Sort project browser tree view programmatically - enterprise-architect

I need to know how to set the order of elements shown in EA's project browser programmatically (in order to mimic the green arrows).

The tree view can not be sorted freely. EA puts a couple of constraints on the sorting. So diagrams, packages and a couple of other elements appear always on top and in groups. This is hard coded.
Use Element.TreePos to change the order where appropriate to simulate a manual order.
FWIW: Features have another queer behavior sometimes. You might need to uncheck the following in Tools/Options:


Visio protect object from selection

A big problem for me creating diagrams in visio (and powerpoint and similar programs) is that if you have a background object, it blocks you from selecting multiple objects by lassoing. Instead you end up moving the background around, this is annoying.
In many applications there's an option to "lock" or "protect" a specific object so it becomes un-selectable while still visible on the drawing. In Visio there is no simple way of doing this as far as I'm aware.
There's a rather convoluted way of doing this, it feels to me like Visio designers wanted to make this difficult on purpose. The methods I'm aware of I list here, feel free to let me know of a better way(s)
You can protect objects from selection by going to (hidden by default) Developer tab and pick "shape design"-> protection -> selection. However this does not actually protect them from selection, which makes sense . To actually protect the said object from selection, you have to open drawing explorer, which is also hidden by default and the visibility tickbox is in hidden by default Developer tab under show/hide section.
Drawing explorer, however won't highlight whatever object you have selected in the drawing, another unexplicable design decision. If you want to see the name of the object you've selected with live update, you have to enable the diagram navigation pane. That's found in View tab on Show section under "task panes" icon. This pane does highlight whatever you've selected and you can rename the object to give it a meaningful name, but not change the shape in any other way.
To finally protect that shape from selection, right click on the top level document on the drawing explorer and pick "Protect document" and tick "shapes" and hey presto, now your background rectangle is visible but not selectable. Very straightforward indeed
There are also layers which offer similar functionality but they naturally come with their own gotchas.
You can see layers on the Drawing explorer under foreground pages, page name, "Layers" tree. To move an object on a specific layer, you cannot do it by right clicking on the object, because of course you can't. There's an assign to layer button in Home->Editing->Layers->"Assign to Layer", which will let you select the layer(s) for the selected object. You can also do this by right clicking on an object from the Drawing explorer, but you have to know the object name, because there's no reverse selection .. The object name you can get from the Diagram navigation. By default "protected" and "lock" layers do nothing.
To change what the layers do, you again go to the Home -> Editing -> Layers and select "Layer properties". This is also available from Drawing explorer by right clicking on the "layers" tree under a specific page. Here you can control if the layer is visible and/or protected. However, if you lock a layer, you also cannot move objects to/from it, as that'd be too easy. So you have to untick "lock" if you want to move stuff in and out of a protection layer.
So there are two awkward ways of doing that that I'm aware of.
If the shape really is a background object then maybe you should be looking at putting the shape on a background page. You can then make it the background page for your active page. That'll fix all your shape selection problems.

Dynamics AX Form Item Ordering

For the most part, AX forms seem to follow the AOT layout and appear in order. However, in some cases, the form items appear in seemingly arbitrary order, and in others, the items in the AOT won't even reorder. No matter how you drag and drop items in the AOT, they are always in the same order. This problem happened on occasion in AX 2009, but seems to be worse in AX 2012. The only way I've found to get around it is to drop the non-reordering items and recreate them.
Has anyone else had similar experiences? Anyone have a fix?
Ok, I've found that dragging and dropping only works part of the time. However, if you use ALT+the arrow keys to move items up and down in the hierarchy, that seems to work just fine.
The way I read your question it seems you are referring to control layout within a form. If your question is about something else please clarify.
To change form control layout you need to use AOT \Forms[FormName]\Designs\Design node. You can drag and drop controls and control groups.
If you drag a control (let's call it "dragControl") and drop it on top of another control (say "dropControl"), then dragControl will be placed after dropControl. This means that if you want to change the first control of a control group, you need to drag the first control, as dropping any control on top of the first one will place them after the first control.
Also make sure your form does not have changes is some higher layer that would override the changes you are making in a lower layer.
Does this answer your question?

