following class to translate texts depending on the device's locale:
import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
class MovMapLocalizations {
final String localeName;
static const LocalizationsDelegate<MovMapLocalizations> delegate =
YamlMap translations;
Future load() async {
String yamlString = await rootBundle.loadString('lang/${localeName}.yml');
translations = loadYaml(yamlString);
String t(String key) {
try {
var keys = key.split(".");
dynamic translated = translations;
keys.forEach((k) => translated = translated[k]);
if (translated == null) {
return "Key not found: $key";
return translated;
} catch (e) {
return "Key not found: $key";
class _MovMapLocalizationsDelegate
extends LocalizationsDelegate<MovMapLocalizations> {
const _MovMapLocalizationsDelegate();
bool isSupported(Locale locale) {
print("#########################LOCALE ACTUAL:"+locale.languageCode);
return ['es', 'en'].contains(locale.languageCode);
Future<MovMapLocalizations> load(Locale locale) async {
var t = MovMapLocalizations(locale.languageCode);
await t.load();
return t;
bool shouldReload(covariant LocalizationsDelegate<MovMapLocalizations> old) {
return false;
I have also two yaml files to declare the translations: en.yaml and es.yaml:
email: Email
password: Password
login: Sign In
signup: Sign Up
or: Or
newHere: New Here?
email2: Email
password2: Password
login2: Sign In
signup2: Sign Up
or2: Or
alreadyAccount: Already Have an User Account?
expand: read more
collapse: close
delete: Delete
denunciar: Report
already: Has already been reported
has_denunciado: You have reported this post
yearsago: years ago
email: Correo electrónico
password: Contraseña
login: Entrar
signup: Registrar
or: O
newHere: ¿Nuevo aquí?
email2: Correo electrónico
password2: Contraseña
login2: Entrar
signup2: Registrar
or2: O
alreadyAccount: ¿Ya tienes cuenta de usuario?
expand: leer más
collapse: cerrar
delete: Borrar
denunciar: Denunciar
already: Ya ha sido denunciado
has_denunciado: Has denunciado este post
yearsago: años
Then on every class where I need to make use of translations I am including:
MovMapLocalizations localizations =
Localizations.of<MovMapLocalizations>(context, MovMapLocalizations);
And later, to translate a given text I put the related translation as:
But now I need to implement the use of translations inside a separate class called which doesn't have a context to make use of:
MovMapLocalizations localizations =
Localizations.of<MovMapLocalizations>(context, MovMapLocalizations);
This is the class:
class TimeAgo{
String formatearFecha(Timestamp timestamp){
var dateFromTimeStamp =
DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(timestamp.seconds * 1000);
return DateFormat('dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm').format(dateFromTimeStamp);
String timeAgoSinceDate(String dateString, {bool numericDates = true}) {
DateTime date = DateTime.parse(dateString);
final date2 =;
final difference = date2.difference(date);
if ((difference.inDays / 365).floor() >= 2) {
return '${(difference.inDays / 365).floor()} years ago';
} else if ((difference.inDays / 365).floor() >= 1) {
return (numericDates) ? '1 year ago' : 'Last year';
} else if ((difference.inDays / 30).floor() >= 2) {
return '${(difference.inDays / 365).floor()} months ago';
} else if ((difference.inDays / 30).floor() >= 1) {
return (numericDates) ? '1 month ago' : 'Last month';
} else if ((difference.inDays / 7).floor() >= 2) {
return '${(difference.inDays / 7).floor()} weeks ago';
} else if ((difference.inDays / 7).floor() >= 1) {
return (numericDates) ? '1 week ago' : 'Last week';
} else if (difference.inDays >= 2) {
return '${difference.inDays} days ago';
} else if (difference.inDays >= 1) {
return (numericDates) ? '1 day ago' : 'Yesterday';
} else if (difference.inHours >= 2) {
return '${difference.inHours} hours ago';
} else if (difference.inHours >= 1) {
return (numericDates) ? '1 hour ago' : 'An hour ago';
} else if (difference.inMinutes >= 2) {
return '${difference.inMinutes} minutes ago';
} else if (difference.inMinutes >= 1) {
return (numericDates) ? '1 minute ago' : 'A minute ago';
} else if (difference.inSeconds >= 3) {
return '${difference.inSeconds} seconds ago';
} else {
return 'Just now';
What should I do to make it possible?
You can pass a top-level GlobalKey to MaterialApp's navigatorKey property.
Then you can get the current route's context by globalKey.currentContext.

