How do I turn off the “extension recommendations” notification? - visual-studio-code

Every time I open Visual Studio Code, I get a notification:
This workspace has extension recommendations.
How do I turn off extension recommendations?

How do I turn off extension recommendations?
I found 4 ways to turn off the recommended extensions notification in VS Code:
Click the "Don't show again" option under the gear icon menu the next time the extension recommendations notification pops up. This is an easy way to turn off recommended extensions user by user.
There is a <repo name>/.vscode/extensions.json with a list of recommendations. Mine looked like this:
"recommendations": [
<extension name>,
<extension name>,
Remove any or all unwanted recommendations!
Another solution: Add one of the extensions in the recommended list to the unwanted list. For example,
"unwantedRecommendations": ["<extension name>"]
On the left menu, go to Extensions (Ctrl+Shift+F) > Select a recommended extension > Ignore Recommendation. This allows you to remove recommendations one by one.

In the new update of VS Code.
Recommendations can be disabled in the view
Open extension view from the side bar
Click on the 3 dots in the right hand corner of the extension view
Click on View
Enable or disable recommendations from there.
or if you don't want to see the recommendations at all then disable it in settings file
Open settings.json (Press Ctrl + Shift + P type settings.json)
set extensions.ignoreRecommendations to true


How to enable my accidentally disabled "back" and "forward" buttons in VSCode Command centre? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
I hide commandCenter, how can I reopen them
(2 answers)
Closed last month.
image of empty command centre
I right click toggled off various buttons from my command center - back, forward, search bar. How do I re-enable them?
right-clicking again only shows a toggle for the entire command center but the toggles for the above mentioned buttons have disappeared
You can configure Visual Studio Code to your liking through its various settings. Nearly every part of VS Code's editor, user interface, and functional behavior has options you can modify.
VS Code provides several different scopes for settings. When you open a workspace, you will see at least the following two scopes:
User Settings - Settings that apply globally to any instance of VS Code you open.
Workspace Settings - Settings stored inside your workspace and only apply when the workspace is opened.
To modify user settings, you'll use the Settings editor to review and change VS Code settings.
To open the Settings editor, use the following VS Code menu command:
On Windows/Linux - File > Preferences > Settings
On macOS - Code > Preferences > Settings
You can also open the Settings editor from the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) with Preferences: Open Settings or use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+,).
When you open the Settings editor, you can search and discover the settings you are looking for. When you search using the Search bar, it will not only show and highlight the settings matching your criteria, but also filter out those which are not matching. This makes finding settings quick and easy.
Right Click in that area and select Command center
Then Right Click on each element you don't want and select Hide
Found an issue talking about the command center disappearing
The solution is command: View: Reset All Menus

Enable/disable specific extensions in VSCode with other extensions

Can I enable/disable specific extensions in VSCode from other extension?
There are commands to enable/disable all extensions, but I found no commands or methods for specific extensions.
Edited :
My description was insufficient, sorry.
I'm creating an extension that manages extensions by groups, so I would like to control it by code, not manually.
in VSCode from menu go to view>extensions,then click disable ande select Disable(Workspace)
Hope this helps!
Doing manual disable/enable for specific extension is the best option for me.
Go to your extensions tab, select manage gear(like setting icon) and the choose disable in the pop up. This will disable that specific extension and prompt you to reload VS Code.

Disable the "refactor preview" confirmation tab

A few weeks ago, refactoring code using F2 worked without any confirmation. Since a few days, however, using F2 opens up a "Refactor preview" tab in the bottom panel.
The refactoring will not be done until I manually check what I want to refactor, and click the checkmark at the top right.
I cannot find anything online or in the vscode settings. Can this be disabled so that the refactoring automatically proceeds like it used to?
Are you accidentally pressing Shift + Enter after renaming?
This behavior should only happen after you press F2, change the name of the item, and then press Shift + Enter. Pressing only enter should automatically perform the rename without the refactor preview tab opening. The rename box states this:
In case its not clear, here is a video that illustrates this.
Note: This solution is only for c/c++ case. The reason is that C/C++ extension is doing bad in analyzing the code and relies on user to determine which ones to rename, then the preview panel is poped up for this.
Try disable Editor > Rename: Enable Preview in settings, and then restart vscode.
If the problem still exists, try replace C/C++ extension's intellisense with clangd:
Install clangd extension in vscode;
Disable C/C++ extension's intellisense by adding this to settings.json:
"C_Cpp.intelliSenseEngine": "Disabled"
Then vscode will adopt clangd's intellisense, which renames without a preview.
Uninstalling C/C++ extension is NOT recommended because intergrated gdb will be lost, but you can try lldb as a substitude:
Install CodeLLDB extension in vscode;
Configure cmake's default debug type to lldb in settings.json:
"cmake.debugConfig": {
"type": "lldb"

VS code doesn't show settings defaults json file beside my customization

I'm trying to master working with visual studio.
In the Intro Vieos the lecturer after opening User Settings shows that on the right side there are the default values for all settings and he can edit them by clicking on some icon beside each setting statement. Like the image below
I just do the same thing as he does. meaning I:
press ctrl+shift+p
search for Preferences: Open User Settings
and I click on it when found
But what I end up in does not show the default setting values on the right, beside a tab on the left to write my own customization. I need to see all the current default settings to decide which one I want to edit. How can I achieve that?
Thanks in advance.
I assume the lecturer uses an older version of Visual Studio Code. There was a change of the settings UI in August 2018, see here:
See this link to see how to use the settings UI:
And there is always the chance to press ctrl+shift+p and type Preferences: Open Settings (JSON). If you go to a new line and type "" you see the autocompletion list which shows all possible options.
EDIT: I just discovered that you can also restore the old behaviour. Open the settings and set workbench.settings.useSplitJSON to true.

Do not show user input in console autocomplete

Recently, I have noticed that Google Chrome's JavaScript console autocompletes previously inputted commands. For example:
I want to remove this feature because the autocomplete displays variables that may not exist. Is there a way to remove this feature?
Yes. A lot of people found it annoying, so they added a setting to disable it.
First, enter the DevTools settings from the menu button in the top right corner.
Then, in the "General" section, disable "Autocomplete from history".