2 Kubernetes pod communicating without knowing the exposed address - kubernetes

I plan to deploy 2 kubernetes pods with a NodePort service to expose them into the network. Now i want pod 1 be able to access the pod 2 by his service.
The Problem is i write the Deployment files and i don't know the ip address pod 2 will get from the cluster, but i need to set the address into the file from pod 1 wiva a env. variable.
Is there a other way in a kubernetes cluster to make them accessible by sth. like the name of the service or sth. like this?
failed to google for this case, and hope anyone of you can give me a hint.

All kubernetes resources should be referenced by the kubeDNS, you should be able to use the name of the resource to communicate between pods.
You should be able to make it work with something like this: SERVICENAME.SERVICENAMESPACE:PORT and it can be used in an ENV variable without issue.
Hope this answer the question.


Communication between Pods in Kubernetes. Service object or Cluster Networking?

I'm a beginner in Kubernetes and I have a situation as following: I have two differents Pods: PodA and PodB. Firstly, I want to expose PodA to the outside world, so I create a Service (type NodePort or LoadBalancer) for PodA, which is not difficult to understand for me.
Then I want PodA communicate to PodB, and after several hours googling, I found the answer is that I also need to create a Service (type ClusterIP if I want to keep PodB only visible inside the cluster) for PodB, and if I do so, I can let PodA and PodB comminucate to each other. But the problem is I also found this article. According to this webpage, they say that the communication between pods on the same node can be done via cbr0, a Network Bridge, or the communication between pods on different nodes can be done via a route table of the cluster, and they don't mention anything to the Service object (which means we don't need Service object ???).
In fact, I also read the documents of K8s and I found in the Cluster Networking
Cluster Networking
2. Pod-to-Pod communications: this is the primary focus of this document.
where they also focus on to the Pod-to-Pod communications, but there is no stuff relevant to the Service object.
So, I'm really confusing right now and my question is: Could you please explain to me the connection between these stuff in the article and the Service object? The Service object is a high-level abstract of the cbr0 and route table? And in the end, how can the Pods can communicate to each other?
If I misunderstand something, please, point it out for me, I really appreciate that.
Thank you guys !!!
Motivation behind using a service in a Kubernetes cluster.
Kubernetes Pods are mortal. They are born and when they die, they are not resurrected. If you use a Deployment to run your app, it can create and destroy Pods dynamically.
Each Pod gets its own IP address, however in a Deployment, the set of Pods running in one moment in time could be different from the set of Pods running that application a moment later.
This leads to a problem: if some set of Pods (call them “backends”) provides functionality to other Pods (call them “frontends”) inside your cluster, how do the frontends find out and keep track of which IP address to connect to, so that the frontend can use the backend part of the workload?
That being said, a service is handy when your deployments (podA and podB) are dynamically managed.
Your PodA can always communicate with PodB if it knows the address or the DNS name of PodB. In a cluster environment, there may be multiple replicas of PodB, or an instance of PodB may die and be replaced by another instance with a different address and different name. A Service is an abstraction to deal with this situation. If you use a Service to expose your PodB, then all pods in the cluster can talk to an instance of PodB using that service, which has a fixed name and fixed address no matter how many instances of PodB exists and what their addresses are.
First, I read it as you are dealing with two applications, e.g. ApplicationA and ApplicationB. Don't use the Pod abstraction when you reason about your architecture. On Kubernetes, you are dealing with a distributed system, and it is designed so that you should have multiple instances of your Application, e.g. for High Availability. Each instance of your application is a Pod.
Deploy your applications ApplicationA and ApplicationB as a Deployment resource. Then it is easy do do rolling upgrades without downtime, and Kubernetes will restart any instance of your application if it crash.
For every Deployment or for you, application, create one Service resource, (e.g. ServiceA and ServiceB). When you communicate from ApplicationA to another application, use the Service, e.g. ServiceB. The service will load balance your requests to the instances of the other application, and you can upgrade your Deployment without downtime.
1.Cluster networking : As the name suggests, all the pods deployed in the cluster will be connected by implementing any kubernetes network model like DANM, flannel
Check this link to see how to create a cluster network.
Creating cluster network
With the CNI installed (by implementing cluster network), every pod will get an IP.
2.Service objects created with type ClusterIP, points to the this IPs (via endpoint) created internally to communicate.
Answering your question, Yes, The Service object is a high-level abstract of the cbr0 and route table.
You can use service object to communicate between pods.
You can also implement service mesh like envoy / Istio if the network is complex.