Dart function no returning the expected value

I have created a function that receives a String date and returns a string that shows the time between the given date and the current DateTime in the format: x days ago, x months ago, just now, x years ago, yesterday, etc:
This is the code for that function:
String tiempoDesdeFecha(String dateString, {bool numericDates = true}) {
DateTime date = DateTime.parse(dateString);
final date2 =;
final difference = date2.difference(date);
if ((difference.inDays / 365).floor() >= 2) {
return "hace".tr()+'${(difference.inDays / 365).floor()}'+"yearsago".tr();
} else if ((difference.inDays / 365).floor() >= 1 ) {
return (numericDates) ? '1yearago'.tr() : 'lastyear'.tr()+" "+(numericDates).toString();
} else if ((difference.inDays / 30).floor() >= 2) {
return "hace".tr()+'${(difference.inDays / 365).floor()}'+"monthsago".tr();
} else if ((difference.inDays / 30).floor() >= 1) {
return (numericDates) ? '1monthago'.tr() : 'lastmonth'.tr();
} else if ((difference.inDays / 7).floor() >= 2) {
return "hace".tr()+'${(difference.inDays / 7).floor()}'+ 'weeksago'.tr();
} else if ((difference.inDays / 7).floor() >= 1) {
return (numericDates) ? "1weekago".tr() : 'lastweek'.tr();
} else if (difference.inDays >= 2) {
return "hace".tr()+'${difference.inDays}'+ 'daysago'.tr();
} else if (difference.inDays >= 1) {
return (numericDates) ? '1dayago'.tr() : 'yesterday'.tr();
} else if (difference.inHours >= 2) {
return "hace".tr()+'${difference.inHours}'+ 'hoursago'.tr();
} else if (difference.inHours >= 1) {
return (numericDates) ? '1hourago'.tr() : 'anhourago'.tr();
} else if (difference.inMinutes >= 2) {
return "hace".tr()+'${difference.inMinutes} ' +'minutesago'.tr();
} else if (difference.inMinutes >= 1) {
return (numericDates) ? '1minuteago'.tr() : 'aminuteago'.tr();
} else if (difference.inSeconds >= 3) {
return "hace".tr()+'${difference.inSeconds}'+ 'secondsago'.tr();
} else {
return 'justnow'.tr();
I have included the code to show the returned string in one of the four Locale I am using.
Everything is working fine, but the condition:
else if ((difference.inDays / 30).floor() >= 2) {
return "hace".tr()+'${(difference.inDays / 365).floor()}'+"monthsago".tr();
which is always returning 0 months ago.
I am calling the function from:
fecha_recibida = DateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm',"en").format(date);
fecha_recibida = tiempoDesdeFecha(fecha_recibida);
I am testing that issue with following String date:
"2021-5-5 19:34"
What am I doing wrong?
I believe the error is in the returned string,
difference.inDays / 365 must be difference.inDays / 30.
So the condition should look like..
else if ((difference.inDays / 30).floor() >= 2) {
return "hace".tr()+'${(difference.inDays / 30).floor()}'+"monthsago".tr();
A plus, as #aman mentioned, you could use timeago package

How to add range validation for year in flutter

I've tried to add year range validation it must be between 1850 to the current year. i've tried but it's not working.
Here is the code I've tried
String validateestablishedyear(String value) {
var date = new;
int currentYear = date.year;
int userinputValue = 0;
print('currentYear = $currentYear');
print('input value = $value');
print('value = ${value is int}');
print('value = ${value is String}');
if (value is String && value.length == 0) {
return "Established Year is Required";
} else {
userinputValue = int.parse(value);
if (userinputValue < 1850 && userinputValue >= currentYear) {
return "Year must be between 1850 and $currentYear";
return null;
Just change your code as below,
if (userinputValue < 1850 || userinputValue >= currentYear) {
return "Year must be between 1850 and $currentYear";
You're logic is wrong. you should have use || instead of &&