Is there a tree control for the iphone?

Is there a Tree control available for the iphone?
I need to represent a tree with sub nodes in a tree, how can I do it?
No tree widget by default. It's basically not there because you shouldn't really need one and most cases it should probably be avoided.
A table navigation controller is the most common way to navigate down nodes in a hierarchy/tree usually.
It's hard to fit a tree like control we have on our desktops in the touch world where you have huge fingers (so huge nodes) and with the nodes offset to show depth, there isn't much space left over. Adding it to the iOS environment would create a weird UX flow so I would probably rethink my design flow if I think I need one.
If you need to fake it, you can use a table view and offset the left side of each subitem with some padding to show depth.
See this help
Rolling your own iPhone treeview control
part 1 :, part 2 and part 3 are in the pages : 585 and 633
part 4 :
I would use a UITableView and expand and collapse items further down the tree. You can set an indentation level for each UITableViewCell as it is displayed, depending on its position in the tree. You would need to keep track of which items in the tree are expanded/visible in order to always provide the tree with the correct data.
I just did just that for a project. Unfortunately I am not at liberty to share the full code. But it should not be terribly hard to write.
Let us know if you find an out-of-the-box solution.
From what I see, the best solution for my problem will be a BreadCrumbs control. I am looking for a ready solution of breadcrumbs, but if there isn't, it is not a big deal to write it.
OK, I did it.
I added a WebView and I am adding to it the crumb list. The design is similar to the Apple's official site.
When a user clikcs on the link, I call the popToViewController function and I am there.
This prevent the user from clicking Back and Back.
Hope this will help somebody.

Prototype library component for the select box options

An UI question...
There are two select boxes between which there are two buttons "<<" and ">>". When you hit the "<<" button the selected items from the select item on the right moves to the left and similarly from left to right ">>". I am not sure what this kind of set up is called in terms of or jargon or terminology ;)
I wanted to know if there is a prototype component like this existing already? or an optimized way of doing this with Prototype library?
Thanks, J
There is no fixed terminology of your required UI problem, so far to my knowledge. Still you may call it as "Moving selected Items from one Listbox to another".
For reference, you can see this example, which is built using plain JavaScript.
Also I am pretty sure that there is some way to build this type of functionality using Prototype & Scriptaculous libraries, along with the effects. You will require the "Sortables" object, most probably.
Hope it helps.

distribute option in interface builder of iPhone

i have following buttons in my application.
Now i want to set equal spacing among all buttons.
Suppose If I am using corelDraw or Photoshop, there is always an option for align & distribute.
Here I need to distribute my objects vertically.
How is that possible in interface builder of iPhone?
Sample image is given below, in which distribution is required.
alt text
I know this post is ages ago, but for the sake of simplicity (maybe) and to avoid using table views (for sure)...
In your example, if you select the first UIButton, keyword, and press option key, interface builder shows you the relative distance from the center to any other object you hover with the mouse. So if you decide the optimal distance is the one between keyword and category buttons, you can apply that distance for the rest of objects simply adding or substracting the appropriate amount of pixels from the button size inspector.
Hope it helps!
Depending on the type of object, you might do this.
Select all implied objects.
Select Editor->Embed in->Matrix;
this will place the objects regularly.
Then select the option Editor->Unembed
and the objects will keep their new positions. Hope this helps!
I dont think there an option to do it automatically, you can do some math though and get them to have equal spacing by setting their frames...
Another option is to place all of these in a table (since they look like table view cells anyway), and adjust an empty footer view height to get the spacing you want between elements.
Of course that means you don't get to view the layout in IB.
It's even simpler - Simply drag a "Flexible Space Bar Button Item" from the Object Library in Xcode into each gap. It will automatically expand to equispace your other items.