Kubernetes Cronjob with Service

Im running a Kubernetes Cluster on my mashines with the version:
So I start cronjob with the sakuli framework to check my own websites. When anything fails it sends to icinga, but I can't look into it. Normally the sakuli frameworks has an open port (6901) where you can connect. This works, if I build it with a cron job in a container. But how can I expose a port on a public adress (I mean the NodePort option in kubernete) with a cronjon who runs only every 5 minutes and not the complete time?
You can expose it with a regular service object. CronJob results in Pod creation. Service matches labels on Pods. As long as labels match it will become an endpoint for that service. With a CronJob based pods you will just end up in a situation where when there is no pod active, your service has no endpoints, when it's there, it'll be possible to use it normally.
You can find the examples of usage in kubernetes folder in the official repo on Github.
In this example, you can find kind: Service, this is what you need as an example of how to expose your jobs.
As described in this example, for exposing your pod service it is enough, but it will be available only when pod with a job will exist.

How to access kubernete pods on my development environment?

right now i'm accessing my pods (postgres port 5432) trough a service that is exposed, but since gcloud charge for every forwarding rule created, the amount of pods i need to monitor or to execute stuff in it, is costing me more and more, is there a way to create a single expose service for all of my pods? or can i create some sort of vpn? putty tunnel or something? any help would be appreciated!
I'm also using
kubectl exec
If you are looking for a managed solution then Google is offering VPN for that:
If you are happy to roll your own then you can create a new Compute instance on the same network where your nodes are and set up openvpn there. This will give you a fix ip as a freebie.
A more advanced solution is if you run openvpn as a pod (or pods) and use a Service with NodePort to expose it. (Optionally manually create a single loadbalacer on google cloud to get a static ip for that.)
At the end of the day the ideal solution depends much on your environment and goal.

Kubernetes: Connect to the outside world from pod

I have a local Kubernetes cluster on a single machine, and a container that needs to receive a url (like https://www.wikipedia.org/) and extract the text content from it. Essentially I need my pod to connect to the outside world. Since I am using v1.2.5, I need some DNS add-on like SkyDNS, but I cannot find any working example or tutorial on how to set it up. Tutorials like this usually only tell me how to make pods within the cluster talk to each other by DNS look-up.
Therefore, could anyone give me some advice on how to set up and configure an add-on of Kubernetes so that pods can access the public Internet? Thank you very much!
You can simply create your pods with "dnsPolicy: Default", this will give it a resolv.conf just like on the host and it will be able to resolve wikipedia.org. It will not be able to resolve cluster local services.If you're looking to actually deploy kube-dns so you can also resolve cluster local services this is probably the best starting point: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/dns-pod-service/

How can kubernetes pods discover each other?

I am trying to implement something like the etcd services that uses the consensus algorithm (https://raft.github.io/). In this case, multiple instances of the etcd services need to be aware of each other. For this to happen, if we have 3 pods of etcd instance in a replication controller, the pods need to be able to talk to each other (at least be able to know the IP of self and all the other pods).
Is there a way of achieving this in the replication controller or pod specs without having to use the kubernetes API in the pod container?
You can put a service in front of those pods by giving each pod some label (for example etcd-service=true), and making a kubernetes service with a selector that matches that label. Use the DNS add-on, and you will get a DNS A record for each endpoint in the service. You can read more in the docs here.