Eclipse ARM development - eclipse

I am failing the very fist step in getting Eclipse (which is completely new to me) ready for ARM development.
I installed Eclipse in windows 10. I think I am supposed to install xpm, but I have no idea where to type in this command:
xpm install --global #gnu-mcu-eclipse/arm-none-eabi-gcc
Or is this for linux users only?
PS: I installed the cpp edition of Eclipse, that's all I have at the moment.

You should install DS-5 instead.
DS-5 is an IDE for ARM systems published by none other than ARM itself, based on Eclipse.
The community edition is free of charge.
All you have to do is to install DS-5 community edition plus the right toolchains for your target, released by Linaro.
Below is how to add the toolchains to the environment:

For future reference (maybe only for myself :))
After reading a lot about ARM development I finally came on the path of STM32. There is a great book available via leanpub: Mastering STM32.
The free available sample describes in great detail how to setup the tool chain for ARM development in Eclipse. I managed to get it working that way, so probably everybody can :).
The link to the book:
Chapter 2.
Install node.js, which can be downloaded here:
After install nodejs, install xpm as follows:
npm install --global xpm
Then, install the toolchain for Eclipse:
xpm install --global #gnu-mcu-eclipse/arm-none-eabi-gcc
Install the build-tools (windows only):
xpm install --global #gnu-mcu-eclipse/windows-build-tools
Install CDT
Start Eclipse
Install new software
Work with type 'Neon' (autocompletes in 'GNU MCU...')
Expand 'Programming language'
Install 'C/C++ Development Tools' and next next finish, restart Eclipse
Install CMSIS
Start Eclipse
Install new software
Work with 'All available sites'
Search for 'CMSIS'
Check 'GNU/ARM C/C++ Packs (experimental)
Next, next, finish
Install GNU MCU Eclipse via marketplace
Start Eclipse
Search for 'GNU MCU Eclipse'
Restart Eclipse
First test project
Start Eclipse
New C++ project
A managed build (CDT)
Project name 'test'
Executable 'STM32F7xx C/C++ Project'
Use system calls 'Semihosting (POSIX system calls via host)'
Next, Next, Next, Finish
Assign board
Right click Test project
C/C++ build
- Devices
Follow the remaining steps described here

Note that with Eclipse 4.17 (2020_09 release) you now have
Builds for Linux AArch64 (aka Arm64) added
Binaries for Linux AArch64 (Arm64) are available for testing.
With the raising popularity of this architecture people can continue using the Eclipse IDE even when changing their machine.
See bug 565836, CL 167308 and commit 149ccaf.


Error while trying to compile imported project from Mbed compiler

I have completely followed installing the GNU MCU Eclipse compiler along with the arm gnu toolchain and its complementary GCC toolchain provided in the
tutorial link.
When I want to build a project which I exported from the Mbed online compiler, I set the PATH variable in the project's properties to wherever the where gnu-arm-none-eabi-g++ command refers. But Regarding all the instructions I followed I am still getting this compile error:
**Error:Program "make" not found in PATH**
It seems that there is a way around in order to avoid the multi-step process for setting up the Eclipse IDE for Max devices.
The Maxim Integrated company has special eclipse neon dedicated for maxim arm processors which can be downloaded from this link.
Warning!!: when you install the arm toolchain and run the Eclipse IDE, be aware that you don't update the IDE tools and libraries via the IDE itself. However, if you want to update the libraries you can do this by the Arm cortex management app which is included in the toolchain setup.

Eclipse 4.6 Neon via ppa

How to install Eclipse 4.6 Neon via ppa on Linux Mint 18 x64 and update it with apt-get? Newest one in repository is 3.8. I know, that I can download it from website, but I want it to be automatically updated with system, as everything else.
According to the wiki, you'll need to install Neon using their installer and then follow the in-app upgrade process for later releases. They seem to be touting their installer as they best way to stay up to date at this point.
Source: use Eclipse Neon IDE, you have to download a new package or use
the Eclipse IDE Installer from . After
Neon, the usual upgrade process detailed below works.
There doesn't appear to be a repo configured to automatically update using your apt.

Eclipse version for python develpment

What is the most clean Eclpse distro to use for python development?
All distro comes with Java plugin and other stuffs.
I just want a clean Eclipse distro + pydev.
For a pre-configured environment, see (note it's commercial -- and has other niceties).
Aside from it, the option is getting the Platform Runtime Binary and follow the instructions from and to install PyDev.

Install Eclipse without any Features

The standard/class edition of eclipse still includes JDT, CVS, GIT and various other features.
Is there a way to install it with only 'resource' management/project tools.
Essentially a version of eclipse built without any language or environment in mind.
A lot like an operating system without any programs installed other than what it needs to run itself and provide the means to install programs entirely at the user's discretion.
Post Answer:
The eclipse-platform section contains no-frills, just raw eclipse.
try this link ( It should contain what is called a Eclipse Platform Runtime Binaries which is the most minimalist package available.
Same answer I wrote in: Eclipse without plugins for windows
You can download it from here: There you can find 'clean' builds of Eclipse, which do not ship with common development tools.
You still can uninstall the plugins you don't want this way :
Menu > Help > About eclipse SDK > Installation details
Install software tab
Select the plugin you don't want
Uninstall button
Choose a release
e.g. "Latest Release : 4.10" -->
On this new page choose "Platform Runtime Binary"
It contains the Eclipse Rich Client Platform base bundles and do not contain source or programmer documentation.

How do I build and install a plugin for KDevelop?

In particular, I am trying to install kdev-control-flow-graph
I have managed to clone the source from git, cmake the source to build a installed to /usr/local/lib, but when I restart kdevelop, I can find no sign of the plugin!
Under the Loaded Plugins window, it doesn't show up, and I can't seem to find a way to tell it about the existence of the new plug-in.
I am running KDevelop Version 4.2.3 using KDE Development Platform 4.7.2 on Ubuntu 11.10 64-bit.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Make sure that "/usr/local/lib" is in your KDEDIRS var, and run "kbuildsyscocoa4 --noincremental"
If that doesn't work, perhaps the plugin's .desktop file needs to have its version modified.
Also note that you aren't running KDE Development Platform 4.7.2 because that doesn't exist (you probably mean KDE 4.7.2), you should be running KDevplatform 1.2.3.