error while creating a new logging instance in LogDNA on IBM cloud - ibm-cloud

I tried to create a new logging instance on LogDNA service on IBM cloud , although I chose lite plan
It is always failing with error message
Your account does not allow the use of non-lite plans. You can upgrade by adding a credit card to your account or you can select the lite plan if it's available.

This is a bug, it is being addressed. You could work around this by upgrading your account with a credit card. No charges will be assessed for the free lite plan for the logging with logdna service. Or you can wait for the problem to be addressed.


Blaze Plan. Billing account not configured. External network is not accessible

When trying to send mail with nodemailer library inside Firebase Cloud Function. I'm getting error:
Billing account not configured. External network is not accessible and quotas are severely limited. Configure billing account to remove these restrictions
I'm on Blaze (Pay as you go) plan.
I have same errors recently due to an expirated card, so i replace with fresh new card but errors persist Billing account not configured. External network is not accessible and quotas are severely limited. Configure billing account to remove these restrictions
So i revert to Spark plan and return to Blaze Plan
After that all it's working

Don't have a default resource group in IBM Cloud

I am using a lite account, where there should be a default resource group.
However, there is nothing in manage > resource groups.
Definitely, I can not create a new one in a lite account.
How can I solve this problem?
By the way, I have verified IBM account by email

Provisioning lite monitoring plan fails with "not allowed to provision non-lite plan"

"Lite org is not allowed to provision non-lite plans"
Even though I'm requesting a lite plan it tells me I'm trying to provision a non-lite plan.
I've tried this through the console AND the CLI. CLI command was:
bx cf create-service Monitoring lite my_monitoring_service
Is the MONITORING service not available for lite plans even though it has a lite plan option?
Definitely a bug - on my list of things to fix this week.
You don't really need to provision a lite plan for the monitoring service. Any platform metrics that are published by services are available directly from the monitoring service URL via https://metrics.<env> ( ie. ).
The provisioned instance within the bluemix console provides you with the launching point to access the monitoring service UI via the Launch button and the ability to upgrade to a paid plan (which won't be possible from the lite account).
The workaround for you to view the platform metrics in the mean time is to launch directly against ( or other regional endpoint ).

The service instance cannot be created because paid service plans are not allowed

I would like to use the dedicated bluemix for a streaming analytics POC. When I try to create the service I get this message.
The service instance cannot be created because paid service plans are not allowed.
What can I do to address.
You probably have a Bluemix free trial account.
With a free account you are limited to create services that offer a free plan only.
If you are trying to create a service from a paid plan you need to upgrade your account to a paid account.
You can see different types of accounts in the link below:

Issue while adding Blockchain service in Bluemix

I am trying to add Blockchain service (Starter Developer Plan) to my Bluemix account ( While I select to create an instance, I am getting an error as shown in below screen shot.
Could you please check and advise the needful?
Blockchain Service Error on Bluemix
The Blockchain service is currently experiencing an outage, due to a network failure.
Service status is listed on the, check this page for updates on a resolution.