App is getting in infinite loop when using regular expression in loop - flutter

Something strange is happening. I'm using regular expressions that I'm 100% sure are working, but when putting them into the loop, it causes the app to get in freeze state, printing out values tens of thousands of times. Any possible suggestions?
My code :

As we discussed it in comments.
You have to change the incremental statement from i++ to n++
I hope that helped you.


MIJ: execute imageJ (Fiji) macro until end in Matlab

I am using MIJ to execute an ImageJ macro within Matlab. The macro has to be executed multiple times in a "for" loop. The problem is that Matlab does not wait until the macro ends. Initially I solved the problem with a "while" loop, checking if the "Results" table generated from the macro was empty or not. However, it only solves the problem the first time, then from the second time the "Results" table is not empty anymore.
I also thought about generating a variable at the end of the macro and use it to check if the macro finished, but I don't know how to read it in Matlab.
Do you have any suggestion about how I can solve the problem?
Thanks a lot in advance,
Here is an example of my code:
javaaddpath 'C:/Program Files/MATLAB/R2019a_x64/java/ij.jar'
javaaddpath 'C:/Program Files/MATLAB/R2019a_x64/java/mij.jar'
for pos=1:16
im = mijread(strcat('E:/droplets.tif'));
imshow(im,[0 255])
while res_Hough==0;
im_res=MIJ.getCurrentImage();'Clear Results');'Close All');
Edit: Ignore the below, I was on the right track but wasn’t paying as much attention as I should have been. I think this issue is the line right after you set res_Hough to 0 (i.e. res_Hough=MIJ.getResultsTable();). Try deleting it so that the next line is the while loop, then we can check the output and see if the below might also apply
If I am understanding correctly, you are using the while loop to continuously ping until the table is full, then store those values in res_Hough, right? I'm wondering if this is a limitation inherent to ImageJ/FIJI. The reason I think this might be the case is that a very simple explanation for your issue is that the table retains the previous values, and so will always be full after the first loop unless cleared manually somehow. Do you think that could be the case? Perhaps add a print statement after the while loop and see if it prints the same values for the duration of the for loop.
I suppose the next thing to do is for me to actually try to offer a solution regardless of the above. My idea is to try having the while loop check against the previous iteration's table values until they are different, then stash the updated values. Does that make sense? Something like:
while (res_Hough[i]==0) or (res_Hough[i-1]==MIJ.getResultsTable());
Where i is incremented by the for loop

Collision with two lines of code makes code does not work the way it is meant by me(?)

Try running the following code yourself, and you would notice that "/hello" changes to "/HELLO", but I want it to change it to "hi". On the other hand, I want to keep the line of code, which changes "hello" to "HELLO". How could I achieve this(?)
This code problem is very related to my last problem:
Collision with two lines of code make code does not work the way it is meant by me, what could I do different to get this work(?)
The soltuion for my last problem was good for that problem, but it is not working for the new above mentioned problem.
That is interesting. I really expected it to work by removing / from the EndChars. But after looking at it for a while, it becomes obvious why it's behaving this way. When you type "/hello" it actually matches to both hotstrings, so AHK chooses the first one defined. Anyway, there are two solutions that I know of:
Reorder your hotstrings. Place ::/hello::hi above the other one and you'll always get the desired result. Additionally, you don't need to change the EndChars since / is the first character.
Use the asterisk option on the second hotstring. This will make it update immediately, which may or may not be desirable (I prefer it).

What's wrong with brainfuck on ideone?

Clearly, there is something wrong with my understanding of brainfuck, or there's something wrong with bf interpreter on
By entering code as simple as ,.,. (reads two characters and prints them), I get an error "bff: out of memory (871638280)" . Why do I get this ?
NOTE: The true problem is that I'm trying to solve a problem on SPOJ, and some code that works on brainfuck interpreters that I found across the internet, doesn't work on SPOJ and
It appears to work fine, my BF torture test runs properly. 9fQ2Ej
I am NOT going to try to fight this UI to make the BF look correct!
It's here:
It does appear to have a large cells size though and isn't fast enough to offset this.
EDIT: (No newlines below Grrr)
Anyway Daniel Christofani's end test:
Gives 'LA' showing that the program accepts input successfully, gives the correct character for newline and gives '-1' for end of file. As it's a big cell interpreter this is perfectly acceptable.
HOWEVER; I do see your point, there's something weird going on I suggest you try one of the javaScript implementations. They run in your browser.

CDT compare broken?

Help. I have been relying on the compare editor for code review, and it mostly works quite well.
But for some reason, on some files, it is giving me inconsistent results and telling me that some code is different when it is not. It can't seem to deal with commented out code in this file.
It tells me that later functions are different and tries to match lines in those functions.
I have also found cases where it simply thinks the code is different but it is not.
It then decides that there must be changes in hundreds of lines below this.
I am able to work around by remove the code with #if 0, #endif, but it is not pretty.
Has anyone else seen this and do you know of any way to fix it?
I am trying to get a clean diff do I can see just the actual changes between the files.
It is driving me to drink - and it is still early in the day!

Comparing Strings Objective C

When I use == to compare the strings it works on all but some strings that have a space added... (added with [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%# %#",self.title,collectionName])
But when I compare with isEqualToString, it returns True/YES every time. The comparison in the image goes into the condition and hits the return... Should be impossible for this to hit line 640, but it does.
Can anyone explain this?
There is a ";" after the ")" on line 637 that why it always went into the condition... damn I suck... seems like that would throw an error somehow
If you use the LLVM compiler in Debug project setting, (not quite stable enough for release yet I think), you'll get warnings about issues like the one you had.
In your case it would issue a warning than an "if" statement had an empty body.
Used in conjunction with turning on the static analyzer for every build, you can catch a ton of problems early, especially the stupid ones that are hard to debug because they are so stupid they are easy to overlook (and here I am not criticizing you, as I have made the same mistake countless times!)