Ckan Plugin for News and Events - plugins

I am looking to find a Ckan plugin for posting updates and upcoming events to my website. Just like is in
I have tried to look through the extensions list provided but not able to find one.

You can use ckanext-pages.
This extension allows you to easily add simple pages, that you can use for publishing news or events. If that doesn't feet your needs you can extend the ckan and create your own custom extension.


TYPO3 10.4: Is it possible to get the built-in filebrowser in a custom backend module/frontend plugin?

I have a backend module for my extension which allows the user to upload images to certain records.
So far so good. But just uploading images from the desktop is not enough.
I've already searched on the internet, the TYPO3 API and it's extensions but couldn't find anything helpfull.
This is not possible, sorry - the API is not meant to be used in the FE

How to put multiple forms in the same page using joomla?

I'm using CKForms to create 3 forms, so far, they are independent components, I would like to put them in the same page.
This manual could help :
In order to use multiple instances of the same component in a joomla page, you have to check if there is a module or a plugin available.
If there is an option for a module you could publish each instance in a module position.
If there is a plugin, you could create an article (or a module in some cases) and add plugin code to load plugin instance.
Checking CKForms site I could see that there are both options.
Hope this helps

How can I implement new functionality in Typo3?

I am very new in Typo3 world and I am reading the official documentation of this CMS.
I came from Joomla and WordPress and I have some doubts about how Typo3 extends the provided functionality.
For example if, in Joomla, I would have an immage gallery or a forum into my CMS I have to install a forum component that provide me this functionality and some modules that show me some output into the pages. Similar logic is implemented by WordPress
How work Typo3? How can I add functionality to Typo3?
Login as an administrator and go to Extension Manager, next update the list of extensions from repository, and finally click the icon to download ext and install it. That's all

TYPO3 Calendar plugin/extension. Which one to choose?

I have no clue about where to get started with my calendar plugin. Can you please suggest me if it's easy to create one from the scratch or use an existing one and modify it. If it's the later, which plugin would be better. The following are some key functionalities of my calendar:
The created events should be approved by someone (maybe an authorized group or something).
The events should be customized to be displayed only on specific pages or all the pages.
Add media library
Now, which one would be a better start a new one..or build on an existing one ? . I'm using TYPO3 6.1.0. and extension builder for creating an extension/plugin.
The most popular calendar TYPO3 extension is cal. I think, it's the most complete one.
Currently on TER You could find versions which are compatible with TYPO3 CMS up to 6.2.99. You could or participate in its developement, or You could fork it, or You could be inspired by it's functionalities and make Your own.

How to create an Export Plugin for Confluence

I'd like to create a plugin that exports into a custom document format similar to the way that export to PDF and export to Word currently work in Confluence.
Does anyone have experience creating a custom export plugin for Confluence? If so do you know of any resources or samples that describe what would be involved?
Here are the most useful resources that I've found so far:
Plugin Tutorial - Adding a custom action to Confluence - This shows how to add an action to the "Tools" menu that appears at the top of a confluence page. Additionally it shows how to interact with the Page object to get more info about the page.
Plugin Module Types - The second guide I found helpful was the list of general plugin module types. It was informative to discover that a "plugin" is really a collection of "modules" and seeing this list was helpful to understand how to apply that model to creating a plugin of the type I was looking for. Additionally the Confluence Plugin Guide was also helpful for a breakdown on Confluence specific plugin modules.
The Confluence Developer FAQ - Useful for information on how to convert wiki content from a page into HTML as well as a number of other hard-to-find gems.
Finally, it was hard to find, but in order to understand how to "target" a particular menu or area of the existing UI to extend, I found it very helpful to read about the guide for Creating your Plugin Descriptor.