Disabling Old Area Paths - azure-devops

how can i disable old area path in Azure DevOps so that new or legacy work items can not be assigned to them as well as remove the area paths that were disabled from the area path drop down in a work item? I still want to be able to query off of these legacy old area paths so I do not want to delete them.

You'll probably want to use the security of the Area path to Deny permission to edit work items in that area.

remove the area paths that were disabled from the area path drop down
in a work item?
For this demand , I am afraid this is not feasible in azure devops. There is currently no method to make a specific area disappear from the drop-down list of creating work items.
If you want to remove the area from the drop down list, you can only choose to delete it.
So the workaround given by Matt is a good choice.Although this does not make the particular area disappear from the drop-down list, but when you click Save, there will be an warning message(TF237111: The current user does not have permissions to save work items under the specified area path.) to prevent you from completing the creation of this work item.This also satisfies your need to disable the area.


How to re-order Listeners for OnClick in the Inspector?

I'm currently having an issue with unity UI.
I have some buttons to who I've added an instruction in OnClick directly in the editor, but because it is in the last position in the list of instructions, it is executed at a poor time.
I would like to know if there is a way to move these instructions up and down, as to change the order in which they are executed ?
I've tried to slide them up and down to no avail, and no amount of google searches seem to help.
Feel free to ask any questions if you need more specific information !
Edit : Added a screenshot. I want to move the items in the circled area up and down if possible without having to delete it all and restart...
Screenshot of the hierarchy with concerned area circled:
Even if you were able to reorder events, order doesn't mean execution order.

Sulu CMS admin: is there a way to add new content automatically to the "top" of the order list?

In a situation where, for instance, a user creates a new news_item content under a news content that already has several items of the news_item type (or any other type, for that matter), the new content will be added to the bottom of the already existing volume of news_item content.
However, after adding several dozens of content-items, it's pretty annoying for the user to scroll all the way down to find the most recent item (and then often reorder it to get it all the way to the top).
Is there a setting somewhere that you can manipulate in order to make Sulu add new content to the top instead of to the bottom of an existing body of content?
I am sorry to say that this is currently not possible... Except you try to override some behavior, but I don't think that can be done in a reasonable amount of time...

Sort project browser tree view programmatically

I need to know how to set the order of elements shown in EA's project browser programmatically (in order to mimic the green arrows).
The tree view can not be sorted freely. EA puts a couple of constraints on the sorting. So diagrams, packages and a couple of other elements appear always on top and in groups. This is hard coded.
Use Element.TreePos to change the order where appropriate to simulate a manual order.
FWIW: Features have another queer behavior sometimes. You might need to uncheck the following in Tools/Options:

How to create custom labels for issues on GitHub?

I've noticed that some organizations on GitHub have different labels that they can apply to issues.
For example, one organization that I am a part of allows any of these labels to be applied:
However, on my personal account, I am limited to only these labels, and I can't find a way to create my own custom ones:
Any ideas on how I can go about creating my own?
It looks like you might be accessing GitHub on a mobile device, which likely exposes a somewhat different interface.
On the full web interface, simply navigate to https://github.com/:user/:repo/labels and click the green "New label" button at the top right. Existing labels can be edited or deleted on the same page.
You can also get to this page by clicking on "issues" and then "labels".
Here's a quick GIF to make the process as easy as it can be. (recorded at my GitHub profile)
⚡️ GIF —
Labels can be applied to issues and pull requests to signify priority, category, or any other information that you find useful.
▶ On GitHub, navigate to the main page of the repository.
Under your repository name, click Issues or Pull requests.
Issues Labels buttonNext to the search field, click Labels.
Click New Label to create a new label, or click Edit to edit an existing one.
In the text box, type your new label name.
Select a color for the label from the color bar. You can customize this color by editing the hexadecimal number above the color bar.
Click Create Label to save the new label.
I hope it helps. Upvote it if it does.
The ui makes it hard to find!
You should be able to go to https://github.com/your_username/your_repo/labels
There's a github blog post that explains this in detail.
If you find yourself doing this a lot, then you might want to try using my python script (or creating something similar) so that you can set up your own labels for each new repository...

Dynamics AX Form Item Ordering

For the most part, AX forms seem to follow the AOT layout and appear in order. However, in some cases, the form items appear in seemingly arbitrary order, and in others, the items in the AOT won't even reorder. No matter how you drag and drop items in the AOT, they are always in the same order. This problem happened on occasion in AX 2009, but seems to be worse in AX 2012. The only way I've found to get around it is to drop the non-reordering items and recreate them.
Has anyone else had similar experiences? Anyone have a fix?
Ok, I've found that dragging and dropping only works part of the time. However, if you use ALT+the arrow keys to move items up and down in the hierarchy, that seems to work just fine.
The way I read your question it seems you are referring to control layout within a form. If your question is about something else please clarify.
To change form control layout you need to use AOT \Forms[FormName]\Designs\Design node. You can drag and drop controls and control groups.
If you drag a control (let's call it "dragControl") and drop it on top of another control (say "dropControl"), then dragControl will be placed after dropControl. This means that if you want to change the first control of a control group, you need to drag the first control, as dropping any control on top of the first one will place them after the first control.
Also make sure your form does not have changes is some higher layer that would override the changes you are making in a lower layer.
Does this answer your question?