I would like to exclude a few directories form error prone. I was trying to use a XepExcludedPaths flag but it seems that it works only for the one path which is a regular expresion of excluded location.
Is it possible? I used wrong separator?
It's a single regular expression (literally compiled using Pattern.compile), so use a pipe instead of a comma:
I'm trying to get "base directory" from TM_DIRECTORY variable (which gives full path) to be transformed to PascalCase (which is in snake_case).
So, for /this/is/path/to/base_dir, I want to get BaseDir
This is what I've got so far:
${TM_DIRECTORY/(^.+\\/(.*)$)/${2:/capitalize}/g} from this
which gives me:
Base_dir for /this/is/path/to/base_dir
I feel like I have to somehow incorporate ${TM_DIRECTORY/((^[a-z])|_([a-z]))/${2:/upcase}${3:/upcase}/g} but don't know how.
Use this:
the pascalcase option is unfortunately not documented.
If that option wasn't available I would suggest this:
the idea being to get the last directory in two capture groups, capitalize each and ignore the underscore separator (i.e., it doesn't appear in the transform part).
To generalize that, if you had other name separators in your directory name besides the underscore you could use this [_-] in that middle part - just include other possible separators.
I am using the xmlpoke task in nant and am looking for a way to use a wildcard when addressing the xml file. Right now I have a file path like project\appFiles\project{versionNumber}\fileToUpdate.xml, I would like to use a wildcard so its something like project\appFiles\project*\fileToUpdate.xml so I don't have to update the version number every time.
How do you get it to respect wildcards?
Looking all over the web, it doesn't look like this is possible, and by design. Like copy command (todir), the file path must point to a single file so no wildcards allowed (Found info on copy command, assuming same applies for XMLPoke, but could confirm exactly).
I ended up changing some design stuff so now the version number is easily calculated by the program calling the script, so passing in not an issue anymore.
I am quite stuck; I need to compress the content of a folder, where I have multiple files (extension .dat). I went for shell scripting.
So far I told myself that is not that hard: I just need to recursively read the content of the dir, get the name of the file and zip it, using the name of the file itself.
This is what I wrote:
for i in *.dat; do zip $i".zip" $i; done
Now when I try it I get a weird behavior: each file is called like "12/23/2012 data102 test1.dat"; and when I run this sequence of commands; I see that zip instead of recognizing the whole file name, see each part of the string as single entity, causing the whole operation to fail.
I told myself that I was doing something wrong, and that the i variable was wrong; so I have replaced echo, instead than the zip command (to see which one was the output of the i variable); and the $i output is the full name of the file, not part of it.
I am totally clueless at this point about what is going on...if the variable i is read by zip it reads each single piece of the string, instead of the whole thing, while if I use echo to see the content of that variable it gets the correct output.
Do I have to pass the value of the filename to zip in a different way? Since it is the content of a variable passed as parameter I was assuming that it won't matter if the string is one or has spaces in it, and I can't find in the man page the answer (if there is any in there).
Anyone knows why do I get this behavior and how to fix it? Thanks!
You need to quote anything with spaces in it.
zip "$i.zip" "$i"
Generally speaking, any variable interpolation should have double quotes unless you specifically require the shell to split it into multiple tokens. The internal field separator $IFS defaults to space and tab, but you can change it to make the shell do word splitting on arbitrary separators. See any decent beginners' shell tutorial for a detailed account of the shell's quoting mechanisms.
I am wondering if I have some code with line numbers embedded,
1 int a;
2 MyC b;
3 YourC c;
etc., and then I copy them and try to paste them in Eclipse, how to get rid of these line numbers to make the source code valid? Is there any convenient way, or a short-cut key?
Thank you.
Simply use the Alt+Shift+A (Eclipse 3.5 M5 and above) shortcut to toggle block selection mode. Then select the column with line numbers and delete it!
To make it easier you could setup a macro, but for that you need additional plug-in. I'm not aware of how to do it even easier.
Try this link. This is a dynamic online tool, where it is very easy to just copy paste code and get code without line numbers:
You could use some script to do the work. For instance, using sed
I removed line numbers by find and replace with regular expression option.
Replacing regular expression \d+\s\s with empty string where \d+ means any combination of numbers and \s is actually a space (This is to avoid any numbers present in the code).
Best way is use SED command. Here you can specify as many as digit you want to replace.
in below example open copied code in VI editor and assuming its containing upto 1000 lines.
if you want to use more lines then put one more or condition.
I have some documents that contain sequences such as radio/tested that I would like to return hits in queries like
select * from doc
where to_tsvector('english',body) ## to_tsvector('english','radio')
Unfortunately, the default parser takes radio/tested as a file token (despite being in a Windows environment), so it doesn't match the above query. When I run ts_debug on it, that's when I see that it's being recognized as a file, and the lexeme ends up being radio/tested rather than the two lexemes radio and test.
Is there any way to configure the parser not to look for file tokens? I tried
...but it didn't change the output of ts_debug. If there's some way of disabling file, or at least having it recognize both file and all the words that it thinks make up the directory names along the way, or if there's a way to get it to treat slashes as hyphens or spaces (without the performance hit of regexp_replaceing them myself) that would be really helpful.
I think the only way to do what you want is to create your own parser :-( Copy wparser_def.c to a new file, remove from the parse tables (actionTPS_Base and the ones following it) the entries that relate to files (TPS_InFileFirst, TPS_InFileNext etc), and you should be set. I think the main difficulty is making the module conform to PostgreSQL's C idiom (PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1 and so on). Have a look at contrib/test_parser/ for an example.