Eclipse 4.6 Neon via ppa - eclipse

How to install Eclipse 4.6 Neon via ppa on Linux Mint 18 x64 and update it with apt-get? Newest one in repository is 3.8. I know, that I can download it from website, but I want it to be automatically updated with system, as everything else.

According to the wiki, you'll need to install Neon using their installer and then follow the in-app upgrade process for later releases. They seem to be touting their installer as they best way to stay up to date at this point.
Source: use Eclipse Neon IDE, you have to download a new package or use
the Eclipse IDE Installer from . After
Neon, the usual upgrade process detailed below works.
There doesn't appear to be a repo configured to automatically update using your apt.


How to upgrade from Eclipse Mars to Eclipse Neon?

To upgrade to a new version, the eclipse FAQ suggests to add a new repository and then install available updates. Upgrading to Neon, the corresponding repository is
On this page, it says:
NOTE: Due to structural changes you cannot update from a Mars (or prior) all-in-one package to a Neon version. If interested in the technical details, see bug 332989 and bug 490515.
I still tried to above procedure, but no updates were found. What is the best way to upgrade from Mars to Neon? A complete new installation? How do I preserve my settings?
The note on the repository page is right. Thanks to your report, I edited the FAQ to make it clear that upgrading packages from Mars to Neon is not supported.
Instead you need to to a fresh install for Neon (or later).
I tried to upgrade in the recommended way, by adding the repository links and doing an update, but then I got a lot of conflict messages. I foolishly tried to remove the conflicting software components, until it told me that Eclipse itself was the conflict! I posted my problem to the Eclipse Forums, and was told by a regular with tens of thousands of posts that Neon was so different that I should not even try to upgrade, just create a new installation. When I tried to do that however, I got lots of warnings "That the artifact download is progressing very slowly from ..."
It is not possible to upgrade from Mars (or earlier versions), so a new install is needed.
This can be in parallel with the old install. From the FAQ:
Fresh install
If you prefer not performing an update (for example
because some 3rd-party content isn't ready for the current release of
Eclipse IDE so the update reports conflicts), you can still download a
fresh install of the Eclipse IDE and install it in another location on
your filesystem, and use it together with the previous version.
To do so, download a new build from the Eclipse download Web site
( and run the
installer or unzip the archive in a new directory. We strongly
recommend against installing/unzipping over your existing version of
Eclipse IDE as it may corrupt your installation.
When you start a new version of Eclipse IDE, you can use the same
existing workspace folder that you were using with older version. The
workspace will be migrated to newer version and Eclipse IDE will to
reuse all configuration. The workspace is forward compatible

Cannot install Mercurial on Eclipse Juno

Attempting to install Mercurial on Eclipse Java EE IDE Juno from in the Install new software...
"Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found. Software being installed: codeBeamer Eclipse Studio (with Mylyn) 3.1.0.v201011161842 ( 3.1.0.v201011161842) Missing requirement: codeBeamer Eclipse Studio (with Mylyn) 3.1.0.v201011161842 ( 3.1.0.v201011161842) requires ' 3.3.0' but it could not be found
I tried on Windows 7_64 and ubuntu 12.04_64. I even installed mylyn using the latest stable releases from
Any Ideas?
Already browsed web and this site.
You could also try the update URL from the Google Code repository instead, which installs only MercurialEclipse.
+1 to installing from Google Code Repository.
Initially Eclipse wouldn't start because of problems with the older version of the plugin so to get past this simply removed the jar com.vectrace.MercurialEclipse_1.9.1.v201111302231.jar from the Eclipse plugins directory then uninstalled the existing plugin and re-installed from the link in smooth reggae's post.
All seems good so far.
The problem is, that the codeBeamer Eclipse Studio requires an older version of Mylyn (3.3.0), which isn't available for Juno.
But AFAIK you don't need the whole CBES, if you only need the Mercurial features. Try to select only MercurialEclipse, it should also be available in that update site.

A good Eclipse for PHP in Ubuntu 11.10 tutorial

Well I´m just moving in to Linux, so I´m using Ubuntu, I installed Ubuntu 11.10, so I was wondering if anyone can give me a hand on how to install succesfuly Eclipse to develope in PHP, I used to use Eclipse Helios (Windows 7), but helios is not inside Ubuntu´s repository, so I guess I´ll have to try it manually. Still prefer to download it from repository not so good with command lines.
Anyone knows a good tutorial?, I´m a newbie in linux so please be very descriptive.
This is an older thread so don't know whether this is still helpfull. Why do you need helios? If you go to the help -> install new software in eclipse then select indigo update site end search for pdt (php development kit). Then install and restart afterwards and their you have a php-perspective with pretty much everything you will need.
Welcome to ubuntu. Their forums are very good as well. To get started you should always use Synaptic or Aptitude APT to get and install packages (software) in Ubuntu. That way the system knows and tracks release and upgrade info.
So open Synaptic and search for Eclipse.. Check it "Marked for Installation" and apply it. It will then install the Eclipse distro for your release. From there it is the same as windows in terms of configuring and installing plug-ins, etc.. It will be installed in "Applications -> Programming"
There is also a Software Center in Ubuntu that may also have Eclipse and other dev tools. You may also need to install "server headers" in you Ubuntu environment to get the dev-tools. I am not sure in 11.10

I can't update Eclipse 3.5 up to 3.6. If I install 3.6 over it, will I retain my plugins?

When I go to Help->Check for Updates in Eclipse, it checks all the repositories and says "Nothing to update", but my Eclipse version is 3.5.2.R35... I am trying to install the eclim plugin and that requires Eclipse 3.6.x.
If I install Eclipse 3.6 from the website, would that preserve the plugins and configuration I currently have installed?
Usually changes between minor versions (3.x) are big enough to break any plugin functionality. You should find out whether specific plugins you're using support newer version of Eclipse.
You can always download a newer version of Eclipse and install it to different directory and run it from there to test your plugins (which you'll have to install once again to a newer platform). You'll always be able to go back to the older version.

Ubuntu Eclipse Version

I have a basic question, what is the latest version of Eclipse that is available for Ubuntu 9.04?
The version that is in the official repositories is 3.2.2,
here's a PPA with version 3.4.1, and there's no reason why you can't download the latest version from if you want.
I want to say 3.2.
I just recently downloaded and installed Eclipse 3.4.2 Ganymede on my Ubuntu 9.04 system.
This is kind of an old article, but it still applies. It goes through installing Ubuntu from
It also talks about installing Tomcat, but you don't need it.
There's usually a fairly recent version of Eclipse in the Ubuntu repositories. But if you want the cutting edge, this question on askubuntu has detailed instructions on how to extract eclipse into a directory (the preferred method on, say, Windows) and how to fix up all the links and shortcuts afterwards.
Personally, I prefer extracting eclipse to a user directory on Ubuntu, and this works fine for Eclipse 3.7.2